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Warhammer Fest 2017


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Eine Frischzellenkur für alle Astartes. Find ich eigentlich interessant, der neue Cybot gefällt mir.



,,Nicht weil die Dinge schwierig sind, wagen wir sie nicht, sondern, weil wir sie nicht wagen, sind sie schwierig''

( Seneca, röm. Philosoph, 4. v. Chr. bis 65 n. Chr.)

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und GW zeigt slides aus der 'eavy metal Vorführung. Interessant sind vor allem:



Und aus einem Gespräch mit Jes - super Typ btw., wer die Chance hat, sollte mit ihm reden:



I had a long chat about this with Jes yesterday, there may well be a close combat unit in the future, but what it would look like, he couldn't say. But each unit has a specific purpose in their designs, so an assault unit may end up being in heavier armour or something like that. He did say there are other unit types coming though.

Really lovely guy to talk to, great to hear the way he came up with new designs and how it all came together and why he made the choices he did.

Nice tidbit, pouches and poses that you see are specific to the models role and wargear as he really wanted them to be more believable. The bolter squad are meant to look very tactical which is why they have the advancing poses for example. He pointed out that the reason gravis armour makes the character 'fatter' is because that's what armour does, you don't suddenly get much taller yourself, but you become significantly heavier


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und es geht weiter. diesmal neues Fahrzeug




Vrooom, Vrooom, Möpmöp, Cawl me Cawl Raider ^^

Edith: jaja, eigentlich mehr nen Predator, aber damit geht der doofe Spruch nicht

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mhm, ich weiß zumindest bei dem Panzer und dem Cybot von den Bildern ausgehen noch nicht so recht, was ich davon halten soll.

Ich finde es einerseits sehr, sehr gut, das Marines endlich vollständig und gründlich überarbeitet werden und wieder zeitgerecht sind. Vor allem die verschobene Anatomie, Größe und das Verhältnis von Infanterie zu Panzer hatten inzwischen dringend Arbeit nötig, gerade wenn man sieht, was so die letzten Jahre gekommen ist. marines sind zwar vom gesamten GW-Range mit am besten gealtert (urgs, Orkboys) aber leider doch schon sehr in die Jahre gekommen.

Anderseits ist der Fluff aber echt nicht der Beste um größere Marines zu begründen. Und irgendwie wirkt das Design noch nicht rund. Das könnte aber einfach auch daran liegen, da wir einfach nur Häppchenweise das neue Sortiment sehen und nicht die komplette Palette. Das Design ist sehr neu und gerade neben den Alten Marines doch deutlich anders. Ich denke aber im ganzen gibt es ne stimmige Truppe ab - die man durchaus doof finden kann, da es doch nen eindeutiger Stilbruch zu den alten und lieb gewonnenen marines ist. Und ich bin noch arg skeptisch, wie das Chaos behandelt werden wird. Ich sehe es arg Kritisch, wenn die Herren nicht wenigstens mitwachsen. Death Guard ist massiver geworden, hat aber, den Bildern nach, in manchen Minis immer noch die bescheidenen Proportionen. 


Und damit man mehr eindrücke kriegt, weitere Bilder von dem Dread:






















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Und ein wenig Fantasy/AoS gabs dann doch auch noch. Zum einen wurde das erste RPG in AoS angekündigt, zum anderen wurde mal wieder ein wenig Shadespire gezeigt:









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vor 2 Minuten schrieb Thorin Goldfuß:

Er geht auch n Tick in Richtung Warmachine, find ich.


Genau das war mein erster Gedanke. Finde ich sehr schade, da mir der Stil überhaupt nicht gefällt und ich jetzt jedesmal daran denken muss wenn ich den neuen da sehe.

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Die Armbrustheinis sind doch super. Durch die Bemalung erkennt man aber irgendwie kaum Einzelheiten. Die drei Minis unten sollen die Kinder aus Seestadt sein? Wer's braucht, die Bemalung ist aber ganz schön.

WM/H kann ich an dem Cybot jetzt nicht erkennen. Ich hätte aber auch nicht gemerkt, dass das ein Neuer ist, wenn's nicht dazugeschrieben worden wäre. Die SM-Sachen sind für mich alle irgendwie gleich :ok:

Skirmisher-Malkrieg 2016 - Mortheim/Frostgrave vs. Warlord/FreebootersFate/Godslayer

 MH/FG   69 : 0   WL/FF/GS


Und es zogen vier Scharen gen Mortheim - Mein P500

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Jes: Had a couple of chats with Jes who was very generous with his time and seemed genuinely very excited about the primaris marines. Called them his comeback tour and said it was 15 odd years since  he's had much to do with them. Also said the very last thing he did before this was the Eldar Tirumvirate. When i said the model didnt quite match up to his sketch he said that the material makes things a little chunkier (could this have somethign to do with the rescale - i dont know i didnt press the point)

Not driven by fluff. The idea was to do something big with the marine range which he said was looking a bit dated. He cited Mk VI and VII as being major jumping off points for the marines and said that he wanted to do something similar and  reproportion the marines as the old 'Dollies' were not really up to scratch anymore. He didnt do a new giant drawing (joked his back wasn't up to reaching that high) but did do lots of vignetes and sketches of various suits and helmets and weapons. The idea was to make everythign as real and utility based as possible and make a new blank canvas. 

The idea was also to get away from the idea of Scout Tactical and Terminator Armour. This is not the new concept. Each squad will have armour that best suits its role. So Inceptors have custom armour rather than using the same as Intercessors. Other units (he wouldn't be drawn on details) will have whatever armour they need to do the job. 

He did an old school physical sculplt along with his sketches as he doesnt do all that CAD stuff and then the team worked from what he had done. The Inceptors are basically HALO troops. Dropped from low orbit out of dropships they use their suits to navigate to the ground and wreak havoc in a close support role. They are NOT assault marines

He commented on the fact that Devstator squads had odd weapon mixes and weapons would often have disparate roles and ranges  - this is the reason you now have the hellblaster squad all with specifically designed weapons. When i suggested that Guilliman had woken up and realised the codex was probably not as great as he'd thought and due an update he smiled wryly and just said that Bobby G and Ultra MC (Calgar) had some work to do (might be tongue in cheek there Jes is a cool bloke) .

Jes went on to say that one of the other main aims with the primaris marines was to sort out the poses a bit and to put more dynanism into them. With this in mind ALL the Primaris Marines are ONE piece legs and Torso attached, this has allowed Jes to A: Do some cool stuff around the abdomen area and B: Eliminates some of the 'wooden' swivel posing that marines could fall prey to. One look at the Primaris Lieutenant sells me on this point tbh. It also goes back to the suit for a job matter. The Hellblasters for example, have bigger pouches than the Intecessors as they have bigger ammo charges, makes sense. 

In addition with the Primarines he wanted to build up the idea of hefty armour without bulking them too much ( i dont think he was referring to Centurions but it's what i thought of) So he worked on the idea of subtle ablative layers. again, function being foremost (its his whole design philophosy, he is a designer not an artist) without restricting the fluidity of movement. He did say however that Gravis Armour is designed to look a bit slower and like it can take a hit in combat. It is NOT however 'New Terminator Armour' like he said, he want's to get away from that. .

I'd taken a fair bit of his time at this point but i got a few final bits out of him. The MPPKs that are coming out with have PROPER heads and neck recesses with additional detail like cabling and stuff. (The box set ones have simple flat surfacce and three quarter heads a bit like the Caphractii Terminators). These will be out in due course and he wouldnt say how many boxes there will be but i'd expect intercessors, Inceptors, hellbalsters and some plastic clams to start with for the characters. I'm sure there is more we have not seen. 

And finally he said he couldn't bring all his sketches as it is 'all over the place' but when i told him how much i loved the Eldar sketch book he said he'd see what he can do. 

Total legend basically as always and a really intersting and enlightening chat. I might have forgotten stuff, if i remember ill add it.

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Und damit es zum Knoppers auch was zu lesen gibt:



Couple of things from yesterday and the forge world seminar.

1. There are no plans to convert the FW range of Custodes tanks and Dreadnoughts to 8th ed 40K. They will remain as HH units only for the foreseeable future.

2. Alpharius is not on the schedule at the moment. They will get to it at some point but not for a while. Rogal Dorn is next 

Also Tony Cotrell refused to be drawn on whether Adeptus Titanicus will have a plastic release. I think it sounded like they may be having a re-think based on how popular Blood Bowl has been


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