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SÖLDNER - Treff 5


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@ Desiderius: Nimmt er ne Handwaffe, ist auch egal, hat er halt kein rüstungsbrechend...

Ich werde aber vielleicht mal im englischen Forum fragen, bzw. die inoffiziellen FaQ durchgucken. (Den Fleischer habe ich mir zugegebenermaßen nie angesehen)

Was dich nicht umbringt macht dich härter...Komm nach Japan!

"Hallo, ich bin Skeletor von Luxemburg" "Kann es sein, dass sie blau sind?"

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Für alle Raubkopierer: Probiert mal anstatt dem Schnitter und der Kanone nen Rhinoxbullenreiter mit Kriegsbanner aus...der ist so richtig asslig...hab ihn vor ner Woche auf nem Turnier eingesetzt, habe den Beschuss kaum vermisst und der Bullenreiter hat in 5 Spielen 3 Kommandanten erschlagen!!!

Viel Spass damit!

Was bin ich?

"Du darfst deine Skelette mit Musketen nicht als Armbrustschützen einsetzen!...Da muss ich echt drauf bestehen!"

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Ja Rhinoxreiter sind seeeehr stark, ich empfahle eher 2 ein Standartentrager mit KB und ein normaler, die passen alle an eine normale 5x5er oder 2x5er Einheit ran. Die Einheit ist vllt. sogar zu stark, die Leutz bei GW haben einfach geschaut was Oger nicht haben und haben das in eine Einheit reingedruckt...

Ist ziemlich hart geworden, 2sind ca. so stark wie ein Blutdamon sag ich aus eigener erfahrung da 3 einen Blutdaemon mit normalen Wurfeln in 3Runden besiegt haben, ist zwar nur 1 Rhina dortgeblieben, aber der Daemon kostet auch ca. 100P mehr...

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Hallo zusammen,


habe bisher immer gezögert sie einzusetzen, da ich der Meinung war, auf Turnieren ohne Kanone keine Druckmittel gegen härtere Sachen zu haben, aber wenn das so ist ;D


ich hoffe, ich habe hier eine etwas andere Liste gefunden, die auf Turnieren erfolgreich spielbar ist, denn die Listen die ich mir so angeschaut habe, haben fast alle einen MZ (zum bannen) als Kommandanten, da der Goblinschnitter sich ja großer Beliebtheit erfreut. Desweiteren sehe ich die Marodeure(obwohl sie immun gegen Psycho sind) auch selten, wenn überhaupt, als 20er Block. Klar, Duellisten mit Pistolen sind einfach zu gut als das sie fehlen dürfen und die Vielfraße sind ja auch relativ gut, aber sie wurden mir in den letzten zwei Spielen gegen DE und Echsen sofort weggeschossen und dann tun 258 Pkt. schon echt weh! Daher werde ich sie jetzt gegen 2 x 3 Eisenwänste eintauschen...Grund: billiger, halten fast genausoviel aus und ich habe 2 Einheiten

Änderungen an der Liste:

General: s.R.; Lanze; v. Schild; Ross m. Harnisch =133

Zahlmeister: schwere Rüstung; Schild =61

Zauberer: 1 MBSR =85

Zauberer: 2 MBSR =110

8 Duellisten mit Pistolen =72 (+ ZM)

9 Duellisten mit Pistolen =81

9 Duellisten mit Pistolen =81

10 Armbrustschützen =80

10 Armbrustschützen =80

5 Leichte Kav. =55 (nur als Umlenker gedacht)

5 schwere Kav. Rossharnisch =105

5 schwere Kav. Rossharnisch: Standarte =130 (+ General)

6 Venatoren =219

20 Marodeure mit HW + Schild: Musiker, Standarte =180

10 Marodeure mit Flegel =80

3 Eisenwänste mit schwerer Rüstung und ZHW =144

3 Eisenwänste mit schwerer Rüstung und ZHW =144

Kanone =85

Kanone =85

Macht zusammen exakt 2000 Pkt. und 13 Einheiten!

Ich habe jetzt eine Einheit mehr und vorallem mehr Schußkraft auf lange Reichweite. Was haltet ihr von den Änderungen...sinnvoll oder eher nicht?



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Also Söldnerkanonen enttäuschen mich immer wieder, jetzt hatte ich sie am Sonntag bei 2 Spielen mal wieder drinnen, aber entweder ich Würfel eine 10" beim ersten Wurf und es ist dann knapp drüber, oder ich schätze kürzer, dann Würfel ich 2", gefolgt von 2" oder Misfire.... und sollte ich doch mal Treffen, kommt zu 75% die 1 zum verwunden. Auf die kann ich mittlerweile verzichten.

Ich habe bis jetzt in einem Spiel die Albionriesen eingesetzt und lief echt super das Spiel (Massaker beim Chaoten angerichtet), doch habe ich es mir nicht getraut bisher bei einer Turnierliste den Schnitter daheim zu lassen. Nach den beiden Spielen am Sonntag (2 mal verloren...) konnte ich mich aber doch durchringen eine neue Liste zu basteln.

Folgendes ist bei rausgekommen:


- 3 Bannrollen


- SR, verzaubertes Schild, Morgenstern, Ross mit Harnisch


- SR, Schild, Pistole, Zweihänder

5 Schwere Kav. mit Harnisch

5 Schwere Kav. mit Harnisch

5 Leichte Kav. mit Speeren

8 Duellisten mit Pistolen

8 Duellisten mit Pistolen

4 Eisenwänste mit Standarte und Spähgnoblar

6 Mengils Skalpjäger

Vielfraß mit SR und Cathaylangschwert

Vielfraß mit SR und Zweihänder


=2000 Punkte

EW: 6 ; BW: 5 ; 3 Rollen

Ich habe mit den beiden Riesen und den Eisenwänsten ordentlich Punch, unterstützt von den beiden einzelnen Vielfraßen und dem Pegahelden.

An Beschuss habe ich nur Mengils, das reicht aber für kleine Nerveinheiten wie Riesenadler oder Todeswölfe... die sollen aber auch auf jeden Fall in den Nahkampf um bissel häuten zu können.

Das reicht mir aber auch an Beschuss: Kanone s.o., Armbrustschützen schaff ich irgendwie nie ordentlich ins Spiel zu bringen. Einzig den Schnitter werde wohl gegen manche Armeen vermissen (aber auch nur gegen manche).

Die einzelnen Vielfraße haben den Vorteil das sie kaum Beschuss auf sich ziehen, aber im Nahkampf trotzdem ordentlich austeilen und aufhalten können.

Bei 3er Einheiten habe ich die Erfahrung gesammelt das sie solch eine Bedrohung beim Gegner erzeugen das eh meist soviel Beschuss auf sich ziehen das nur einer in den Nahkampf kommt.

Da dahcte ich mir, das ich mir die anderen 180 Punkte auch sparen kann, nur einen aufstelle.

Sollen die billigeren Eisenwänste den Beschuss auf sich ziehen, oder die Riesen.

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Ich bin dabei ein "Ogertier" einzubauen, wären dann nur noch Plänkler (Duellisten), leichte und schwere Kavallerie (2 leicht, 1-2 schwer), Mengil, 2 Pegasi, zwei einzelne Vielfraße und evtl. die Slayerzwerge (oder Voland).

Würde dann aber mit Meisterzauberer Spielen, da die Magie gefährlich würde...

Muss ich mal ausprobieren, ganz trauen tu ich der Sache nicht...

@ Desiderius: SerialMoms KM Berechnungen sind dir bekannt, nehme ich an?

sind selbst bei Strw nur um die 55 Prozent...

Was dich nicht umbringt macht dich härter...Komm nach Japan!

"Hallo, ich bin Skeletor von Luxemburg" "Kann es sein, dass sie blau sind?"

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War ein 2500 P. Turnier.

Meisterzauber 285 P.

Level 4

3 Rollen

Hauptmann 113 P.

leichte Rüstung(musste Punkte sparen)




Zahli 77 P.

Pferd, Harnisch, schwere Rüstung, Schild, Morgenstern

8 Duellisten 72


18 Pikenträger 200 P.


6 Venatoren 219 P.

5 schwere Reiter 105 P.


5 leichte Reiter 55 P.

10 Armbrustschützen 80 P.

3 Vielfraße 258 P.

2x Bihänder, 1 x Cathay

3 Vielfraße 258 P.

Bihänder, Cathay, Muskete

8 Mengils Häuter 325 P.

14 Long Drongs 243 P.

1 Rhinoxbullenreiter 210 P.

Standarte , Kriegsbanner

Eine bunt durchgemischte Armee, hat wirklich gut funktioniert, bin nur auf Grund von einem absoluten AXXXXXXXXXX nicht in die Top 10 gekommen, weil ich ihn in 3 Runden gemassackert hatte (er hat augegeben, als sein Vampir durch den Bullenreiter und Long Drong draufgegangen ist), und er mir daraufhin 0 von bis zu 3 Punkten auf Fairness gegeben hat und ebenfalls 0 von bis zu 5 möglichen Punkten für die Aufstellung...Obwohl es ein ganz normales Spiel war und er einfach nur Müll gespielt hat(sonst gewinnt man nicht in Runde 3!)...sowas nervt dann doch ganz schön und hat bei mir den Sinn solcher "Softpoints" doch arg in Frage gestellt...Was kann ich dafür, wenn mein Gegener so schlecht war?

Was bin ich?

"Du darfst deine Skelette mit Musketen nicht als Armbrustschützen einsetzen!...Da muss ich echt drauf bestehen!"

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Jep, sowas ist mist. ich bin ja dafür die Fairnesswertung außerhalb der Turnierwertung zu machen. Dann geben hoffentlich alle eher objektivere Bewertungen und wenn nicht, dann kann es jemanden wenigstens nicht so runterziehen. Mr. Fairplay kann mann immer noch küren und man sieht auch gegen wen man in Zukunft lieber nicht spielen möchte.


Jetzt habe ich mal gedacht etwas von deiner Liste wegzukommen um evtl auch mal gegen deine Söldner spielen zu können, und dann schreibst du wieder fast die gleiche wie die meinige rein....

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Ich habe halt eine Idee, wie man ein Rhinox bauen kann. Mein Lindwurm (aus Carnosaurusteilen) ohne Flügel (die hat der Oger gegessen, als er den "Kleinen" fand), mit dem Nomadenvielfraß oben drauf.

Die Typen zu Fuß mit Pistolenpaaren, ein Hillbilly und ein Cowboy...

Umringt von Duellisten...

Habe mir sogar einen zu der Armee passenden Pullover gekauft...

Aber in Kreuznach spiel ich eh nichts neues, Liste ist ja schon weg.

Und es war das, was ich von Anfang an spielen wollte, mit 2 Pegasi und ohne Zentrum...

Das habe ich auf meiner (erfolglosen) Jagd im engl Forum gefunden. Der mann hat in groben Zügen recht:

Dogs of War Tactics: (units) - TheEmpireVader Replies [4]. This Reply Posted [12/13/2005 9:37].

Dogs of War Tactics: (units) Intro: Hey guys I have been playing the DoW since they first came out at the end of 5th edition and I have had a winning record playing them so I thought I would try my hand at writing some tactics for them. (I actually had the DoW army book for a full month before 6th Ed, and the wood elf players complained about waiting so long for their book) The Army: I like to think of the DoW as the jack of all trades & master of none army. DoW are not a horde army like Orcs, or magic Heavy like Elfs, or even Close Combat orientated like Chaos but they are more numerous then Elfs, have more elite CC then Orc, and shooter then Chaos. So if you try to build a DoW force that specializes in one of the above items you will be at a disadvantage to the true masters of that tactic. How does the DoW army compensate for not excelling in any area? By diversifying and not focusing on any one area. A DoW army should try to compete in at least two of the primary game phases (Shooting, Movement, Magic, CC) if not all four. Being able to do something in all phases, I believe is the DoW biggest advantage. If you are playing Vs Chaos use shooting and movement Vs Elfs use your numbers… do not fight on your opponent†™s terms. Selection:Army selection is where you decide on your army tactics. Do you take xbows and cannons for a good shooting phase, or a Lv 4 wizard to do a little magic? I always find it is best to select troops and gear that will work with your playing stile. If you like to play smash mouth get some Ogres and Heave cav, if you like to outmaneuver your opponents go for some fat cav and duelists. I can go in much more detail here but I think I need to go into troops and rate them some how.Troops: I am going to split this category into Core, Special, and Rare (I know real original)Core: There are 5 core choices for a DoW army. Duelists, Pikemen, Fast Cav, Med Cav, Heavy cavDuelists †“ Duelists are a cheep skirmishing unit at 5 pts each but the upgrade to pistols is well worth the 4pts per. Uses †“ The basic Duelists is good for screening Vs shooting but for almost every other job the pistol welding duelists is your unit. I have been using my pistol Duelists to protect my flanks and to move up threw cover. The Pistol Duelists are also good at combined charges and hitting units in the flank while Heavy cav or pikes hit the unit from the front. The Pistol Duelists might not cancel ranks but the extra St4 -2AS and the +1 for a flank means that most combats are going to go your way.RoR Duelists †“ AKA Vespero†™s Vendetta †“ Very nice models but you are better off taking two units of Pistol Duelists for the same cost.Pikes †“ Strike first when charged, +1 ST Vs Charging Cav, Monsters, and Chariots, and fight in four ranks all for 10pts not bad except for the basic human holding it. Still as a unit they are well worth the points.Uses †“ I like taking a block of 24 with full command. I some times give them the heavy armor but there is so much that just ignores a 5+ save that I keep going back and forth on this.I like to use my Pikemen aggressively and I think that is the key to getting the most out of them. Remember this is a game of movement and if you can force your opponent into a corner because he can not hit your pikes you can hopefully get some cav into his flank while he is try to decide if he can take the pikes from the front. March them right up to you opponent and dare them to charge you. As long as it†™s another unit of foot troops you should do very well with the 24 Atts you get. Vs Cav you have to be more careful. The +1ST sounds good until the 1+ save knight hit you and they still have a 2+ sav. RoR Pikes †“ There are a few RoR pike units and my favorite is Ricco†™s Republican Guard. Ricco†™s men have heavy armor to help protect the grater pts investment and a WS4 and that makes them much better then the average pikeman. Also Recco is not a bad hero (if only he had a pike or GW) When I use Ricco (and I almost always do) I go for a 20 man unit so they are not too much of an investment. The other RoR pike units are ok but usually the basic pike unit is a better buy for the points. Still if you decide to go heavy shooting a unit of Pirazzo†™s men (pike & crossbows) are not too bad but you do have to skip movement to shoot the crossbows. Also if you play against undead a lot the immune to psychology unit (Leopold†™s Leopard Company) could be useful but they are just too pricy for most situations.Crossbows †“ Basic ST4 30† range crossbow unit. Nice and cheap and always useful.Uses †“ Standard shooting unit, cheap and useful. Not much more I can say.RoR Crossbows †“ There are 2 RoR xbow units and they can add some flavor to your army but are not worth taking. The Marksmen of Miragliano have a BS4 and you might think that is good but you are paying for Full Command & a hero that should never see a fight (and if they did they will still loose) and the other RoR has big shields that only help Vs other shooting (why would you opponent bother shooting them when there will be so much more effective troops to shoot at) Save the points and get 2-3 basic xbow units for the cost of 1 RoR.Fast Cav - Core fast cav is one of the best options any army can have. DoW Fast cav are cheap, and perform all the normal fast cav roles very admiralty. Uses †“ Flee, flank, redirect. Let me know if you do knot know how to do this with fast cav and maybe I will write a Tactical on it. All ways pay the 1pt for the spears it just makes them better for a minim investment. The shields and bows are not worth the points to me. The -1 to hit for moving means you will need 5+ to hit most times and at ST3 the shot will probably fail to wound but some people swear they have killed a mage left on his own (maybe they were playing their kid brother ;-) Also adding bows & shields is going to make a cheap unit into a overpriced unit. NEVER pay the outrages points for the command that DoW charges for fast cav. Just take the 15pts for any of the three options and get another model.RoR †“ There are two RoR fast cav options. One option is the Desert Dogs, they come with two hero level champions (with no armor) and a blind banner boy (who gives +d3 combat res instead of 1). Sounds good until you see the price tag and realize that the unit and characters can be devastated by one magic missile. (One d6 ST4 MM can cost you ½ there points). Just stick to the basic DoW fast cav and get 4-5 units for the same cost. The other RoR option is Oglah Kahn†™s wolfboyz. Ogla Kahn†™s is a special slot and overpriced but I think they are worth taking once in a while. Why you might ask well they are M9, 4+ AS, have bows, an OK hero, and come with a magic item or banner (can†™t remember what one) that gives them an extra D6 pursuit (they role 4D6!). The base price of the unit is very high for fast cav but the extra models are actually a bargain for what you get, so I tend to use them in a large 10 wolf unit. Since they are fast cav the large unit is not a problem and they can take a few casualties and still have a good chance to break most units on there own if they hit them in the flank or rear. Also throwing them into a front charge with another unit is not a bad idea because of the 4D6 pursuit (almost a granted to catch any unit with M<7)Med Cav †“ DoW Med cav is becoming my favorite unit in the army. There is no such thing as Med cav, I have added it and it†™s just heavy cav with out the barding.Uses †“ ok take heavy cav with out barding and you have Med cav. You now have a fast (8 move) unit that has a 3+AS, WS4, LD8, and Lances for 5pts more then the DoW fast cav (just 1 point more then Dark riders). Sure you lose the free reform and flee & move ability but you get a unit that can survive most anti-fast cav tactics. The most common anti fast cav tactic is shooting them with week bow fire or a D6 ST4 magic missiles but the Med cav with it†™s 3+ AS can withstand these attacks with few causalities. Sure your opponent can use his cannons to shoot you Med cav but the Med cav is so cheap that it is a waste of fire power and your Heave cav is left unmolested.Also with the high movement you have a good chance to hit your opponents skirmishers (that 3+ save is wonderful Vs skinks) or there war machines (this includes Salamanders because you have a good chance of surviving their ST3 shooting †“ just attack the skinks for combat res). Also, Med cav still perform the old flanking maneuver very well and if the combat go a few turns you will love the 3+AS. Try a unit in your DoW army you will like them. Oh, please do not take any of the overpriced DoW Cav command just get another model.RoR †“ Tichi-Huichi†™s riders †“ I think Tichi†™s Cold Ones fit the Med cav description much better then any other category. Tichi†™s Cold Ones have some nice stats, M8, 3+AS, cause Fear, two ST4 Atts from the Cold Ones (throw back to 5th ED) an Ok hero and a special rule that prevents your opponent from perusing them if they flee from CC. Unfortunately they have some big disadvantages as well, Stupidity, T2, Very expensive and take a rare slot. Even with these negatives (It†™s the T2 that is the biggest problem) it is fun to use the unit once in a while (just do not use them in competitive games). I have used them Vs Vampire Counts and Beatmen and they were excellent, with 3 ST5 & 17 ST4 Atts on the charge they mangled some Skeletons and a unit of beastmen. On the other hand Vs Empire & Orcs they were shot to bits and had a fanatic rip them apart (what doesn†™t get wiped by fanatics?) Heavy Cav - Basic Heavy cav, 2+ sav, ST3, M7 nothing special but they are cheap.Uses †“ Stat wise the DoW H Cav are probably the worst heavy cav in the game but they are the cheapest and that makes all the difference. So take that 10 strong unit (with command) you will be paying less then any other army and on the charge they effectively hit the same as their more expensive counter parts. Smaller 6 man units are also good but the high cost of DoW Cav command makes them not as good of an option. So if you want the bar bones unit just take Med cav (see above). Since the DoW Heavy cav are so cheap and do not hit as hard as other Heavy cav I have been using them in large units 15-16 strong. Put a hero in the unit (The paymaster is very safe here) and because of ranks and outnumber you should be winning CC with any unit you charge even if you go all rubber lace (it was the rubber lance problem that made me start using the big cav unit). All you have to do is use the Cav BUS like a fast infantry unit. I also like to force my opponents hand by getting them into a loosing charge or be charge scenario and since the Cav BUS has ranks, a 2+ save, and outnumber it should win most combats even if it does not get the charge. (Food for thought - DoW heavy cav cost the same as Chosen Chaos warriors with shields)RoR †“ There is only one Heavy Cav RoR and that is Voland†™s Venators. The Venators are DoW Heavy Cav with ST4 and the unit comes with a Hero that actually complements the unit he comes with. I believe the Venators are one of the best RoR because they are priced right and the hero is useful. Use them just like DoW heavy cav just not the BUS version. When I use them I go for the Minimum unit of 5 and add another Hero (or Paymaster) to the unit. That†™s a 6 wide Heavy cav unit with 10 ST6 attacks on the charge (Mmmm that†™s good).Specials:There are 5 basic special choices for a DoW army. Dwarfs, Halflings, Norse Marauders, Ogres, & Paymaster†™s Body GuardDwarfs †“ Basic Dwarf warriors are cheap, Ld9, and WS4.Uses- There are many uses for Dwarfs in a DoW army. Some people like to give them every option and have a unit that can fight, shoot, and be ready for any situation. Well, I think that is just a waste of points. Get a unit of 20 (or 16), give them Heavy armor and a shield and you have a cheap 3+AS unit that will be around till the end of the game. The other options Great weapons, Xbows… are better placed on other units that can use them better or cheaper, like core xbow unit. (a small unit with GWs might be a good flanker but that M3 is so slow). A good use of this unit is to march them next to the pikes to protect the flanks. RoR †“ There are two Dwarf RoR †“ Slayer Pirates, and Sea Axes.The Slayer Pirates are a good unbreakable unit worth trying out once in a while but like all RoR they cost quite a few points. Slayer Pirates are Dwarf slayers and have the unbreakable slayer rule and they trade the always wound on 4+ for LOADS of pistols. Since they are loaded with pistols they always count as having 2 Hand weapons & are ST4 -2AS in HtH. The Slayer Pirates work well as a sand pit (like a swarm †“ only more expensive) and can actually win CC once in a while. Just remember they have no armor and any high ST troops will quickly cut them down.RoR- Sea Axes †“ Dwarfs with throwing axes. I am not sure it†™s worth all the points to have a M3 that has to get within a 6† rang to use a ST4 missile weapon. Sure they have GW & HA but you might as well go with Duelists with pistols if you want a ST4 missile weapon. They are at least priced correctly for what they have but I would rather go for the cheaper Dwarfs with just HA, SH and a unit of Duelists with pistols. Halflings †“ Who would not like to have a character-full unit of Halflings in their army?Uses- Halflings are a great cheap archer unit that has BS4, and can move in woods for an amazing low cost (Elfs would die to have such cheap archers). If you like to have some shooting or just have a few points leftover get a unit and if they just clam a table qtr they were worth the poinys. On the Negative side their T2 means that you would have to be crazy to try the CC option for this unit but that more in woods rule make me wonder if they could still be useful. (Anyone have success with CC Halflings?)RoR †“ Lumpin fighting Cocks are the only RoR Halfling unit. Like most RoR they suffer from a high cost and command options that are not really needed. It†™s not all bad they are Skirmishing archers with BS4 so they have some uses but Duelists with pistols do the skirmishing part better & cheaper and the basic Halfling does the shooting just as well and you can get both units for almost the same cost as Lumpin. Even so this unit can be fun to use with the LD9 hero they will at least pass the panic check when the paymaster dies.Norse Marauders †“ these are not Chaos Marauders.Uses †“ Cheap frenzied WS4, 20mm based troops with a sweet list of upgrades makes the DoW Norse Marauders much better then Chaos Marauders. The DoW army can have LD problems and if you know how to get the most out of a frenzy unit of Norse Marauders they can be a good addition to your army. I like taking the basic Hand weapon & shield option for the 4+AS and go for a 20 strong unit for a lot of static combat res. Sure the HW & Shield leaves them ST3 but 2 atts each is still good for a full ranked up unit and if you lose frenzy you still have a dependable unit. Since they will probably be your only frenzy unit you should be able to deploy them near the middle of you battle line to minimize the negative side of frenzy (if they can not see they don†™t have to charge). Once I get the models I will am going to try out a small 12 man unit with GWs for some sweet ST5 flank support. I just have to look out for the negatives of frenzy pulling them away from were they are needed. Note: The option of Norse Marauders with GWs is why I never think about using the Dwarfs with GWs.RoR †“ I have never used Beorg Bearstruck†™s RoR. The insane high Pt cost has just kept me from even trying. However, I have heard that they may well be worth it because of Beorg is a nasty Lord level killing machine. Beorg has 4(5 with Frenzy) ST5 atts with WS5 and they unit banner gives +1 to hit for the first round. This means that Beorg should do some serious damage on the charge and he has a 4+ ward just incase you whiff. Before you say cool remember the high point cost and the negative side of frenzy. (I like Norse Marauders more because if they run off at least they were cheap)Ogres †“ Ogre gives the DoW army some much needed high ST attsUses †“ Give your unit of Ogres great weapons and watch the carnage 3 ST6 atts each does to a unit. I like to take a big unit of 5 with full command (DoW command is actually a barge for Ogres) and GWs. If they hit a unit they can dish out 16 ST6 atts! And can take a few wounds and still be effective and auto braking because of fear is sweet. If you find the 5 Ogre units to wide try 4 and they still will cause your opponent to try to avoid them. Small units of 3 with great weapons are also good for running down the flank just do not give them a banner (no reason to give away 100pts). I would still recommend upgrading 3 man Ogre units with a champion (maybe a MU) because if you issue a challenge your opponent has to do 3 wounds to kill him and most unit champs just can not do that much damage and you RnF Ogres might take 1 wound less because the champ took it in the challenge. Why is that a good thing? Remember that Ogres have 3Atts each and by spreading the wounds between the champ and RnF you might keep one more Ogre base in CC giving you 3 ST6 atts.RoR †“ Golgfag†™s Ogres is another example of an over priced RoR. If only they came with GWs the extra hand weapon (& ST4) just does not cut it in this version of war hammer. Gorfang is a beast but the rest of the unit falls flat.Ogre Kingdoms †“ If you want an Ogre without a GW then the OK†™s bulls hands down beat the DoW Ogres but why would you want an Ogre with out a GW? Since no one will take an Ogre without a GW that leaves you with Ironguts Vs DoW Ogres. Ironguts are better and they can get a magic banner but they cost more. It really becomes a preference of taste do you go with quality or value? Since I usually go full command with my Ogre unit I prefer the DoW Ogres and there cheap command options. Lead Belchers, what can I say they are overpriced. Still in the DoW army you might be more willing to pay the cost for LB because they can complement your other shooting units. I need to try out this unit some more (especially since I already bough the LB models). Man-eaters †“The mother of all over priced units but they only take a special slot in DoW. I think the brace of hand guns option is good because you get the extra Hand weapon & some shooting. A Man-eater with 5 ST5 atts can cause a lot of damage. So can a ST7 GW… so many combinations I need to test these options out. (Has anyone had luck with Man-eater in DoW?)Paymaster†™s Body Guard †“ STAY AWAY - Over priced humans with halberds and a special rule that is valid only as log as the paymaster is alive.Uses †“ I do not like this unit. Ok, take an over priced unit of humans with the worst weapon in this Version of Warhammer and add in a special †œstubborn† rule only while the paymaster is in the unit what do you get? The worst unit in the DoW list. Why you might ask? You might think they are stubborn they do not need to win a combat they will just need to make an unmodified LD check with the Paymasters re-roll. That is all true they are stubborn with a re-role BUT only for as long as the Paymaster is alive. If you take this unit you just put crosshairs on your paymaster (well bigger crosshairs). Other then a wizard I can not think of a hero that is more vulnerable then the paymaster. On foot your Paymaster is a T4, WS4, 3+AS model waiting to be assassinated. Just apply all the mage hunting option to the paymaster and you will see how vulnerable this guy is in this unit and once he goes the unit bits the big one. All it would take is a fast cav unit charging in to kill the PM and not only is the Body Guard neutered your whole army is going to take a panic test (stupidest rule in the DoW list). If you are going to put your PM on foot at least put him in a Pike unit so the fast cav will get impaled before getting near the PM and he can leave the unit without canceling the only reason you took the unit in the first place (i.e. stubborn)Rare:Cannons, Hotpot.Cannons †“ The smaller cannon in the big red book.Uses †“ The DoW Cannon might be the small version but it is still ST10! And does D3 wounds for a very reasonable price (Dwarfs pay ~40pts more for the same gun). Shoot anything that needs ST10. Cannons are fun to have in any army.RoR †“ Galloper gun †“ Once again it is an overpriced RoR but you do get a completely disposable Hero to run around with and the cannon is still ST7 doing D3 wounds. What can you not hurt with ST7? The Galloper gun is a fun unit to play with if nothing else the possibility of moving along you opponents knight flank and shooting should give him a moment of worry. Note: the Galloper gun can not move and shoot in the same game turn!Halfling Hotpot †“ The cheapest Stone thrower in the gameUses †“ The Halfling Hotpot is dirt cheap (The only cheaper warmachines are Gobo bolt thrower). So cheap that your opponent will most likely leave it alone at least until you hit his Heavy cav with it and then the power of a St3 NO ARMOR save artillery piece becomes apparent. I like taking two and rain hot soup on my opponent (there are not to many other good options for DoW rare and none are so cheap). In the rare situation your hotpot becomes a target rejoice because something worth more pts is not getting hit.Rare †“ RoR †“ Asarnil & the giants of AlbaniaAsarnil the Dragonlord †“ Well the only way to get a Dragon for the DoW.Uses †“ Flying terror causing monster what more do you need? Ok he is pricy takes a hero & a rare and Asarnil is just an elf with heavy armor and a shield but he does ride a dragon and really it†™s the dragon you are paying for. Also if you compare him to other lords & there dragons you will be happy to see that he is priced correctly and is cheaper then his counter parts. Of course Asarial doest not come with all the magic gear to make him a combat monster like the other lords but remember you got him for the Dragon. Giants of Albion †“ You can get two Giants in your DoW army!Uses †“ ok Two Giants who would not want two Giants? Well like every RoR the Giants are pricey and take Two Rare slots. For almost the same cost as Asarnal you get a Lv1 Druid (beast magic only), and two Giants. Unfortunately once you look closely at the Albion Giants you will notice they have 1 less wound then the O&G Giant and they are not Stubborn and are only Ld 6. What a disappointment but wait look at their special attack chart. Vs small stuff the Giants jump up & down (the most devastating Giants attack) is on a role of 1-2, 3-4 hit with club and 5-6 yell & bawl (Auto win CC sweet) and Vs large they yell & bawl or hit with club. So the Giants of Albion are not nearly as random as the normal Giant and that means they will not need the LD10 as often. Still the Giants can lose a combat and run off so there is some risk in taking them. Some will say the Giants are not good but I have had a lot of success with them. Try taking them with higher magic and get second sign. That re-roll will make sure you Giants jump up & down and do not fall over :)Other RoR †“ There are a few more RoR that I have not touched upon and generally they cost more points with little benefit over the basic DoW troops. So in most cases skip the RoR because there impact in a game will usually not over come the high cost of the unit.

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Dogs of War Tactics: (units) Intro: Hey guys I have been playing the DoW since they first came out at the end of 5th edition and I have had a winning record playing them so I thought I would try my hand at writing some tactics for them. (I actually had the DoW army book for a full month before 6th Ed, and the wood elf players complained about waiting so long for their book) The Army: I like to think of the DoW as the jack of all trades & master of none army. DoW are not a horde army like Orcs, or magic Heavy like Elfs, or even Close Combat orientated like Chaos but they are more numerous then Elfs, have more elite CC then Orc, and shooter then Chaos. So if you try to build a DoW force that specializes in one of the above items you will be at a disadvantage to the true masters of that tactic. How does the DoW army compensate for not excelling in any area? By diversifying and not focusing on any one area. A DoW army should try to compete in at least two of the primary game phases (Shooting, Movement, Magic, CC) if not all four. Being able to do something in all phases, I believe is the DoW biggest advantage. If you are playing Vs Chaos use shooting and movement Vs Elfs use your numbers… do not fight on your opponent†™s terms. Selection:Army selection is where you decide on your army tactics. Do you take xbows and cannons for a good shooting phase, or a Lv 4 wizard to do a little magic? I always find it is best to select troops and gear that will work with your playing stile. If you like to play smash mouth get some Ogres and Heave cav, if you like to outmaneuver your opponents go for some fat cav and duelists. I can go in much more detail here but I think I need to go into troops and rate them some how.Troops: I am going to split this category into Core, Special, and Rare (I know real original)Core: There are 5 core choices for a DoW army. Duelists, Pikemen, Fast Cav, Med Cav, Heavy cavDuelists †“ Duelists are a cheep skirmishing unit at 5 pts each but the upgrade to pistols is well worth the 4pts per. Uses †“ The basic Duelists is good for screening Vs shooting but for almost every other job the pistol welding duelists is your unit. I have been using my pistol Duelists to protect my flanks and to move up threw cover. The Pistol Duelists are also good at combined charges and hitting units in the flank while Heavy cav or pikes hit the unit from the front. The Pistol Duelists might not cancel ranks but the extra St4 -2AS and the +1 for a flank means that most combats are going to go your way.RoR Duelists †“ AKA Vespero†™s Vendetta †“ Very nice models but you are better off taking two units of Pistol Duelists for the same cost.Pikes †“ Strike first when charged, +1 ST Vs Charging Cav, Monsters, and Chariots, and fight in four ranks all for 10pts not bad except for the basic human holding it. Still as a unit they are well worth the points.Uses †“ I like taking a block of 24 with full command. I some times give them the heavy armor but there is so much that just ignores a 5+ save that I keep going back and forth on this.I like to use my Pikemen aggressively and I think that is the key to getting the most out of them. Remember this is a game of movement and if you can force your opponent into a corner because he can not hit your pikes you can hopefully get some cav into his flank while he is try to decide if he can take the pikes from the front. March them right up to you opponent and dare them to charge you. As long as it†™s another unit of foot troops you should do very well with the 24 Atts you get. Vs Cav you have to be more careful. The +1ST sounds good until the 1+ save knight hit you and they still have a 2+ sav. RoR Pikes †“ There are a few RoR pike units and my favorite is Ricco†™s Republican Guard. Ricco†™s men have heavy armor to help protect the grater pts investment and a WS4 and that makes them much better then the average pikeman. Also Recco is not a bad hero (if only he had a pike or GW) When I use Ricco (and I almost always do) I go for a 20 man unit so they are not too much of an investment. The other RoR pike units are ok but usually the basic pike unit is a better buy for the points. Still if you decide to go heavy shooting a unit of Pirazzo†™s men (pike & crossbows) are not too bad but you do have to skip movement to shoot the crossbows. Also if you play against undead a lot the immune to psychology unit (Leopold†™s Leopard Company) could be useful but they are just too pricy for most situations.Crossbows †“ Basic ST4 30† range crossbow unit. Nice and cheap and always useful.Uses †“ Standard shooting unit, cheap and useful. Not much more I can say.RoR Crossbows †“ There are 2 RoR xbow units and they can add some flavor to your army but are not worth taking. The Marksmen of Miragliano have a BS4 and you might think that is good but you are paying for Full Command & a hero that should never see a fight (and if they did they will still loose) and the other RoR has big shields that only help Vs other shooting (why would you opponent bother shooting them when there will be so much more effective troops to shoot at) Save the points and get 2-3 basic xbow units for the cost of 1 RoR.Fast Cav - Core fast cav is one of the best options any army can have. DoW Fast cav are cheap, and perform all the normal fast cav roles very admiralty. Uses †“ Flee, flank, redirect. Let me know if you do knot know how to do this with fast cav and maybe I will write a Tactical on it. All ways pay the 1pt for the spears it just makes them better for a minim investment. The shields and bows are not worth the points to me. The -1 to hit for moving means you will need 5+ to hit most times and at ST3 the shot will probably fail to wound but some people swear they have killed a mage left on his own (maybe they were playing their kid brother ;-) Also adding bows & shields is going to make a cheap unit into a overpriced unit. NEVER pay the outrages points for the command that DoW charges for fast cav. Just take the 15pts for any of the three options and get another model.RoR †“ There are two RoR fast cav options. One option is the Desert Dogs, they come with two hero level champions (with no armor) and a blind banner boy (who gives +d3 combat res instead of 1). Sounds good until you see the price tag and realize that the unit and characters can be devastated by one magic missile. (One d6 ST4 MM can cost you ½ there points). Just stick to the basic DoW fast cav and get 4-5 units for the same cost. The other RoR option is Oglah Kahn†™s wolfboyz. Ogla Kahn†™s is a special slot and overpriced but I think they are worth taking once in a while. Why you might ask well they are M9, 4+ AS, have bows, an OK hero, and come with a magic item or banner (can†™t remember what one) that gives them an extra D6 pursuit (they role 4D6!). The base price of the unit is very high for fast cav but the extra models are actually a bargain for what you get, so I tend to use them in a large 10 wolf unit. Since they are fast cav the large unit is not a problem and they can take a few casualties and still have a good chance to break most units on there own if they hit them in the flank or rear. Also throwing them into a front charge with another unit is not a bad idea because of the 4D6 pursuit (almost a granted to catch any unit with M<7)Med Cav †“ DoW Med cav is becoming my favorite unit in the army. There is no such thing as Med cav, I have added it and it†™s just heavy cav with out the barding.Uses †“ ok take heavy cav with out barding and you have Med cav. You now have a fast (8 move) unit that has a 3+AS, WS4, LD8, and Lances for 5pts more then the DoW fast cav (just 1 point more then Dark riders). Sure you lose the free reform and flee & move ability but you get a unit that can survive most anti-fast cav tactics. The most common anti fast cav tactic is shooting them with week bow fire or a D6 ST4 magic missiles but the Med cav with it†™s 3+ AS can withstand these attacks with few causalities. Sure your opponent can use his cannons to shoot you Med cav but the Med cav is so cheap that it is a waste of fire power and your Heave cav is left unmolested.Also with the high movement you have a good chance to hit your opponents skirmishers (that 3+ save is wonderful Vs skinks) or there war machines (this includes Salamanders because you have a good chance of surviving their ST3 shooting †“ just attack the skinks for combat res). Also, Med cav still perform the old flanking maneuver very well and if the combat go a few turns you will love the 3+AS. Try a unit in your DoW army you will like them. Oh, please do not take any of the overpriced DoW Cav command just get another model.RoR †“ Tichi-Huichi†™s riders †“ I think Tichi†™s Cold Ones fit the Med cav description much better then any other category. Tichi†™s Cold Ones have some nice stats, M8, 3+AS, cause Fear, two ST4 Atts from the Cold Ones (throw back to 5th ED) an Ok hero and a special rule that prevents your opponent from perusing them if they flee from CC. Unfortunately they have some big disadvantages as well, Stupidity, T2, Very expensive and take a rare slot. Even with these negatives (It†™s the T2 that is the biggest problem) it is fun to use the unit once in a while (just do not use them in competitive games). I have used them Vs Vampire Counts and Beatmen and they were excellent, with 3 ST5 & 17 ST4 Atts on the charge they mangled some Skeletons and a unit of beastmen. On the other hand Vs Empire & Orcs they were shot to bits and had a fanatic rip them apart (what doesn†™t get wiped by fanatics?) Heavy Cav - Basic Heavy cav, 2+ sav, ST3, M7 nothing special but they are cheap.Uses †“ Stat wise the DoW H Cav are probably the worst heavy cav in the game but they are the cheapest and that makes all the difference. So take that 10 strong unit (with command) you will be paying less then any other army and on the charge they effectively hit the same as their more expensive counter parts. Smaller 6 man units are also good but the high cost of DoW Cav command makes them not as good of an option. So if you want the bar bones unit just take Med cav (see above). Since the DoW Heavy cav are so cheap and do not hit as hard as other Heavy cav I have been using them in large units 15-16 strong. Put a hero in the unit (The paymaster is very safe here) and because of ranks and outnumber you should be winning CC with any unit you charge even if you go all rubber lace (it was the rubber lance problem that made me start using the big cav unit). All you have to do is use the Cav BUS like a fast infantry unit. I also like to force my opponents hand by getting them into a loosing charge or be charge scenario and since the Cav BUS has ranks, a 2+ save, and outnumber it should win most combats even if it does not get the charge. (Food for thought - DoW heavy cav cost the same as Chosen Chaos warriors with shields)RoR †“ There is only one Heavy Cav RoR and that is Voland†™s Venators. The Venators are DoW Heavy Cav with ST4 and the unit comes with a Hero that actually complements the unit he comes with. I believe the Venators are one of the best RoR because they are priced right and the hero is useful. Use them just like DoW heavy cav just not the BUS version. When I use them I go for the Minimum unit of 5 and add another Hero (or Paymaster) to the unit. That†™s a 6 wide Heavy cav unit with 10 ST6 attacks on the charge (Mmmm that†™s good).Specials:There are 5 basic special choices for a DoW army. Dwarfs, Halflings, Norse Marauders, Ogres, & Paymaster†™s Body GuardDwarfs †“ Basic Dwarf warriors are cheap, Ld9, and WS4.Uses- There are many uses for Dwarfs in a DoW army. Some people like to give them every option and have a unit that can fight, shoot, and be ready for any situation. Well, I think that is just a waste of points. Get a unit of 20 (or 16), give them Heavy armor and a shield and you have a cheap 3+AS unit that will be around till the end of the game. The other options Great weapons, Xbows… are better placed on other units that can use them better or cheaper, like core xbow unit. (a small unit with GWs might be a good flanker but that M3 is so slow). A good use of this unit is to march them next to the pikes to protect the flanks. RoR †“ There are two Dwarf RoR †“ Slayer Pirates, and Sea Axes.The Slayer Pirates are a good unbreakable unit worth trying out once in a while but like all RoR they cost quite a few points. Slayer Pirates are Dwarf slayers and have the unbreakable slayer rule and they trade the always wound on 4+ for LOADS of pistols. Since they are loaded with pistols they always count as having 2 Hand weapons & are ST4 -2AS in HtH. The Slayer Pirates work well as a sand pit (like a swarm †“ only more expensive) and can actually win CC once in a while. Just remember they have no armor and any high ST troops will quickly cut them down.RoR- Sea Axes †“ Dwarfs with throwing axes. I am not sure it†™s worth all the points to have a M3 that has to get within a 6† rang to use a ST4 missile weapon. Sure they have GW & HA but you might as well go with Duelists with pistols if you want a ST4 missile weapon. They are at least priced correctly for what they have but I would rather go for the cheaper Dwarfs with just HA, SH and a unit of Duelists with pistols. Halflings †“ Who would not like to have a character-full unit of Halflings in their army?Uses- Halflings are a great cheap archer unit that has BS4, and can move in woods for an amazing low cost (Elfs would die to have such cheap archers). If you like to have some shooting or just have a few points leftover get a unit and if they just clam a table qtr they were worth the poinys. On the Negative side their T2 means that you would have to be crazy to try the CC option for this unit but that more in woods rule make me wonder if they could still be useful. (Anyone have success with CC Halflings?)RoR †“ Lumpin fighting Cocks are the only RoR Halfling unit. Like most RoR they suffer from a high cost and command options that are not really needed. It†™s not all bad they are Skirmishing archers with BS4 so they have some uses but Duelists with pistols do the skirmishing part better & cheaper and the basic Halfling does the shooting just as well and you can get both units for almost the same cost as Lumpin. Even so this unit can be fun to use with the LD9 hero they will at least pass the panic check when the paymaster dies.Norse Marauders †“ these are not Chaos Marauders.Uses †“ Cheap frenzied WS4, 20mm based troops with a sweet list of upgrades makes the DoW Norse Marauders much better then Chaos Marauders. The DoW army can have LD problems and if you know how to get the most out of a frenzy unit of Norse Marauders they can be a good addition to your army. I like taking the basic Hand weapon & shield option for the 4+AS and go for a 20 strong unit for a lot of static combat res. Sure the HW & Shield leaves them ST3 but 2 atts each is still good for a full ranked up unit and if you lose frenzy you still have a dependable unit. Since they will probably be your only frenzy unit you should be able to deploy them near the middle of you battle line to minimize the negative side of frenzy (if they can not see they don†™t have to charge). Once I get the models I will am going to try out a small 12 man unit with GWs for some sweet ST5 flank support. I just have to look out for the negatives of frenzy pulling them away from were they are needed. Note: The option of Norse Marauders with GWs is why I never think about using the Dwarfs with GWs.RoR †“ I have never used Beorg Bearstruck†™s RoR. The insane high Pt cost has just kept me from even trying. However, I have heard that they may well be worth it because of Beorg is a nasty Lord level killing machine. Beorg has 4(5 with Frenzy) ST5 atts with WS5 and they unit banner gives +1 to hit for the first round. This means that Beorg should do some serious damage on the charge and he has a 4+ ward just incase you whiff. Before you say cool remember the high point cost and the negative side of frenzy. (I like Norse Marauders more because if they run off at least they were cheap)Ogres †“ Ogre gives the DoW army some much needed high ST attsUses †“ Give your unit of Ogres great weapons and watch the carnage 3 ST6 atts each does to a unit. I like to take a big unit of 5 with full command (DoW command is actually a barge for Ogres) and GWs. If they hit a unit they can dish out 16 ST6 atts! And can take a few wounds and still be effective and auto braking because of fear is sweet. If you find the 5 Ogre units to wide try 4 and they still will cause your opponent to try to avoid them. Small units of 3 with great weapons are also good for running down the flank just do not give them a banner (no reason to give away 100pts). I would still recommend upgrading 3 man Ogre units with a champion (maybe a MU) because if you issue a challenge your opponent has to do 3 wounds to kill him and most unit champs just can not do that much damage and you RnF Ogres might take 1 wound less because the champ took it in the challenge. Why is that a good thing? Remember that Ogres have 3Atts each and by spreading the wounds between the champ and RnF you might keep one more Ogre base in CC giving you 3 ST6 atts.RoR †“ Golgfag†™s Ogres is another example of an over priced RoR. If only they came with GWs the extra hand weapon (& ST4) just does not cut it in this version of war hammer. Gorfang is a beast but the rest of the unit falls flat.Ogre Kingdoms †“ If you want an Ogre without a GW then the OK†™s bulls hands down beat the DoW Ogres but why would you want an Ogre with out a GW? Since no one will take an Ogre without a GW that leaves you with Ironguts Vs DoW Ogres. Ironguts are better and they can get a magic banner but they cost more. It really becomes a preference of taste do you go with quality or value? Since I usually go full command with my Ogre unit I prefer the DoW Ogres and there cheap command options. Lead Belchers, what can I say they are overpriced. Still in the DoW army you might be more willing to pay the cost for LB because they can complement your other shooting units. I need to try out this unit some more (especially since I already bough the LB models). Man-eaters †“The mother of all over priced units but they only take a special slot in DoW. I think the brace of hand guns option is good because you get the extra Hand weapon & some shooting. A Man-eater with 5 ST5 atts can cause a lot of damage. So can a ST7 GW… so many combinations I need to test these options out. (Has anyone had luck with Man-eater in DoW?)Paymaster†™s Body Guard †“ STAY AWAY - Over priced humans with halberds and a special rule that is valid only as log as the paymaster is alive.Uses †“ I do not like this unit. Ok, take an over priced unit of humans with the worst weapon in this Version of Warhammer and add in a special †œstubborn† rule only while the paymaster is in the unit what do you get? The worst unit in the DoW list. Why you might ask? You might think they are stubborn they do not need to win a combat they will just need to make an unmodified LD check with the Paymasters re-roll. That is all true they are stubborn with a re-role BUT only for as long as the Paymaster is alive. If you take this unit you just put crosshairs on your paymaster (well bigger crosshairs). Other then a wizard I can not think of a hero that is more vulnerable then the paymaster. On foot your Paymaster is a T4, WS4, 3+AS model waiting to be assassinated. Just apply all the mage hunting option to the paymaster and you will see how vulnerable this guy is in this unit and once he goes the unit bits the big one. All it would take is a fast cav unit charging in to kill the PM and not only is the Body Guard neutered your whole army is going to take a panic test (stupidest rule in the DoW list). If you are going to put your PM on foot at least put him in a Pike unit so the fast cav will get impaled before getting near the PM and he can leave the unit without canceling the only reason you took the unit in the first place (i.e. stubborn)Rare:Cannons, Hotpot.Cannons †“ The smaller cannon in the big red book.Uses †“ The DoW Cannon might be the small version but it is still ST10! And does D3 wounds for a very reasonable price (Dwarfs pay ~40pts more for the same gun). Shoot anything that needs ST10. Cannons are fun to have in any army.RoR †“ Galloper gun †“ Once again it is an overpriced RoR but you do get a completely disposable Hero to run around with and the cannon is still ST7 doing D3 wounds. What can you not hurt with ST7? The Galloper gun is a fun unit to play with if nothing else the possibility of moving along you opponents knight flank and shooting should give him a moment of worry. Note: the Galloper gun can not move and shoot in the same game turn!Halfling Hotpot †“ The cheapest Stone thrower in the gameUses †“ The Halfling Hotpot is dirt cheap (The only cheaper warmachines are Gobo bolt thrower). So cheap that your opponent will most likely leave it alone at least until you hit his Heavy cav with it and then the power of a St3 NO ARMOR save artillery piece becomes apparent. I like taking two and rain hot soup on my opponent (there are not to many other good options for DoW rare and none are so cheap). In the rare situation your hotpot becomes a target rejoice because something worth more pts is not getting hit.Rare †“ RoR †“ Asarnil & the giants of AlbaniaAsarnil the Dragonlord †“ Well the only way to get a Dragon for the DoW.Uses †“ Flying terror causing monster what more do you need? Ok he is pricy takes a hero & a rare and Asarnil is just an elf with heavy armor and a shield but he does ride a dragon and really it†™s the dragon you are paying for. Also if you compare him to other lords & there dragons you will be happy to see that he is priced correctly and is cheaper then his counter parts. Of course Asarial doest not come with all the magic gear to make him a combat monster like the other lords but remember you got him for the Dragon. Giants of Albion †“ You can get two Giants in your DoW army!Uses †“ ok Two Giants who would not want two Giants? Well like every RoR the Giants are pricey and take Two Rare slots. For almost the same cost as Asarnal you get a Lv1 Druid (beast magic only), and two Giants. Unfortunately once you look closely at the Albion Giants you will notice they have 1 less wound then the O&G Giant and they are not Stubborn and are only Ld 6. What a disappointment but wait look at their special attack chart. Vs small stuff the Giants jump up & down (the most devastating Giants attack) is on a role of 1-2, 3-4 hit with club and 5-6 yell & bawl (Auto win CC sweet) and Vs large they yell & bawl or hit with club. So the Giants of Albion are not nearly as random as the normal Giant and that means they will not need the LD10 as often. Still the Giants can lose a combat and run off so there is some risk in taking them. Some will say the Giants are not good but I have had a lot of success with them. Try taking them with higher magic and get second sign. That re-roll will make sure you Giants jump up & down and do not fall over :)Other RoR †“ There are a few more RoR that I have not touched upon and generally they cost more points with little benefit over the basic DoW troops. So in most cases skip the RoR because there impact in a game will usually not over come the high cost of the unit. Characters †“ The DoW army has a very typical list of Characters except for the Pay Master. Overall the DoW Characters should take a smaller portion of your armies points then other armies because they do not have access to powerful & expensive magic items. This is actually a good thing because this will force you to spend more points on troops were DoW has more options then any other army.Lords †“ There are two options for the DoW lords a Mercenary General and a Wizard lord.The Mercenary General is the typical human lord stat wise with a reliable LD9. Where the Mercenary General falls flat is the lack of any real magic selection beyond the common magic items. There are no items in the common magic list I would recommend giving to your Mercenary General as the mundane items are as good and cost a lot less. If the lack of magic was not bad enough you can not even give the Mercenary General a great weapon (how sad is that). So with the magic limitations the MG just can not stand toe-toe with any other fighting lord (and a lot of the heroes) and is usually relegated to avoiding anything to nasty while providing his LD. If I take a MG I Typically put him on a steed and add him to one of the knight units I have. Mounts †“ The only monster (sort of) you could put your MG on is a Pegasus but that is just asking for him to be shot at.Wizard lord - typical human Wizard lord stat wise with a lowish LD8. As with the Mercenary General the Wizard lord has problems competing with the other armies Wizards in power because the lack of magic items but I find that all you really need to do for a Wizard lord is to give him some dispel scrolls. I find that since the Mercenary General is weaker then most other heroes that I just do not like to spend the points on him and I get the Wizard lord instead. If you add a LV2 Wizard as another hero slot you have a nice PD8 and DD5 + a few scrolls (2 scrolls is usually all you will need unless you are playing a VC army with 10+ PD) Sure you are limiting your army to the LD8 of the WZ but most DoW units have an ok LD anyway and if you add in a few RoR the majority of your force should be LD8 base making the lack of the Mercenary General†™s LD not as big as a difference. Mounts †“ see aboveHeroes †“ There are 3 options Captain, Hireling Wizard, and the Pay MasterThe Pay Master †“ A mandatory battle standard does not sound bad except for the fact that if he dies every unit in your army takes a panic test! If the negative side of the Pay Master was not bad enough he does not even have typical human hero stats, he is more equivalent to a unit champ with 2 wounds. So what do you do with him? First off I would recommend not putting him in his body guard unit (see body guard for more details). If you plan on having your Pay Master on foot I would recommend placing him in a unit of pikes (RoR - Recco†™s Republican guard is good) with a champion (to accept any challenges on the PM behalf) and give him as much protection as you can (about all you can get is a 3+ AS). If you plan on mounting your PM (My recommendation!) I would also suggest giving him all the protection you can as well (usually this would be Lance, Heavy Armor, Enchanted Shield, Barding, Mounted for a 1+ AS). Place your Mounted PM in the biggest Heavy cav unit in your army (the †œBUS† option works well see the Heavy cav entry) and the PM should last longer then any other location in the DoW army. In the end your opponent will know how vulnerable the PM is and you will loose him from time to time and that is just one of the negatives of the DoW army.Captain †“ The Captain is a typical human hero with average stats. The lack of magic items is not as bad for the Captain because you are better off keeping him as cheap as you can and just give him a great weapon to do some high ST attacks. The Captain has a LD8 that can be use full for some of the lower LD units in the DoW army (basic pikes are LD7 & the Cap LD can be put to good use in one of these units. Also placing the Cap on a war hoarse with a GW in a Heavy cav unit is always a good use of a hero slot. Finally, you might want to try using a Pegasus mounted Cap. Sure the Peg & cap are very vulnerable to shooting but they can hunt down war machines and mages. If you start the game with your Peg & cap in a unit of Ogres of 5+ models the cap will get the look out sir rules because he is in a unit of the same size models and his first round survival rate will sky rocket.Hireling Wizard †“ The Hireling Wizard a typical human wizard with average stats. The lack of magic items is not as bad since you really just want to give him some Dispel Scrolls anyway. The Hireling Wizard may not have any of the advantages of the other magical races but he is cheap (a LV2 costs 5pts more then a LV1 dark elf) give him the LV2 upgrade and add in a second Hireling Wizard or the wizard lord and you should get a few spells off in the middle half of the game. Generally you should place the Hireling Wizard in a unit of pikes or sneaking in the wood with the duelists. If your opponent has no mage assassination units try putting the wizard in a Dwarf unit (the LD 9 Dwarfs will keep the HW from running off because of a panic check)The End


Was dich nicht umbringt macht dich härter...Komm nach Japan!

"Hallo, ich bin Skeletor von Luxemburg" "Kann es sein, dass sie blau sind?"

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Koenntest du das vielleicht per edit-funktion noch mal nett formatieren? Vor allem Absaetze waeren hilfreich. So ist es naemlich unheimlich schwer das zu lesen ;)




- "Yes, point taken, but do you have any particular skills?"

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Wir haben bei uns eine kleine Kampagne gestartet. Jeder wählt sich eine Armee, erstellt eine Armeeliste (500P) und baut bzw. malt diese dann nach der Armeeliste zusammen. Danach kann man mit Geld aus Siegen bzw. Landgewinnen neue Einheiten hinzukaufen. Ich habe mich für die Söldner entschieden und wollte euch fragen, was ihr von meiner 500 Punkte Liste haltet.

Zauberer Stufe 2, Spruchrolle 120 P.(in die Armbrustschützen)

Zahlmeister mit Armbrust, Schwerer Rüstung, Schild 71 P. (in die Armbrustschützen)

General mit Pferd (Rossharnisch), Zweihänder, Schwere Rüstung, Schild

(zur schweren Kavallerie) 74 P.

10 Armbrustschützen 80 P.

5 Schwere Kavallerie (Rossharnisch, Schwere Rüstung, Schild, Standarte, Musiker) 150 P.

Macht zusammen 495 P.

Ich dachte mir ich brauche unbedingt eine Einheit, in die ich den Zahlmeister und, wegen etwas Magie, den Magier stellen kann. Deswegen noch keinen Platz für Duellisten. Die würden dann bei 1000 P. mit Ogern dazukommen.

Zusätzlich würde ich die Schwere Kabvallerie dann (bei 1000 P.) zu Volands V. eintauschen.

Ich spiele übrigens gegen Khemri, Bretonen und Orks.

Meint ihr mit meiner Aufstellung werde ich untergehen?


Soll ich ganz auf Magie verzichten und lieber noch Duellisten mitnehmen?

Mfg Majorm500

Wenn so mächtig ihr sein, warum dann schon gehen? (Yoda)

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Du solltest eindeutig den Hauptmann rausnehemn...du hast viel zu viele Punkte in Chars fur 500! Punkte...

Nimm dafur Duellisten mit Pistolen rein, gib den Zahlenmeister ein Pistolenpaar und stell ihn in die Einheit...

Bei den Armbrustschutzen bin ich unsciehr ob die so viel bringen...

Ausserdem konntest du total auf Magie verzichten und irgenetwas ordentlich schlagvertiges reintun z.b. 3n "nackte" Oger

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Ok, der Magier kommt raus und dafür Duellisten rein, der General kriegt dann das verzauberte Schild und die Waffe für 30 P.

Aber ich brauche einen General! Also 2 Charaktermodelle benötige ich auf alle Fälle!

Kann sich der Zahlmeister den Duellisten anschliessen? Das sind doch Plänkler! Oder habe ich das von den Vampiren falsch im Kopf, dass niemand bei den Ghoulen rein darf? Wahrscheinlich. wenn dem so ist, nehm ich die Armbrustschützen auch raus und versuch es mit Ogern.

Wenn so mächtig ihr sein, warum dann schon gehen? (Yoda)

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Ich würd den Magier als General nehemen, dem dann noch ne Rolle spendieren.

Und dann wie schon erwägnt den Hauptmann und die Schützen streichen.

Steck die Punkte lieber in Oger und Duellisten, das is um einiges effektiver als die 10 Schützen, die sind meißt eh nur zur Unterstützung da, ebenso ist der Hauptmann nicht so der Reißer.

Ich würd bei 500P wahrscheinlich so Aufstellen

Magier mit Rolle ( grad wenn du gegen Khemri spielst nützlich) 85 P

Zahlmeister Schweere Rüstung Schild 61 P

8 Duellsiten mit Pistole 72 P

Schweere Kav 95P

3 Oger Gw 123 P

leichte Kav speere 60 P

--> 496 P

Bannrolle wie schon gesagt würd ich gerade gegen Kehmri drinn lassen, der Hauot mann is raus die Schützen auch, da darü nen paar fette Jungs und Duelisten.

Bei der Leichten Kav kann man sich streiten ( da du gegen Orks spielst wird dir ne Zieher gegen Fantics nützlich sein), wenn du dir die Rolle sparst und die leichte Kav, is sogar noch ne Kanone drinn, das würd ich eindach mal testen was dir wichtiger is.

Den Zahlmeister würd ich dann so wie er is aus allem raushalten und evtl. mal in die Duellisten.

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Eine Kanone bei 500 pkt.. Das lohnt sich höchstens bei Bretonen oder bei einzelnen Streitwagen von Gruftwichtelchars. Aber bei 500 pkt. werden nicht viele lohnende Ziele da sein.

Müsst ihr den Grundstock eurer Armee behalten, ode könnt ihr die Einheiten auch tauschen?

Wenn nicht, dann würde ich Eisenwänste reinnehmen, die sind später etwas nützlicher.

Seite mit Söldnerhintergrund:


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Danke erstmal für eure Tipps!

@ J-Grendel Wir können mit Gold unsere Verluste aus Kämpfen wieder wettmachen (diese richten sich nach Art des Sieges bzw. Niederlage und nach den Verlusten) und können uns mit Geld auch neue dazu kaufen. Ist ein ganz nettes System, das ich da im Internet gefunden habe.

Sprich: Ich könnte theoretisch eine Einheit auch "aussterben" lassen und eine neue kaufen, was aber taktisch und finanziell nicht zu raten ist...

Ich weiss dass der Ork erstmal keine Fanatics hat (hoffe ich). Auch so wollte ich die leichte Kav. frühestens bei 1000 P. einsetzten. Aber die Kanone ist gegen die Bretonen (ich weiss, dass er mit einem 9-er Block Ritter und Schützen beginnt) wahrscheinlich lebensnotwendig.

Deswegen habe ich manche eurer Tipps beherzigt und folgende Liste geschustert:

Gerneral: Zauberer, 2. Stufe, Spruchrolle 120 P.

Zahlmeister mit Pistole, schwerer Rüstung, Schild 68 P.

Duellisten mit Hitman und Pistolen 91P.

Kanone 85 P.

Schwere Kav. mit Champion, Musiker und Harnischen 135P

macht 499 P.

Der Zahlmeister zu den Duellisten, der Magier evtl. auch oder alleine in einen Wald.

Ich wollte lieber meine beiden Helden etwas ausrüsten, sonst hätte ich noch (wenn auch die schwere Kav nichts gekriegt hätte) 3 Oger reingepasst.

was sagt ihr jetzt?

Wenn so mächtig ihr sein, warum dann schon gehen? (Yoda)

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Ich finde du gibst unnötig viele Punkte für Sachen aus, die ich mir noch nichtmal bei 2000 Punkten leiste.

Stf 2 beim Magier bringt es mMn garnicht. Mit 4EW wirst du genauso wenig reißen wie mit 3EW.

Den Champion und den Musiker der schweren Kav. kann man auch streichen, wie auch den Champion der Duellisten.

Die Kanone finde ich auch gegen Bretonen bei der Punktzahl eher suboptimal. Du hast 2 Schussphasen und dann ist er da... in den beiden Schussphasen genug Schaden zu machen um die 85 Punkte wieder reinzuholen (die der Gegner sicher abräumen wird) wird sehr schwer.

Ich würde dem Zahlmeister einen Morgenstern geben, auf Ross setzen und in 5 schwere Kav. mit Harnisch (ohne Kom.)

Als General einen Stf1 Magier mit einer Bannrolle.

Zweite Kerneinheit stellen 8 Duellisten mit Pistolen.

Um etwas Schlagkraft zu kriegen würde ich 3 Eisenwänste mit Standarte spielen (MW 8 finde ich wichtig bei der Punktzahl).

Müssten 499 Punkte sein. Auch mit Blick auf die Zukunft fnde ich sie so am besten.

Als nächstes kommen dann leichte Kav., eine zweite Bannrolle, Pegahelden und die Eisenwänste auf 4 mit Kriegsbanner ausbauen.

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Bei dem Magier kommt es ganz aufs Gelände an.

Er ist zwar General, aber mit MW7 muss er nicht in der nähe deiner Einheiten sein (Schwere Kav. und Eisenwänste haben eh mehr).

Wenn ein Wald auf dem Spieltisch steht, würde ich ihn wohl dort verstecken.

Wenn es garnicht anders geht, könnte man ihn aber auch in die Duellisten stellen (dort lebt er aber relativ gefährlich).

Was du nicht vergessen solltest (habe ich am Anfang manchmal übersehen), das dein Zahlmeister als AST gilt. Im Nahkampf also +1 aufs KE und in 12" Umkreis Aufriebtests wiederholen, aber das weißt du sicher. ;)

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