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Ich hatte es in meinem eigenen Faden schon untergebracht, aber hier nochmal ein TL,DR von den bekannten Änderungen. Quelle: Boardgamegeek-Forum: 



star_yellow.gif All ships now have 5 fire arcs printed on their bases - four quadrants and a 'bullseye' firing arc down their front - although most ships won't use these natively, it provides options.

star_yellow.gif All turrets now use some variant of the mobile arc rules - only shooting in one arc at a time, takes an action to move them. And turrets and cannons now get range bonuses and penalties (ordnance works as it does now - no bonuses or penalties for it)

star_yellow.gif No more discards - cards previously discarded now have 'charge' counts on them, indicating how many times you can use them (IE., 'spend 1 charge to fire this weapon' or something like that, so once you are out of charges it stays face-up, just...doesn't do anything anymore). A lot of previously-infinite-use cards (R2-D2, for example) ALSO have had 'charges' added. So this is a pretty big and sweeping change.

star_yellow.gif Pilots that were Force-sensitive now have an extra stat of Force points which can be used to do...something* (see below).

star_yellow.gif Ships with multiple fire arcs now have those listed out distinctly on their stat line, potentially with different values for each arc.

star_yellow.gif Actions and maneuvers introduced in later waves (reinforce, reload, coordinate, s-loops, t-rolls, etc) are now deployed universally across the waves as appropriate (IE., Y-Wings have reload, Decimators have reinforce, etc)

star_yellow.gif Ships no longer have a generic/hidden "modification" slot as in 1.0 - the equivalent of modifications exist, but they are different, and there is an identified icon on ships for them, so...some ships can take multiple modifications, some ships can't take any. And the mods that are here are different - IE., no engine upgrade anymore, or other sort of meta-warping things that could previously be bolted on anywhere.

star_yellow.gif New "medium"-size base for ships that didn't quite fit into either the "small" or "large" sizes well (IE., TIE Reaper, K-Wing, Mist Hunter, etc). This impacts ion effort (1 token for small, 2 for medium, and 3 for large), but no longer a special scoring distinction - half points for half damage on all ships of all sizes. The tournament app notes the two score levels for ease of use.

star_yellow.gif Pilot skills compressed to just 6 ranks, and no permanent way to change them (IE., VI is gone).

star_yellow.gif Action economy is far more important (IE., Push the Limit is gone) - some ships can chain some actions, sometimes...usually with one being red, so pseudo-PtL is now built in where appropriate...but it's vastly more limited. Many actions changed - evade converts a blank to evade instead of adding a result, barrel roll has one starting point and only 3 end points, etc.

star_yellow.gif Basically all upgrade cards and many of the pilots have been re-balanced (at least), with quite a few totally re-written given the above changes. Some things deleted outright - no more Twin Laser Turret, for example.

star_yellow.gif The target list cost has been doubled to 200 pts, instead of 100, with most things doubled in cost - the idea being more granular precision in pricing things is possible, now. For example, R2-D2 is now 10 pts while R5-D8 is 7 (up from 4 and 3, respectively).

star_yellow.gif The turn order has been cleaned up with at least one new phase added (for systems/components) - allowing some more precise placement of events other than piling everything 'in the end phase' or 'during the planning phase'. For example, all bombs now drop in the components phase, which sits between planning and activation. So the upgrades/pilots/etc now identify which phases they work in more clearly.

star_yellow.gif A simple rules change with a big effect - you call your action, and if you can't do it (target lock on something that turns out to be out of range, barrel roll to a location you won't fit, etc)...you still used your action to try. It just failed, no more 'pick another action'. This should help speed of play a LOT!

star_yellow.gif As would be expected with all the above changes - new damage deck. This time, a single unified deck (the old decks obviously won't work with the new rules, ending forever arguments over which deck is better).

star_yellow.gif No need to buy cross-faction. It's unclear HOW they plan to do this, but FFG has stated repeatedly in interviews 'you no longer have to buy a ship from a faction you don't play to get an upgrade you need - upgrades your faction can use will always be available within that faction's retail kits'

star_yellow.gif Here is one I'm personally not keen on, so I suppose forgot to initially include, but it's a pretty big deal - no points on cards, or upgrade slots on ships anymore. It's all handled by an app - also to be available as a webpage and downloadable PDF - but no longer on the game components. This has a lot of implications - FFG can re-balance the price of cards over time if they prove too powerful/weak. Upgrade slots can be added or removed from ships as needed if they are problematic, or needed to add some new capability. For super-casual players, or new players, each expansion will include some pre-built pilot+upgrade combinations as well as a 'threat level' (1-5) for that build, so casual players can agree to a certain total threat level for a match and select from the prebuilt options to quickly jump into a game.


* And here's how the Force works! Some pilots have a new stat for Force ability that gives them that many Force tokens. One token regenerates at the end of each turn. Everyone with the Force has certain uses for a token - sort-of focus (convert one result on a red or green dice roll), increasing offense or defense, or enabling Force upgrades (new to 2nd edition)

These pilots also have abilities - Vader has, for example, 3 Force tokens. He can spend one to take a free action after he performs an action. So, on the surface, sort of like his current ability...except if he wants to burn all three at once to do three actions in a turn, he can. Only he'd obviously need to take some time to recoup that Force level back up.

As to the Force upgrades - these sound interesting. For example, there is a Force upgrade sort of like intel agent - 'Sense'. It works for free at range 0-1, or you can spend a Force token to push it out to range 3. There is also a deadeye-esque Force ability 'Instinctive Aim' - when performing a "special attack", you can spend a Force token to ignore any [focus] or [target lock] requirement.



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Armeeprojekte: INFINITY: Haqqislam, JOHN'S INFORMATION GROUP: All The Worlds Models, Warmachine/Hordes: Circle Orboros (erfolgreich abgeschlossen), X-Wing (beendet)


"(...) Träume ergeben erst einen Sinn, wenn man in der Realität für sie kämpft. Wer sich aber nur in fremden Träumen bewegt, statt sein eigenes Leben zu leben, ist so gut wie tot...!" GitS - Stand Alone Complex Ep.12

"You mustn't let mistakes weigh you down. Acknowledge them and take what you've learned to move on. That is the privilege of being a man." Full Frontal  - Gundam Unicorn

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Abschließend ein Kommentar von einem der Gametester zu der Edition X-Wing 2.0: 





bearbeitet von John Tenzer
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Armeeprojekte: INFINITY: Haqqislam, JOHN'S INFORMATION GROUP: All The Worlds Models, Warmachine/Hordes: Circle Orboros (erfolgreich abgeschlossen), X-Wing (beendet)


"(...) Träume ergeben erst einen Sinn, wenn man in der Realität für sie kämpft. Wer sich aber nur in fremden Träumen bewegt, statt sein eigenes Leben zu leben, ist so gut wie tot...!" GitS - Stand Alone Complex Ep.12

"You mustn't let mistakes weigh you down. Acknowledge them and take what you've learned to move on. That is the privilege of being a man." Full Frontal  - Gundam Unicorn

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Hmmm... wenn ich mir das so angucke frage ich mich, ob ich es nicht vielleicht doch toll finde, dass Imperial Assault das rotgeschopfte Stiefkind in FFGs Star Wars-Portfolio ist - mit einem gesunden META, winzigen Errata, und ikonischen, erkennbaren Figuren im Rahmen jeder neuen Erweiterung anstelle von immer obskureren Modellen. :D


bearbeitet von Zweiundvierzig
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"Er trägt nicht umsonst den Titel 'Elefanten-Terrine'. Da muss man als Porzellanladen gut aufpassen."

     - Herr Sobek


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Hier gibt es einige Karten und Manöver-Räder vom 2.0 Unboxing: 


https://imgur.com/a/2cjJNEo :buch: 

Armeeprojekte: INFINITY: Haqqislam, JOHN'S INFORMATION GROUP: All The Worlds Models, Warmachine/Hordes: Circle Orboros (erfolgreich abgeschlossen), X-Wing (beendet)


"(...) Träume ergeben erst einen Sinn, wenn man in der Realität für sie kämpft. Wer sich aber nur in fremden Träumen bewegt, statt sein eigenes Leben zu leben, ist so gut wie tot...!" GitS - Stand Alone Complex Ep.12

"You mustn't let mistakes weigh you down. Acknowledge them and take what you've learned to move on. That is the privilege of being a man." Full Frontal  - Gundam Unicorn

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Mag daran liegen, dass ich als ehemaliger Warhammer-Spieler von GW andere Summen gewohnt bin, oder daran, dass ich noch nicht so lange und nur eine Fraktion spiele - und ein Conversion-Kit mir entsprechend reicht, aber ich finde die Upgrade-Politik von FF eigentlich ziemlich fair.


Das nach 6 (?) Jahren ein Relaunch nötig war ist verständlich und alles was ich bisher an Änderungen gelesen habe, finde ich super gelungen. Freue mich sehr auf einige der neuen Regeln. Und das FF die neue Edition für Bestandskunden nicht als Service anbietet sondern von denen nochmal Geld haben möchte finde ich auch nachvollziehbar. Spieler mit großer Flotte werden ja vermutlich erstmal länger keine neuen Schiffe kaufen, wenn sie die komplette alte Flotte mitnehmen können und jetzt erstmal alte Schiffe neu aufgelegt werden. Da sind das neue Starterset und die Kits ja die einzige Möglichkeit was mit der neuen Edition zu verdienen. Ist ja auch nicht so, dass man sofort die komplette Sammlung auf 2.0 umstellen muss, damit man jedes Schiff gleichzeitig aufstellen könnte. Wenn man im freundschaftlichen Umfeld mal völlig verrückte Listen spielen möchte, dann ist das ja auch mit Proxis möglich.


Verstehe die Aufregung nicht so ganz. Bin aber halt was FF und X-Wing angeht ziemlich unbelastet...


PS.: Falls sich jemand für die tatsächlichen Änderungen interessiert gibt es ein Google Docs Dokument: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_3NYO2Rhw8tYNYCE9Zzx-G8SJh3JwWmgRs0nFTPkrpc/edit

bearbeitet von lucasdidthis
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