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Dystopian Wars / Dystopian Legions - News und Infos

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Mal kurz zusammengefasst von den Völkern die ich spiele:



Dudinka teurer

Crew-Upgrades bei den grossen Pötten teurer

Neue Uboote (vermutlich mit Fehler Smal <-> Medium)

Neuer Heavy Bomber (was ne böse Sau...)



Sehr viele Schiffe und Flieger teurer oder billiger, zu viele ums detailliert auf zu schreiben

Neue Heavy Destroyers, sehr nett, werden getestet.

Neuer Heavy Bomber (auch ne ne ziemlich böse Möse...)

Diese Signatur ist so überflüssig wie die blaue und rote Farbe in der französischen Nationalflagge.

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Ich habe mal die restlichen Zusammenfassungen aus dem SG-Forum zusammengesucht:

Kingdom of Britannia:

Lord Hood: +1 CC

Agincourt: -1 AD on the main turret, +1 CC

Dominion: Rugged Construction (1), +5 points cost

Tribal: -10 points cost

Orion: -2 CC, Pack Tactics now only on torpedoes

Illustrious: 360° turning template, 0" Minimum Move

Eagle: 360° turning template, 0" Minimum Move, +10 points cost

Hawk: 360° turning template

Brunel: -10, no fuel reserves

Stewards: +5

Towers: +35, gained a few MARs eg rugged construction

Prussian Empire:

Naval Forces


Points cost increased to 165 from 155.

AA decreased from 4 to 3.

Strategic value increased to 50 from 25.

AP decreased to 4 from 6.


Points cost decreased to 130 from 140.

CC increased to 6 from 5.

New: Havel Light Carrier


Points cost increased to 55 from 50

Crew type changed to Aggressive

Naturally, may no longer upgrade crew to Aggressive from Regular for +5 points


Movement increased to 12" from 11"

Fore guns RB1 AD decreased to 6 from 7

Pack Tactics (Fore Cannon) changed to Pack Tactics (Fore Cannon, +2)


Points cost increased to 25 from 20

Aerial Forces


Points cost increased to 150 from 145

New: Adler Heavy Bomber


Points cost increased to 30 from 25

AA increased to 2 from 1

SAW Dive Bombers

Hunter (Surface & Submerged, +1) changed to Hunter (Surface, +1)

Armoured Forces


Added Strategic Value (50)


Points value increased to 100 from 90

Movement decreased to 8" from 9"

AA decreased to 3 from 4

Combat Deployment (Assault Infantry,1, Rapid) changed to Combat Deployment (Assault Infantry,1, Standard)

P/S Tesla Coils AD changed to 7/6/-/- from 6/5/-/-


CC increased to 2 from 1

Infantry Formations

Assault Infantry

AP reduced to 3 from 4

Federated States of America:

There are a few changes (and I might have missed a few)

-liberty increased to 220pts

-san fransisco decreased to 140pts

-saratoga decreased to 125pts

-annapolis increased to 120pts

-princeton decreased to 85pts and squad size is back down to 1-2 (and i only just repainted them to squads of 3 😠)

-guilford increased to 45pts

-springfield increased to 25pts and mv10"

-valley decreased to 145pts

-lee increased to 85pts

-john henry now mv10" ap3

Covenant of Antarctica:


Dread goes down in price but has it's PA neutered while target painter seems to have become ubiquitous without an indicator of wither it is for primary, secondary or energy.

Diophantus becomes a beast with the option to have drone launcher 9 for an additional 15 pts.

Pericles gets a price hike for a reason I cannot find.

Fresnel is the 2.0 whipping boy again both losing firepower and increasing in cost.

Hippasus gets much more attractive with a lower price and evasive maneuvers +1.

Kepler has damn decent energy broadsides Experienced Engineers and SD2.

Plutarch gets a price hike but a boosted DR

Euclid's PA also takes a hit.

The new flyer makes drones even more scary giving them big fuel tanks and has a new type of weapon the Energy cannon which somehow has a range of only 2 and stratospheric killing rockets with air hunter +2.

Icarus gets an all but insignificant increase to her fore guns.

Capek's fore guns are now energy and her rockets are hunter +2 but she is now 65 instead of 60

Ptolemy is now purely a mine-layer with no bomb value whatsoever.

Herodotus is more expensive.

Callimachus AlphaΒ are now more 10pts expensive but gain nothing.

Janus got a price hike.

The Bunker Complex got a price drop.

The Forward Landing Field got a price hike.

Republique of France:


Rocket batteries increase from (0/9/9/9) to (0/11/11/11)

Strategic value decrease from (125) to (100)


Points increase from (110) to (115)


Points decrease from (50) to (45)


AP decrease from (2) to (1)


Movement increased from (15†) to (16†)


Rocket Batteries changed from (0/8/8/8) to (8/8/8/0)

Lost Fuel reserves

Fury Generator upgrade decreased from (10) to (5)

Rousseau Heavy bomber added

Pascal Medium bomber added


Hunter (surface & submerged, Bombs, +1) changed to Hunter(diving, Bombs, +1`)

Torpedo Bomber SAS

Hunter (submerged & deep diving, +2) changed to Hunter( Diving, +2)

Danton Landship

Bombard increased from (0/7/7/7) to (0/8/8/8)

N3 Liege

Cost decreased from (165) to (150)


Cost decreased from (50) to (45)

Combat coordinator (SAS, Swarm taactics, 8†) changed to Combat coordinator(ROF, SAS, Swarm tactics)

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Ich bin auch ziemlich von den Russenänderungen enttäuscht, wenn man sich die anderen Fraktionen ansieht..CoA ist einfach unverschämt...

Überlege schon erstmal mit einer anderen Fraktion zu spielen (haben gerade erst angefangen), um weniger frust zu haben und erstmal Spielerfahrung zu sammeln.

Malifaux: Guild, Resser, Arcanists, Outcasts, 10 Thunder

Dystopian Wars: Russen, HEC

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Ich bin auch ziemlich von den Russenänderungen enttäuscht, wenn man sich die anderen Fraktionen ansieht..CoA ist einfach unverschämt...

Überlege schon erstmal mit einer anderen Fraktion zu spielen (haben gerade erst angefangen), um weniger frust zu haben und erstmal Spielerfahrung zu sammeln.

Das finde ich beides interessant. Inwiefern enttäsucht von den RC Änderungen? Was ist das "unverschämte" an CoA (mal abgesehen vom Diophantus, was wirklich ein schlechter Witz ist und wo wir auch schon alle Motoren angeworfen haben, um SG davon zu überzeugen).



Philosophie für Warhammerspieler:

"Kein Sieger glaubt an den Zufall."

Friedrich Nietzsche, Aph. 258

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Das finde ich beides interessant. Inwiefern enttäsucht von den RC Änderungen? Was ist das "unverschämte" an CoA (mal abgesehen vom Diophantus, was wirklich ein schlechter Witz ist und wo wir auch schon alle Motoren angeworfen haben, um SG davon zu überzeugen).



Das unverschämte an CoA ist das aufwerten des Carriers für lächerliche 15 Punkte, dazu noch die neuen Carrier(5) Träger. Game of Drones wurde so extrem gestärkt, dass man gar keine eigenen Träger mehr mitnehmen muss, weil die eh nix taugen. Die ersten Züge schießt der CoA dir alle Flieger runter und startet dann Dive Bomber und/oder Torpedo Bomber. Macht extrem wenig Spaß vor allem mit wenig AckAck der Russen... musste ich gestern wieder feststellen beim Testspielen der neuen ORBATS.

Die Drohnen sind durch Swarmtactics auch den Russen SAS überlegen. Russen haben zwar Heavy AckAck, aber das bringt auch nichts, wenn sich beide SAS ausschalten und der CoA einfach neue Drohnen startet.

Mein Hauptgegner spielt CoA, weshalb ich sehr frustriert bin mit Russen, weil ich keine unbeschädigte/kaum beschädigte Schiffe an den Gegner bekomme. Wenn der CoA dann noch seine Lurkerwürfe schafft, trifft man kaum noch mit seinen Waffen. Redoubtable Geschütze würde die perfekt MAR sein für Russen und wäre mMn nicht OP. CoA hat ja immerhin redoubtable Carrier und Energiewaffen.


Das enttäuschende an den Russenänderungen ist, dass alles teurer geworden ist. Der Träger wurde 15 Punkte teurer, was alle meine bisherigen Listen unspielbar macht oder ich keinen Glacier mehr mitnehme. Ich kann bisher auch nur vergleiche mit CoA ziehen... gegen andere Gegner die einen nicht mit Drohnen "vergewaltigen" und nicht schon auf RB3/4 meine Schiffe zerstören sieht das alles vllt. anders aus, aber da mein Gegner in naher Zukunft keine ander Fraktion spielen wird, muss ich mich da anpassen. Er selber findet Drohnen auch langweilig, aber das behebt nur ein Problem das ich momentan mit den Russen habe.

bearbeitet von MageStorm

Malifaux: Guild, Resser, Arcanists, Outcasts, 10 Thunder

Dystopian Wars: Russen, HEC

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@Magestorm: Danke für die Ausführungen. Ich kann manche Teile davon gut nachvollziehen und ja, Drohnen sind im jetzigen Ruleset wohl zu stark, das +15 Punkte Update für den Diophantus lachhaft günstig. Im Übrigen halte ich die CoA Updates und die allermeisten anderen Updates aber für ziemlich gelungen. Manches war schlicht notwendig (wer je in den "Genuss" kam, gegen einen Euclid mit PA anzuspielen kann ein Lied davon singen), andere helfen etwas beim internen Balancing, bspw. +10 Punkte pro Fresnel und -1 AD pro Schiff.

Die Russen haben im Übrigen auch ihre Highlights beim Update. Imho ist der Dudinka Träger auch wohl die Ausnahme, die zumindest ich nicht komplett nachvollziehen kann. Imho ist der Kostroma Fleet Carrier nämlich eine ebenbürtige Wahl. Das Matchup RC vs. CoA kann aber durchaus frustrierend sein, gerade wenn man eher neu im Spiel ist, ist es durchaus frustrierend gegen den RBIV und RBIII Beschuss anzuschwimmen. Abhilfe für Neueinsteiger bietet die Eismeerflotte (Khatanga, Tiksi) die sind generell sehr gute Schiffe, vor allem aber einsteigerfreundlich und ballern auch auf RBIII ziemlich übel. Ansonsten ist es für dir Russen entscheidend die Flotte konzentriert vorrücken zu lassen ansonsten wird sie Stück für Stück zerlegt. Wichtig wird mit zunehmender Spielerfahrung auch Boarding, das kann gerade in so einem Matchup locker Spiele entscheiden (For Mother Russia!). Für konkretere Tipps kannst Du gerne bei Sackratte nachfragen, der spielt mittlerweile sehr gerne seine Russen.

Eine zweite Flotte schadet imho nicht. Gerade wenn man Russen spielt, kann etwas Abwechslung nicht schaden, die sind halt taktisch doch eher der Typ Vorschlaghammer.


Philosophie für Warhammerspieler:

"Kein Sieger glaubt an den Zufall."

Friedrich Nietzsche, Aph. 258

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Ich kann so viel sagen, als dass die CoA in absehbarer Zeit nach unten korrigiert werden.

Wie, was, wo, warum - lass dich überraschen.



Und das Spiel ist gut gebalanced. Nicht perfekt, aber gut. Stellungsspiel, Aktivierungsreihenfolge, Zielprioritäten und Würfelglück ( :D) sind die entscheidenden Dinge.



Was ihr gegen CoA auch mal testen könntet, wenn ihr die Modelle habt ist sowas: 2x Borodino, 2x3 Suvorov, 3x4 Novgorod, beliebiger Träger. Und dann volles Rohr nach Vorne heizen. Da kommt so viel pure Gewallt, dass kann der CoA-Spieler in der Regel nicht alles aufhalten.

bearbeitet von sackratte

Diese Signatur ist so überflüssig wie die blaue und rote Farbe in der französischen Nationalflagge.

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Ich kann so viel sagen, als dass die CoA in absehbarer Zeit nach unten korrigiert werden.

Wie, was, wo, warum - lass dich überraschen.

Jetzt werde ich aber hellhörig, bekommen wir etwa bald unsere Fleet Books für die einzelnen Nationen? ;) bearbeitet von Oberst Montan
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Neue Sets im Juni:










DLBS41 Empire of the Blazing Sun Infantry Officer Set
Officers of the Empire of the Blazing Sun are chosen for the unswerving loyalty and ability to adapt to the movements of the enemy in order that their forces be brought to bear with the deadliest effect. With a core guard of Imperial Riflemen to protect them, Officers of the Blazing Sun perform a vital role in the armies of the Empire. Nearly always accompanying the Officers are the specially trained and courageous Flag Signallers, who, using a complex but well-honed semaphore system are able to convey the orders of Officers at significant distances.
Contains: 2 Infantry Officers, 5 Imperial Riflemen, 1 Flag Signaller and 1 deck of Tactical Action Cards. Models supplied unpainted and unassembled.

DLBS42 Empire of the Blazing Sun Ashigaru Infantry Set
The modern Ashigaru infantryman is a tough, highly trained and supremely motivated fighting trooper. They are armed with formidable drum-fed automatic shotguns that are devastating at close range, and loaded with fearsome incendiary rounds, products of the Imperial Alchemical institute?s research. Accompanied by a Flag Signaller, they are able to receive and relay orders from their officers, allowing them a unique and dangerous focus during battles.
Contains: 1 Flag Signaller and 10 Ashigaru. Models supplied unpainted and unassembled.

DLBS43 Empire of the Blazing Sun Ashigaru Infantry Expansion Set
Bringing to bear the terrifying technologies and developments of the Imperial Alchemical laboratories, the specialists, medics and machine guns often seen in Ashigaru Sections provide a unique support to the mainstay soldiers of those outfits.
The feared Type 7 Rocket Projector, commonly known as the Okha or ?Cherry Blossom?, is a potent weapon. Lightweight and simple to build and operate, it hurls a warhead packed with powerful chemical explosives. These shells can blast a hole in an enemy ironclad or blow a machine gun nest to smithereens, making a lone infantryman a threat to the largest targets. The tripod mounted, Kawachi-Kanpon Type 9 is a double-barrelled, fully automatic heavy shotgun loaded with the Alchemical Institute?s trademark incendiary shells.
Contains: 1 Flag Signaller, 2 Medics, 2 Specialists and 3 MMG Teams. Models supplied unpainted and unassembled.

DLBS44 Empire of the Blazing Sun Heroes of the Empire Set
The Heroes of the Empire are the courageous men and women won inspire the nation. Haiku are composed in their honour, songs sung, and stories told. Grizzled veterans or daring soldiers, they have risen through their own genius to the greatness of ?hero?. Long may they serve the Empire, long may they inspire the people, and long may they stand to give the enemy a damned good thrashing!
Contains: 1 Alchemist Tonegawa, 1 Takera Isamu, 1 Master Kozo Okinawa, 1 Madame Taipan and 1 Heroic Sarge. Models supplied unpainted and unassembled.

DLFS41 Federated States of America Infantry Officer Set
Officers in the Federated States are those who, through hard work, luck and raw ability, are elevated to the rank. They are the backbone of every army, whether operating on their own or with a select Section of guards, their insight, experience, courage and ability is so often the difference between victory and defeat! Accompanying the Infantry officer is often a well-trained cadre of Federal Infantry, as well as a Forward Observer, able to call down heavy artillery support to assist the advance of the Federal Army.
Contains: 2 Officers, 5 Federal Infantry, 1 Forward Observer and 1 deck of Tactical Ability Cards. Models supplied unpainted and unassembled.

DLFS42 Federated States of America Federal Infantry Set
Battle hardened and dangerous, the self-made men of the Federated States are the back
bone of the Federal Army. An FSA Federal Infantry Section can pump out a frightening amount of firepower with their short barrelled Winchester Carbines, and their indomitable fighting spirit makes the FSA Line Infantry a force to be feared.
Contains: 10 Federal Infantry and 1 NCO. Models supplied unpainted and unassembled.

DLFS43 Federated States of America Federal Infantry Expansion Set
One of the core strengths of the Federated States, and by extension its military, is the immense diversity and opportunity afforded its citizens. With more options than any other national force the Federates States Line Infantry Sections can leverage this diversity of talent to craft a front line fighting force like nothing else. The Federal Infantry makes full use of the tactical edge provided by specialists, forward observers, machine gun crews, scouts and hunters.
Contains: 1 NCO, 1 Forward Observer, 1 Scout, 2 Specialists, 2 Hunters, 3 Heavy Machine Gun Crews and 3 Bear Traps. Models supplied unpainted and unassembled.

DLFS44 Federated States of America Heroes of the Empire Set
In the land of opportunity many great individuals have stepped forward through sheer force of their abilities and talent. The Heroes of the States are the courageous men and women won inspire the nation. Songs are composed in their honour and stories told. Grizzled veterans or daring soldiers, they have risen through their own genius to the greatness of ?hero?. Long may they serve the States, long may they inspire the people, and long may they stand to give the enemy a damned good thrashing!
Contains: 1 Doctor Samuel Orlington, 1 Crook the Buzzard, 1 Major Beauregard and 1 Clock-O-Dile. Models supplied unpainted and unassembled.

bearbeitet von Desaster
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September Neuheiten:





DWPE50 Prussian Empire Hochmeister Battle Robot
The Scandinavian Teutonic Order is infamous around the world for its Battle Robots, and are generally accepted as the leaders in the development and research of these creations. But up until now the small territory has never really had the production capacity to take their creations to the next level. Following the Full Cooperation Pact signed between the Prussian Empire and the Teutonic Order in late 1871, their dreams of conquest finally seem to be within their grasp! The Hochmeister Dreadnought Battle Robot marks the pinnacle of the new alliance, marrying the industrial capability of the Prussian Empire with the ingenious engineers and inventors of the Teutonic Orders to create a true monster in the field of Battle Robot development.
Armed with a pair of wrist mounted Speerschleuders and a pair of shoulder-braced primary gun turrets, the Hochmeister has a fearsome array of firepower at its disposal. In certain cases Hochmeisters can also be adapted to have external Calcification Generators with a vastly increased range and even Guardian Generators (which up until now had been a solely Teutonic creation). It is even possible for the Hochmsieter to replace its primary turrets with a pair of Speerscheluders, however to do so affects its ability to activate its internal Tesla Generator due to a loss in power.
With the strong Prussian influence in both manufacture and testing of these †˜Dread-Robots†™, the battle robot crews have begun to investigate various fighting techniques that have become possible with the improved design. The Hochmeister†™s increased mobility and speed over the previous Saint Michael and Metzger allows a rigid set of fighting styles taken from the medieval Germanic Sword Fighting Schools.
Using the manuals of Liechtenauer, a famous 14th century Sword Master, as a basis for the development of their fighting techniques, the crews can now execute punishing attacks using sword and maces, delivering powerful killing blows to their enemies using techniques such as Zornhau and Scheitelhau with devastating effect.
It will not be long before the Hochmeister causes the enemies of the Teutonic Order and Prussian Empire to shudder as its thunderous tread rocks them to their core.
Contains: 1 resin and pewter multi-part, highly detailed Hochmeister Battle Robot. Multiple components allow for either a land or sea-based model to be assembled, and each comes with a stunningly detailed diorama base. The ground model stands 110mm (base to top of helmet). Model supplied unpainted and unassembled.

DWBS50 Empire of the Blazing Sun Ayakashi Battle Robot
The origins of the Ayakashi Dreadnought Battle Robot are shrouded in secrecy. Created in the hidden forges of the Yani using their own mix of alchemy and technology, the plans for these massive battle engines were originally presented to the Empress at the end of 1871. The supreme ruler of the Empire of the Blazing Sun immediately decreed that these mighty symbols of her people†™s military tradition should be rushed into production.
The Ayakashi is armed with a massive galvanised steel Naginata Pole-Arm, honed to a razor edge and more than capable of carving through vessels, fortifications and armoured vehicles with ease. The crews of the Ayakashi Robots are free spirited and meticulously drilled, frequently taking the capability of their vehicles to their maximum tolerance in an effort to develop a series of fighting styles that mirror the ancient warriors of old. These fighting styles give the Ayakashi an un-natural grace on the battlefield, belying its considerable bulk enabling it to unleash attacks that mirror a human Samurai in almost all respects.
When enemies exist beyond the range of the melee-fighting styles of the Ayakashi and its Naginata, the crews rely on more conventional weaponry, engulfing the enemy in dual heavy flamethrowers mounted in the face mask and firing a pair of Rocket Batteries, one mounted in the back pack of the robot, the other more powerful battery mounted in a powered rocket fist!
The Ayakashi Dreadnought Battle Robot instils pride and fear in equal measure: pride in the forces of the Empress who view its creation as their ultimate technological achievement in the field of military research, and fear in the enemies of the Blazing Sun, who view the striding behemoth as an un-killable machine, made all the more terrifying by its human countenance.
Contains: 1 resin and pewter multi-part, highly detailed Ayakashi Battle Robot. Multiple components allow for either a land or sea-based model to be assembled, and each comes with a stunningly detailed diorama base. The ground model stands 145mm (base to top of banner). Model supplied unpainted and unassembled.

DWCA50 Covenant of Antarctica Coeus Battle Robot
Who knows what goes on in the minds of the Covenant engineer-cadres. Clearly the creation of the Coeus Robot takes its inspiration from nature, but it requires a mind unfettered by constraint to envisage a creature-robot-creation of such epic proportions!
Capable of performing on Land and on Sea, the Coeus mounts a powerful Particle Accelerator that is tied into the robots combat methodology. The flexible plates that make up its outer carapace make the creature-robot highly adaptive to its environment, allowing it to twist and grapple with its opponents, ready to bite down with its powerful mandible jaws prior to ejecting its particle weapon deep into the workings of its prey.
When forced to remain on the surface, the Coeus opens up its back blisters to reveal the multiple rocket batteries that are housed within. These missiles use a form of lock-on technology allowing the †˜Dread-Robot†™ to essentially †˜fire and forget†™ while it rushes to close with its intended prey.
Current information from spies within the Covenant had the mighty Coeus Dreadnought Battle Robot being primarily tasked with the defence of the settlements surrounding the Covenant home base on Antarctica, however in recent months there have been documented sightings in northern Africa, Australasia, and even eastern Europe, leading many military planners to suggest that the forces of the Covenant have been slowly stockpiling their †˜Dread Robots†™ ready to unleash them on their enemies in a stunning lightning attack †“ this belief has led to a strengthening of subterranean and surface defences around the major power centres of the core nations, each concerned that it will be they who suffer the wrath of a concerted, nigh-unstoppable Coeus assault.
Contains: 1 resin and pewter multi-part, highly detailed Coeus Battle Robot. Multiple components allow for either a land or sea-based model to be assembled, and each comes with a stunningly detailed diorama base. The ground model stands 90mm (base to top of antennae). Model supplied unpainted and unassembled.

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Die Orbats für die Core-7 haben ein Update bekommen.

Wichtigste Änderungen:
- neue Battlegroups (anscheinend eine für jede erhältliche Box)
- die seit Langem angekündigten Specialist Group Squadrons*
- die neuen gigantischen Roboter für EotBS, Preußen und Antarctica (die anderen Völker sollen auch bald bedient werden)
- veränderte Turn-Schablonen für die meisten Landeinheiten

* Ika + 4 small robots = 20 AP, yeah! :ok:

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Spartan Games startet jetzt ja die Kampagnen mit den Preußen und den Briten.

Diesbezüglich wird von Spartan Games darauf hingewiesen, Spieleergebnisse an sie zu schicken, damit sie es mit in die Kampagne Werten können, wie geil ist dass denn? :D


Darüber hinaus wurde ein neues Gebäude Designt, ziemlich mächtig mit ca. 15 cm ^^



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Es gibt neues zu DW - und das schon im Dezember! Preußen, Engländer, Amis und Japaner bekommen ein neues Schlachtschiff das modular ist und in jeweils 2 Varianten gebaut werden kann (sollte ohne Probleme zu magnetisieren sein). Sieht sehr interessant aus. Den japaner finde ich optisch am schwächsten, die anderen sehen sehr gut aus. Mal sehen, was die Profilwerte sagen...



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Wow! Das neue japanische Schiff (vor allem die Trägervariante) ist in meinen Augen unfassbar hässlich. Ich liebe meine EotBS-Flotte, aber das Ding kommt mir nicht ins Haus. Schon bei Firestorm: Taskforce haben sie radikal mit dem Design der älteren Modelle gebrochen und jetzt passiert anscheinend dasselbe bei Dystopian Wars. Ich hoffe, sie sprechen damit wenigstens neue Kunden an, denn das Spielsystem ist wirklich sehr gut, aber an mir verdienen Sie mit diesen neuen Modellen keinen müden Cent.

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