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Spielen in Berlin XXXI - The 9th Age II

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Hallo Zusammen,


am 18.03.2017 veranstalten wir ein Fantasy Battles: The 9th Age Turnier. Diesmal aber gleich mit 36 Startplätzen.;)


Hier der Link zu T3. Weitere Informationen folgen noch. Bitte beachtet auch, das sich unsere Räumlichkeiten geändert haben. Es gibt jetzt keinen Wachschutz mehr, bei dem wir euch vorher anmelden müssen.




Fantasy Battles: The 9th Age



bearbeitet von Die Wölfe II

"I'm six-five, two-twenty and there's two of me." T. W.

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Format der Armeelisten:
Die Armeelisten können in elektronischer Textform an uns geschickt werden. Weiter unten findet ihr ein Format was wir empfehlen, aber es ist kein Muss. Wir behalten uns aber vor Listen zurückzuschicken, sollten sie in einem für uns nicht akzeptablen Format vorliegen. Also gebt euch Mühe ;).

[Name] “[Nickname]” [Last Name] - [Army] - [specific Army Organisation]
Characters [Army-specific-Percentage]: [total Points in Characters] -> [total % (XX,X% - round fractions down)]
Core [Army-specific-Percentage]: [total Points in Core Units] -> [total % (XX,X% - round fractions down)]
Special: [total Points in Special Units] -> [total % (XX,X% - round fractions down)]
[Category 1] [Army-specific-Percentage]: [total Points in Category 1 Units] -> [total % (XX,X% - round fractions down)]
[Points] - [Unit1] - [Characters] - [Category 2/Mount Category] - [General/BSB], [Marks, Virtues, etc.], [X (amount) Spells], [Mount], [Equipment], [Magic Equipment], [Wizard Master, Vampiric Bloodlines, Gifts of the Dark Gods, etc.], [Magic Path]
[Points] - [Amount] [Unit1] - [Core] - [Category 2] - [Marks etc.], [Equipment], [M, S, C], [Magic Banner]
[Points] - [Amount] [Unit1] - [Special] - [Category 2] - [Marks etc.], [Equipment], [M, S, C], [Magic Banner]
[Points] - [Amount] [Unit1] - [Category 1] - [Category 2] - [Marks etc.], [Equipment], [M, S, C], [Magic Banner]
[total points]

John “9th-Addict” Smith – Infernal Dwarves – Lugar Cult
Characters 35%: 1210 -> 26,8%
Core 25%: 1130 -> 25,1%
Special: 220 -> 4,8%
Ranged Support 10%: 330 -> 7,3%
Barrage 10%: 90 -> 2%
Fiendish Mob 35%: 1520 -> 33,7%
930 - Overlord - Characters - Fiendish Mob - General, Great Bull of Shamut, Infernal Weapon, Ring of Desiccation
916 - Prophet - Characters - Barrage/Fiendish Mob - 3 Spells, Temple Lamassu + one extra Spell, Flintlock Axe, Hardened Shield, Steel Skin, Besheluks Mechanism, Engineer, Occultism
284 - Vizier - Characters - n/a - BSB, Shield, Banner of the Brazen Bull
330 - 10x Citadel Guard - Core - Ranged Support - Flintlock Axe, M, C
800 - 35x Infernal Warriors - Core - n/a - Great Weapon, M, C, S, Banner of Nezibkesh
110 - 2x5 Hobgoblin Wolf Riders - Special - n/a
90 - 1x Hobgoblin Bolt Thrower - Barrage - n/a
600 - 1x Kadim Titan - Fiendish Mob - n/a

Wir haben uns entschieden für dieses Turnier Themenarmeen zu zulassen (beispielsweise Nippon oder Stormcasts Eternals, angepasst an die 9th Age Regeln).
Diese lassen wir nur gelten, wenn die Stormcasts Eternals aus Stormcasts Modellen bestehen und Nippon aus Samurai Modellen etc.).
Wer diese Option wahrnehmen möchte sollte seine Liste und Fotos seiner Armee frühestmöglich einreichen!
Wir behalten uns vor Punkte oder Regeln der Themenarmeen zu ändern, oder einseitige/ überpowerte Armeelisten nicht zu erlauben!

Beispiele für Themenarmeen gibt es hier:

"I'm six-five, two-twenty and there's two of me." T. W.

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Okay hier kommen die Armeelisten:




 +++ Spielen in Berlin XXXI - The 9th Age II (BS2.0 Fantasy Battles: The 9th Age) [4496pts] +++

Markus “Korhedron” Glänzel – Team: Jenaer Fluffbunnies

++ Undying Dynasties (BS2.0 Undying Dynasties) [4496pts] ++

+ UD Characters [1070pts] +

Death Cult Hierarch [570pts]: Book of Arcane Power [100pts], Evocation, Hierophant, 3x May add up to 3 Learned Spells [150pts], May become Wizard Master [70pts], Ring of Fire [50pts], Skeletal Horse mount [40pts]

Monarchs of the Dead [500pts]

···· Pharaoh [280pts]: Army General, Light Armour

········ Magic Items [200pts]: Armour of Fortune [50pts], Potion of Strength [60pts], UD - Scourge of Kings [90pts]

+ UD Core [880pts] +

Skeleton Cavalry [220pts]: Light Lance, Musician [20pts], 8x Skeleton Cavalry [192pts]

Skeleton Chariots [330pts]: Musician [20pts], 3x Skeleton Chariots [210pts], Standard Bearer [20pts]

Skeleton Chariots [330pts]: Musician [20pts], 3x Skeleton Chariots [210pts], Standard Bearer [20pts]

+ UD Special [750pts] +

Necropolis Guard [750pts]: 30x Necropolis Guard [750pts], Paired Weapons [60pts]

···· Champion [20pts]

···· Musician [20pts]

···· Standard Bearer [80pts]: Stalker's Standard [60pts]

+ UD Ancient Ordnance [400pts] +

Charnel Catapult [200pts]

Charnel Catapult [200pts]

+ UD Mason's Menagerie [1136pts] +

Tomb Reapers [568pts]

···· 3x Tomb Reaper [528pts]: 3x Paired Weapons [48pts]

Tomb Reapers [568pts]

···· 3x Tomb Reaper [528pts]: 3x Paired Weapons [48pts]

+ UD Core + Ancient Ordnance [260pts] +

Skeleton Scouts [130pts]: 5x Skeleton Cavalry [110pts]

Skeleton Scouts [130pts]: 5x Skeleton Cavalry [110pts]




 Waldelfen Sven-Martin "smoky-sven" Funke 18.03.2017


 Kern 1173 Punkte - 26%

Elite 100 Punkte - 2%

Fleet of Foot 1270 Punkte - 28%

Schützen 974 Punkte - 22%

Waldriesen 480 Punkte - 11%

Charaktere 1462 Punkte - 33%

Gesamt 4485 Punkte

- 492 Punkte - Prinz des Waldes - General; Wächter des Waldes; Schild,Langbogen,schwarze Pfeile; Heiliger Speer von Cadaron, Rüstung des Glücks, Stärketrank, Glücksstein

- 380 Punkte - Fürst des Waldes - Armeestandarte; Wächter des Waldes; Schattenwaldklingen, leichte Rüstung, Langbogen, schwarze Pfeile; Pfeilregen, Glücksschild, Talisman des Schutzes

- 590 Punkte - Druide - Meistermagier, 4 Zaubersprüche; Talisman des überlegenen Schutzes, Buch der arkanen Macht; Schamanismus

- 449 Punkte - Kern - 23x Wächter des Waldes; Schattenwaldklingen, leichte Rüstung, Elfenumhang; M,S,C; Amryl's Banner

- 396 Punkte - Kern - Schützen; 14x Waldschützen; Langbogen, schwarze Pfeile; Musiker,

- 328 Punkte - Kern, Schützen; 12x Waldschützen; Langbogen, schwarze Pfeile; Musiker

- 100 Punkte - Elite; 1x Waldadler

- 340 Punkte - Fleet of Foot; 5x Wilde Jäger; Schattenwaldklingen, Schutz des Reittieres(6+), leichte Rüstung, Schilde; Champion

- 340 Punkte - Fleet of Foot; 5x Wilde Jäger; Schattenwaldklingen, Schutz des Reittieres(6+), leichte Rüstung, Schilde; Champion

- 340 Punkte - Fleet of Foot; 5x Wilde Jäger; Schattenwaldklingen, Schutz des Reittieres(6+), leichte Rüstung, Schilde; Champion

- 250 Punkte - Fleet of Foot - Schützen; 5x Schattenwaldspäher; Schattenwaldklingen, Langbogen; Champion

- 480 Punkte - Waldriesen - 1x Baumvater



Dennis „Grobmotorix“ Linke - Ogre

Characters 29%: 1347
Core 25%: 1166
Special: 1504 -> 33%
Powder Keg 0 -> 0%
Chained Beasts 480 -> 10%

1 Shaman Master the Hellfist @ 912.0 Pts,     General; Hellfist; Wizard Master; 4 Learned Spells; The Thaumaturgy; Great     Weapon,     Book of Arcane Power [100.0],     Talisman of Greater Shielding [50.0],     Ring of Fire [50.0]

1 Mammoth Hunter Trolleater @ 435.0 Pts,      Trolleater; Hunting Spear; Tusker; Light Troops

     Flaming Lance [20.0],     Bronze Breastplate [35.0],     Lucky Charm [10.0],     Aurochs Charm [30.0]

     1 Tusker @ [0.0] Pts

1 Rock Aurochs @ 480.0 Pts,     Frenzy; Hunting Spear,    1 Huntsman @ [0.0] Pts

4 Tusker Cavalry @ 740.0 Pts,     Iron Fist; Light Armour; Standard; Musician,     Dragonskin Banner [80.0],     4 Tusker @ [0.0] Pts

4 Tusker Cavalry @ 684.0 Pts,     Great Weapon; Heavy Armour; Standard; Musician,     4 Tusker @ [0.0] Pts

3 Bruisers @ 185.0 Pts,      Great Weapon; Heavy Armour; Musician

3 Bruisers @ 165.0 Pts     Great Weapon; Heavy Armour

3 Bruisers @ 165.0 Pts     Great Weapon; Heavy Armour

3 Bruisers @ 165.0 Pts     Great Weapon; Heavy Armour

5 Tribesmen @ 486.0 Pts     Iron Fist; Light Armour; Scrapling Lookout; Veteran Magic Standard;

     Musician     Skull of Qenghet [20.0]     1 Champion @ [20.0] Pts

1 Sabretooth Tigers @ 80.0 Pts

Models in Army: 30

Total Army Cost: 4497.0



Stefano “Toto“ Ferrante – Vampire Covenant – Lamia

Characters 40%: 1795 → 39,9%

Core: 20%: 905 → 20,1%

Special: 320 → 7,1%

The Suffering 20%: 800 → 17,8%

Swift Death 30%: 1120 → 24,9%

700 - Midnight Aristocracy Vampire Count – Characters – n/a - General, The Dead Arise, 2

Learned Spells, Jack's Pickaxe, Divine Icon, Sprout of Rebirth, Wizard Apprentice, Lamia

Bloodline, Commandment, Evocation

395 - Necromancer – Characters - n/a -4 Learned Spells, Dragonfire Gem, Wizard Master, Alchemy

260 - Necromancer – Characters – n/a - 2 Learned Spells, Unholy Tome, Wizard Apprentice,


220 - 2x1Fell Wraith – Characters – The Suffering - Banshee

515 - 45 Skeletons – Core – n/a - Spears M, C, S, Flaming Standard

130 - 3x20 Zombies – Core – n/a - M

80 - 2x5 Dire Wolves – Special – n/a

80 - 2x2 Great Bats – Special – n/a

360 - 10 Wraiths – The Suffering – n/a

560 - 2x6 Vampire Knights – Swift Death - n/a - M



Daniel Seewald, Vampire Covenant

++ Vampire Covenant (BS2.0 Vampire Covenant v17) (4499pts) ++

+ Uncategorised +

········Bloodline [Von Karnstein]

+ VC Characters (1440pts) +

········Midnight Aristocracy (930pts) [3 Learned Spells, Armour Of Destiny, Divine Icon, General, Jack's Pickaxe, Shield, Storm Caller, Vampire Count, Von Karnstein Bloodline, Wizard Master, Evocation]

········Midnight Aristocracy (510pts) [1 Learned Spell, Blade of Red Thirst, Dragonfire Gem, Heavy Armour, Hour of the Wolf, Lucky Shield, Vampire Coutier, Von Karnstein Bloodline, Wizard Apprentice, Evocation]

············Battle Standard Bearer [Battle Standard Bearer]


+ VC Core (919pts) +

········Dire Wolves - Core (136pts) [Champion, 8x Dire Wolves]

········Dire Wolves - Core (136pts) [Champion, 8x Dire Wolves]

········Skeletons (485pts) [Champion, Musician, 42x Skeleton]

············Standard Bearer

················Veteran Standard Bearer [Flaming Standard]

········Zombies (162pts) [Musician, Standard Bearer, 22x Zombie]


+ VC Special (580pts) +

········Barrow Knights (180pts) [5x Barrow Knight]

········Cadaver Wagon (240pts) [Endless Horde]

········Great Bats (80pts) [2x Great Bats]

········Great Bats (80pts) [2x Great Bats]


+ VC The Suffering (324pts) +

········Wraiths (324pts) [9x Wraiths]


+ VC Swift Death (1236pts) +

········Shrieking Horror (500pts)

········Winged Reapers (736pts) [Halberd, 4x Winged Reapers]


Piotr „Wyrwen“ Kras, Dwarven Holds

Characters 692 -> 24%

Core 1138 -> 25%

Special 870 -> 19 %

Clans Thunder 500 -> 11%

Engines of War 875 -> 19%

Magic Item 400 ->8%

808 King General Pistol Plate Armour War Throne Rune of Destruction Rune of Might (x2) Rune of Shielding (x3)

870 29 King's Guard Great Weapon Plate Armour Standard Musician Champion

300 Anvil of Power Rune of Storms Rune of Shattering Rune of Resilience

910 29 Greybeards 910 Great Weapon Heavy Armour Veteran Magic Standard Musician Banner of Speed Champion

270 Cannon Heavy Armour 270 Cannon Heavy Armour

335 Organ Gun Flaming Shot Rune Crafted Heavy Armour

228 12 Clan Warriors Heavy Armour Shield Standard Champion

300 2 Steam Attack Copters Forge Repeater Skirmish Shrapnel Grenades

200 Steam Bomber Forge Repeater Shrapnel Bombs

Models in Army: 90

Total Army Cost: 4491.0



 Rolf-Henryk "Jobst" Viehstädt, The Vermin Schwarm

Gesamt: 4497

Characters 40%: 1430=31,8 % (C)

Core 25%: 1125=25,02% (Core)

Special no limit: 388=15,54% (S)

Tunnel Gunners 40%: 1154=25,66% (TG)

Built&Bred 40%: 815=18,12% (B&B)

520 Tyran 160 (C) (General) Shield 10 Warlitter 80 Kingslayer 50 Devine Icon 40 Purid Plate 50 Duskstone 60 Darkshardbrew 70

415 Chief 110 (C; B&B) BSB 50 Monstrious Rat 260 Heavy Armor 10 HeroSword 40 Hardened Shield 10 Talisman of Shielding 10 Warstandard 30

235 Rakachit Machinist 160 (C) Eye of the Storm 40 Bronce Breastplate 35

260 Magister 160 (C) Thaumaturgy (1 Spell) Dispelscroll 100

835 50 Stormvermin 730 (Core) CMS 60 Flamming Standart 45

290 20 Plague Brotherhood 230 (Core) CMS 60

98 13 Giant Rats (Special)

290 4 Vermin Hulks (Special)

214 6 Gutterblades 190 (TG) Scout/Ambush 24 Slings

440 3 Thunderhulks (TG)

500 2 Dreadmills (TG)

400 Abomination (B&B)



Alexander „Tingel“ Just – Daemon Legions – Change Monotheist Army

1310 – Weaver of Change, General, Thaumaturgy, 4 Spells, Power Vortex, Soul-Bound Staff, Elixir of

Souls, Shackles of Reality, Aether Wand

440 – Harbringer of Change, 2 Spells, Divination, Blazing Chariot

220 – 10x Horrors, M, Far Seeing

220 – 10x Horrors, M, Far Seeing

220 – 10x Horrors, M, Far Seeing

240 – 10x Horrors, M, S, Far Seeing

290 – 5x Igniters, Far Seeing

348 – 6x Igniters, Far Seeing

348 – 6x Igniters, Far Seeing

290 – 1x Blazing Chariot, Far Seeing

290 – 1x Blazing Chariot, Far Seeing

140 – 5x Furies, Change

140 – 5x Furies, Change




Micha Scholz, Infernal Dwarves

++ Infernal Dwarves (BS2.0 Infernal Dwarves v12) (4499pts) ++

+ Characters (1034pts) +········

-Prophet (680pts) [3x Add up to 3 Learned Spells, Army General, Dusk Stone, Essence of a Free Mind (Pyromancy/ Alchemy) Hardened Shield, Ring of Fire, Wizard, Wizard Master] Temple Lamasu Temple Lamassu [Add 1 Learned Spell]

-Vizier (354pts) [Battle Standard Bearer, Mask of the Furnace, Shield, Vial of Mercury]

+ Core (1145pts) +

-Citadel Guard (775pts) [Champion, 30x Citadel Guard, Musician] Standard BearerVeteran Standard [Flaming Standard]

-Hobgoblins (180pts) [Bow, 21x Hobgoblin, Musician]

-Hobgoblins (190pts) [Bow, 22x Hobgoblin, Musician]

+ Special (810pts) +

-Immortals (810pts) [Champion, Great Weapon, 27x Immortal, Musician, Shield] Standard Bearer [Stalker's Standard]

+ Bound and Binders (660pts) +

-Kadim Incarnates (660pts) [6x Kadim Incarnates]

+ Barrage + Bound and Binders (480pts) +

-Infernal Engine with Shrapnel Guns (480pts)

+ Large Mounts (370pts) +

-Temple Lamassu (370pts)


Stephan „brumbaer“ Hess Orcs&Goblins

Turnier / Orcs and Goblins                              4499

Characters (10.6%)                                   476

  Cave Goblin King 276 Cave Goblin King, Crown of Autocracy, Armour, Shield of Greater Shielding, General and Green Tide                          

  Cave Goblin Chief  200  Cave Goblin Chief , Light Armour, Battle Standard, Crown of Scorn, Armour of Fortune, Shield                                          

Core (28.6%)                                        1293

  Cave Goblins, Scoring   435, Champion, Musician, 2xMad Git, 30xCave Goblins, 30xBow, Veteran Standard: Banner of Discipline          

  Cave Goblins, Scoring  410, Champion, 30xNets, 30xShield, 2xMad Git, 30xCave Goblins, Standard Bearer                                 

  Cave Goblins, Scoring 448, Champion, Musician, 32xNets, 2xMad Git, 32xCave Goblins, Standard Bearer, 32xShield                                       

Special (36.0%)                                     1620

  Common Goblin Raiders 140, Light Armour, 5xCommon Goblin Riders, 5xBow, 5xShield                                        

  Common Goblin Wolf Chariot   120, Common Goblin Wolf Chariot                      

  Gnasher Dasher  270, 10xCave Goblin Rider on Gnasher Dasher          

  Gnasher Dasher  270, 10xCave Goblin Rider on Gnasher Dasher          

  Gnasher  320, 20xGnasher       

  Gnasher   320, 20xGnasher                                      

   Scrap Wagon 90, Scrap Wagon                                     

   Scrap Wagon 90, Scrap Wagon                                     

Death from Above (14.0%)                             630

  Scewerer  90, Skewerer & 3 Goblin Crew                        

  Splatterer  180, Splatterer & 3 Goblin Crew                      

  Git Launcher  180, Git Launcher & 3 Goblin Crew                    

  Git Launcher  180, Git Launcher & 3 Goblin Crew                    

Big ‘N Nasty (10.7%)                                 480

  Gargantula  480, Gargantula & 8 Forest Goblins                   




Kevin „Dr_Akula“ Bauer - Highborn Elves

Characters – Max 40% -> 1290 Pkt. - 28,66%

Core - At least 25% -> 1174 Pkt. - 26,08%

Special - No limit -> 896 Pkt. - 19,91%

Elder Service - Max 30% -> 980 Pkt. - 21,77%

Peacekeepers - Max 15% -> 540 Pkt. - 12,00%

The Ancient Allies - Max 20% -> 520 Pkt. - 11,55%

High Prince [250] (Characters) General -> 926 Pkt.Dragon [520] (Characters/The Ancient Allies) Heavy Armour [16] Great Weapon [20] Great Bow of Elu [70] Lucky Shield [10] Lucky Charm [10] Crown of Scorn [30]

Commander [150] (Characters) -> 364 Pkt. Elven Horse [50] Battle Standard Bearer [50] Heavy Armour [10] Longbow [4] Sword of Strength [30] Hardened Shield [10] Dusk Stone [60]

9 Highborn Lancers [434] (Core) -> 524 Pkt. Champion [20] Musician [20] Standard Bearer [20] War Standard [30]

5 Highborn Lancers [250] (Core) -> 270 Pkt. Musician [20]

5 Elein Reavers [180] (Core/ Elder Service) -> 190 Pkt. Bow [10]

5 Elein Reavers [180] (Core/ Elder Service) -> 190 Pkt. Bow [10]

23 Lion Guard [581] (Special) -> 696 Pkt. Champion [20] Musician [20] Standard Bearer [20]

Aether Icon [55]

Giant Eagle [100] (Special) -> 100 Pkt.

Giant Eagle [100] (Special) -> 100 Pkt.

10 Queen’s Guard [280] (Elder Service) -> 300 Pkt. Musician [20]

10 Queen’s Guard [280] (Elder Service) -> 300 Pkt. Musician [20]

Sea Guard Reaper [180] (Peacekeepers) -> 180 Pkt.

Sea Guard Reaper [180] (Peacekeepers) -> 180 Pkt.

Sea Guard Reaper [180] (Peacekeepers) -> 180 Pkt.



Thomas "LowBob" Hermann, Sylvan Elves

Characters 40%: 1596 -> 35,47%

Core 25%: 1373 -> 30,51%

Special: 1329 -> 33,31%

Unseen Arrows: 35%: 758 -> 16,84%

470 - Forest Prince – Character – General, Forest Guardian, Whirlwind Blade, Divine Icon, Armour of Fortune

336 – Chieftain – Character – BSB, Forest Guardian, light Armour, Shield, Sacred Spear of Cadaron

520 – Druid – Character – 4 Spells, Wizard Master, Cosmology, Book of Arcane Power, Tree Singing

270 – Thicket Shepherd – Character, Entwinded Roots

280 –10 Sylvan Archers – Core/Unseen Arrows – Musican

280 –10 Sylvan Archers – Core/Unseen Arrows – Musican

643 – 38 Forest Guards – Core – MSC, Veteran Standard Bearer, Amryls Banner

170 – 8 Dryads – Core – Skirmishers

595 – 6 Thicket Beasts – Special – Entwined Roots Upgrade, Champion

534 – 18 Forest Ranger – Special – MCS, Stalker Standard

100 – 1 Forest Eagle – Special

100 – 1 Forest Eagle – Special

198 - 6 Sylvan Sentinels – Unseen Arrows

Total: 4496




 Damian "Milczek" Bronowicki Kingdom of Equitaine Army

Characters 1638 -> 36%

Core 1134 -> 25%

Special 945 -> 21%

Airborne Gallantry 780 -> 17%

Magic Item 685 -> 15%

 1 The Blessing - Favour of the King @ 0.0 Pts Favour of the King

605 Duke General Heavy Armour Shield Questing Oath The Blessing Fleshrender [50.0] Crusader's Helm [90.0] Divine Icon [40.0] Virtue of Audacity [110.0] Barded Warhorse

620 Damsel Mistress s 4 Learned Spells The Shamanism The Blessing Ring of Fire [50.0] Book of Arcane Power [100.0] Talisman of Roland [50.0] Barded Warhorse

413 Paladin Heavy Armour Battle Standard Questing Oath The Blessing Hardened Shield [10.0] War Standard [30.0] Dusk Stone [60.0] Virtue of Daring [50.0] Barded Warhorse

604 11 Knights of the Realm Barding Lance Heavy Armour Shield Standard Musician Champion 11 Warhorse

530 10 Knights of the Realm Barding Lance Heavy Armour Shield Standard Musician 10 Warhorse @ [0.0] Pts

725 8 Knights of the Grail Barding Lance Heavy Armour Shield Standard Musician Grail Oath Flaming Standard [45.0] 8 Warhorse

110 2 x 5 Yeoman Outriders Light Lance Bow 5 Horse

390 2 x 3 Pegasus Knights Barding Lance Heavy Armour Shield Vanguard

3 Young Pegasus

Total Army Cost: 4497.0



Ruben_Da_Gobbo_Rimkus  Spielen in Berlin 4500p 9th Age Sylvan Elves  4496 p

-Forest Prince 220 646 Wild Hunter (70 pts) Elven Cloak 16 Great Weapon 20 Great Elk* 120 Bluffer's Helm (80 pts) Sprout of Rebirth (80 pts) Divine Icon (40 pts)

-Chieftain   150  284 + longbow 4p Battle Standard Bearer 50 Hail Shot (80 pts)

-Druid 170 pts  570 Wizard Master 70 4 spells 150 Book of Arcane Power (100 pts

Obsidian Nullstone (80 pts)

-Dryad Matriarch  110

-Sylvan Archers 260  540  + 10 Models      240 + Champ 20 + Musi 20

-Sylvan Archers 260 pts 328 + 2 Models       48    pts + Musi 20

-Sylvan Archers 260 pts 260

-Kestrel Knights  295

-Wild Huntsmen  290  591 +3 Models 168 + Champ 20 + Standarte 20 + Flaming Standart 45

+ Schields 48

-Wild Huntsmen 290 pts  382 + 1 Model 56 + Schields  36

-Pathfinders 230 pts  390 +4 Modelle 160

-1 Great Eagle 100

Fleet of Foot 2014p    45%

Unseen Arrows 1518p  35%

Charakters 1610            40%

Core 1128                   min 25%



André „Die Wölfe II“ Dittrich – Dread Elves
Characters 40%: 1493 -> 33%
Core 25%: 1160 – 26%
Special 1030 – 23%
Raiders 30%: 560 – 12%
Destroyers 15%: 360 – 8%
The Menagerie 30%: 625 – 14%
555 - Beastmaster Captain – Characters – General, Manticore, Sword of
Strength, Hardened Shield, Talisman of Greater Shielding, Potion of
Swiftness, Heavy Armour
350 - Orakel - Character -, Paath of Alchemy, Wizard Apprentice, 2
Spells, Dispel Scroll
588 - Cult Priest of Nabh - Character - Battle Standard Bearer, Divine
Altar, Light Armour
600 - 25 x Corsairs – Core – Paired Weapons, M, C, S, War Standard
280 - 10 x Repeater Auxiliaries – Core – Raiders, Shield, M, C, S
280 - 10 x Repeater Auxiliaries – Core –Raiders, Shield, M, C, S
580 - 10 x Dread Knights – Special –  M, C, S
130 - 5 x Harpies – Special
130 - 5 x Harpies – Special
190 - 1 x Raptor Chariot – Special
180 - 1 x Dread Reaper - Destroyers
180 - 1 x Dread Reaper - Destroyers
440 - 1 x Hydra - Menagerie


 [Ricardo] [Paterlexx][Bolz] - [HighbornElfs] - [specific Army Organisation: No]

Characters: 35%: 1240 ->27,86%

Core: 25%: 1233 -> 25,82%

Special: - : -> 1485 -> 34,15%

Category 1: 30% 1264 -> 28,08%

(640pts) Wizard Master Mage Asfad Scholar - Characters -Pyromancy, 3x May add up to 3 Learned Spells, The General,Book of Meladys, Ring of Fire

(250pts) Lords of the Seas  Commander - Characters -Dragonforged Armour ,Elven Horse Mount,, Lucky Shield, Great Weapon

(364pts) Lords of the Seas Commander - Fleet Officer - Characters -Great Weapon (16pts), Dragonforged Armour ,Battle Standard Bearer Magical Battle StandardsMagic, Charm of Cursed Iron, HBE - Great Bow of Elu

(272pts) Citizen Archers - Ranged Support -14x Archer, M

(272pts) Citizen Archers - Ranged Support -14x Archer, M

(180pts ) Elein Reavers   - Ranged Support -5x Elein Reaver

(438pts) Citizen Spears  -Core- 26x Spearman, M,C ,Veteran Standard Bearer, Gleamin Icon

(815pts) Sword Masters -Special –27x Sword Master, M,C, Standard Bearer, Rending Banner

(722pts) Lion Guard -Special - 26x Lion Guard, M,S,C

(180pts) Sea Guard Reaper – Peace keepers -

(180pts) Sea Guard Reaper – Peace keepers -

(180pts) Sea Guard Reaper – Peace keepers -


Total: 4493



Maik “Athos” Duus – Highborn Elves

Characters 45%: 2024 -> 44,98%

Core 25%: 1220 -> 27,11%

Special: 876 -> 19,47%

Elder Service 30%: 1170 -> 26,0%

Peacekeepers 15%: 0 -> 0%

The Ancient Allies 25%: 1080 -> 24%

490+700 - Lord of the Seas/ Prince of Ryma - Characters - The Ancient Allies - General, Ancient Dragon, Charm of cursed iron, Giant sword, Lucky shield

324 - Lord of the Seas/ Master of Canreig Tower - Characters - BSB, 1 Spell (Alchemy), Shield

510 - Mage -Characters - Master Wizard, 4 Spells (3 extra spells, Pyromancy), Book of Meladys

210 - 5x Elein Reavers - Core - Elder Service, C, Bows

210 - 5x Elein Reavers - Core - Elder Service , C, Bows

200 - 10x Citizen Archers - Core - Elder Service, M

200 - 10x Citizen Archers - Core - Elder Service, M

200 - 10x Citizen Archers - Core - Elder Service, M

200 - 10x Citizen Archers - Core - Elder Service, M

776 - 24x Flame Wardens - Special - n/a, M, C, S, Rending Banner

100 - Giant Eagle - Special - n/a

380 - Flame Phoenix - The Ancient Allies





Characters         1623  P.     36%

Core                    1132  P.     25%

Special                  940   P.    20%

Destroyer             360   P.      8%

The Menagerie   440    P.     9%


741 Dread Prince(Character) The Beast Master General ,Mount : Manticore

      Shield, Beast-Bane Halberd , Talisman of Supreme Shielding.

462 Dread Captain ,(Character)The Beast Master,Battle Stantard,Mount : Elven Horse

        Halberd,Shield, Armour of Destiny.

420  Orakle (Character)Kosmology.Wizard Master,2Spell,Dispel Scroll.

378 - 21 x Dread Leggionaires(Core) Kommando,Spear,Light Armour,Shield.

262 – 11 x Repeater Auxiliaries(Core) Musician,Light Armour,Shield,Crossbow.

262 – 11 x Repeater Auxiliaries(Core) Musician,Light Armour,Shield,Crossbow.

230 – 5  x  Dark Riders (Core) Light Armour,Shield,Repeater Crossbow.

130 -  5 x  Harpies (Special)Fly.

190 – Raptor Chariot (Special)

620 – 10 x Dread  Knights (special)Cavalry,Kommando,Stalker´s Standard.

440 – Hydra(Menagerie)Monster.

180 – Dread Reaper (Destroyers) War Machine.

180 – Dread Reaper (Destroyers) War Maschine.

4495 Punkte.




Armeeliste Thomas „Ambassador“ Roeper, Sylvan Elves

Character 40%: 1566 → 34,85%

Core 25%: 1512 → 33,64%

Special: 1416 → 31,51%

Unseen Arrows 35%: 424 → 9,43%

Fleet of Foot 45%: 360 → 8,01%

Forest Giants 25%: 0 → 0%

470 – Prince – Character – Forest Guardian, General, Whirlwind Blade, Divine Icon, Amour of


366 – Chieftain – Character BSB, Forest Guardian, Sacred Spear of Caderon, Shield, Light

Armour , War Standard

260 – Thicket Shepherd – Character

230 – Dryad Matriarch – Character – Wizard Apprentice, 2 Speels, Divination

240 – Dryad Matriarch – Character – Entwined Roots, Wizard Apprentice, 2 Speels, Divination

424 –16 Schutzen – Core/Unseen Arrows – M

194 – 9 Dryaden – Core – Skirmisher

194 – 9 Dryaden – Core – Skirmisher

170 – 8 Dryaden – Core – Scoring

170 – 8 Dryaden – Core – Scoring

180 – 5 Heath Rider – Core/Fleet of Foot

180 – 5 Heath Rider – Core/Fleet of Foot

595 – 6 Thicket Beasts – Special – Entwined Roots Upgrade, Champion

621 – 22 Forest Ranger – Special – CMS, Aether Icon

100 – 1 Adler – Special

100 – 1 Adler – Special

Gesamtpunkte: 4494



Robert “Chaos-Robert” Fiebranz – Warriors of the Dark Gods
Characters 1734 -> 38,53

Core 930 ->20,67

Special 1835 ->40,78

Empowered 740 -> 16,44

+ Characters (994pts) +

 Anointed (450pts) Harbinger of Chaos [Battle Standard Bearer, Charm of Cursed Iron, Flaming Lance, Shield, True Chaos, Daemonic Steed] Rules: Battle Standard Bearer, Gaze of the Gods

 Barbarian Chief (234pts) [Asklander Jarl, Heavy Armour, Lust, Shield, Spear] Rules: Ambush, Asklander Jarl, Inspire Barbarians, Vanguard

 Wrath Priest (310pts) [Crown of Scorn, Crusher, Hardened Shield, Rules: Gaze of the Gods, Magic Resistance (2), Mark of Wrath, Words of Scorn

+ Core (930pts) +

 Barbarians (350pts) [25x Barbarian, Champion, Lust, Musician, Spear and Shield, Standard Bearer] Rules: Scoring

 Fallen (160pts) [5x Fallen] Rules: Frenzy, Immune to Psycology, Light Troops, Random Attacks (X)

 Fallen (160pts) [5x Fallen] Rules: Frenzy, Immune to Psycology, Light Troops, Random Attacks (X)

 Warhounds - Core (130pts) [8x Warhound] Rules: Insignificant, Poisoned Attacks, Vanguard

 Warhounds - Core (130pts) [8x Warhound] Rules: Insignificant, Poisoned Attacks, Vanguard

+ Special (1835pts) +

 Crusher Knights (855pts) [Banner of Fury, Champion, 5x Crusher Knight, Daemon Weapon, Standard Bearer] Rules: Chosen of Wrath, Fear, Magical Attacks, Mark of Wrath, Scoring

 Dragon Centaurs (490pts) [3x Dragon Centaur, Great Weapon, Standard Bearer] Rules: Lightning Rage, Mark of True Chaos, Scoring, Stomp (2)

 Dragon Centaurs (490pts) [3x Dragon Centaur, Great Weapon, Standard Bearer] Rules: Lightning Rage, Mark of True Chaos, Scoring, Stomp (2)

+ Character + Empowered (740pts) +

 Daemon Prince (740pts) [Army General, Daemonic Wings, Lucky Charm, Lucky Shield, Soul Reaper, Wrath] Rules: Army General, Daemonic Instability, Otherworldly, Stubborn




Thomas "Zwergnase" Möller - Ogre Khans

Characters 40%: 1547 à 34,4%

Core 25%: 1128 à 25,1%

Special: 1525 à 33,9%

Powder Keg 35%: 1095 à 24,3%

560 - Great Khan - Characters - General, Khagadai’s Maul, Sprout of Rebirth, Brace of Ogre Pistols

365 - Khan - Characters - BSB, Stalker's Standard, Gem of Fortune, Brace of Ogre Pistols

622 - Shaman - Characters - add 3 Spells, Pyromancy, Wizard Master, Bock of Arkane Power, Ring of Fire, Great Weapon

798 - 9 Bruisers - Core - FCG, Flaming Standard

330- 40 Scraplings - Core - Musican, Spears

490 - 3 Tusker Cavalry - Special - Musican, LA&Iron Fist

160 - 2 Yetis - Special

80 - Scrapling Trappers

300 - Thunder Cannon - Powder Keg

795 - 6 Mercenary Veterans -Special/Powder Keg - Accurate, Poisoned Attacks, Musican, Standardbearer, Brace of Ogre Pistols, Banner of Discipline

Total: 4500



Spieler: Oliver"Exalted-Champion"Henze Armee: Tiermenschen 

+++ Minotaurs (BS2.0 Fantasy Battles: The 9th Age v38) (4496pts) +++

++ Beast Herds (BS2.0 Beast Herds v10) (4496pts) ++

+ Characters (816pts) +

 Beast Chieftain (316pts) [Army General, Beast Axe (20pts), Crown of Autocracy (70pts), Hardened Shield (10pts), Heavy Armour (16pts), Upgrade to Totem Bearer (80pts)]

 Minotaur Chieftain (500pts) [Battle Standard Bearer (50pts), Flail (10pts), Ring of Fire (50pts), Talisman of Greater Shielding (50pts), Upgrade to Totem Bearer (80pts)]

+ Core (770pts) +

 Mongrel Raiders (100pts) [10x Mongrel Raider (100pts)]

 Wildhorn Herd (670pts) [Champion (20pts), Musician (20pts), Paired Weapons (80pts), Throwing Weapons (80pts), 40x Wildhorn (400pts)] Standard Bearer (70pts) Veteran Standard (50pts) [Banner of the Wild Herd (50pts)]

+ Special (1930pts) +

 Centaurs (160pts) [5x Centaur (130pts), Paired Weapons (10pts)]

 Centaurs (160pts) [5x Centaur (130pts), Paired Weapons (10pts)]

 Gargoyles (140pts) [5x Gargoyle (120pts)]

 Gargoyles (140pts) [5x Gargoyle (120pts)]

 Minotaurs (625pts) [Champion (20pts) [6x Minotaur (450pts), Musician (20pts), Paired Weapons (60pts)] Standard Bearer (75pts) [Aether icon (55pts)]

 Razortusk Chariot (250pts)

 Razortusk Herd (475pts) [6x Razortusk (450pts)]

+ Ambushing Core (240pts) +

 Ambushing & Scout Mongrel Raiders (120pts) [10x Mongrel Raider (100pts)]

 Ambushing & Scout Mongrel Raiders (120pts) [10x Mongrel Raider (100pts)]

+ Character Terrors of the Wild (740pts) +

Minotaur Warlord (720pts) [Beast Axe (50pts), Bluffer's Helm (80pts), Crown of Horns (20pts), Heavy Armour (30pts), Shield (20pts), Sprout of Rebirth (80pts)]




Spieler: Rene"Buliwyf"Wendland Armee: Dämonen  (Pestilence Dämonen)

+++ Daemons (BS2.0 Fantasy Battles: The 9th Age v38) (4484pts) +++

++ Daemon Legion (Monotheistic) (BS2.0 Daemon Legions of Pestilence v3) (4484pts) ++

+ Characters (1660pts) +

 Harbinger of Pestilence (570pts) [Add one Learned Spell (50pts), Army General, Become Wizard Apprentice (70pts), Blight Fly (60pts), Divination, Halberd (30pts), Supreme Aspect: Bloated Putrefaction (80pts), Token of Pestilence (40pts)]

 Harbinger of Pestilence (540pts) [Become Wizard Apprentice (70pts), Black Orb (30pts), Blight Fly (60pts), Divination, Halberd (30pts)] Battle Standard Bearer (110pts) [Stalker's Standard (60pts)]

 Harbinger of Pestilence (550pts) [Add one Learned Spell (50pts), Become Wizard Apprentice (70pts), Blight Fly (60pts), Divination, Halberd (30pts), Nauseating Aura (100pts)]

+ Core (984pts) +

 Tallymen (264pts) [Musician (20pts), 11x Tallyman (264pts)]

 Tallymen (240pts) [Musician (20pts), 10x Tallyman (240pts)]

 Tallymen (240pts) [Musician (20pts), 10x Tallyman (240pts)]

 Tallymen (240pts) [Musician (20pts), 10x Tallyman (240pts)]

+ Minions (1840pts) +

 Blight Flies (780pts) [5x Blight Fly (700pts), Champion (20pts), May take Aspect: Contamination (50pts), Musician (20pts)] Standard Bearer (70pts) [Banner of Speed (50pts)]

 Furies (140pts) [5x Fury (120pts)]

 Furies (140pts) [5x Fury (120pts)]

 Pestilent Beasts (390pts) [3x Pestilent Beast (390pts)]

 Pestilent Beasts (390pts) [3x Pestilent Beast (390pts)]



Rafał “tyczynski” Tyczyński – Vampire Covenant – Strigoi Bloodline
Characters <=40%: 1650 -> 36%
Core >=20%: 924 -> 20%
Special: <=100%: 1924 -> 42%

Swift Death <=30%: 0 -> 0%

740 - Vampire Count - Characters - General, Strigoi Bloodline, level 1 Shamanism, Bestial Bulk, GW, Eternal Ring, Divine Icon, The Dead Arise
260 - Necromancer - Characters - level 1 Evocation, Dispell Scroll
160 - Necromancer - Characters - level 1 Evocation
180 - Necromancer - Characters - level 1 Evocation, Sceptre of Power
310 - Barrow King - Characters - BSB, Tullis' Teeth

654 - 38x Ghouls - Core -  Champion

150 - 20x Zombies - Core - Standard, Musican

120 - 1x2 Bat Swarm - Core - N/A

1014 - 37x Barrow Guard - Special - GW, Standard, Musican, Champion, Banner of the Barrow Kings

670 - 8x Ghasts - Special - Champion

240 - Cadaver Wagon - Special - Endless Horde




Tomek Oakenshield Chudzinski - Dwarven Holds Army - Ad Astra / Haupstadt Legionaere




Ranged support:300,6%

Engines of war:875,20%

808 - King General, Pistol, Plate Armour; War Throne, Rune of Destruction, Rune of Might (x2),

Rune of Shielding (x3),War Throne

300 - Anvil of Power, Rune of Shattering, Rune of Storms, Rune of Reckoning

219 - Runic Smith,Plate Armour, Shield, Rune of Resilience, Rune of Reckoning

300 - Dragon Seeker, Grim Resolve

790 - 29 x Greybeards, Heavy Armour; Shield; Veteran Magic Standard; Musician, Banner of

Speed, Champion

540 - 2x Field Artillery - Cannon

335 - Field Artillery - Organ Gun, Flaming Shot; Rune Crafted

336 - 14x Seekers, Skirmishers

250 - 10 x Miners, Pistol; Heavy Armour

300 - 2 x Steam Attack Copters, Forge Repeater; Skirmish; Shrapnel Grenades

160 - 9x Clan Warriors Heavy Armour; Shield, Champion 

180 - 9x Clan Warriors Heavy Armour; Shield, Champion, Musician

Models in Army: 91

Total Army Cost: 4498.0



Vicent_Dr_Ehtuer_Klose Highborn elves 

-High Prince  250             850 High Warden of the Flame (170 pts) Fire Phoenix 400 pts Great Weapon     (20 pts) Lucky Shield (10 pts)

-Mage Pyromancy 670 pts     4 spells 150 Wizard Master 70 Asfad Scholar 80 Obsidian Nullstone 80 Book of Meladys (90 pts)

-Master                   270 Battle Standart 50 Great Bow of Elu 70

-Citizen Archers 180 pts 218     + 1 Models 36 + Musi 20

-Citizen Archers    200 +Musi

-Highborn Lancers 250 pts  270 + Champ

-Highborn Lancers 250 pts   250

-Elein Reavers 180 pts          190 + Bow 10

-Lion Guard 230                   641 + 13 Models 297 + Musi 20 + Standarte 20 + Champ 20

-Frost Phoenix                       400 pts

-Sea Guard Reaper 180

-Sea Guard Reaper 180

-Sea Guard Reaper 180




Helmut "Westernis" Rietz - Saurian ancients 4485p

Characters [40%] : 1800p ->40%

Core [>20%] : 1065p -> 23,6%

Special [no limit] : 670p -> 14,8%

Jungle Guerilla [30%] : 360p -> 8%

Thunder Lizards [35%] : 530p -> 21,7%

 Cuatl Lord, Ancient Plaque, Divination, Unconcquerable Will, Battle Standard Bearer,Ancient Knowledge (840p)

 Skink Priest, Shamanism, Spear of the Stampede, Taurosaur, Jade Staff (660p)

 Skink Priets, Shamanism, Jade Staff (170p)

 Skink Priets, Shamanism (130p)

 10 Saurian Warriors (170)

 40 Skink Braves, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer, Flaming Standard, Bows, 4 Caimans (895p)

 7 Raptor Riders, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer, Banner of Speed (510p)

 2 Snake Swarms (110p)

 2 Snake Swarms (110p)

 Weapeon Beasts - 2 Spearback (240p)

 Weapeon Beasts - 1 Spearback (120p)

 Taurosaur, Engine of Ancients (530p)




Paul "Dekadenz" Feuerstake - Warriors of the Dark Gods Characters (595pts)

595 - Sorceror - Characters - General, Change,  3 additional Spells, Hardened Shield, Ring of Fire, Sceptre of Power, Wizard Master, Alchemy Core (900pts)

200 - 20x Barbarians - Core, True Chaos, CSM

130 - 2x8 Warhounds - Core

220 - 2x10 Wasteland Warriors - Core, True Chaos Special (2158pts)

240 - Battle Shrine - Special, True Chaos

320 - 10x Chosen - Special, Lust, Paired Weapons

448 - 3x Dragon Centaurs - Special, True Chaos, Paired Weapon, M

130 - 2x1 Fallen Beast - Special, True Chaos

300 - 1x Wasteland Chariot - Special, True Chaos, Single Mauler

220 - 1x Wasteland Chariot - Special, True Chaos, Pair of Wasteland Steeds

370 - 5x Wasteland Knights - Special, Lust, Lance, M Empowered (840pts)

540 - 1x Elder Dragon Centaur - Empowered, Great Weapon

300 - 1x Vortex Fiend - Empowered




Christian CrazyChris Skuza – Beast Herds


Characters: 1481

Core: 950

Elite: 1325

Terrors of the Wild: 740 (1450)

Total: 4496


710 – Minotaur Warlord - Chars - General, Beast Axe, Hardened Shield, Heavy Armour, Talisman of Supreme Shielding, Dark Rain

346 – Beast Chieftain - Chars - Greater Totem Bearer, Battle Standard Bearer, Beast Axe, Throwing Weapon, Shield, Heavy Armour, Ring of Fire

425 – Soothsayer - Chars - 4 Spells, Shamanism, Gourd of Beatles, Shielding Scroll, Talisman of Shielding

610 – 40 Wildhorns - Core - Paired Weapons, C, T, M, S, Blackwing Totem, Banner of the Wild Herd

140 – 10 Wildhorns - Core - Paired Weapons, Ambush

200 – 20 Mongrels - Core - Spears, C, M

715 – 7 Minotaurs - Elite - Paired Weapons, C, M, S, Stalker's Standard

140 – 5 Gargoyles - Elite

140 – 5 Gargoyles - Elite

130 – 1 Raiding Chariot - Elite

100 – 1 Razortusk - Elite

100 – 1 Razortusk - Elite

370 – 1 Jabberwock - Terrors - Breath Weapon

370 – 1 Jabberwock - Terrors - Breath Weapon


bearbeitet von maccall

Gott ist ein Komödiant, der vor einem Publikum spielt, das zu ängstlich zum Lachen ist.


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Oakenshield's Dwarfs


Hier wurde -glaube ich- vergessen auf die zweiten Clankrieger die 20 Punkte vorn zu addieren. Insgesamt kommt die Liste auf 2522 Punkte, wenn man die beim Listeneintrag vorn angegebenen Punkte und die 20 Punkte für den Musiker addiert.



790 - 29 x Greybeards, Heavy Armour; Shield; Veteran Magic Standard; Musician, Banner of

Speed, Champion

160 - 9 x Clan Warriors Heavy Armour; Shield, Champion

160 - 9 x Clan Warriors Heavy Armour; Shield; Musician, Champion @ [20.0] Pts

"Super Freunde, super spritzig, super Party - Supergeil! Super Optik, Super chillig, Bode Bashen - Supergeil!!"

- Starting to want to punch one special unicorn!!!-

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Monarchs of the Dead [500pts] 

···· Pharaoh [280pts]: Army General, Light Armour 

········ Magic Items [200pts]: Armour of Fortune [50pts], Potion of Strength [60pts], UD - Scourge of Kings [90pts]


Wenn ein Pharaoh General ist muss zwischen Teracotta oder Barrow Alegion wählen.

zudem kostet der Pharaoh in Grund 300 Punkte aber die Gesamtpunktzajl ist richtig 

Ich habe einen Drachen und ich werde ihn benutzen.


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vor 2 Stunden schrieb Jobst:

Oakenshield's Dwarfs


Hier wurde -glaube ich- vergessen auf die zweiten Clankrieger die 20 Punkte vorn zu addieren. Insgesamt kommt die Liste auf 2522 Punkte, wenn man die beim Listeneintrag vorn angegebenen Punkte und die 20 Punkte für den Musiker addiert.



790 - 29 x Greybeards, Heavy Armour; Shield; Veteran Magic Standard; Musician, Banner of

Speed, Champion

160 - 9 x Clan Warriors Heavy Armour; Shield, Champion

160 - 9 x Clan Warriors Heavy Armour; Shield; Musician, Champion @ [20.0] Pts


Ich versuche ihn mal zu erreichen. Ich weiß nicht ob er hier mitliest. 


Edit: Er hat anscheinend eine neue Handynummer. 

bearbeitet von Exalted Champion

-Ich komme aus Berlin. Und damit bin ich automatisch cooler als Du.-

****Lord des Chaos

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Er will es überprüfen, wenn er wieder zu Hause ist.

ich habe die Liste mal in den ArmyBuilder getippt und ich glaube er hat nur ein paar Zahlendreher in der Liste, ansonsten sollte sie eigentlich passen.

Gott ist ein Komödiant, der vor einem Publikum spielt, das zu ängstlich zum Lachen ist.


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