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Daz Grün - Goblins³

The Machine feeds us and clothes us and houses us; through it we speak to one another, through it we see one another, in it we have our being. The Machine is the friend of ideas and the enemy of superstition: the Machine is omnipotent, eternal; blessed is the Machine.



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Daz Grün - Goblins³

The Machine feeds us and clothes us and houses us; through it we speak to one another, through it we see one another, in it we have our being. The Machine is the friend of ideas and the enemy of superstition: the Machine is omnipotent, eternal; blessed is the Machine.



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Ja bin ich. Schön wars, aber anstrengend.

Daz Grün - Goblins³

The Machine feeds us and clothes us and houses us; through it we speak to one another, through it we see one another, in it we have our being. The Machine is the friend of ideas and the enemy of superstition: the Machine is omnipotent, eternal; blessed is the Machine.



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Ja, ich muss erst um 9 dasein... falls das Handy nicht klingelt. (Aber das sollte eigentlich unwahrscheinlich sein, weil der Betrieb normalerweise die Nachtschicht von Sonntag auf Montag abgeschafft hat)

Daz Grün - Goblins³

The Machine feeds us and clothes us and houses us; through it we speak to one another, through it we see one another, in it we have our being. The Machine is the friend of ideas and the enemy of superstition: the Machine is omnipotent, eternal; blessed is the Machine.



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Heute eher nicht mehr, aber jucken tuts schon. Doof dabei ist, dass ich ja noch im P500 stecke und bis Mittwoch noch einige Punkte machen muss.

Daz Grün - Goblins³

The Machine feeds us and clothes us and houses us; through it we speak to one another, through it we see one another, in it we have our being. The Machine is the friend of ideas and the enemy of superstition: the Machine is omnipotent, eternal; blessed is the Machine.



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Das sagst du so... ich lieg grad so gut auf der couch :D

Daz Grün - Goblins³

The Machine feeds us and clothes us and houses us; through it we speak to one another, through it we see one another, in it we have our being. The Machine is the friend of ideas and the enemy of superstition: the Machine is omnipotent, eternal; blessed is the Machine.



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Was macht die Hausarbeit?

Daz Grün - Goblins³

The Machine feeds us and clothes us and houses us; through it we speak to one another, through it we see one another, in it we have our being. The Machine is the friend of ideas and the enemy of superstition: the Machine is omnipotent, eternal; blessed is the Machine.



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Wer hätte das gedacht.


Prekariat und Prokrastination


Und was machst du grad so?

Daz Grün - Goblins³

The Machine feeds us and clothes us and houses us; through it we speak to one another, through it we see one another, in it we have our being. The Machine is the friend of ideas and the enemy of superstition: the Machine is omnipotent, eternal; blessed is the Machine.



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So kann man Zeit auch rum kriegen :D


Ich glaube ich räume zumindest meine Einkäufe weg und lichte sie ab für mein P500 Thema.

Daz Grün - Goblins³

The Machine feeds us and clothes us and houses us; through it we speak to one another, through it we see one another, in it we have our being. The Machine is the friend of ideas and the enemy of superstition: the Machine is omnipotent, eternal; blessed is the Machine.



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Die Zeit vergeht schonmal schnell.

Daz Grün - Goblins³

The Machine feeds us and clothes us and houses us; through it we speak to one another, through it we see one another, in it we have our being. The Machine is the friend of ideas and the enemy of superstition: the Machine is omnipotent, eternal; blessed is the Machine.



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