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Mingafaux - Cheating Fate in Munich (die zweite)

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Hey Leute,

auch wenn schusta und tunagami nix davon verraten, so ist das Spiel doch 6:4 ausgegangen. Ich hab nur vergessen für welche Seite. Wenn mich jemand dran erinnert, füg ichs in die Tabelle ein ;)

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@schusta: Trotzdem bleibst du vor tunagami ;)


@MacBride: Hast du noch Infos für mich wegen Samstag? Wo muss ich hin? Ab wann wird gezockt etc. :)

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Habs ganz vergessen zu posten - letzten Samstag hat Molly mit Izamu und Rogue Necromancy Mei Feng weggebashed!

Endstand 8 (2von Strategie & 6 von den angekündigten Schemes Power Ritual und Breakthrough) :2 (durch das geheime Scheme Hold Territory & keine Punkte für Line in the Sand)


--> 14:4 für Ligazwecke Fotos folgen bald!

bearbeitet von Glassquid
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Das mit dem Rechnen musst du aber noch mal üben...


Bin gespannt auf Fotos und Bericht. Vor Allem, wie sich die neue Molly so spielt, da gabs ja einige Ideen deinerseits.


Und ein Funken Hoffnung taucht auf, dass ich (vollkommen unerwartet) doch nicht den Letzten mache. Yay!

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So: Fotos von den letzten beiden Spielen und einem Fun Game Pandora Vs Colette (aka Teddy get's Gutpunched by Colette&Cassandra)

Leider sind die Bilder in der Chronologisch falschen Reihenfolge.

die ersten Zwei Bilder Colette VS Pandora

dann auch auf der Wüsten Platte Molly & große böse Untote gegen Eisenbahner und Mei Feng

Und das Spiel zwischen Tunagamis Pandora gegen schustas Rasputina



Kleiner Zusatz: Das Colette - Pandora spiel von MacBride und mir war ein Story encounter und der HAmmer! Sehr sehr witzig und tolle Mission (Theft mit Conterfeit als Verteidiger) - Ich finde die sehr empfehlenswert für die nächsten Spiele :) Ein bisschen Abwechslung muss mal sein, finde ich.

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So, with the league about to close and me about to take off for vacation in a few weeks, I was wonder if we should start a new thread to start kicking off ideas for the next league?


I have enjoyed ALL of my games and you guys are great and I am looking to find an excuse to get organised again and start playing again in September.

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Ich würde ja diesen hier noch für Ideen nutzen und dann mit dem abgestimmten Ergebnis einen neuen Thread starten. Das fände ich spannender, als erst mal ein paar Seiten Gedankenaustausch.

Mein P250 2018/19 Maltherapie

Mein Sammelthread - Eden, Malifaux, Bushido, Da Clash!, MERCS, M&T, Guildball, 54mm

Das Münchner P3: 1. Teil - 2. Teil - 3. Teil - 4. Teil - 5. Teil

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Sounds like a plan!


Wenn es nach mir geht können wir die Liga in diesem oder einem ähnlichen Format gerne wiederholen!

Ich wäre auch voll dafür die Seelensteine etwas anzuheben um dann mal ein paar Spiele auf 50$$ zu sehen (wo das Spiel ja laut Wyrd) am ausgeglichensten ist. Ich finde auch 30$$ einen guten Start wenn wir wieder pro Spieltag 5$$s dazuzählen. Theoretisch könnte man auch total verrückt mit 10$$s anfangen und jeden Tag um 10$$s steigern, aber das ist vermutlich zu krass ;)


Was man ansonsten überlegen könnte zu ändern:


- Robin-Go-Round system (ohne ansteigende Punktanzahl): alle Spiele auf 40$$s und man spielt gegen jeden einmal. Reihenfolge egal!

Ist so ne Idee, die aber zu Chaos führen kann und dazu, dass ein Spieler schon alle Spiele hat und ein anderer z.B. erst eins...


- Man könnte Storyencounters spielen (mit zwei Schemes)


- Man könnte das ganze Storytellingmäßig untermauern und Fluffen (demensprechend die Strategies und Schemes  auswählen)


- Spezielle Geländeregeln? Wie im Buch vorgeschlagen?


und die kniffligste Frage von allen: Was für eine Crew spiele ich als nächstes? Molly, Colette, Misaki, Lady Justice?

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@Glassquid: Misaki zu spielen wäre doch nett, da könnte man mal sehen wer die Ten Thunder würdiger vertritt, aber bis dahin mein lieber fordere ich Dich hiermit zur ultimativen 50 Punkte Schlacht heraus und ich garntiere Dir es wird hässlich werden.

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I am thinking I might chose to outcast master next. Although it depends all on what I can pick up at Gencon:-D


Zoraida might be in plastic then.... but so might be Leveticus...... and I do have Tara still who only saw the table once and is itching for more play........


A slang I learned last year was:




Which means "F' my wallet", aka, my wallet is going to get hurt spending too much aka, gencon is going to bankrupt me :-D

bearbeitet von tunagami
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Ich habe mir kürzlich mal angeschaut, welche Modelle bereits released sind und welche nicht, und mal ehrlich, da fehlt nicht mehr viel. Wenn sie so weitermachen wie bisher könnte nächsten Monat das Meiste was noch fehlt draußen sein. Allmählich wird es also Zeit, dass sie mit Wave 2 rausrücken. Und rein zufällig fällt dieses Ereignis mit der erwarteten Veröffentlichung der nächsten Wyrd Chronicles zusammen! Wenn das mal kein Wink mit dem Zaunpfahl ist! Zugegeben, ich erwarte seit einem halben Jahr bei jeder Wyrd Chronicles, dass sie Wave 2 ankündigen, aber diesmal scheinen die günstigen Vorzeichen alle zusammenzufallen. Wyrd hat gesagt, dass sie Wave 2 im Sommer rausbringen wollen, und lange brauchen sie nicht mehr warten damit, sonst ist bald Weihnachten. Drücken wir also die Daumen, dass wir doch nicht so lange auf die gute neue Mär warten müssen.

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Pah! Wo ist der Brewmaster?!?! Den scheinst du zu vergessen.


Der liegt bestimmt besoffen unter irgendeinem Baum. Außerdem braucht den niemand!



Also, wenn ihr wollt, dann könnt ihr euch das hier mal anschauen. Das ist etwas, was ich in den letzten Tagen zusammengesponnen habe: Eine Kampagne für möglichst viele Spieler. Dabei habe ich besonders auf die Probleme geachtet, die beim letzten Mal aufgetreten sind, und versucht, sie zu entschärfen oder zu umgehen. Am Wichtigsten war es mir, das kompetitive Element zu entfernen, das zu dieser verbissenen "ich muss um jeden Preis gewinnen" - Stimmung führt, die entsprechend weniger engagierte Spieler frustriert. Tatsächlich könnte es unter umständen dazu führen, dass man mit seinem "Gegner" kooperiert. Entsprechend ist es auch vorgesehen, dass es am Ende mehr als einen Gewinner gibt, aber wenn die Sache richtig läuft, sollte es bis zum Schluss für alle spannend bleiben. Die einzige Möglichkeit, wirklich auszuscheiden ist, wenn man sich gar nicht anstrengt.

Also, ohne weitere Vorrede, hier die Regeln (ich hoffe, ich habe nichts vergessen und es ist halbwegs verständlich formuliert).

bearbeitet von Daikirai
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Das sind die Regeln:


Mingafaux †“ Truth and Treachery (Alpha Version)



This is a Malifaux campaign intended for a high number of players †“ the more the better! The game itself will follow the normal rules, but it will be integrated into a system of higher order as lined out in the following passages.



The Basics


In this campaign, crews won't fight for their personal gain but rather join up to further their designs in a team effort. Any Victory Points earned during the game will not benefit the crew directly but rather be pooled up with the Victory Points of their team members. To this end, for the purpose of this campaign, a new system will be introduced. This system is called 'Affiliation'.





Two powers are locked in eternal battle for dominance in the street of Malifaux. In order to avoid the stereotypical 'good' versus 'evil' or 'order' versus 'chaos' labels these will be called Eathside and Breachside.



The Guild, the Arcanists and the Ten Thunders work together as a team under the 'Earthside' moniker. While not necessarily on friendly terms, these Factions share a common interest to uphold the law and preserve the status quo †“ for now. Any Victory Points scored by crews of these Factions will be credited to the Earthside Affiliation.



The Ressurrectionists, the Neverborn, and the Gremlins represent the ancient and evil powers of Malifaux. They want to see man driven from their ancient homeworld and wipe out any resistance. Should things go their way, they may well succeed. Any Victory Points scored by crews of these Factions will be credited to the Breachside Affiliation.



Outcasts are a different kind of beast; no one knows where their loyalties truly lie. Any crew that starts out as Outcast will have to declare before the beginning of the campaign if they are supporting the Earthside or the Breachside Affiliation. Any Victory Points scored by the crew are subsequently credited to the respective Affiliation.



The Campaign †“ Easy Version


The campaign will consist of 5 'rounds', during which the crews face off against each other to vie for control over Malifaux. Each crew will fight exactly once per round, meaning every crew participating in the campaign will fight 5 times. After that, all Victory Points scored during the campaign will be tallied up and the Affiliation with the most Victory Points wins. All crews belonging to the winning Affiliation will be considered victorious. If Earthside wins, they will have succeeded in establishing a secure breachhead into Malifaux and driving off any opposition, giving ample opportunity for further invasion. If Breachside wins, Malifaux will be wiped out, all humans slain and the breach will be closed forever. In the unlikely event of a draw, no one has won, nothing has changed and the players will have to duke it out all over again!


There's More...


In order to spice things up a bit, the following additional rules should be used.



A Bone to Pick


The campaign is supposed to have the participating crews fight against each other. To this end, the encounters should be randomized or generated via a set system that ensures that no two encounters will be the same. This will inevitably lead to crews of the same Affiliation fighting against each other. That's okay, because there is enough strife within the Affiliation or even Faction to justify such an encounter. In such a case, all Victory Points scored during the game will be added to the same Affiliation's total. If it is not possible for all players to get a game for a given round, for example because the number of players is odd or because another player did not show up, they will have to play against the Outsider.



The Outsider


The Outsider is a mysterious enemy with an unknown agenda who lurks in the shadows. Basically it's one or more players acting as a sparring partner for a campaign crew who couldn't be paired with another campaign crew for whatever reason. The Outsider should preferably use a crew that is not participating in the campaign. It could be a different crew each time or always the same; it is up to the players to decide that. For the campaign crew, this will count as the regular campaign game with any and all consequences. The Outsider, however, has no bearing on the campaign; the Outsider's Victory Points are not credited to either Affiliation (though the Outsider can keep track of them if he wishes) and he suffers no penalties for losing, silently retreating to the shadows after the game, waiting for his next chance to strike.



The Coward


A Coward is a crew leader who fails to show up for his assigned game during a round. The Coward will automatically lose his game, scoring 0 Victory Points and receiving a Black Spot.



The Black Spot


Malifaux is a harsh place, and weakness isn't tolerated for long. Whenever a crew doesn't win a game they are assigned a Black Spot by their enemies. That means they have been marked and have to be extra careful from then on. Note that in case of a draw, both crews will receive a Black Spot since it is considered failure nonetheless! Should a crew draw or lose four games, and therefore receive four Black Spots, they will be ousted. This represents their enemies ganging up on them, cannibalizing their territory and claiming their position for themselves. Crews that have been ousted are, for all intents and purposes, finished.



The Ousted


A crew that has been ousted is precluded from participating in any future games of the current campaign and can no longer influence the outcome in any way. In addition, by virtue of having been thoroughly eradicated, they can no longer win. Even if the ousted crew's Affiliation scored the most Victory points in the end, it will not be part of the winning team. In other words, a crew that has been ousted is done for good and has automatically lost the campaign. It is therefore something that should be avoided at any cost.


This rule is supposed to serve twofold purpose: To punish players who fail to show up, therefore jeopardizing the campaign, and to ensure that crews of the same Affiliation actually fight against each other rather than just teaming up to score Victory Points.



Pandora faces off against Lilith, a fellow Neverborn Master. Pandora has already lost three games so far, so she cannot afford another blunder. She knows she has to best Lilith in order to silence her critics. She has no choice but to fight. For her it's a desperate struggle for survival. It's all or nothing, so she has to throw everything she has at Lilith and hope it works. Lilith, on the other hand, has several options. She could purposely forfeit the game, allowing Pandora to live and continue scoring Victory Points for their Affiliation. However, in doing so, she would receive a Black Spot herself, potentially putting her in danger. Didn't Nekima recently scrutinize her with such a strange glint in her eyes...? Maybe, though, Lilith is annoyed by Pandora's constant failure and has decided to shut her up for good this time...



Show your True Colors


Lastly, it is actually possible for some crews to change Affiliation mid-campaign. This should add a nice element of uncertainty and backstabbing to keep things interesting. The rules for that are as follows:


Non-Outcast Mono-Faction Masters

Cannot change Affiliation. They will be bound to see their cause through no matter what. That means they are the least flexible of the bunch. They know that and have realized they need to go to some length in order to compete. To create an incentive for the use of Non-Outcast Mono-Faction Masters, they will be allowed to hire any Mercenaries without having to pay a +1 Soul Stone premium. This advantage may turn out to be too weak/strong, so thorough playtesting is required.



Lady Justice has no qualms fighting Resurrectionists, but she is less well equipped for fighting Neverborn, so for an upcoming battle she feels some additional firepower is needed. To that end, she enlists the help of Hans. Hans agrees to aid her cause, and after a short mention of his criminal record and a quick tour through the Guild jail he consents to waive his special fee, joining her crew for his normal Soul Stone cost.



Non-Outcast Dual-Faction Mono Affiliation Masters

These Masters can freely change their Faction but not their Affiliation between games without any ill effects. Their allies know they are loyal to the cause and take no offense. This adds some flexibility to them.



Zoraida is a Dual-Faction Neverborn / Gremlin Master. Before every game, she can analyze her chances and bring the crew she thinks is best suited for the upcoming battle. Any Victory Points she scores in either case will always be credited to the Breachside Affiliation.



Non-Outcast Dual-Faction Dual Affiliation Masters

Some select Masters have an Earthside Affiliation as well as a Breachside Affiliation. In this case, the Master's initial Affiliation is decided by the Faction they declare in the first game. As long as the Master continues to support this Affiliation they will always have to declare the same Faction as in the first game. However, the Master has the unique option to change Affiliation should they wish to do so. In order to do this, they will have to declare their other Faction at the beginning of any game. However this is not possible in the last game as the other crews won't suffer any wartime profiteers partaking in their spoils! The Master can change Affiliation only once, because their former allies certainly won't welcome them back. That means that, for the remainder of the campaign, the Master will be stuck with their other Faction, and, by extension, Affiliation.



Mc Mourning starts the campaign as a Resurrectionist Master and at first aids his Breachside allies. However, after a few games, things start to look grim for the Rezzers (or maybe he just has one of his episoeds) and Mc Mourning decides it would be more advantageous to change sides. He declares Guild Faction in his next game and any of his subsequent Victory Points will be credited to the Earthside Affiliation. He will continue to run a Guild crew for the rest of the campaign.



Outcast Masters

Are a bit special. They have no fixed Affiliation but have to declare their Affiliation before the campaign begins. They have the ability to change their Affiliation exactly once during the campaign, simply by declaring they want to change Affiliation before a game. Again, this is not possible in the last game. They do not have to change Faction to do that; in fact, most can't. Because of this inherent flexibility, Mono-Faction Outcast Masters do not get any additional boni. Dual-Faction Outcast Masters may change their Faction freely as long as their Affiliation remains the same. For example, Misaki may freely change between Outcast and Ten Thunders as long as she supports Earthside, and Tara may freely change between Outcast and Ressurrectionist as long as she supports Breachside. If they start the campaign as Ten Thunders / Resurrectionist respectively and change to Outcast later on, they have to instantly declare if they change Affiliation also. If they do so, they will be stuck in the Outcast Faction for the rest of the campaign.





Running the Campaign


So, how do you kick it all off? The first step is obviously to gather a number of players. The more the better, as a larger sample size will hopefully lead to more even results pointswise and smooth out any freak events like mass crew exodus or erratic Victory Point peaks.


Next, the players will have to roughly fall into two teams to make up the Earthside and Breachside forces. Ideally, they will be the same number, but that doesn't necessarily have to be the case. To spice things up, or to balance out big differences in skill level (give newbies a sporting chance), one team can have more players than the other in order to make it easier/harder for them to gather Victory Points for their Affiliation.


Once that is done, players will choose their crews according to their Affiliation. Preferably each player should use a different crew, though of course, depending on the circumstances, that may not be possible. After that, the starting matches are determined. In the first game, Dual-Faction Masters must declare a Faction that matches their Affiliation. Likewise, Outcast Masters must declare their chosen Affiliation. In subsequent games, they are free to do as they wish and chaos ensues.


As stated before, at the end of the campaign, all crews who have currently declared the Affiliation with the most Victory Points win, except ousted crews, who cannot win. The ability of some crews to change Affiliation mid-campaign to join the winning side may be seen as an unfair advantage at first. However, one should keep in mind that in doing so, the turncoat crew has actually spent the first part of the campaign helping their future enemies, as any Victory Points from earlier games remain with the Affiliation they were credited to. Also, this set of rules is not intended to be perfectly balanced for competitive use but rather to provide a fun and entertaining way to play a few games of Malifaux. Still, extensive playtesting should be undertaken to reveal any flaws, oversights or miscalculations that may have slipped past.




bearbeitet von Daikirai
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Ich hatte heute eine E-Mail im Postfach mit den aktuellen Releases. Da stand er nicht dabei und ich hatte schon das Fenster geöffnet, um Alles von Wyrd rauszuschmeißen...


Jetzt bin ich aber erst mal gespannt, was im Chronicle steht und bin solange besänftigt.

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Hmmmm, bestätigt ist da ja nix... 


Der Whiskey- Golem ist für die GenCon als Release geplant, das war's dann aber auch. Bis auf ein halbseidenes "and more...". Auf solche Ankündigungen gebe ich erst mal gar nichts. Lucius ist eine der neueren Boxen und wird schon wieder neu aufgelegt? SRSLY?? 


Die Dawn Serpent finde ich extrem cool, und das ist auch ein echt schönes Bemal- Tutorial. Und der neue Collodi und seine Marionetten MUSS her. Sehr cooles Modell. Da passt das neue schräge extrem gut. 

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