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[NEWS] GODTEAR - Steamforged Games

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Bei den Jungs von Steamforged ist ein neues Spiel in der Entwicklung. Momentan kann man im Shop ein limitiertes Starter Set mit überaus hübschen Metal-Minis erwerben, die es so nicht wieder geben wird. Das endgültige Spiel soll dann aus Kunstoff-Minis bestehen. Um das Starter Set zu erwerben, konnte man sich registrieren lassen und hatte quasi eine Art Vorkaufsrecht. Die restlichen, begrenzten Sets werden nun im Shop an den Mann gebracht. Wer zuerst kommt, mahlt zuerst.

Die Regeln zum Spiel werden demnächst zum Download zur Verfügung gestellt und man kann an der Testphase teilnehmen und so letztlich an der Weiterentwicklung/Verbesserung der Regeln mitwirken.

Dazu soll im Forum von Steamforged wohl ein eigener Bereich eröffnet werden, in dem man seine Testspielerfahrungen einbringen kann. Wer also noch schnell ein die limitierte Version abgreifen will, sollte sich beeilen.


Hier der Link direkt zum Shop: https://store-eu.steamforged.com/collections/the-vault/products/godtear-early-access-kit


Weitere Infos auf der Steamforged Seite http://steamforged.com/

oder auf Facebook: https://de-de.facebook.com/GodtearTheGame/


bearbeitet von Slingo
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Es gibt weitere News zu GODTEAR :) ... der Kickstarter startet am 6.4.18 um 20:00 BST und auf diversen Tabletop News Seiten, gab es heute Previews zu weiteren Champions mitsamt deren Gefolge! Jetzt aber erstmal ein neuer Trailer, welcher auf GODTEAR und den Kickstarter einstimmen soll :) ...


Hier die Previews zu weiteren Champions und Gefolge:

Quelle: http://steamforged.com/sfg-news-blog/3-4-2018-mournblade-the-ashen-one
Quelle: http://tabletopgamesuk.co.uk/2018/04/03/godtear-exclusive-galana-the-crystalmancer-reveal/
Quelle: http://www.tabletopgamingnews.com/tgn-exclusive-preview-raethmarid-the-rising-tsunami-for-godtear/

Quelle: http://www.beastsofwar.com/godtear/prepare-kickstarter-april-6th/

Wer übrigens in den ersten 24 Stunden beim Kickstarter Pledged, erhält laut Steamforged Games ein kostenloses Addon für Godtear!
Hier gibt es noch 2 Interviews mit Spieledesignern und ein Unboxing Video zu den Metall Miniaturen aus dem Early Access Bundle:



Viel Spaß beim Anschauen :)

bearbeitet von Fomorian
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Goblins wird es in GODTEAR nun auch geben :) ...



und Barbaren(?) ...


In der aktuellen Ausgabe des "Tabletop Gaming" Magazins, gibt es eine Cover Story inklusive Interview zu GODTEAR :) ...

Auch als digitale Variante, hier zu Erwerben :) ...



Morgen Abend geht dann der Kickstarter endlich los :D !!! ...

bearbeitet von Fomorian
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Der Kickstarter ist live und wurde in unter 15 Minuten bereits gefunded :D ...

Weiterhin wurden schon einige Stretchgoals und Freebies "unlocked"! ... Was man mit seinem Pledge aktuell bekommt, sieht wie folgt aus:


Weiterhin gibt es auch einen Trailer sowie einen Gameplay Überblick :) ...



Heute Abend gab es auch einen Livestream von Steamforged Games, in welchem sie die aktuellen Beta Regeln, anhand eines Demospiels gezeigt haben, inklusive einiger Kickstarter Miniaturen (PVC Modelle). Wer also Lust auf Godtear bekommen hat, sollte sich das Ganze einmal näher auf der Kickstarter Seite direkt ansehen. Ich denke da wird noch so einiges auf uns zukommen :) !

bearbeitet von Fomorian
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Tja, über Geschmack lässt sich ja bekanntlich nicht streiten. Ich persönlich finde die Sachen alle durchweg nicht übel bis ziemlich schick.

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Ich bin auch sehr angetan von dem bisher gezeigten und mittlerweile wurden auch einige coole Sachen freigeschaltet per Stretchgoals :)!


So un-dynamisch finde ich die Miniaturen gar nicht, vor allem weil es preassambled mulitpart Figuren sein werden, laut SFG. Ich bin schon sehr auf das narrative Kampagnen Spiel und das "Legacy" System gespannt! Die Kampagne läuft auf jeden Fall derzeit wie eine Rakete und die Backer pushen durch die Stretchgoals, wie warme Butter :D!

Es soll ja auch Menschen geben, welche Retro Sachen gut finden, aber nach 80er Jahre Monopose schauen mir die Miniaturen nicht aus, vor allem im Hinblick auf das Design und die vielen Details, finde ich die schon echt sehr schick! ... und was den Preis betrifft, je länger die Kampagne dauert, um so mehr bekommt man für sein geleisteten Beitrag, aktuell 6 Champions plus deren Gefolge! :)

bearbeitet von Fomorian
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Klassisches Kickstarterpaket das am Anfang etwas underwhelming aussieht und dann kräftig zulegt.

Leider reizt mich das Spiel null...

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vor 7 Minuten schrieb klatschi:

Klassisches Kickstarterpaket das am Anfang etwas underwhelming aussieht und dann kräftig zulegt.

Leider reizt mich das Spiel null...


Jo genau so ist es @ Kickstarter Paket :) ...

Hast Du dir schon mal die Beta Regeln durchgelesen, oder den Fluff bzw. was genau Godtear werden soll am Ende :) !? Da steckt schon extrem viel Potential drin, vor allem im Hinblick auf das narrative Kampagnen/Legacy System :).

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vor 2 Minuten schrieb Fuchs:

[..]Und Brettspielplastik ist eklig.

... ähm woher weißt Du das es Brettspiel Plastik werden wird? ... Denn das wird es eben genau nicht werden!

Es wird von der Qualität her genau so wie die aktuellen GuildBall Miniaturen bzw. laut Aussage der Godtear Entwickler noch besser werden und ich habe die Farmer und Blacksmith daheim stehen und da handelt es sich definitiv 100% nicht um "Brettspielplastik" sondern extrem hartes und mit super scharfen Details versehene Miniaturen :)!

Posen und Dynamik bin ich ja fast bei Dir @Fuchs, aber was das Material betrifft definitiv nicht deiner Meinung :)!

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Hm dann hast du anscheinend anderen Zinn Miniaturen in der Hand gehabt als ich, denn ich habe damals mit Guildball zu Season I Zeiten angefangen und fand die Minis durch die Bank weg sehr gut, nur beim Zusammenbau gab es etwas Fummelei wegen manchmal zu filigraner Verbindungsstellen, aber deren Gußqualität war super!

@Fuchs ... legst Du eigentlich immer solch einen unsachlichen, vulgären Tonfall an den Tag, oder bist Du tatsächlich so drauf? No Offense, fällt mir nur gerade massiv auf, denn der Ton macht die Musik, nicht nur im Real Life, sondern auch hier im Forum bzw. Internet :)

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Ich habe die Guild-Ball Hunter in Metall, Brewer und Farmer in Plastik und hatte da auch durchweg gute Qualität und habe in meiner Spielergruppe auch noch nichts Negatives gehört. Zumal ich die Preise bei GB jetzt alles andere als maßlos überteuert finde.

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Mittlerweile ist die Kampagne gut voran geschritten und gekommen und es wurden bereits so einige Stretchgoals freigeschaltet, inklusive eines neuen Champions! :)


Mit dem heutigen Update wurde sogar ein neues Pledge Level eingeführt, der sogenannte 'Ascended Pledge" auch "All In" Pledge, in welchem neben dem Grundspiel, auch alle erhältlichen Addons enthalten sind und das für einen extrem guten Preis (zzgl. VK)! :D ...

Aktuell erhält man also beim "All In" Pledge für 210 GBP folgendes:



Weiterhin gibt es auch neue "Gameplay" Videos zu Godtear, welche einen guten Einblick in die aktuelle Regel Version (v0.8) geben:




Die Gesamtsumme des KS, hat heute durch das neue Pledge Level, einen ordentlichen Sprung nach vorn gemacht und die nächsten Stretchgoals bestehen aus weiteren Followern für den, neu angekündigten und auch bereits freigeschalteten Champion (siehe oben). Dieser wird übrigens tatsächlich auch "free" und kostenlos in jedem Pledge enthalten sein !


Wenn das mal keine guten und gehaltvollen Neuigkeiten sind :) ...

Grüße, Fomorian

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Was wird passieren, wenn nicht alle Follower für einen Champion freigeschaltet werden? Wird dann bei Ende "aufgerundet" und ich bekomme doch alle oder doch nur die freigeschalteten Follower?

Ich empfinde es nicht unbedingt passend, mir z.B. The Morrigan im Laden dann ein zweites Mal kaufen zu müssen, um eine komplette Einheit zu haben. Auch wenn mir die Möglichkeit mit selber basteln klar ist. :)


In diesem Sinne



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The god of war is thundering his pleasure today (Mayor Anton Zbarsky, Nomad Military Force)


I will be your villian, Hantei (Kami Bayushi)

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Hallo @Abgrund =)

... diese Frage wurde von manchen Backern im Kommentar Bereich auch schon gestellt. Leider gab es bisher zu diesem Sachverhalt keine Antwort.
Doch ich lese jeden Tag die Kommentare von SFG und schaue, ob sich das noch klärt :)

Es wurde aber gestern schon der vorletzte Follower für Morrigan freigeschaltet per Stretchgoal.
Hoffen mir mal das es der letzte, vor Ablauf der Kampagne auch noch wird ^^ ...
Außerdem gibt es endlich die Hintergrund Geschichten zu jedem (bisher bekannten) Champion zum Lesen :) ...


Galana, Crystalmancer (& Crystal Sprites)

The gnomes are a people hailing far from the expanse of the Cradle, their homes nestled in the forgotten corners of the world where great magic remains from past ages. Few can claim to know their race with any truth, for this diminutive people are as secretive by nature as they are mischievous and fay, their trust rarely extending beyond their own. Only one of their number wanders abroad, subject to a strange wanderlust previously unknown among her kind, earning her the condemnation of her fellows. Since her arrival in the Cradle, Galana has become a familiar sight atop the highest peaks, hands tightly pressed to her staff as she communes with the djinn conjured by storms. It is only in this strange new land that she has finally divined the purpose of her restless soul – for the words of spirits have at last awakened Galana as Chosen…

Grimshalla the Vile (& Retches)

Once queen to a great kingdom, Grimshalla was renowned among her people for not only her benevolence but also her radiant beauty. Yet it would be this very boon which would be Grimshalla’s undoing, for secretly did her vanity know little bounds. Each day her despair grew as time took its toll, and she would take to her tower in tormented anguish. Finally, she turned to the Godtears in desperation, daring to claim the essence of the Ascended as her own. But not all mortals are Chosen. Only the lurking darkness within prevented Grimshalla from being destroyed by the unleashed energies, her vanity a bittersweet saviour. In some twisted curse, instead of granting eternal beauty, the godstone perverted her flesh into the ugliness at the core of her soul. Chased out of her lands in the aftermath, she roams as a horrific abomination. Her rotting carcass is tightly bound by thick restraints lest the Godtear within mutate her once more, the queen that once was now entirely unrecognisable. Only the vaunted promise of ascension remains for Grimshalla, a goal she relentlessly pursues – for godhood might be the only way to see her former beauty once more restored.

Halftusk, Warden of the Stonekin Isles (& Froglodytes)

Last of his kind to know freedom from slavers, time and time again Halftusk has repelled orcs from the shores of the Stonekin Isles, the bodies of the invaders staining the sand bloody as their allies flee. Each victory is celebrated by an immense feast, the native froglodytes singing and dancing by great pyres. Theirs is a strange arrangement, but in truth, the troll is as fond of this people as they are of him. Yet as the fires blaze into the night and burn down to sad embers, Halftusk knows that like the fire, this success cannot last. Each raid brings more marauding orcs, their black metal barbs choking the waterways with froglodyte corpses. It is him the greenblood come for, yet the stonekin suffer more. With sorrow in his heart, Halftusk now leaves the resting place of his ancestors in hope of respite for the froglodytes. And although the road stretches long before him, the siren call of the Godtears hint at the promise of salvation, dawning as a far-off horizon.

Mournblade, The Soulless (& Risen)

Even for the mightiest of Champions there is no promise of godhood - and those marked by failure suffer a far worse fate than ignominy. The only destiny of these tragic souls is eternal damnation, their bodies blasted to nothingness and their minds consumed by powers beyond mortal comprehension. It was this fate which awaited Mournblade, a fallen Champion of the past age. Yet even as arcane energies lashed his flesh was his bitter soul unwilling to admit defeat, and in the darkness his disembodied spirit persevered. For a thousand years the revenant remained hidden while restoring his crippled body, before emerging at the dawn of this new age. His relentless thirst for ascension undiminished, Mournblade has been reborn as the Soulless, a harrowing revenant who has confounded even death. To defy him is futile, as his march towards godhood leaves a blackened and scorched trail in his wake.

Sneeki Peet, the Maligned (& Goblin Bandits)

From the dawn of the eleventh age a shard of the Ascended Death lay at the heart of the Bitter Swamp, lost among waters turned murky and foul. It was worshipped by the wretched goblin tribes of these miserable depths, those exposed to its corruption considered blessed by their misguided brethren, named prophets and made tribal leaders. For a hundred years the Bitter Swamp existed this way, even orc slavers unwilling to expose themselves to such darkness. Until the coming of the creature known as Sneeki Peet. More than any simple greed did the maligned creature wish to possess the godstone, his primitive hunger for its power overwhelming any other desire. Stealing his way amongst the assembled prophets, he seized the shard and consumed it whole - the terror and outrage of his people quickly turned to awe as they witnessed his awakening. Now Chosen, Sneeki Peet wanders the land with his devoted disciples, his disturbing appetite yet to be sated…

Titus, the Dishonoured (& Legionnaires)

Once proud and much lauded hero of the VI legion, Titus now roams the land in disgrace, a forsaken figure forbidden return to his homeland. His only crime fellowship and respect for those under his command, an outsider might think his exile unfair - yet if Titus believes so he does not voice it. For the harsh people of the Sanguine Princes’ borderlands, ill-discipline and failure are synonymous with the most unforgivable dishonour. Titus’ disobedience to his masters earned a certain death in the gladiatorial arena, surrounded by the baying crowds. But Titus would not fall. Every opponent sent was bloodied and felled. Terrifying and monstrous creatures were unleashed, but still none overcame him. As the sun fell from the skies Titus stood resolute, his name cheered by a thousand voices. For his crimes, he still was made outcast. But his legacy remains that of a hero, spoken in hushed whisper - and one day it is hoped among the people he shall return to claim not only his own redemption, but also that of the disbanded VI Legion.

Blackjaw, the Bloody Messiah (& Feral Orcs)

Blackjaw has been given many names by the vanquished, yet none seem to fully encompass his brutal and uncompromising nature. Only the foolhardy would dare mistake the Bloody Messiah as a simple or feral brute, and those fools are long passed from this world, their bones crushed to dust and their flesh devoured by his followers. Fortunately for the civilised races of the Cradle, Blackjaw’s attentions have thus far been restricted to his homeland, the warlord so far content to claim the Godtears buried in the ashen soil. But the world trembles at the prospect of another orc warlord, even more so at one possessing the power of the gods. Is Blackjaw’s bloody aim merely to rise as tyrant among his people, or to visit destruction upon the whole world? Only when the harvest of Godtears from the Burnt Isles is exhausted shall the truth be known…

Lorsain, The Autumnal Wind (& Rangers)

The Elves of the great forests do not set foot abroad of their ancestral home without good reason, and as shrouded in mystery as her appearance may be, none doubt Lorsain bears great purpose. Accompanied by a cadre of rangers, she is an unseen shadow in the kingdoms of men and the realms beyond, crossing their borders to lands previously unknown by her kind. Conflicting stories abound from those who have encountered her. Some claim she is gentle and carefree, as kind as the summer sun’s kiss. To others she is as brisk as the first winter winds, her smile frozen into a frown and bereft of all warmth. Regardless, Lorsain does not share her secrets, and her quest remains enigmatic. Does she journey as anointed Champion of her sect? Or is the Autumnal Wind a renegade Chosen thirsting for yet more power?

Raith’Marid, the Rising Tsunami (& Water Spirits)

There exists no race more noble or enigmatic than the mighty dragonkin, their nature unfathomable even to the ancient sects of the elves. Yet it is near unknown for these majestic creatures to become Chosen; the prodigious vitality of their elemental bodies is wholly alien to the skin and bone of other mortals. For untold generations they have been content to live as silent observers of the younger races and their conflicts, all too aware of the great sorrow and tragedy that shall inevitably come. But now one among their number has become Chosen, the mantle of Champion settled upon his scaled brow. For Raith’Marid this awakening is a strange curiosity, a portent even he cannot fully comprehend. The lure of the Godtear is a inundation upon his mind, a steadily rising tsunami waiting to break upon the shore. Alone he searches for omens of what duty now befalls him, his question ever on what the future may hold. Is his fate to end in tormented failure, or to usher in a new era for his kind?

Rangosh, Scourge of the Broken Plains (& Shattered Bows)

A merciless and brutal warlord of fearsome repute, Rangosh’s unexpected rise to leadership amongst the outlaws of the Broken Plains has been as bloody as it was abrupt. A hulking brute towering above his minions, the Scourge rules with a barbed lash and vicious temperament, the threat of violent reprisal ever present. Eager to carve out a bloody dominion, Rangosh has never been content to remain in the desolate wastelands, his eye long settled upon the affluent lands of man and the riches of the dwarf holds. But now another lust calls to Rangosh, for he has awakened as Chosen. Assailed by dreams of godhood, he directs his path of conquest ever closer to the slumbering Godtears and his waiting destiny, brute force and ferocity overcoming any who would dare stand in his way…

Rhodri Ironheart, Thane of the Forsaken Holds (& Dwarven Warriors)

Once proud protector of the peaceful southern valleys, Rhodri Ironheart took his name when the orc scourge came upon his people. Their defences quickly overwhelmed by the numerous greenblood horde, it was not long before the blood of Ironheart’s kinsmen spilled over the fertile soil, ground in by the heels of the invaders. The valleys were lost, and their people slaughtered. On that day Ironheart swore a great oath that never again would he be found wanting against such an adversary. Now towering over his kin, his flesh turned to the same iron which has overthrown his heart, the Champion wanders the Cradle searching for yet more Godtears. With them he will grow only stronger and more resolved, for as long as the tale of his great tragedy is without song of retribution, his grim determination for vengeance shall remain undiminished.

Shayle, Keeper of the Oath (& Golem)

Oathsworn priest of the earth, Shayle is witness to the great wisdom of the ancients, their secrets whispered to him through rituals born of elemental stone. Isolated from the great protectorate of mankind, he observes only foolish weakness in his kin, and is contemptuous of those who would measure strength in military might or political intrigue. He is a Chosen utterly unlike any other, believing mortals unworthy of the boon of godship. Selflessly devoted to the vow he has sworn to his elemental masters, Shayle forsakes his gift, instead shaping the living rock around each godstone to create forms befitting the Ascended of past ages. Only misery and dismay await those who would see this as weakness and desire to steal the Godtear from Shayle - for not only must they overcome the magical might of the Keeper of the Oath, but also each of the redoubtable guardians he has left in his wake…

Rattlebone, Prophet of the Ascended Past (& Totems)

Although savage creatures like orcs barely comprehend fear, that is not to suggest this barbaric people does not understand their own mortality. Such notions are instilled in their culture by the bone shamans, enigmatic and revered figures at the heart of each tribe. Bone shamans converse with the souls of the dead through ritualistic ceremonies born of fire and blood, their eyes flooded by visions gifted by past warlords and shamans. Their words are sacrosanct omens none dare to ignore, for to earn the ire of a bone shaman is to invite nothing but death. Rattlebone is a visionary of unlimited potential, her voice carrying prophesies not only of the chieftains of old, but the Ascended themselves. Her supplicants wage war across the Burnt Isle, seeking Godtears to gift to their revered figurehead, each shard increasing her power tenfold. But how long remains before her visions tell her to leave the Burnt Isles and forge her own destiny?

The Morrigan, Lich-Queen of the Frozen Wastes (& Frost Ghouls)

In the forgotten places of the world lie the shattered kingdoms of old, even their most magnificent palaces and redoubtable fortifications now reduced to sundered ruin. Their peoples are long passed from even the most distant memory, no mortal knows these broken empires as anything but a haunted desolation, a foreboding reminder of the wrath of the gods. But the wisest know that in such bleak lands stillness does not always reign. In the frozen wastes beyond the Cradle a strange power persists, emanating from a corrupted soul so powerful as to defy the destruction of these realms. And lo, amongst the bleak remains the dead rise once more, rotting fingers closed about the hafts of weapons long dulled with age. In a macabre stream they march, relentlessly driven onwards at the behest of their master. At the head of this trail of shambling ghouls strides the Morrigan, a haunting figure borne of nightmares. Her cold fury terrible to behold, her presence heralds only an icy darkness come to encompass the lands of the living, every corpse in her ranks another victim of her relentless hunt for the power of the gods. None dare stand before this apparition, yet if a hero does not soon rise then all may be lost. But how shall a creature which has already defeated death be overcome?

Die Kickstarter Kampagne läuft noch 5 Tage  :D ...

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Ich bin mir nicht sicher, ob die Frage wirklich vor Ende des Kickstarters geklärt wird.

-Wenn sie sagen, daß die Backer die Einheit vollständig erhalten, werden einige maulen, warum die Einheiten nicht gleich komplett angeboten werden. Und gegen Ende werden nur noch wenige noch Geld geben, weil die nächsten Stretchgoals eh  freigeschaltet werden.

-Wenn sie sagen, daß es nur unvollständige Einheiten gibt, werden ethliche kein Geld mehr geben. Denn was ist an einer unvollständigen Einheit sexy, für die ich als Backer nochmal Geld ausgeben soll und ansonsten als Staubfänger nutze. Überspitzt ausgedrückt.


Verstehe mich nicht falsch, @Fomorian, das Spiel ist mir sympathisch. Ich meine aber, da einen kleinen Schönheitsfleck zu sehen.


In diesem Sinne


bearbeitet von Abgrund
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The god of war is thundering his pleasure today (Mayor Anton Zbarsky, Nomad Military Force)


I will be your villian, Hantei (Kami Bayushi)

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So, der Endspurt läuft. Momentan bekommt man für seine 90€ das komplette Spiel mit 7 Warbands und einem ganzen Haufen zusätzliches Zeug. Evtl. sogar noch die oben gezeigte 8. Warband. Da kann man nun echt nicht mehr ganz so viel verkehrt machen, wenn man bedenkt, dass so eine Warband wahrscheinlich um die 35€ kosten wird.

Abgesehen davon läuft das Playtesting jetzt auch schon eine Weile und macht einen sehr guten Eindruck.

Wer also jetzt noch zuschlagen will, die letzten 25 Stunden laufen... ;)


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@Slingo Danke fürs Update und das schaut doch extrem gut aus und der neue Champion mitsamt seinem Gefolge sind super cool :)!

Ich hoffe das die Community die ganzen Ziele erreicht, ansonsten wird er laut Update von SFG auch nachträglich als separates Addon im Pledge Manager zu erwerben sein :)!

@Abgrund ... übrigens wurde mittlerweile der letzte Follower für Morrigian freigeschaltet, der sogenannte "Schönheitsfleck" ist also nun auch Geschichte ;) ...

@All - Übrigens habe ich GODTEAR mittlerweile nun auch mal selbst direkt ausprobieren/spielen können, letzte Woche :) Ein Freund und Kollege von mir hatte sich nämlich das Early Access Bundle geholt und allein die Metall Minis sind schon wirklich erste Sahne! Diese sind super detailliert und scharf gegossen und die Champions sind teilweise doch ganz schön groß, vor allem der Golem von Shayle :)! Spielerisch hat es bei mir auch einen großartigen Eindruck hinterlassen, auch wenn man sich an 1-2 Dinge erst einmal gewöhnen muss, aber Szenarien machen viel aus, was die Warband Zusammenstellung betrifft und man kann mit dieser auch versuchen gegnerische Champions zu Kontern. Weiterhin ist der Spielfluss sehr zügig und es geht extrem gut von der Hand, wir mussten fast nie in den Regeln nachschlagen, obwohl wir Beide das erste Mal gespielt hatten. Das Positionieren von Modellen ist recht wichtig, auch wenn es kein Facing, oder Sichtlinien gibt, was ich aber überhaupt nicht vermisst habe. Durch die Hexfelder wird vieles einfacher, aber nicht weniger taktisch, denn dass hat Godtear sich über das ganze Spiel hinweg angefühlt, vor allem durch die verschiedenen Fähigkeiten der Champions und Follower und wie und wann man diese einsetzt. Dadurch ergaben sich auch nette Synergie Effekte, auf deren Entdeckung ich mich schon freue! Mittlerweile wurden auch die Werte/Karten weiterer Champions kostenlos zum Download veröffentlicht, so dass man diese auch jetzt schon ausprobieren kann, mit geproxten Modellen.

Mich hat Godtear definitiv überzeugt, auch wenn es noch im Entwicklungsstadium ist und auch noch so einige Sachen fehlen (z.B. Regeln für Terrain, Kampagnen/Legacy Regeln).
Ich hatte definitiv extrem viel Spaß mit unserem Probe Spiel und das ist für mich mittlerweile ausschlaggebend für ein Tabletop System :) 

bearbeitet von Fomorian
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Update: ... die KS Kampagne läuft noch 100 Minuten und es wird auch einen Twtich live stream geben, kurz vor Schluss der Kampagne, wo es ein Q&A mit den Entwicklern geben wird :)



Start des Streams wird 7.30 PM GMT sein, was bei uns 21.30 Uhr sein wird. Auf dem Steamforged Games Youtube Channel gibt es auch nochmal 2 neue Gameplay Videos und das wichtigste zum Schluss!!! ... Mit dem letzten Update gab es auch eeeeeeeendlich erste Infos zum Kampagnen System von Godtear, welches sich alles extreeeeem cool und vielversprechend liest, falls sie das so umsetzen :) !!! ...


Campaign Play & Raise the Banner Update!! ?️



Hail Champions!

The end is upon us, and we have one last, highly requested, update for you. Today we caught up with Alex & DC to get the latest on how the campaign system for Godtear will work. It's been an integral part of the game's identity since it's conception, and we on the Community Team cannot wait to see it in full bloom. Whist it's all still heavily under development this is what Alex & DC had to say on the Campaign:

The Big Picture

The campaign system for Godtear is still under development, but a story-driven, progressive campaign has long been a core part of what makes this miniatures game unique.  

As fun as it is to see your Champions smash through the opposition and claim another Godtear to increase their strength, that escalation of power should be more than just a line in a story. We really want players to be able to see their Champion’s potency grow over time and even give those Champions the potential to ultimately ascend to a new pantheon of gods and goddesses. 

Godtear’s campaign system will take place in individual “seasons” of gameplay. You can tailor these experiences to ongoing play at home among friends, to a weekly campaign night at your game store or club over a few months, or even to the course of a single event or game convention. 

We also plan to periodically release new season rules that will allow the gameplay of your campaigns to provide new gameplay over time. Just as changing the scenario or changing the Champions in your warband provides a substantially different Godtear experience, playing a new season of Godtear will allow campaign play to remain fresh and exciting for years to come.

Path to Ascendency

We have previous experience with an easily accessible progression system in the form of the Rookie League we used in Guild Ball. This very simple system forms the backbone of the progression in Godtear. The choices we’ve made throughout the development of Godtear to date ensure that it’s accessible to a huge variety of gamers, and this is something that we have to consider during the development of the campaign system.  

As with most campaign systems, Godtear will feature ways to progress your warband. As you advance through your campaign you will earn access to upgraded versions of your Champions, however these upgrades will feature decision points which allow you to customise your warband to suit your playstyle.  

As an example, let’s say you have Rangosh in your warband and have made the decision to upgrade him. Looking at the next cards available in his progression tree you see they all alter his Whiplash skill. One of them increases the range of Whiplash, one of them increases the Accuracy of Whiplash, and the last one alters the Hit Effect, causing Rangosh to be placed next to the target rather than the target being placed next to Rangosh.  

All of these upgrades are extremely desirable, and your own personal choice of upgrade will depend on how you use Rangosh on the battlefield. To make this decision that little bit harder, you may only choose one of these upgrades. As soon as you choose one, the other cards are no longer available to you.

Your Story  

Picture the scene, you and your group of friends sit down for the evening to start a Godtear campaign. Each of you selects your warband and prepares for the adventure that lies in wait.  

Each player takes a story card from the deck. This card introduces you to the world and sets the narrative for your first encounter, explaining where in the world of Godtear the skirmish will take place.  

You both set up your warbands and engage in a face off over an unclaimed Godtear, eager to begin your path to ascendency. When the game draws to an end each player will collect their second story card. These cards are determined by the result of the battle and provide information about the rewards you have gathered during it.  

Some of these story cards allow the player to decide where their story takes them, and some steer you in a specific direction based on your actions and the outcome of the games that have taken place.  

Throughout the campaign you will gather a collection of story cards which track your journey through to its completion. When your campaign reaches its conclusion you and your warband will have established your own story, a struggle burned forever into the world of Godtear.  

Choose YOUR Warband. Build YOUR Legacy.


One last push... One last push...

You absolutely destroyed these targets and their own steam now carries most of them past double what we asked for! An incredible effort all round. We've seen a surge of pledges within the last few hours ONLY £33K TO GO!! Keep promoting it with various groups on Facebook, Twitter and share the campaign in your WhatsApp Gaming Groups and we'll soon unlock Finvarl and his Mirages.

Q&A Tonight on Twitch 7.30PM GMT

Alex & Jamie will be seeing out the Campaign tonight on Twitch.tv with a Q&A about the game, if you want to get involved then join us on Twitch tonight at 7.30PM or if you can't join us drop a comment on this update and you can watch it later on YouTube. 

Visit SFG Twitch

Thank You

We've said it a lot this campaign but we are truly thankful to EVERY. SINGLE. BACKER. who has helped bring Godtear to life. To everyone who's shared a post, created a video or podcast, demoed the game to their friends, helped develop the game or left a comment on any media we at SFG are humbled.


P.S. ... aktuell steht der Ticker bei:

375.454 € - (329.877 £ von benötigten 350.000 £ für das letzte Stretchgoal) :)

von 34.266 € Finanzierungsziel
92 Minuten noch


bearbeitet von Fomorian
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Servus zusammen! - Der KS ist durch und nun beginnt das große warten, oder etwa doch nicht :D ...


Mittlerweile bietet SFG auch Late Pledges zu Godtear, in deren Webshop an. Falls also noch jemand nachträglich Einsteigen möchte, sollte er mal hier vorbeischauen:



Weiterhin gab es heute auch ein neues Regel Update auf Version 0.9 mit weitreichenden Änderungen an den Bannern, doch lest selbst :) ...


Godtear - Version 0.9 - Call All Banners


Download all latest Assets


Early Access updates come in a wide range of forms, from revised core mechanics to new gameplay elements (like scenarios or champions) to balance tweaks for existing content. This week’s update includes some balance tweaks based on our internal playtesting and feedback from our Early Access program. Some abilities have revised wording in this new update, and others have been adjusted in power level to tune them up or down slightly as needed.

This week’s update also includes some changes based on the way certain components of Godtear are shaping up. Banners have been clarified as being models rather than tokens. We’ve also shuffled around which information is shown on which Champion cards to keep things more consistent and intuitive, so we’ve updated the rulebook to keep pace with those changes. But there are a handful of deeper changes as well. Changes to…



Throughout Godtear development, the concept of Champions planting banners to stake their claim for godtear energy has been central to gameplay. It’s taken some very different forms at different times including versions where destroying Champions’ banners was the singular path to victory or where banners functioned much like a “spawn point” for a particular Champion and their followers.

Banners have already experienced their fair share of fine-tuning during the Early Access, but we still weren’t quite satisfied that we had perfected the delicate balance between knock-outs and banner placement. We want both elements of the game to be viable methods for scoring steps on the battle ladder at all times, so this week, we’re trying out a pretty serious two-pronged change to banners.


On one hand, banners that score points for capture in the end phase are removed from the battlefield.

On the other, banners are not removed from the battlefield when their Champion is knocked out.


This give and take means that a player who has left a banner behind, far from the action, will only be able to score it once. Its Champion will need to Call Banner again in order to have another opportunity to score steps on the battle ladder. BUT… a Champion no longer has to worry about losing 4 (or 5) steps on the battle ladder from capture every time their opponent knocks them out. That knockout already rewards the opponent steps on the battle ladder, after all.

Our hope is that this combination of changes will allow banners to feel more “live” during a game of Godtear. Banners that are nowhere near the action don’t stick around from turn to turn, and calling banners won’t become pointless if your opponent’s warband is fine-tuned for murder.

Based on early testing, we’re pretty happy with these changes and their impact, but we’re also very interested in your thoughts and your test game results.


This week, in addition to any other feedback you have, please be sure to let us know:

- Are the revised rules for placing, scoring, and removing banners clear (be sure to read them!)?

- In each of your test games, how many steps were scored for Cull (follower knockouts), Conquer (champion knockouts), Claim (banner placement), and Capture (banners in the end phase)?

- Do both aspects of scoring, banners and murder, feel like important aspects of gameplay?

- How does Champion selection on both sides of the battlefield affect the balance between banners and murder?

- What other thoughts do you have regarding scoring steps on the battle ladder?

- Are the rule changes to cover banner models and revised card designs sufficiently clear and properly reflected in the rulebook?

- What feedback do you have on the tweaks to Champion balance in this update?

- What are your top 3 balance recommendations at this point in the game’s development?

Thanks, and have fun!


Wer nun auch Lust bekommen hat Godtear einmal selbst auszuprobieren, aber kein Early Access Bundle sein eigen nennt, oder auch auf die Auslieferung des KS wartet, dem kann geholfen werden :D! ... Im Internet haben Fans, alle nötigen Spielmaterialien (Tokens, Playmat, Paperdolls, Hexfelder) als PDF online gestellt, so dass man sich alles Ausdrucken, Ausschneiden und Zusammenkleben und sofort losspielen kann :) !!!


Hier zu finden: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/fsss16k1nymd41p/AAC7w4i3JJ0inOJKObN2_0_qa?dl=0

Viel Spaß mit den neuen Infos, Regeln und im Besten Falle Spielen :) ...

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Zur Zeit nur, indem die beiden gegnerischen Truppen auf die verschiedenen Spieler aufgeteilt werden. Aufgrund der Punktewertung, müßte man sich bei drei oder mehr Spielern ein Hilfsmittel konstruieren. Der Spielplan rechnet die Punkte, die jeder macht gegeneinander auf. Bei mindestens drei kämpfenden Parteien müßte jeder seine Punkte sammlen und dann werden die Stände miteinander verglichen. Der höchste Stand gewinnt die Marke. Daraus folgt, daß die Siegbedingung und/oder die Anzahl an Spielrunden geändert werden muß. Denn ansonsten kann es passieren, daß nach fünf Runden keiner der mindestens drei Spieler fünf Punkte hat.

 Wenn man etwas Arbeit hineinsteckt, können diese Probleme behoben werden. Oder, wie bereits gesagt, Truppen aufteilen.


In diesem Sinne


The god of war is thundering his pleasure today (Mayor Anton Zbarsky, Nomad Military Force)


I will be your villian, Hantei (Kami Bayushi)

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