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Der lange Weg zur [ETC 2018] ist endlich fast zu Ende

Sir Löwenherz

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Der eine oder andere von euch mag sich evtl. an meinen "Der lange Weg zur ETX 20XY" Schlachtbericht aus älteren Tagen erinnern. Mittlerweile bin ich (trotz spielerischer Verschlechterungen) fast am Ziel. In diesem Thread werdet ihr an meiner glorreichen Teilnahme beim ETC 2018 (also Reporter und nur im schlimmsten Notfall als Spieler) teilhaben können. 



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Die aktuelle Planung ist ebenfalls am 30.7 anzureisen.

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Ich würde mal sagen ich bin auf der ETC bisher ungeschlagen (war ja noch nie dort)

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Ich freue mich das du dich endlich als deutschen siehst. (Assimilation geglückt.) Aber warum spielst du dann bei Österreich?


Ich lege noch einen drauf. Ich werde obwohl ich dieses Jahr auf der ETC bin auch wieder kein Spiel verlieren. (Also wehe es brechen sich 10 Leute die Hände und können nicht mehr würfeln, so dass ich einspringen muss) 

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Ach glaub mir, man kann auch mit gebrochenem Arm/Hand Warhammer spielen. Und selbst wenn, musst du ja nur die Figuren bewegen und würfeln, den Rest übernimmt dann der original Spieler. Also alles halb so wild. Und wenn du dann noch für den Richtigen die Puppen schiebst, wirst du auch ungeschlagen bleiben.

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Stimmt schon aber Sunzi fährt doch dieses Jahr nicht mit.

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Sagen wir es so bisher waren glaube ich Monsti und Akito immer zufrieden mit ihm wenn er mitfuhr.

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Zur Erinnerung, die deutschen Listen:




Thomas "Scrub" Ahlich - Highborn Elves

565 - Mage, General, Asfad Scholar, Wizard Master, Book of Meladys, Divination

500 - High Prince, Elven Horse, Heavy Armour + Basalt Infusion, Shield + Dusk Forged, Hand Weapon + Hero‘s Heart, Dragon Staff

405 - Commander, BSB, Master of Cranreig Tower, Banner of Becalming

370 - 20x Citizen Archers, M

260 - 20x Citizen Spears, M

316 - 21x Citizen Spears, M, C, S

180 - 5x Elein Reavers

100 - 1x 1 Giant Eagle

434 - 6x Knights of Ryma, M, C

265 - 2x 1 Sky Sloop

420 - 2x 1 Fire Phoenix




Tim "Fireborn" Bargmann - Infernal Dwarves

505 - Prophet, General, Wizard, Shield, Tablet of Ashuruk, Wizard Master, Alchemy

345 - Prophet, Wizard, Shield, Book of Arcane Mastery, Wizard Adept, Pyromancy

340 - Vizier, BSB, Infernal Weapon, Shield, Infernal Armour + Alchemist's Alloy, Flaming Standard, Icon of the Inferno

332 - 11x Citadel Guard, Flintlock Axe, Shield, M

802 - 39x Infernal Warriors, Great Weapon, Shield, M, C, S, Banner of Shamut

135 - 2x 5 Hobgoblin Wolf Riders, Shield

666 - 23x Immortals, Infernal Weapon, Shield, M, C, S

662 - 4x Taurukh Anointed, Infernal Weapon, Shield, M, C, S, Banner of Shamut

575 - 5x Kadim Incarnates




Paul "Firepaul" Feuerstake - Warriors of the Dark Gods

840 - Exalted Herald, General

840 - Exalted Herald

188 - 6x Fallen

160 - 5x Fallen

555 - 16x Warriors, Pride, M, Favoured C, S, Banner of the Relentless Company

725 - 2x 5 Chosen Knights, Pride, Halberd, M, C

465 - 1x 1 Hellmaw, 2x Ominous Gateways




Yannic Titgemeyer - Empire of Sonnstahl

805 – Marshal, General, Dragon, Imperial Prince, Hand Weapon + The Light of Sonnstahl, Potion of Swiftness

275 – Marshal, BSB, Great Tactician, Binding Scroll

445 – Wizard, Magical Heirloom, Talisman of the Void, Wizard Master, Cosmology

135 – Artificer, Long Rifle

180 – 21x Heavy Infantry, M

213 – 2x 16 Light Infantry

261 – 2x 17 Light Infantry, C with Long Rifle

326 – 2x 3 Knights of the Sun Griffon, Lance

180 – 2x 5 Reiters, Repeater Gun

250 – 1x 1 Artillery, Cannon

450 – 1x 1 Steam Tank




Peter "Borgio" Ridder - Saurian Ancients

900 - Cuatl Lord, General, BSB, Grasp of the Immortal, Trained from Birth, Jade Staff, Essence of a Free Mind, Rending Banner, Wizard Master, Alchemy/Pyromancy

875 - Saurian Warlord, Alpha Carnosaur, Starfall Shard, Talisman of the Void

710 - 27x Saurian Warriors, Jaguar Totem, Spear, M , C, S, Flaming Standard

190 - 15x Skink Braves, Bow, M

879 - 27x Temple Guard, M, C, S, Totem of Mixoatl

135 - 2x Snake Swarms

135 - 2x 1 Weapon Beast, Spearback

540 - 1x 1 Taurosaur, Engine of the Ancients




Matthias "Martze" Haberland - Orcs and Goblins

490 - Iron Orc Warlord, General, War Cry, Plate Armour + Death Cheater, Shield + Willows Ward, Hand Weapon + Touch of Greatness

635 - Feral Orc Warlord, Wyvern, Light Armour + Basalt Infusion, Shield, Hand Weapon + Omen of the Apocalypse, Potion of Swiftness

445 - Common Orc Shaman, Skull Fetish, Wizard Master, Shamanism

190 - Common Goblin Witch Doctor, Wizard Adept, Witchcraft

540 - 45x Cave Goblins, Shields, 3x Mad Gits, M, S, Banner of the Relentless Company

445 - 40x Forest Goblins, Spears, Shields, M, S, Rending Banner

215 - 20x Common Orcs, M, C

90 - 3x Grotlings

693 - 24x Iron Orcs, M, C, S, Mikinok’s Totem

90 - 3x 1 Skewerer

485 - 1x 1 Great Green Idol, BSB





Marc “Pofalischt” Oeser - Beast Herds

535 - Beast Lord, General, Raiding Chariot, Hunting Call, Beast Axe + Fatal Folly, Throwing Weapons (4+), Heavy Armour + Death Cheater, Shield, Crown of Horns

210 - Beast Chieftain, BSB, Shield, Banner of Discipline

320 - Beast Chieftain, Raiding Chariot, Shield, Heavy Armour + Alchemist's Alloy, Hand Weapon + Hawthorn Curse

460 - Soothsayer, Dark Rain, Wizard Master, Evocation

100 - 10x Mongrel Raiders

509 - 32x Wildhorn Herd, Paired Weapons, M, C, S, Totem Bearer: Blooded Horn Totem, Banner of the Wild Herd

278 - 2x 17 Wildhorn Herd, Ambush, Paired Weapons, Throwing Weapons, M

135 - 2x 5 Gargoyles

355 - 3x 1 Cyclops

475 - 1x 1 Gortach




Thomas "Zwergnase" Möller - Vampire Covenant - Lahmia

855 - Vampire Courtier, Lamia, General, The Dead Arise, Court of the Damned, Aegis, Mask of Innocence, Paired Weapons + Touch of Greatness, Dragonfire Gem, Wizard Adept, Witchcraft

470 – Vampire Courtier, Lamia, BSB, Paired Weapons, Light Armour + Destiny’s Call, Legion Standard, Wizard Adept, Evocation

395 - Necromancer, Magical Heirloom, Wizard Master, Evocation

133 – 8x Dire Wolves, C

135 – 2x20 Zombies, M

365 – 32x Skeletons, M, C, S, Banner of the Relentless Company

390 – 33x Skeletons, M, C, S, Banner of Speed

90 – 2x2 Great Bats

210 - 5x Barrow Knights, M, C

281 – 8x Wraiths

318 – 9x Wraiths

630 - 8x Vampire Spawn, C




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Die Listen der Russen:




Konstantin Nikulin - The Vermin Swarm

875 - Magister, General, Master, The Thaumaturgy, Doom Bell, Light Armour, 3 Dark Shards, Alchemist's Alloy, Second Awakening, Crown of Autocracy

725 - Plague Patriarch, Plague Pendulum, Light Armour, Adept, Occultism, Plague Flail, Putrid Protection

200 - Chief, BSB, Shield, Sceptre of Vermin Valour

140 - 10x Footpads, M

345 - 25x Plague Brotherhood, C, M, S, Legion Standard

390 - 20x Vermin Guard, M, S, Lightning Rod

305 - 25x Rats-at-Arms, C, M, S, Legion Standard

90 - 2x Rat Swarms

90 - 2x Rat Swarms

290 - Dreadmill

290 - Dreadmill

230 - 6x Jezails

190 - 5x Jezails

170 - Plague Catapult

170 - Plague Catapult



Alexander Koshkin - Daemon Legion

1140 - Scourge of Wrath, General, Eternal Fury, Eternal Sword, Shackles of Reality

580 - Harbinger of Change on Blazing Chariot, Adept, Far Seeing, Veil of Shadows,Scrolls of the Eighth Pact

345 – 10x Horrors, C, M

345 – 10x Horrors, C, M

265 – 10x Slaughterers, Onslaught, M

245 – 10x Slaughterers, Onslaught

200 – 5x Mounted Sirens, C

200 – 5x Mounted Sirens, C

215 – 2x Clawed Fiends

215 – 2x Clawed Fiends

215 – 2x Clawed Fiends

275 – 3x Sky Serpents

260 –1x Blazing Chariot




Vitaliy "Ragnor" Marina - Ogre Khans

600 - Shaman - Rottenjaw, General, Wizard Master, Essence of a Free Mind, Thaumaturgy & Pyromancy, Crown of Autocracy, Iron Fist

450 - Khan - Trolleater, BSB, Iron Fist, Heavy Armour, Heart-Ripper, Mammoth-Hide Cloak

420 – 7x Tribesmen, C, M

190 – 3x Bruisers

359 – 54xScraplings, Spears, М

365 – 55xScraplings, Spears, М

175 - 3х1 KinEater

320 - 2х1 Thunder Cannon

475 - 2x1 Rock Aurochs, Ogre Crossbow (3+)



Sergey "TroR" Klimenko - Empire of Sonnstahl

340 - Prelate, General, Plate Armour, Shield, Death Warrant, Imperial Seal

310 - Marshal, Great Tactician, Shield, BSB, The Black Steel, Household Standard

350 - Wizard, Master, The Divination

260 - Wizard, Adept, The Alchemy, Book of Arcane Mastery

140 – 10x State Militia

140 – 10x State Militia

350 – 20x Light Infantry, Crossbow, Long Rifle, M, S, C, Marksman's Pennant,

495 – 40x Heavy Infantry, Halberds, M, S, C, Rending Banner

551 – 29x Imperial Guard, M,S, C, Rending Banner

453 – 4x Knights of the Sun Griffon, Lance, Shield,M

290 –1x Arcane Engine, Arcane Shield

250 –1x Imperial Artillery, Cannon

250 –1x Imperial Artillery, Cannon

160 –1x Imperial Artillery, Imperial Rocketeer

160 –1x Imperial Artillery, Imperial Rocketeer



Svyatoslav“Fenor” Vishnyakov - Vampire Covenant

930 - Vampire Count, General, Dead Arise, Brotherhood of the Dragon Bloodline, Eternal Duellist, Wizard Adept, Occultism, Lance, Great Weapon, Paired Weapon, Shield, Spectral Steed, Legend of the Black King, Eternity Gem

590 - Vampire Courtier, Brotherhood of the Dragon Bloodline, Eternal Duellist, Wizard Apprentice, Occultism, BSB, Lance, Great Weapon, Paired Weapon, Spectral Steed, Shield, Basalt Infusion, Talisman of Shielding

245 – Necromancer, Wizard Adept, Evocation, Magical Heirloom

140 – 21x Zombies, M

135 – 20x Zombies, M

135 – 20x Zombies, M

495 – 45x Skeletons, M, S, C, Banner of Relentless Company

113 – 8x Dire Wolves

113 – 8x Dire Wolves

655 – 5x Vampire Knights, Blood Ties (Brotherhood of the Dragon), M, S, C, Banner of Speed

552 – 7x Vampire Spawns, C

180 – 5x Spectral Hunters

217 – 6x Spectral Hunters



Stanislav "Flam" Fesenko - Sylvan Elves

225 – Dryad Ancient, General, Wizard Adept, The Druidism

270 – Druid, Wizard Adept, Shamanism, Binding Scroll

275 – Druid, Wizard Adept, Cosmology, Binding Scrol, Sylvan Longbow

320 - Thicket Shepherd,BSB, Oaken Crown

200 – 5x Heath Riders, Shield, M

381 – 14x Sylvan Archers, M

150 – 8x Dryad

404 – 21x Dryads, C

100 –1x Forest Eagle

615 – 6x Thicket Beasts, C

410 - 2x9 Pathfinders

385– 6x Wild Huntsmen, Shields

355 – 6x Wild Huntsmen



Alexander Brykov - Dwarven Holds

495 - King, General, Shield, Pistol, 2xRune of Iron, Rune of Forge, Rune of Dragon Breath, Rune of Destruction, Rune of Smashing

350 - Thane BSB, Shield, 2x Rune of Iron, Holdstone, 3xRune of Lightning

385 - Runesmith, 3 Battle Runes, Rune of Iron, Rune of Devouring, Rune of Dragon Breath

185 - Anvil of Power

625 – 30x Clan Warriors, M, S, C, Spears and Shields, Vanguard, Flaming Standard

280 – 10x Marksmen, Guild-Crafted Handgun, M, Shields

220 – 10x Marksmen, Crossbow, Shields,

265 - 2x10 Miners, M, Shields, Throwing Weapons

130 - 2x1 Vengeance Seeker

175 - 2x1 Steam Attack Copters

160 –1x Flame Cannon, Flaming Shot

150 –1x Flame Cannon

255 - 2x1 Cannon



Aleksey "akniles" Slinka - Dread Elves

725 - Cult Priest of Yema, Divine Altar (paired weapons), BSB, Moraec’s Reaping, Shield, Basalt Infusion, Lucky Charm

485 - Oracle, General, Wizard Master, Divination, Wandering Familiar, Amulet of Spite

255 - Assassin, Path of Silent Death, Paired Weapons, Bloodroot

305 - Oracle, Alchemy, Wizard Adept, Book of Arcane Mastery

580 – 24x Corsairs, Paired Weapons, M, S, C, Academy Banner

570 – 32x Dread Legionaries, M, S, C, Spears, Academy Banner

395 – 6x Dread Knights, S, M, Banner of Blood

170 – 5x Raven Cloaks

473 – 7x Dark acolytes, Cult of Yema, C

180 –1x Reaper Bolt Thrower

180 –1x Reaper Bolt Thrower

180 –1x Reaper Bolt Thrower




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Die Paarungsphase hat gerade begonnen.

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Hier die Matchups des deutschen T9A Teams gegen Russland:


 D - R





BH - EoS

EoS - VC


WdG - DE


Als Szenario wird Secure Targets gespielt.


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Listen Österreich:




Bernhard „Berti“ Küttner - Dwarven Holds

590 – King, General,  Shield, Shieldbearers, Pistol, Runic weapon (2*Rune of Might,Rune of Destruction), Runic armor (Rune of the Forge), Runic Talisman (2* rune of shielding)

325 – Thane BSB, shield, Runic weapon (Rune of Lightning), Runic armor (2* Rune of Iron, Rune of the forge), Runic Talisman (Rune of Dragons Breath)

555 – 20 Greybeards, shield, throwing weapons, C,S,M

295 – 10 Greybeards, shield, throwing weapons, C,S,M

280 – 10 Marksman, shield, Guild crafted handgun, M

525 – 20 Deep Watch, C,S,M

380 – 15 Kings Guard, C,S,M

130 – 2x1 Venegance Seeker

350 – Grudge Buster

210 – 2x1 Steam Bomber

255 – Field Artillery Canon

265 – 10 Miners, Paired weapons, throwing weapons, M



Patrick „Zwei“ Göber - Undying Dynasties

240 - Casket of Phatep

480 - Death Cult Hierarch, Hierophant, Wizard Master, Sacred Hourglass, Cosmology

200 - Death Cult Hierarch, Wizard Adept, Divination

520 – Pharaoh, Army General, Light Armour, Paired Weapon, Skeletal Horse, Destiny's Call,

Dragonfire Gem, Scourge of Kings, Steeds of Nephet-Ra

313 – 19 Skeleton Archers, M, C, S, Aether Icon

130 – 3*5 Skeleton Scouts

230 – 2*20 Skeletons, Spears, M,S, Banner of the Entombed

200 – 2*1 Charnel Catapult

465 – 2*1 Battle Sphinx

565 – 3 Tomb Reapers, Paired Weapons



Fabian "Kathal" Gollmann - Infernal Dwarf

565 - Prophet, General, Wizard Master, Pyromancy, Shield, Tablets of Ashuruk, Alchemist Alloy, Magical Heirloom

335 - Prophet, Wizard Adept, Alchemy, Shield, Besheluk's Mechanism

330 - Vizier, BSB, Shield, Willow's Ward, Icon of Inferno, Talisman of the Void

125 - Hobgoblin Chieftain, Wolf, Shield

120 - Hobgoblin Chieftain, Wolf

332 - 2x11 Citadel Guard, Flintlock Axe, Shield, Musician

240 - 15 Infernal Warriors, Shield, Musician, Champion

245 - 27 Slave Orcs, Shield, Musician

180 - 2x5 Taurukh, Shield, Musician

150 - 2x1 Gunnery Team, Gunnery Volley Gun

95 - 2x1 Hobgoblin Bolt Thrower

450 - Infernal Engine, Shrapnel Guns

575 - Kadim Titan



Philipp "Elijah" Statzinger - Empire of Sonnstahl

405 - Knight Commander, Shield, Young Griffon, Basalt Infusion, Hero's Heart, Winter Cloak

230 - Marshal, BSB, Shield, Alchemist's Alloy, Talisman of Shielding

385 - Marshal, General, Imperial Prince, Shield, Blacksteel

270 - Prelate, Shield, Plate Armour, Locket of Sunna, Willow's Ward

450 - Wizard, Master, Cosmology, Binding Scroll, Magical Heirloom

457 - 37 Heavy Infantry, Spears, Banner of Unity, MSC

265 - 20 Light Infantry, Crossbows

265 - 20 Light Infantry, Handguns

140 - 10 State Militia

290 - 2x3 Knights of the Sun Griffon

175 - 2x5 Reiters, Brace of Pistols

250 - Cannon

450 - Steam Tank



Thomas "Clef" Wagendorfer - Sylvan Elves

355 - Chieftain, BSB, Forest Guardian, Light Armour, Elven Cloak, Shield, Spear, Hunter's Honour, Potion of Swiftness

420 - Druid, Army General, Wizard Master, Shamanism, Binding Scroll

460 - Forest Prince, Shapeshifter, Light Armour, Sylvan Blades, Destiny's Call, Titanic Might

475 - Forest Prince, Shapeshifter, Elven Cloak, Light Armour, Sylvan Blades, Death Cheater, Touch of Greatness

170 - 8x Dryads, C

150 - 8x Dryads

195 - 15x Forest Guard, M, Spear and Shield

610 - 36x Forest Guard, MSC, Spear and Shield, Banner of Deception

251 - 2x7 Sylvan Sentinels, Sylvan Blades

250 - 2x7 Blade Dancers, C

330 - 2x3 Kestrel Knights, C, Shields/Hard Target



Philip "Sir_Joker" Gollmann - Vampire Covenant - Lamia

880 - Vampire Count of Lamia, General, Lamia, Light Armour, The Dead Arise, Reaper's Harvest, Destiny's Call, Wizard Master, Commandment, The Witchcraft

430 - Necromancer Master, Necromantic Staff, Wizard Master, The Evocation

380 - Barrow King, Battle Standard Bearer, Paired Weapons, Heavy Armour, Shield, Hero's Heart, Essence of Mithril, Banner of Relentless Company

517 - 42x Skeletons, Halberd, Light Armour, Shield, M, C, S, Rending Banner

135 - 2x20 Zombies, Musician

113 - 3x8 Dire Wolves

355 - 2x10 Wraiths, Great Weapon

530 - 6x Vampire Knights, Lance, Heavy Armour, Shield, Musician

440 - 5x Vampire Knights, Lance, Heavy Armour, Shield, Musician

Total Army Cost: 4496



Robin "Schaufelschwein" Hofmann - Vermin Swarm

800 - Vermin Deamon, General

265 - Chief, Battle Standard Bearer, Lightning Rod, Shield

255 - Magister, Adept, Witchcraft, Bindings Scroll

395 - 2x35 Rat at Arms, M,C,S, Legion Standard

140 - 3x10 Footpads, M

90 - 2x2 Rat swarms

180 - 5x Gutters, Scout & Ambush

150 - 2x1 Meat Grinder

170 - 2x1 Plague Catapult

290 - 2x1 Dreadmill

390 - Abomination



Matthias "Dr.GonZo" Lederhilger - Daemon Legions - Poly

335 - Harbringer of Lust, General, Siren Chariot, Barbed Claws, Clawed Caress

335 - Harbringer of Lust, Siren Chariot, Barbed Claws, Clawed Caress

380 - Harbringer of Lust, Siren Chariot, Barbed Claws, Dance of Death

305 - Harbringer of Lust, Siren Chariot, Barbed Claws

430 - Harbringer of Change, Blazing Chariot, Apprentice Witchcraft, Obsidian Horn

245 - 15x Sirens, M

225 - 10x Slaughterer

345 - 2x10 Horrors, MC

365 - Shrine of Temptation

185 - Siren Chariot

345 - Blood Chariot

260 - Blazing Chariot

200 - 2x5 Mounted Sirens, C




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Listen Bulgarien:




Anton Nikolov - Ogre Khans

400 - Shaman, general , Wizard Adept, Pyromancy, Firebrand, Magical Heirloom,Great Weapon

300 - Khan, Battle Standard Bearer, Iron Fist, Brace of Ogre Pistols,Rottenjaw

740 - 9 x Bruisers, S, Pennant of the Great Grass Sky

235 - 4 x Tribesmen, Paired Weapons, S

150 - 21 x Scraplings , Scrapling Foreman

175 - 2 x 1 Kin-Eater

320 - 1 x Thunder Cannon

80 -  5 x Scrapling Trappers

615 - 5 x Mercenary Veterans,  Brace of Ogre Pistols, Accurate, Poison Attacks, M

879 - 7 x Mercenary Veterans, Iron Fist, Lethal Strike, Plate Armour, C,S, Banner of the Gyengget

430 - 1 x Frost Mammoth, 2x Ogre Crossbow



Hristo “Fnarrr" Nikolov - Dwarven Holds

470 - King, General, Shield, Pistol, Runes of Iron x2, Forging, Runes of Destruction, Smashing, Fury

315 - Thane, BSB, Shield, Holdstone, Runes of Iron x2, Rune of Dragon's Breath

375 - Dragon Seeker, Runes of Might, Fury, Quickening, Monster Seeker

350 - Runic Smith, Shield, Rune of Iron, Rune of Denial, 3 Battle Runes

185 - Anvil of Power

686 - 36 Clan Warriors, Shields, Spears, M,S,C, Banner of Swiftness

220 - 2x 10 Marksmen, Shields

245 - 2x 10 Miners, Shields, TWs

210 - 2x 1 Steam Bomber

259 - 9 Seekers, Skirmish, Vanguard, C

255 - 2x 1 Cannon




George G. Poptodorov - Vermin Swarm

740 - Magister, General, 3x Dark Shards, Wizard Master, 4 Spells, Thaumaturgy, Doom Bell

800 - Vermin Daemon

175 - Chief, BSB, Heavy Armour, Shield

265 - 20 Plague Brotherhood, M, S, C

320 - 30 Rats at arms, M, S, C

610 - 35 Vermin Guard, M, S, C, Rending Banner

272 - 3 x 14 Plague Discliples

290 - 2 x 1 Dreadmill

190 - 5 Jezzails



Fabio "Guazza" GUASCONI - Sylvan Elves

630 - Forest prince, General, Wild Hunter, Blessed Inscriptions, Curse of the Black stag, Hail Shot, Elven cloak, Lucky Charm, Light armour, Shield, Lance, Sylvan Longbow, Great Elk

865 - Druid, Wizard Master, Druidism, Lightning Vambraces, Sylvan Longbow, Dragon

353 - 2x 9 Heath Riders, Heath Hunters

222 - 3x 12 Dryads

580 - 1x 8 Wild Huntsmen, Shield, C, S, Flaming Standard

425 - 2x 6 Wild Huntsmen, Shield, C, S

100 - 2x 1 Forest Eagle



Marc “Leith” Deycard - Empire of Sonnstahl

380 - Knight Commander, General, Horse, Shield, Light of the Sonnstahl, Lucky Charm, Potion of Swiftness

340 - Marshal, BSB, Horse, Shield, Pistol, Death Warrant, Stalker’s standard

350 - Prelate, Horse, Plate Armour, Shield, Locket of Sunna, Binding Scroll

415 - Wizard, Wizard Master, Horse, Magical Heirloom, Pyromancy

684 - 12x Electoral Cavalry, Knightly Orders, Shield, Lance, M, C, S, Banner of Speed

240 - 5x Electoral cavalry, Shield Lance, M, C

220 - 5x Electoral cavalry, Shield lance, M

560 - 2 x 5 Knights of the Sun Griffon, Lance, M

150 - 2 x 5 Reiters

450 - 1x Steam Tank



Oscar ”Maelstorm” Lagnelöv - Vampire Counts - Lahmia Bloodline

855 – Vampire Count, General, Light Armour, Halberd, Destiny's Call, Nights Crown, Wizard Master Lamia, Commandment, The Dead Arise, Witchcraft

430 – Necromancer, Necromantic Staff, Wizard Master, Evocation

165 – 3x1 Banshee

643 – 39x Ghouls, C

335 – 30x Skeletons, M, S, C, Legion Standard

155 – 20x Zombies, M, S

697 – 27x Barrow Guards, Halberd, M, S, C, Black Standard of Zagovzd

90 – 2x2 Great Bats

318 – 9x Wraiths

390 – 1x Court of the Damned, Lamia Bloodline Upgrade (4+ Aegis)




Georgi “Ugly Death” Sariev - Saurian Ancients

835 - Cuatl Lord, General, divination, BSB, Grasp of the Immortal, Jade Staff, Ancient Plaque

535 - Saurian Warlord, Raptor, Great Weapon, Taurosaur Vigor, Talisman of Shielding, Lucky Charm

420 - Saurian Veteran, Raptor, Great Weapon, Death Cheater

520 - 2x20 Skink Braves, Poison

380 - 1x20 Saurian Warriors, C

270 - 1x2 Weapon Beasts, Spearback

135 - 1хWeapon Beasts, Spearback

450 - 1xTaurosaur

540 - 1xTaurosaur, Engine of the Ancients

415 - 1xStigiosaur, Mystic Traveler



Luke Tranter - Beast Herds

580 - Beast Lord, General, Razortusk Chariot, Heavy Armour, Lance, Shield, Death Cheater, Cleansing Light, Eye of Dominance, Pillager Icon

465 - Centaur Chieftain, BSB, PWs, Greater Totem Bearer, Aaghor’s Affliction

595 - Soothsayer, Wizard Master, Shamanism, Raiding Chariot, Light Armour, Ancestral Carvings, Dark Rain, Trickster’s Cunning

120 - 10 Mongrel Raiders, Scout & Ambush

330 - 3 Raiding Chariots

230 - 2x 15 Wildhorn Herd, Ambush, PWs, TWs

504 - 2x 13 Centaurs, PWs, TWs, C, Totem Bearer, Black Wing Totem

150 - 5 Gargoyles, Scout

110 - 3x 1 Raiding Chariot

230 - 2x 1 Razortusk Chariot



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Österreich - Bulgarien:



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Listen Australien (4 deutsche Spieler): 




Akhter Khan - VC

870 - Vampire Count, Brotherhood of the Dragon Bloodline, Eternal Duelist, PW, Occultism, Shield, Spectral Steed, Adept, Death Cheater, Night's Crown, Touch of Greatness on PW

930 - Vampire Count, General, Dead Arise, Brotherhood of the Dragon Bloodline, Eternal Duelist, GW, Lance, PW, Occultism, Shield, Spectral Steed, Adept, Eternity Gem, Legend of the Black King

133 - 2x8 Dire Wolves, C

592 – 36 Ghouls, C

140 – 21 Zombies, M

135 – 20 Zombies, M

306 – 7 Barrow Knights, CM

630 – 2x8 Vampire Spawn, C



Glen Weston - UD

370 - Death Cult Hierarch, General, Master, Cosmology, Skeletal Horse

240 - Death Cult Hierarch, Hierophant, Adept, Evocation, Skeletal Horse

220 - 10 Skeletal Cavalry, M

305 - 3 Skeleton Chariots, Legion Charioteers

130 - 2x5 Skeleton Scouts

210 – 2x20 Skeletons, S, Banner of the Entombed

645 - 2x8 Shabti Archers, SM, Rending Banner

465 - 3x Battle Sphinx




David Trickett - DL

1130 - Weaver of Change, General, Aether Wand, Soul-Bound Staff, Power Vortex, Master, Thaumaturgy

325 - 2x10 Horrors, C

546 - 27 Sirens, FCG, Rending Banner

465 - 3x4 Clawed Fiends

200 - 2x5 Mounted Siren, C

370 - 3 Crusher Cavalry, C



Daniel Hazel - ID

525 - Overlord, General, Shield, Onyx Core, Death Chester, Potion of Swiftness, Gauntlets of Madzhab

530 - Prophet, Wizard Master, Shield, Alchemy, Magical Heirloom, Talisman of the Void

275 - Prophet, Wizard Adept, Pyromancy

280 - Vizier, BSB, Shield, Willows Ward, Icon of the Inferno

384 – 2x12 Citadel Guard, Flintlock Axe, C, M

364 - 12x Citadel Guard, Flintlock Axe, M

605 - 20x Immortals, Shields, Infernal Weapons, FCG, Flaming Standard

575 – 2x5 Kadim Incarnates



Daniel Schaefer - OK

425 - Mammoth Hunter, General, IF, Vanguard, Wildheart, Basalt Infusion, Crown of the Wizard King, Magical Heirloom

435 - Mammoth Hunter, BSB, Cult Leader, IF, Vanguard, Rod of Battle, Yeti Furs

420 – Shaman, Gut Roarer , Thaumaturgy, Adept, Lightning Vambraces, Talisman of the Void

400 – 6 Tribesmen, SM, Banner of Discipline

160 – 2x3 Tribesmen

180 – 3 Tribesmen, M

80 - 2x1 Sabretooth Tigers

455 – 2x6 Yetis

475 – 2x Rock Aurochs

300 - Slave Giant, Great Weapon



Jack Blanche - O&G

495 - Orc Warlord, Feral Orc, General, War Cry, War Boar, PW, LA, Tukteks Guard, Pan of Protection Pinchin, Shady Shanking

460 - Orc Shaman, Feral Orc, Master, Shamanism, War Boar, Magical Heirloom

330 - Orc Chief, BSB, Feral Orc, War Boar, GW, LA, Mikinoks Totem

185 - 2x Orc Chief, Feral Orc, War Boar, GW, LA

145 - Goblin Chief, Cave Goblin, Cave Gnasher, Lance

809 - 33x Orc Eadbashers, Feral Orcs, PW, Banner of Relentless Company, SM

320 - 10 Orc Boar Riders, Feral Orcs, Shield, CM

350 - 10 Mounted Eadbashers, Feral Orc, Shield, CM

90 - 2x3 Grotlings

345 - 3x Giant, Nets




Stefan Voßen - WDG

840 - Exalted Herald

430 – Sorcerer, General, Evocation, Master, Essence of Mithril

160 - 2x5 Fallen

580 - 17 Warriors, FCG, Favoured Champion, Pride, Banner of the Relentless Company

315 - 6x5 Chosen, Greed

220 – 2x Warrior Chariot



Frederick Humcke - BH

285 - Beast Chieftain, Ambush, General, Hunting Call, Beast Axe, HA, Shield, Crown of Autocracy, Alchemist´s Alloy, Willows Ward

335 - Beast Chieftain, Ambush, BSB, GW, Essence of Mithril, Greater Totem Bearer

360 - Centaur Chieftain, HA, Lance, Shield, TW, Ghostly Guard, Seed of the Dark Forest

340 - Centaur Chieftain, GW, Destiny's Call, Eye of Dominance

240 – Soothsayer, Ambush, Shamanism, Adept

240 – Soothsayer, Ambush, Evocation, Adept

453 - 2x22 Wildhorn Herd, Ambush, FCG, PW, TW, Blooded Horn Totem, Banner of the Wild Herd

120 – 3x Briar Beast

467 - 18 Longhorn Herd, Ambush, GW, FCG, Banner of Discipline, Gnarled Hide Totem

320 – 3x Beast Giant, Beer Barrel




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Listen Latisva:




Dassler - Dread Elves

445 : Oracle Master; Wizard Master; Divination; Wizard Master; Wandering Familiar

710 : Cult Priest, Cult of Yema; Light Armour; Potion of Swiftness; Shield; Battle Standard; Divine Altar; Basalt Infusion; Moraec's Reaping

640 : Dread Prince, Manticore, Lance, Heavy Armour; Shield; General; Death Cheater; Lucky Charm; Transcendence

205 : 10 Repeater Auxiliaries; Repeater Crossbow; Light Armour; Musician; Killer Instinct

390 : 24 Dread Legionnaires, Spear; Light Armour; FCG; Shield; Killer Instinct

665 : 25 Dancers of Yema, Cult of Yema; Gladiator Weapons; Light Armour; Shield; Standard; Musician; Banner of Gar Daecos, Champion

590 : 25 Dancers of Yema, Cult of Yema; Gladiator Weapons; Light Armour; Shield; Standard; Musician; Champion

200 : 5 Dark Raiders  Cult of Cadaron; Light Lance; Repeater Crossbow (4+); Repeater Crossbow;  Light Armour

200 : 5 Dark Raiders  Cult of Cadaron; Light Lance; Repeater Crossbow (4+); Repeater Crossbow;  Light Armour

200 : 5 Dark Raiders  Cult of Cadaron; Light Lance; Repeater Crossbow (4+); Repeater Crossbow;  Light Armour

255 : 5 Dread Knights

Total Army Cost: 4498


Flavus - Sylvan Elves

910 - Druid Master - General, Wizard Master, Druidism, Sylvan Blades, Crown of Autocracy, Lucky Charm, Dragon - (Characters)

510 - Chieftain – BSB, Wild Hunter, Longbow, Light Armour, Shield, Lance, Elven Cloak, Curse of the Black Stag, Talisman of Shielding, Potion of Swiftness, Great Elk - (Characters)

215 - 5 Heath Hunters, Ambush - (Core/Unseen Arrows)

215 - 5 Heath Hunters, Ambush - (Core/Unseen Arrows)

215 - 5 Heath Hunters, Ambush - (Core/Unseen Arrows)

485 – 15 Sylvan Archers, Musician, Standard, Banner of Deception - (Core)

405 - 4 Thicket Beasts, Champion - (Special)

405 - 4 Thicket Beasts, Champion - (Special)

550 – 5 Kestrel Knights, Shield, Champion, Standard, Banner of Silent Mist - (Special)

490 – 5 Kestrel Knights, Shield, Champion - (Special)

100 – 1 Forest Eagle - (Special)

TOTAL: 4500 pts



Kaj - Vampires

875 - Vampire Courtier, General, Lamia Bloodline, Court of the Damned, Paired Weapons, Light Armour, King Slayer, Dragonfire Gem, Wizard Adept, Evocation, The Dead Arise, Mask of Innocence, Blood Ties (Lamia)

470 - Vampire Courtier, BSB, Lamia Bloodline, Paired Weapons, Light Armour, Destiny's Call, Legion Standard, Wizard Adept, The Witchcraft

245 - Necromancer, Magical Heirloom, Wizard Adept, The Alchemy

200 - Necromancer, Wizard Adept, Evocation

335 - 30 Skeletons, C, S, M, Flaming Standard

490 - 30 Ghouls, C

170 - 27 Zombies, M

135 - 20 Zombies, M

80 -  5 Dire Wolves

365 -  1 Altar of Undeath

90 -  2 Great Bats

365 - 10 Spectral Hunters

328 - 9 Spectral Hunters

350 -  4 Vampire Knights, M

Total Army Cost: 4498


Orion - Saurian Ancients

885 - Cuatl Lord, general, BSB, alchemy/divination, essence of a

free mind, binding scroll, banner of the relentless company,

grasp of the immortal, trained from birth

165 - Skink Priest, druidism, talisman of the void

135 - Skink Captain, shield, paired weapons, egg of the quetzal

800 - 40x Skink Braves, M, S, C, tree frog banner, 4x Caimans

180 - 15x Skink Braves, M, C

822 - 26x Temple Guard, M, C, S, rending banner

415 - 1x Stygiosaur, mystic traveller

309 - 4x Ramphodon Riders, shield

309 - 4x Ramphodon Riders, shield

110 - 5x Skink Hunters

110 - 5x Skink Hunters

130 - 5x Chamaleons

130 - 5x Chamaleons



Pilon4ik - Ogres

600 : Shaman: General, Wizard Master, Gut Roar, Crown of Autocracy, Esence of free mind, Pyromancy/Thaumaturgy

435 : Khan: BSB, Lygir's Tongue, Troll Eater, Aether Icon, Ironfist, Heavy Armour

775 : 9 Bruiser: FCG, Rending Banner

360 : 5 Tribesmen: Champion, Musician, Ironfist

320 : 2x1 Thunder Cannon

475 : 2x1 Rock Auroch: Crossbow

175 : 2x1 Kin-Eater

386 : 5 Bombardiers; Musician;



Vincent - Highborn Elves

515 : Mage Asfad Scholar(315), general, wizard master divination(150), Talisman of the Void(50)

460 : Commander BSB(200), MoCT(135), Book of Meladys(100), Heavy Armour (10), great Weapon-Longbow(15)

330 : Commander(150), Dragonforged Armour(20), Shield(5), Elven Horse(50), Alchemist's Alloy(15), Dusk Forged(50), Dragon Staff(30), lance(10)

570 : 30 Citizen Archers(530), Musician-Champion(40)

2x280 : 2x15 Citizen Archers(260), musician(20)

880 : 30 Lion Guard (785), FCG(60), Flaming Standard(35)

915 : 30 Lion Guard (785), FCG(60), Banner of Becalming(70)

100 : 1 Giant Eagle

170 : 5 Grey Watchers, shield(5)

TOTAL : 4500



Conjurer - Undying Dynasties

400 : Death Cult Hierarch, Wizard Master, Divination, Hierophant

200 : Death Cult Hierarch, Adept, Evocation

165 : Tomb Architect, Paired Weapons

215 : Tomb Architect, Crown of the Wizard King

245 : Nomarch, Crown of the Pharaohs, General, Aspen Bow, Heavy Armour, Shield

500 : 49  Skeletons, Spear, FCG

268 : 19 Skeleton Archers, Musician, Champion

130 : 5 Skeleton Scouts

130 : 5 Skeleton Scouts

130 : 5 Skeleton Scouts

630 : 6 Tomb Cataphracts, FCG

630 : 6 Tomb Cataphracts, FCG

200 : Charnel Catapult

200 : Charnel Catapult

456 : 6 Shabti Archers, Musician, Champion



DarkMadness - Kingdom of Equitaine

385 : Damsel Master, The Blessing; Wizard Master; The Divination; Beloved; Lance Formation; Barded Warhorse

570 : Duke; General; The Blessing; Questing Oath; Bastard Sword; Heavy Armour; Shield; Oath of Fealty; Jousting; Virtue of Renown; Faith of Percival; Blessed Inscriptions; Pegasus

275 : Paladin; The Blessing; Questing Oath; Bastard Sword; Lance; Heavy Armour; Shield;  Battle Standard; Lance Formation; Oath of Fealty; Jousting; Barded Warhorse

288 : 6 Knights Aspirant; The Blessing; Lance; Heavy Armour; Shield; Impetuous; Lance Formation; Champion

280 : 6 Knights of the Realm; The Blessing; Lance; Heavy Armour; Shield; Lance Formation; Oath of Fealty; Musician

280 : 6 Knights of the Realm; The Blessing; Lance; Heavy Armour; Shield; Lance Formation; Oath of Fealty; Musician

280 : 6 Knights of the Realm; The Blessing; Lance; Heavy Armour; Shield; Lance Formation; Oath of Fealty; Musician

575 : 10 Knights of the Quest;  The Blessing; Questing Oath; Heavy Armour; Shield; Standard; Musician; Champion; Stalker's Standard;

630 : 5 Pegasus Knights; The Blessing; Lance; Heavy Armour; Shield; Standard; Oath of Fealty; Champion; Stalker's Standard; Skirmisher

280 : Trebuchet

280 : Trebuchet

375 : The Green Knight

Total Army Cost: 4498


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