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  1. Hi Rohda, the animal set Roman was using in Augsburg is made by the German Company Busch: BUSCH - Kleintierset. It costs about 8 Euro. Concerning Internet-Forums for painting I would say www.coolminiornot.com is a good start. I'm a member for years there (www.coolminiornot.com/browse/browseid/13809720) . Just register there and upload your finished miniatures. One core element on this forum is a voting system. All viewers (not only members) can vote on your uploaded miniature from 1-10 (10 being best). So far so good. Bad thing is that this system is far from perfect. The ammount of voting decreased immensely over the years, so don't take any score there too serious. In fact I don't care about this feature of the side. The reason why I recommend you should check out this side are the forums. There are a lot of international members. Especially motivated Beginners can get answers and helpful tips from veterans. Furthermore there is a good sense of humour and a friendly atmosphere among the community. Check out the forums - work in progress section. There are many astounishing projects posted there, even some member hosted competitions. And don't be scared to post your own project there! Another great side for miniatures is www.puttyandpaint.com The miniatures posted there are all top quality painted. You can only become member if you are invited, as I'm no member you have to ask Roman (who is a member ) for more details about this side. Nevertheless check it out for inspiration! Another helpful thing I use recently is www.pinterest.com . It's not exactly about miniatures, but its for all kind of art projects. For me its a great ressource for ideas or to check out colours and settings... P.S.: If someone knows other miniature painting forums please post them here! P.S.S.: Rufen wir uns mal zusammen Roland. Dann können wir mal in aller Ruhe über unser Hobby quatschen. Sind ja quasi Nachbarn. LG Martin
  2. Ach aus Wels? Sorry das ich deinen Beitrag erst gestern gelesen habe. Danke, gute Fahrt auch! Klappt sicher alles. Bis heute Abend.
  3. Hi Rohda, hab die Beiträge erst heute gelesen. Ich fahre auch von Österreich (genauer gesagt von Vöcklabruck) nach Augsburg, allerdings mit dem Auto. Ich breche jedoch schon bald auf (7:00-8:00), da ich mir noch was in Augsburg ansehen möchte. Fahre über Salzburg, TÜV Freilassing (hol mir da dieses Umweltzonenpickerl) und dann direkt nach Augsburg weiter. Sollte es Probleme mit deinem Zug geben dann kannst du mich unter 0664/9766037 erreichen. Kann dich mitnehmen. Denke aber du fährst viel später los als ich? Solltest du noch kein Ticket zurück haben könnten wir uns auch was ausmachen. Grüße Martin
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