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"Unseen" kehren zurück

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Die Ursprungsmechs kehren dank der Bemühungen von Catalyst Game Labs zurück.

In 1996 numerous images licensed from several Japanese anime sources were retired from use within the BattleTech universe. Those illustrations formed the bedrock of the original BattleTech 2nd Edition and BattleTech 3rd Edition Box Sets and were generally considered †œfan favorites† across the board. These images†”such as the Warhammer, Marauder, BattleMaster, Phoenix Hawk and so on†”became known as the †œunseen.†

After much blood, sweat and tears, Catalyst Game Labs is exceptionally pleased to announce the return of these †œunseen† images.

†œI†™ve had the honor of helming BattleTech for a long, long time, †œsaid Randall Bills, Managing Developer for Catalyst Game Labs. †œI†™m exceptionally proud that the work of the last several years for the new line of core rulebooks and the current storyline has precipitated a resurgence in BattleTech play and recognition as a fun, great game, with one of the greatest legacies of any game line. However, to participate in returning all our favorite images to the game we love…my geek†™s been on for long weeks about this explosively cool development. Just wait until you see some of the art under development to †œbring them back† in a style worthy of our current books.†

The first books containing these images will start appearing this summer, with future releases†”as appropriate†”able to use illustrations of these classics. One of the biggest of these coming releases, of course, is BattleTech: 25 Years of Art and Fiction; we†™ve got a preview of a complete, all-new-story from this book that also showcases a plethora of art across years, including some images not seen in a BattleTech book in long, long years.


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Schön, schön!

Aber nur auf dem Papier, nicht als Mini? Schade.

Gott sei Dank habe ich zumindest noch Marodeur und Kriegshammer in Form von 1/100 Macross-Bausätzen hier rumfleuchen, an denen ich mich erfreuen kann.

Das waren, neben ein paar anderen, immer meine Lieblingsmechs. Insbesondere der Marodeur.

...dem einen geht's gerade, dem andern geht's krumm

der eine bleibt stehen, der andere fällt um

der eine rennt weiter, der andere liegt stumm

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Mhh...schlechte nachrichten


A few weeks back, we came out with some fantastic news. We were bringing the †˜Unseen†™ back! We reviewed documents, talked to a great many people, and spent time with some lawyers. We felt we had a solid position. Sadly, some of the information we acted upon turned out to be inaccurate. Twelve of the †˜Unseen†™ images previously used within the BattleTech universe were involved in a court case in the 1990s: Archer, Longbow, Rifleman, Warhammer, Wasp, Stinger, Phoenix Hawk, Crusader, Marauder, Stinger LAM, Wasp LAM and Phoenix Hawk LAM. This we knew. But at the end of that court case, as part of a confidential settlement, it was agreed that the sole and exclusive world-wide right to these images (outside of Japan) would rest with another US company.

It is for this reason that we have chosen to revise our plans to publish these specific images in current product.

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Hab grade den threat hier gelesen. Tatsaechlich werden die o.g. Unseens nicht wieder aufgelegt, bzw. abgebildet. Allerdings gibt es noch weitere Unseen designs (Ostscout, Ostroc, Ostsol, Scorpion, Shadow Hawk, Goliath, Locust, Valkyrie, Griffin, Wolverine, Thunderbolt und Battlemaster). Und diese duerfen sehr wohl wieder abgebildet werden. Zumindest sind sie auf http://www.camospecs.com/ wieder (bzw. immer noch) zu sehen.

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  • Zavor changed the title to "Unseen" kehren zurück

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