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"One brush to paint them all!" - Kurls Sammelprojekt

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Ja wie in meinem P500 schon überlegt, habe ich mir gedacht es wäre sinnvoll ein Sammelprojekt zu erstellen, in dem ich meine wilden Projektauswüchse an einem Ort dokumentieren kann.


Wer mich kennt, weis ich habe viel zu viele Projekte und springe sehr oft hin und her zwischen diesen. Ein gutes Beispiel wären hier die Waldelfen die ich in meinem P500 bemalt habe. Hier lief es wie immer: Ich beginne ein Projekt voller Energie und stürze mich auf die Arbeit. Baue die Modelle um und bemale in kurzer Zeit so viel wie es geht.




Aber dann schleichen sich andere Projektideen in meinen Kopf: Wie wäre es mit einer Lamiah Themenarmee? Sofort beginne ich wieder Modelle umzubauen und zu bemalen.




Dann denke ich mir aber: Warum fängst du schon wieder ein neues Projekt an wenn du noch so viel Altlasten hast? Gut die Vampire wandern wieder in die Kiste. Aber wenn ich schon keine Lust auf Waldelfen habe im Moment, könnte ich ja meine Dunkelelfen zum 4.? Mal neu aufbauen? Vielleicht dieses mal wieder? als Slaanesh Kult? Gleich mal ein Testmodell umbauen:





Das Testmodell führt mich dann aber wieder zu einem Gedanken, dass es doch eigentlich schon Länger meine Idee war eine Slaanesh Mono Armee für T9A aufzubauen. Dieses mal kann ich nicht wiederstehen und ich baue und bemale in kurzer Zeit beinahe gleich viele Dämonen wie ich schon Waldelfen für mein P500 fertig hatte. Bilder der Amee folgen später noch.




Aber nicht nur Warhammer hat es mir angetan im Moment. In meinem P250 baue ich eine komplett umgebaute Arnor Armee, auf Basis der Victrix Normannen und 3D gedruckten Bits, die zu den im Sommerprojekt gebauten Waldläufern gehört.






Das P250 wird wie das P500 erfolgreich abgeschlossen aber ebenfalls mit einigen Ablenkungen. Denn die Victrix Normannen Kavallerie erscheint und mit der hatte ich auch schon länger etwas vor für SAGA. Nur ein Schnelles Bild; mehr zur geplanten Armee später.




Nachdem mich wieder das SAGA Fieber damit packt, denke ich mir wieder: Altlasten abarbeiten! Desshalb werdet ihr auch bald Bilder meiner Wikinger für SAGA hier sehen. Iren für SAGA habe ich ja letztes Jahr im P500 bemalt. Zu finden hier.


Des weiteren sitzte ich gerade an meinen Sigmar Schwestern für Mordheim die sehr viel Spaß machen. Dazu kommen auch in Kürze Bilder.



Das wäre die kurze Einleitung an was ich im Moment alles an Projekten laufen habe. Ihr seht also es gibt viel durch die Bank zu sehen. Hauptsächlich Fantasy und historisches aber wer weis, vielleicht lasse ich mich ja wirklich dazu mobben von meinen Teamkollegen auch bei 30k einzusteigen oder 40k wieder aufleben zu lassen. Habe ja anscheinend nicht genug Projekte laufen.........


Ich hoffe es finden sich ein paar Leser!

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Gute Sache mit dem Sammelprojekt.


Dieses schwarze "V" mit den Knubbeln unten an auf den Bändern ist doch dieses Sigamar-Symbol, oder? Super getroffen, wenn sogar ich als nicht AOS-Spieler das erkennen kann.

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It is wonderful to do nothing, and then have a good long rest afterwards.


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P 500: Zombicide - Night of the Living Dead

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Vielen Dank! Ja an der Schwester bin ich lange gesessen. Die Gesichter sind aber auch super Modelliert finde ich und machen viel Spaß zu bemalen.


Und um meinem Einführungspost treu zu bleiben: möglicherweise habe ich schon wieder ein neues Projekt eingeschoben?

Im Moment überschlagen sich die Ereignisse auf meinem Hobbytisch.



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Sasildra felt the fury of Khaine leave her body. Enough blood was shed. Now it was time to reap the rewards! Since coming through the portal to Mordheim they were able to secure many fine tributes for Karond Kar. After the storm had damaged her ships the season seemed to end in desaster for house Darksea. A corsair house without a fleet would not endure long. As the eldest of her fathers children the corsair princess was sure her head would have been the price that was expected to be payed for a missed season. But then her cousin Malanthia had the idea of the portal to Mordheim. The fabled tales of the riches left behind by the commet had reached Nagaroth a few weeks prior and everybody was sure a good profit could be made there. Hastily slaves were colected for a ritual to construct a small portal for Sasildra and her retinue. While most of her crew salvaged the city for the precious stones and the ocasional slave the corsair princess and her most trusted servants headed out to have some fun with the many groups of adventurers that were drawn to the cursed city. It was one of these groups that now lay dead at Sasildras feet. She cursed under her breath. The fury of Khanie seemed to have gotten over her and her retinue. None of the adventurers was still alive which ment no slaves to send back to the main camp. Even worse, there was no one they had left now to pass the next long night with for their torture games. Or for food for the Cold Ones. She sucked in the cold air and was about to give the order to move on to find some other prey when she heard the primitive human language be spoken in alarm. It seemed their next prey found them by itself. Sasildra smiled and took up the Druchii warcry to alert her companions:

"Sa'an'ishar! This time let's try to leave some of them alive!"




Sasildra Darksea meine Hochgeborene für unsere kommende Mordheimkampagne.

Umgebaut wurde das Modell vor allem aus Teilen der AoS Harpien artigen Hexenkriegerinnen und Korsaren und Hexenkriegerinnen Bits. Und dann natürlich eine große Menge an Green und Brown Stuff.


Hoffe sie gefällt. Ich werde den Aufbau der Bande über die nächste Zeit hier genau dokumentieren.

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Vielen Dank für die Rückmeldungen!


Hethlan Seasnake always thought himself a pragmatic elf. Born into the esteemed Seasnake Family as the second son to one of the brothers of the heir of the family throne he knew he was dammed to a fate of servitude for his family. Power for himself was something unthinkable. Sure some Druchii rose through the ranks of their family by employing knives in the night or by setting up little accidents for their kin, but the sheer number of targets that would have to be removed before any significant progress was to much for Hethlan. To tell the truth Hethlan liked his family and so he hired himself out as a retainer to another highborn house of Karond Kar for a chance at a little power. House Darksea was the obvious choice. Seasnake and Darksea were ancient relatives from Nagarythe times and it was not unheard of that young ambitious Druchii went to their distant relatives to serve as retainers for higborn sons and daughters that mistrustet their closer family. He knew Sasildra Darksea wasn't particularly distrusting of her brothers and sisters but it seemed she wanted her officers and bodyguards to come from different houses. At first Hethlan thought she did this as a show of strength, choosing strangers as her closest members of her retinue but he soon learned that Sasildra saw it as an opportunity to gain loyal subjects while she always had the chance to quickly weed out the bad ones. Hethlan quickly gained her trust and through the years proved himself as her most trusted household member. Always at her side they had raided the coasts of Bretonnia to Araby, from Cathay to Ind. He knew some of the corsairs talked about them when they thought he could not hear them. The rumor that he and his mistress were a pair were persistent. He made a point to punish the crewmen that harboured this thought, knowing he spared them a worse fate if the Corsair Princess would ever hear them. No his devotion to Sasildra was strictly professional and he knew not to pry or even speculate openly about the real paramour his mistress kept. Sasildra might spare him for his service but Hethlan was certain the other one would make sure he would soon end up in the halls of Ereth Khial. That was if his guess of their identity was correct. And the retainer was pretty certain. Now that was someone you did not want to have as an enemy. 

He shook his head clearing his thoughts and continued with his weapon maintenance. 

His gaze drifted around the camp all meeting his eyes and nodding in greeting or looking away in a gesture of servitude. All except one. The one that had just told some joke or anectote to Hethlans mistress that had her laugh out loud like a smal elf child. The hooded figure met the retainers eyes and smiled knowingly. 

Now there was someone Hethlan hated with all his heart.





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Vathnir was pleased with the outcome of the last few skirmishes. At least some of the crew seemed to show more restraint while fighting. He was used to the different fighting style of the corsairs and Autarii scouts compared to everything he had learned in the army but for the first few days after the crew had arrived in Mordheim he thougth the expedition was doomed. Weeks of beeing bound to shore in Karond Kar while the other fleets were out during slaving season, had done its work on the morale and when they were set loose on the cursed city their bloodlust had seen no restraint. The other highborns had held themselves not much better. But what could you expect from the corsair lords? None of them had served in the real army. Raids and naval engagements were something different to a disciplined land battle. And discipline especially was something Vathnir saw as a problem for the warband. It was something different while raiding at sea where the Druchii reigned surpreme. Now they were deep in enemy lands. One mistake and they could be doomed. Vathnir had always been a more carefull fighter, favouring defence over offence but since he set foot on these new lands he decided to be even more careful and redouble his efforts of protecting Sasildra as her second retainer. Coming from a very low house from Hag Graef he sought glory in the army for a few years. He met Sasildra when she was doing a contract for Lord Darkblade, shipping soldiers to an outpost. Vathnir had impressed the corsair princess with his management skills and when he killed one of her retainers in a duel over some spilled wine. When the troops of Hag Graef finaly deployed, Vathnir stayed behind taking up a position in Sasildras household. The pay and change of scenery had called out to him. 

Looking over the camp he made mental notes on which warriors to discipline next if they made a mistake, which of them seemed to be more on edge and who enjoyed the wine a bit too much. He also glanced at the other of Sasildras retainers who was in attendance. Hethlan looked as brutish and glooming as ever but as Vathnir kept studiying him he noticed a glint of hatred in the big elfs eye. Interested Vathnir followed Hetlans gaze. As usual Sasildra was talking and joking with someone. For a split moment Vathnirs hand reached for his blade. Was the look of hatred for the corsair princess? Then he relaxed when he noticed Hethlans eyes were fixed on the hooded figure beside his mistress. 

Vathnir raised an eyebrow. "Oh jealousy...." he wispered to himself. Now that was something interesting to remember.





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Vermutlich ist es eine Frage des Artikels/Geschlecht:

Die See wird möglicherweise von Dunkelelfen beherrscht.

Der See (irgendein Tümpel auf Ulthuan halt...) wird von den Hochelfen beherrscht?


immer diese Übersetzungsfehler ?


K.A., kenn den Hintergrund und die Zeit wo das spielt dann doch nicht so gut.

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Grossartige Sachen hier. Vor allem auf die beiden Mortheim Banden bin ich sehr gespannt. Seit Jahren spiele ich gerade auch wieder einmal Mortheim. Selber habe ich eine kleine Gruppe Schattenkrieger zusammengestellt und zu malen begonnen. Für meinen Bruder werde ich eine Truppe Dunkelelfen basteln und  bemalen. Umbauen werde ich da nicht so viel um Zeit zu sparen. Ich wünschte aber ich hätte es drauf so tolle, induviduelle Modelle aus meinen Bits zu basteln wie du sie hier zeigst. Ich finde das richtig cool.

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@Boro Danke! Ja eine gut gefüllte Bitbox hilft auf jeden fall. Man muss auch nicht so viel Zeit hinein stecken. Das waren beispielsweise die beiden letzten Figuren ohne GS arbeiten. Da kann man auch schön individuelle Modelle bauen. 




Etwas weniger aufwändige Posen und man könnte sich GS sogar spaaren. Mir macht das modellieren halt zu viel Spaß dass ich sie so lassen würde. Aber es würde natürlich d3n Großteil der Arbeitszeit einspaaren.

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  • Zavor changed the title to Kurl Veranek - DEUS VULT! [Saga] (P500)

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