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Das Turnierjahr 2017 in Regensburg

Empfohlene Beiträge

Sorry, bin vor lauter Listen einsammeln, Gelände basteln, Geländekisten aktualisieren und Teiche beflocken nicht zum aktualisieren gekommen. Ich mach es morgen früh. Versprochen.


Apropos Gelände:


Die Hauptkritikpunkte das letzte Mal waren die Teiche (manche waren mehr als grausam) und die Größe der Hügel. Bei den Teichen müsste mit 10 neuen Teichen jetzt alles in Butter sein. Bei den Hügeln sorgen jetzt 18 neue Hügel und eine Umverpackung der anderen Hügel (=wo die eingepackten Hügel zu klein waren, wurden 2 eingepackt) für eine angemessene Größe.


Auch nach diesem Turnier werde ich wieder 2-300 € in neue Geländestücke investieren. Damit dürften dann wohl beim MAP-April bzw. spätestens beim MAP-Single alle bisher bespielten Tische hügeltechnisch mit flachen und der vorgeschlagenen Größe entsprechenden Hügeln versorgt sein. Natürlich werde ich dann mein Augenmerk auf andere Geländeteile richten.

So poste ich als Moderator, so poste ich als Admin, so als Forenbetreiber und so poste ich als ganz normaler User.

Die Taten eines Moderators, eines Tabletopers, eines Rollenspielers und eines Turnierorganisators oder Sir Löwenherz blogt.
In diesen Bereichen bin ich üblicherweise  moderativ tätig und regelmässig als User unterwegs : Turniere und Events, The 9th Age, Schlachtberichte, Age of Sigmar

www.the-ninth-age.com = ein cooles Community gesteuertes System (Achtung Schleichwerbung, ich arbeite im dortigen Team mit)

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Hier sind die Listen vom MAPM-Team2017 nach Teams sortiert:




Christoph "JimmyGrill" Reiter Highborn Elves

665 - Mage, General, Wizard Master, +3 Learned Spells, Asfad Scholar, Skull Splitter, Book of Arcane Power, Divination
516 - Commander, Battle Standard Bearer, Master of Canreig Tower, +2 Learned Spells, Great Weapon, Talisman of Shielding, Great Bow of Elu, 3x Alchemy
440 - 25 Citizen Spears, Musician, Standard Bearer, Banner of Speed
270 - 5 Highborn Lancers, Musician
270 - 5 Highborn Lancers, Musician
254 - 13 Citizen Archers, Musician
230 - Lion Chariot
349 - 11 Lion Guard, Standard Bearer, Champion, Skirmish, Icon of the Relentless Company
100 -2x1 Giant Eagle
180 - 3x1Sea Guard Reaper
380 - 2x1 Fire Phoenix
Total 4494

Hajo "willsehen" Kruppa Kingdom of Equitaine - Favour of the King
620 - Duke, General, Questing Oath, Virtue: Audacity, Barded Warhorse, Shield, Fleshrender, Crusaders Helm, Divine Icon, Dragonfire Gem
408 -Paladin, BSB, Questing Oath, Virtue: Daring, Barded Warhorse, Great Weapon, Hardened Shield, Crown of Scorn, Aether Icon
644 - 11 Knights of the Realm, M,S,C, Flaming Standard
260 - 2x5 Knights of the Realm, M,S
110 - 2x5 Yeoman Outriders, Throwing Weapons
680 - 2x 8 Knights of the Grail, M, S
360 - 2x3 Pegasus Knights
Total 4492

Andreas"DerBierbaron"Matkovic Dread Elves
535- Oracle, General, Master Wizard, 3 additional Spells, Divination, Wandering Familiar, Skullsplitter,
248- Captain, BSB, RxB, Banner of Relentless Company
240- 11 Repeater Auxiliaries, M
268- 12 Corsairs, M, Paired Weapons, Repeater Handbow
220- 10 Corsairs, M, Paired Weapons, Repeater Handbow
200- 2x5 Dark Raiders, Repeater Crossbow
330- 2x10 Raven Cloaks
550- 25 Dancers of Yema, M
440- Hydra
390- 5 Dark Acolytes, Cult of Yema, C
180-3x1 Dread Reaper
Total 4491


Last Bellatores Standing:

Beast Herds Bernardo Gui
654 Beast Lord: Heavy Armour; Hunting Call; Razortusk Chariot Mount; The Impaler; Lucky Shield; Talisman of Supreme Shielding
405 Beast Lord: Shield; Kingslayer; Armour of Destiny; Gem of Fortune
299 Soothsayer: Shamanism; 2 Learned Spells; Paired Weapons; Shielding Scroll; Charm of Cursed Iron
340 Beast Chieftain: Battle Standard; Greater Totem Bearer; Lucky Charm; Mithril Mail; Razor Blade
485 1x25 Wildhorn Herd: Champion (Clouded Eye Totem); Standard (Banner of Discipline); Musician; Shields; Throwing Weapons; Ambush
112 1x9 Feral Hounds
370 1x3 Raiding Chariot
130 3x1 Raiding Chariot
708 1x27 Longhorn Herd: Champion (Clouded Eye Totem); Standard (Banner of the Wild Herd); Musician 708
96 1x7 Feral Hounds
320 2x1 Beast Giant
4.499 points


Sebastian „zehlein“ Zeh – Warriors oft he dark Gods

640 - Lord of Chaos, Mark of Lust, Shield, Steed of Lust, Bluffers Helm, Blessed Sword, Dusk Stone
630 - Lord of Chaos, Mark of Lust, Shield, Steed of Lust, Dragonscale Helm, King Slayer, Talisman of Supreme Shielding
730 - Lord of Chaos, General, Mark of Change, Shield, Disc of Change, Burning Blade of Chaos, Talisman of Greater Shielding, Third Eye of Change
360 - Wrath Priest, Crusher, Crown of Scorn, Hero’s Sword, Lucky Charm, Lucky Shield
232 - Barbarian Chief, Mark of Lust, Asklander Jarl, Heavy Armor, Paired Weapons, Throwing Weapons
316 - 8 Barbarian Horsemen, Mark of Lust, Shield, Throwing Weapons, Musician
220 - 20 Barbarians, Mark of Lust, Paired Weapons, Throwing Weapons
390 - Wasteland Warriors, Mark of True Chaos, Musician
200 - 2x5 Barbarian Horsemen, Mark of Lust, Shield, Throwing Weapons
576 - 3 Crusher Knights, Deamon Weapon, Musician, Standard Bearer, Gleaming Icon

TOTAL: 4494


Guenni (gibt seine Liste traditionel erst am Turniertag ab)


Legion Schwaben & Franken:

·         Volker "Bolker" Meyer – The Vermin Swarm

678‐ Plague Prophet, General, Plague Pendulum, Halberd,Lucky Shield, Crown of Autocracy

204‐ Chief, BSB, Shield, Heavy Armour, Crown of Scorn

360‐ Sicarra Assassin, Potion of Strength

480‐ 35xPluge Brotherhood, SM

537‐ 32x Vermin Cuard, SM, Aether Icon

140‐ 10x Foodpads, M

90‐ 2x Rat Swarm

150‐ 3x6x Plague Disciples

150‐ 3x1 Weapon Team, Rotary Gun

355‐ 2x2 Thunder Hulks 

400‐ 1x Abomination




 Uwe "Ogerbulle" Mitulski – Dread Elves

470 - Lord of Dread Cult of Nabh , Headsman`s Axe, Crimson Mail, Divine Icon

560 - Lord of Dread, General, Raptor,Shield, Ogre Sword, Armour of Destiny, Crown of Scorn

306 – Captain, BSB, Shield, Hero´s Sword, Armour of Fortune

619 – 33x Dread Legionnaires, Spear, S, M, Flaming Standard

380 – 18x Repeater Auxiliaries, M

170 – 5x Dark Raiders

642 – 11x Dread Knights, S, M, C, Gleaming Icon

190 – 2x 1 Raptor Chariot

130 – 5x Harpien

298 – 8x Raven Cloaks, Great Weapon

180 – 3x1 Dread Reaper



Bernd "Lazerus" Freund – Ogre Khans - Hellfist

800 - Great Khan, General, Hellfist; Heavy Armour, Heart-Ripper, Mammoth-Hide Cloak, Talisman of  Greater Shielding, Crown of Scorn 

460 - Mammoth Hunter, Trolleater, Tusker, Hunting Spear; Iron Fist; Light Armour; Bluffer's Helm,Potion of Swiftness

979 – 11x Bruisers Great Weapon; Heavy Armour; Scrapling Lookout;  S,M,C Banner of Speed  

160 – 3x Tribesmen, Paired Weapons; Light Armour

715 – 4x Tusker Cavalry, Iron Fist; Light Armour; S,M; Aether Icon

230 – 2x1  Scratapult 

445 – 5x Bombardiers Hand Cannon; Light Armour; S,M; Banner of Discipline

480  Rock Aurochs, Hunting Spear




Bester Weigert

Thomas „Dogday Sunrise“ Fischer - Vampire Covenant

Characters 40%: 1527 -> 33,9% Core: 20%: 906 -> 20,1%  Special: 100%: 1000 -> 22,2%
The Suffering : 20%: 0 -> 0% Swift Death: 30%: 1064 -> 23,6%

850 - Vampire Count – Characters – General, The Dead Arise, Strigoi Bloodline, Bestial Bulk, Great Weapon, Tullius Teeth, Eternal Ring, Wizard Appretice, +1 Learned Spell (2 in Total), Path of Shamanism
260 – Necromancer – Characters – Dispell Scroll, Path of Evocation
160 – Necromancer – Characters – Path of Evocation
257 – Barrow King – Characters – Battle Standard Bearer, Bronze Breastplate, Great Weapon
400 – 35x Skeletons – Core – Musician, Champion, Standard, Veteran Standard Bearer, War Standard
136 – 21x Zombies – Core – Musician
130 – 20x Zombies – Core – Musician
120 – 2x Bat Swarm – Core
120 – 2x Bat Swarm – Core
760 – 9x Ghasts – Special – Champion
80 – 2x Great Bats – Special
80 – 2x Great Bats – Special
80 – 5x Dire Wolfs – Special
704 – 4x Winged Reaper – Swift Death – Paired Weapons
360 – 1x Varkolak – Swift Death



Johannes “Klexe” Weigert – KoE –

Characters: 40%: 1745        -> 38,77% Core: 25%: 1132         -> 25,15% Special: 1670          -> 37,11%        Airborne Gallantry: 40%: 240         -> 5,33%

600 – Damsel - Characters – Barded Warhorse -  Master Wizzard – Druidsm - +3 Spells – Book of Arcane Power – Wafers of Penitence – Talisman of Roland

750 – Duke – General – Token of the King – Hippogryph – Questing oath – Shield – Valour – Divine Icon – Crusader’s Helm – Blessed Scripture – Great Weapon

345 – Paladin -  Barded Warhorse – Bsb – War Standard – Grail Oath – Hardend Shield -  Hero’s Sword – Lucky Charm

280 – 5x Knights Aspirant – Core – M – S

432 – 8x Realm Knights – Core – M – S – Gleaming Icon

420 – 55x Peasant Levy – Core – M – Spears

740 – 8x Knights of the Grail – Special – M – S – C – Flaming Standard

260 – Sacred Reliquary – Special

280 – 2x1 Trebuchet – Special

110 – 5x Yeoman Outriders – Throwing weapons



Wolfgang „Red88“ Weigert - Saurian Ancients 

Characters: 40%: 1665P è 37%                  Core: 20%: 905P è 20,111%       Special: 420P è 9,333% Jungle Guerillas: 30%: 530P è 11,78%    Thunder Lizards: 35%: 980P è 21,78%

980P – Firstborn Warlord – Characters – General, Alpha Carnosaur, Spear of the Stampede, Lucky Shield, Starfall Shard, Devine Icon

345P – Firstborn Veteran – Characters – BSB, Banner of Speed, Halberd, Bronze Breastplate, Lucky Charm

340P – Skink Priest – Characters, Skink Palanquin, 3 Spells, Jade Staff, Sceptre of Power, Druidism

905P – 35 Saurian Warriors – Core, Serpent Totems, Spears, M, C, S, Flaming Standard

210P – 2x3 Caimans – Special

265P – 2x3 Rhamphodon Riders – Jungle Guerillas, Shield

530P – Taurosaur – Thunder Lizards, Engine of the Ancients

450P – Stygiosaur – Thunder Lizards, Skink Champion 




Liga der gewöhnlichen Gentlemen

Icebold WDG

340 Wrath Priest, Crusher,hardened Shield Sword of Strength Crown of Scorne
1090 Lord of Chaos,,Wasteland Dragon,Mark of Change, Burning Blade of Chaos,Lucky Shield, Charm of cursed Iron
538 1x18 Wasteland warriors, Mark of Change, shields, FCG Banner of Transmutation
410 1x35 Barabarians,Spear and Shield,Gleaming Icon MS
100 2x5 Warhounds    
542 1x3 Crusher Knights CM Lance
220 1 Wasteland Chariot Steeds
610 4 Dragon Centaurs paired Weapons CM
550 Elder Dragon Centaur Paired Weapons


Güney „Asrai91“ Yildiz – Daemon Legions
Characters (max 40%): 1500 pts    Core (at least 25%): 1140 pts          Special (no limit): 280 pts Dark God’s Might (max 40%): 1620 pts  Minions of Wrath (max 50%): 1860 pts     Minions of Pestilence (max 50%): 730 pts
1080 - Scourge of Wrath, General, Daemon of Wrath, Eternal Fury, Shackles of Reality, Blade of Grief, Obsidian Horn
420 - Harbinger of Wrath, BSB, MR (1), Veil of Shadows, Eternal Fury
800 - 30 Slaughterers, CMS, Icon of Relentless Company, MR (1), Armor (5+), Scoring
340 – 15 Tallymen, Parry, Scoring
390 – 3 Pestilent Beasts, Fear, Regeneration (4+), Trail of Mucus, Scoring
360 - 3 Crusher Cavalry, C, Armor (4+), MR (1), Fear, Scoring
280 - 5 Hellhounds, Armor (4+), MR (3)
140 - 2x 5 Furies, Wrath, Fly (10), Skirmishers
540 - Daemon Engine, Wrath, Armor (4+), Paired Weapons, Crush Attack, Hellish Breath



Steffen "Ebolos" Müller Dwarfen Holds

720- King, General, War Throne, Great Weapon ,Rune of Destruction, Rune of Dragon’s Breath, Rune of the Forge
390- Dragon Seeker, Monster Seeker, Rune of Smashing, 1 x Rune of Quickening 
324- Runic Smith, Rune of Gleaming, Rune of Resilience, Shield,2 x Rune of Iron, Rune of Dragon’s Breath
300- Anvil of Power,Rune of Storms, Rune of Shattering, Rune of Gleaming

718- 27 Greybeards, Shields, Musician, Standard Bearer, Champion,Runic Standard of Swiftness 
500- 20x Greybeards, Vanguard, Shields, Champion

250- 10xMiners, Pistols, Musician
120- Vengeance Seeker
470- 15xSeekers, Vanguard, Skirmish, Champion
200- 1 Steam Copters, Steam Bomber 
230- Field Artillery, Catapult

270- Field Artillery, Cannon

points Dwarven Holds : 4492




Marcel Micky Krause – Sylvan Elves (4495pts)
656 - Mounted Forest Prince [Army General, Bluffer's Helm, Divine Icon, Elven Cloak, Great Elk, Great Weapon, Light Armour, Shield, Sprout of Rebirth, Wild Hunter]
350 - Chieftain on Foot  [Blade Dancer, Sacred Spear of Cadron, Battle Standard Bearer [War Standard]
490 - Druid [3x Add up to 3 Learned Spells, Become Wizard Master, Book of Arcane Power, Cosmology]
170 -  8 Dryads [Skirmish]
100 - Forest Eagle
310 - 10 Sylvan Sentinels
190 - 5 Sylvan Sentinels [Paired Weapons, Scout]
470 - 10 Blade Dancers [Champion, Standard Bearer [Banner of Speed]
414 - 7 Briar Maidens [Champion]
295 - 3 Kestrel Knights
570 - 20 Sylvan Archers [Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer - Veteran Standard [Gleaming Icon]
300 - 10 Sylvan Archers [Champion, Musician]
180 - 5 Heath Riders [Longbow & Fast cavalry]



Thomas Zwergnase Möller - Ogre Khans (4500pts)
550 - Great Khan [Army General, Khagadai's Maul, Sprout of Rebirth]
320 - Khan Battle [Standard Bearer [Stalker's Standard]
610 - Shaman [3x Add up to 3 Learned Spells, Become Wizard Master, Book of Arcane Power, Pyromancy, Ring of Fire]
792 - 9 Bruisers [Champion, Musician , Standard Bearer - Veteran Standard [War Standard]
362 - 44 Scraplings [Musician, Spear]
460 - 3 Tusker Cavalry [Musician]
160 - 2x2 Yetis
300 - Thunder Cannon
795 - 6 Mercenary Veterans with Brace of Ogre Pistols [Accurate, Musician, Poisoned Attacks, Standard Bearer [Banner of Discipline]




Michael Solar Grametzki - Vampire Covenant (4500pts)

Bloodline [Brotherhood of the Dragon]

800 - Midnight Aristocracy [1 Learned Spell, Brotherhood of the Dragon Bloodline, Crimson Rage, General, Occultism, Ogre Sword,  Plate Armour, Shield, Skeletal Steed, Talisman of Supreme Shielding, Vampire Count]

680 - Midnight Aristocracy [1 Learned Spell, Brotherhood of the Dragon Bloodline, Divine Icon, Eternal Duelist, Lucky Shield, Obsidian Sword, Occultism, Plate Armour, Skeletal Steed, Sprout of Rebirth, Vampire Count]

310 – Necromancer [3x Additional Learned Spells, Evocation]

116 - 3x8 Dire Wolves

280 - 23 Skeletons [Champion, Musician, Spear, Standard Bearer - Veteran Standard Bearer [Icon of the Relentless Company]

136 - 2x 21 Zombies [Musician]

570 - 10 Barrow Knights [Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer [Banner of the Barrows Kings]

80 - 2 Great Bats

500 - Shrieking Horror

300 - 4 Vampire Spawn

360 - Varkolak


Les Duc de Fer

Tobias "Tobi_Tobsen" Sander - Ogre Khans

630 - Great Khan, General, Big Name: Rottenjaw, Mammoth – Hide Cloak, Heart Ripper, Talisman of Greater Shielding, Charm of cursed Iron

345 - Khan, BSB, Aether Icon, Crown of Scorn

360 – Hunter, Tusker Mount, Iron Fist, Hunting Spear, Armour of Fortune, Lucky Charm

977 - 13 x Tribesman, Iron Fists, C; M; S, Banner of Discipline

165 - 3 x Bruiser

700 - 8 x Bombardiers, M;C;S; Flaiming Banner

240 - 3 x Bombardiers + M;

300 - 2x1 Thunder Cannon

160 - 3 x2 Yetis



Florian "Eisenheinrich" Rohm - Highborn Elves

690 - Mage, General, Asfad Scholar, 4 Spells, Obsidian Rock,690 - Mage, General, Asfad Scholar, 4 Spells, Obsidian Rock, Book of Arcane Power, Ring of Fire, Wizard Master, Divination
486 - Commander, BSB, Master of Canreig Tower, 2 Spells, 486 - Commander, BSB, Master of Canreig Tower, 2 Spells, Great Weapon, Great Bow of Elu, Shielding Scroll, 2x Alchemy
270 –2x5 Highborn Lancers, M
190 – 2x5 Elein Reavers, Bow
290 - 15x Citizen Archers, M
686 - 23x Lion Guard, M, S, C, Flaming Standard
304 - 8x Grey Watchers, Shield
180 - 2x1x Sea Guard Reaper
380 -2x1 Fire Phoenix











Peter “Duc de Guerre” Folle - Vermin Swarm


320 - Tyrant, Army General, Light Armor, Shield, Vermin Guard Litter, Crown of Autocracy
260 - Chief, Light Armour, Battle Standard Bearer [The Lightning Rod]
530 - Magister Master, 3x Learned Spells, Thaumaturgy, Book of Arcane Power, Ring of Fire
160 - Rakachit Machinist, Hand Weapon, Light Armour
140 – 10 x Footpads, Musician
140 – 10 x Footpads, Musician
140 – 10 x Footpads, Musician
380 - 60 x Giant Rats
200 - 20 x Rats-at-Arms, Champion, Musician
250 - 60 x Slaves, Musician
250 - 60 x Slaves, Musician
250 - 60 x Slaves, Musician
250 - 60 x Slaves, Musician
90 - 2 x Rat Swarm
268 - 12 x Grenadiers
268 - 12 x Grenadiers
268 - 12 x Grenadiers
170 - Plague Catapult
170 - Plague Catapult




Die Fiesen und die Miesen

·         Frank “monacofranke“ Kloiber – Ogre Khans

610 – Great Khan, General, Troll Eater, Heart Ripper, Mammoth-Hide Cloak, Potion of  Strength

320 – Khan, BSB, Stalker’s Standard

510 – Shaman, Wizard Master, 3 Spells (Thaumaturgy)

1067 – 12 x Bruisers, M,C,S, Banner of Speed

100 – 15 x Scraplings, M

870 – 7 x Mercenaries, M, Brace of Ogre Pistols, Accurate, Poison

80 – 3x1 Sabretooth Tiger

300 – 1 x Thunder Cannon

480 – Rock Aurochs, Ogre Crossbows




Dominik "Nickl" Heiss - Vampire Covenant - Brotherhood of the Dragon

350 - Barrow King - Characters - Hero's Sword, Skeletal Steed, Talisman of Greater Shielding, Battle Standard Bearer

755 - Midnight Aristocracy - Characters - 1 Learned Spell Occultism, General, Blade of Red Thirst, Brotherhood of the Dragon Bloodline, Crimson Rage, Dusk Stone,  Plate Armour, Shield, Skeletal Steed, Vampire Count

690 - Midnight Aristocracy - Characters - 1 Learned Spell Occultism, Brotherhood of the Dragon Bloodline, Eternal Duelist, Jack's Pickaxe, Lucky Shield, Plate Armour, Potion of Swiftness, Skeletal Steed, Talisman of Supreme Shielding, Vampire Count

320 - 7x Bat Swarm

620 - 57x Skeletons  MCS, War Standard

670 - 12x Barrow Knights  MCS, Banner of the Barrow Kings

80 - 5xDire Wolves - Special

80 -  2x5Great Bats - Special

850 - 6xVampire Knights - Swift Death - MCS, Fleshrender, Black Standard of Zagvozd



·         Martin „VladTepes“ Hochriegl – Daemon Legion – Mono Wrath

1095 – Scourge of Wrath, General, Daemon of Wrath, Eternal Fury, Eternal Sword, Iron Hide, Obsidian Horn

380 – Harbringer of Wrath, BSB, Daemon of Wrath, Eternal Fury, Black Orb, Blood Sword

140 – 5x Furies, Daemon of Wrath

140 – 5x Furies, Daemon of Wrath

453 – 3x Crusher Cavalry, Daemon of Wrath, Onslaught, C, S, Aether Icon

358 – 3x Crusher Cavalry, Daemon of Wrath, Onslaught

335 – 5x Hellhounds, Daemon of Wrath, Ambush

335 – 5x Hellhounds, Daemon of Wrath, Ambush

360 – Altar of Slaughter, Daemon of Wrath

475 – 15x Slaughterers, Daemon of Wrath, Onslaught, M, C, S, Banner of Speed

425 – 15x Slaughterers, Daemon of Wrath, Onslaught, M, C, S




Legio Franconia

·         Philipp „Ameni“ Förster – Vampire Counts

780 – Vampire Count, General, 1 Spell, Heavy Armour, Shield, Sword of Strength, Blu$er´s Helm, Mantle of the Night, Po(on of Swi)ness, von Karnstein Bloodline – Storm Caller, The Dead Arise, Evoka(on

435 – Vampire Cour(er, BSB, 1 Spell, Shield, King Slayer, Bronze Breastplate, Lucky Charm, Evoka(on

260 – Necromancer, 1 Spell, Dispel Scroll, Evoka(on

350 – 30x Skeletons, Shield, M, S, C, Veteran Standardbearer – War Standard

116 – 21x Zombies

110 – 20x Zombies

136 – 8x Dire Wolves, C

116 – 8x Dire Wolves

116 – 8x Dire Wolves

80 – 2x2 Great Bats

460 – 2x1Dark Coach, Blood Ties – Stubborn

500 – 2x1 Shrieking Horror



Max “Wechselblag” Linke – Sylvan Elves

230 – Dryad Matriarch, General, 2 Spells, Divination

810 – Forest Prince, Flaming Lance, Lucky Shield, Divine Icon, Dragon

760 – Avatar of Nature, Oaken Crown

190 – 8x Dryads, C

170 – 3x8 Dryads

467 – 27 Forest Guard, M, S, C, Veteran Standardbearer - Banner of Discipline

485 – 6x Thicket Beasts

370 – 5x Wild Riders, Shield, C, S, Gleaming Icon

198 – 6x Sylvan Sentinels

480 – Treefather



Thomas „Bruder-Tom” Naumann - Warriors of the Dark Gods –

640 - Lord of Chaos, Mark of Lust, Steed of Lust, Shield, Sword of Strength, Bluffers Helm, Sprout of Rebirth

650 - Lord of Chaos, Mark of Lust, Steed of Lust, Shield, Jack’s Pickaxe, Dragonscale Helm, Talisman of Supreme Shielding

298 - Barbarian Chief, General, Mark of Wrath, Great Weapon, Crown of Autocracy, Asklander Jarl

276 - Barbarian Chief, BSB, True Chaos, Heavy Armour, Light Lance, Lucky Shield, Crown of Scorn, Makhar Khagan

745 - 40x Barbarians, Mark of Wrath, Great Weapon, M, C, S, Banner of Fury

130 - 2x8 Warhounds

445 - 5x Wasteland Knights, Mark of Lust, M, S, Aether Icon

400 - 5x Wasteland Knights, Mark of Lust, M, S, Gleaming Icon

260 -2x1 Wasteland Chariot, Mark of Lust, Pair of Waste Steeds

130 - 2x1x Fallen Beast




Drei Dreiste Dodos

710 High Prince Master of Canreig Tower, General , 4 Spells(3 Alchm.,1 Pyromancy), Schield, Spear of Blazing Dawn, Heavy Armour, Daemon`s Hunters Helm, Ring of Fire

376 Comander, Royal Huntsman, BSB, Great Weapon, Dragon Mantle, Heavy Armour, Lucky Charm

200 3x10x Citizen Archers M

660 25 Sea Guard MSC

705 25 Lion Guard MSC, Gleaming Icon

706 24 Flame Wardens MSC

100 2x1 Giant Eagle

180 3x1Sea Guard Reaper


Gesamt 4.497 Punkte                                                                                                                                                                 


Ben Nagrach Kluge
310Magister, General 4 Spells Thaumaturgy

174Chief BSB Sceptre of Vermin Valour Heavy Armour Shield

200 Rakachit Machinist Jezail

440 Sicarra Assassin Lethal Strike Ambush / Scout Divine Icon Armlet of Power

220 2* 20 Rats at Arms MSC

310 20 Plague Brotherhood MSC

150 2*40 Slaves

320 50 Giant Rats

230 10 Plague Discipels

630 8 Vermin Hulks, C

150 2*1 Rotary Gun

282 3*8 Gutter Blades  Scout/Ambush


Oger Khans (Dennis)

570 Großer Khan –Pistolenpaar –Herzstopper –Yetipelz -Talisman des Überlegenen Schutzes

400 Khan -Pistolenpaar-AST-2-Hand-Waffe-Talisman des größeren Schutzes-Drachenmantel

302 Schamane -Stufe 2 Schamanism -2-Hand-Waffe

302 Schamane -Stufe 2 Traumaturgie -2-Hand-Waffe

165 3 Schläger

972 13 Stammeskrieger -Eisenfaust-volle Kommando (Veteran)-Kriegsbanner

830 6 Söldner-Veteranen -schnelle Bewegung, Giftattacken –Pistolenpaare -volle Kommando -Banner der Eile

610 3 Hauerbestienreiter  -Eisenfaust –Drachenhautbanner -volle Kommando

80 2x1 Säbelzahn

180 Yetis Champion




Hammer und Chaos

Thomas "Ieldin_Soecr" Hantschel - Sylvan Elves
615 - Mounted Forest Prince, General, Wild Hunter, Great Elk, Shield, Fleshrender, Dragonfire Gem, Divine Icon, Armour of Destiny
350 - Chieftain on Foot, BSB, Forest Guardian, Light Armour, Sacred Spear of Cadron, Talisman of Shielding, Lucky Shield
390 - Druid, 4 Spells, Wizard Master, Druidism
170 - 2x8 Dryads, Skirmish
242 - 11 Dryads, Scoring
280 - 2x10 Sylvan Archer, M
555 - 20 Forest Ranger, M, S, C, Amryl's Banner
320 - 8 Blade Dancer
385 - 5 Wild Huntsman, Shield, S, Flaming Standard
270 - 6 Pathfinder
240 - 7 Sylvan Sentinel, Scout
226 - 7 Sylvan Sentinel
4493 Points


[Konstantin] “[LunaticGuy87]” [Baier] -[Empire of Sonnstahl] - [4495 points]-
[825] - Wizard, Army General, 3 Learned Spells, Wizard Master, Divination, Mount: Arcane Engine [Foresight], Crown of Autocracy, Shielding Scroll, Talisman of Supreme Shielding
[387] - Marshal, BSB, Great Tactician, Lance, Mount: Horse [Barding], Stalker's Standard, Dragonfire Gem, Lucky Shield
[338] - 6x Electoral Cavalry, CSM, Shield, Banner of Speed
[100] - 10x State Militia, M, Paired Weapons
[280] - 2x1 Arcane Engine [Foresight]
[260] -2x 1 Cannon
[200] - 1x Mortar
[210] - 3x10x Light Infantry, MS, Champion [Long Rifle]
[190] - 2x10x Light Infantry, M, Champion [Long Rifle]
[185] - 3x 10x Imperial Ranger

Jerome "xxcoincoinxx" Herveau - Warrior of the Dark Gods 4499
665 - Daemon Prince, Army General, Mark of Lust, Hardened Shield, Razor Blade, Potion of Swiftness, Waste-Hardened Skin, Hellish Grace
650 - Anointed, Lord of Chaos, Mark of Lust, Steed of Lust, Shield, Dragonscale Helm, Jack's Pickaxe, Talisman of Supreme Shielding
680 - Anointed, Lord of Chaos, Mark of Lust, Steed of Lust, Shield, Great Weapon, Sprout of Rebirth, Bluffer's Helm, Divine Icon
240 - 20 Barbarians, Mark of Lust, Shield, M
260 - 10 Wasteland Warriors, Mark of Lust, C
264 - 8 Barbarian Horsemen, Mark of Lust, Shield
140 - 9 Warhounds
295 - 10 Chosen, True Chaos, S, Aether icon
220 - 2x1 Wasteland Chariot, True Chaos, Pair of Wasteland Steeds

315 – Bloodbeast, Master : Demon Prince
550 - Elder Dragon Centaur, Paired Weapons


Würfelbonus für ältere Herren

Christian “Durin Eisenfuss” Otte - Infernal Dwarfs:
Characters (40%): 1296  => 28,8%                Core (25%): 1151  =>  25,6%          Special: 556 => 12,4%      Hail of the Gods (30%) => 4%          Barrage (20%): 520  => 11,6%        Bound & Binders (35%): 976 => 21,7%
526 - Overlord – Characters – n/a - General, Infernal Armour, Shield; Oger Sword, Potion of    Swiftness, Dragon Mantle, Talisman of Supreme Shielding;
460 - Prophet – Characters –  Wizard Apprentice, 2 Spell; Alchemy; Infernal Armour, Infernal Weapon; Wand of Stability, Lucky Shield, Ring of Fire;
310 - Vizier – Characters – n/a – BSB, Infernal Armour; Hardened Shield, Ring of Desiccation;
631 – 24x Citadel Guard – Core – n/a - Infernal Armour, Shield; M, S, C; Flaming Standard;
180 – 10x Infernal Warriors – Core – Hail of God – Heavy Armour, Shield; M;
170 – 20x Hobgoblins – Core – n/a - Light Armour, Bow; M;
170 – 20x Hobgoblins – Core – n/a - Light Armour, Bow; M;
416 –3x Taurukh Anointed – Special - Heavy Armour, Shield; C;
140 – 5x Hobgoblin Wolf Rider – Special – Bow;
340 – 1x Rocket Battery – Barrage - Bound Daemon;
180 – 2x Hobgoblin Bolt Thrower – Barrage;
626 - 18x Disciples of Lugar – Bound & Binders - Great Weapon; M,C;
350 – 3x Kadim Incarnates – Bound & Binders – C;


Warriors of the Dark God's Pierre "Eloriel" Brumbach

720 General Lord of Chaos Mark of Lust Steed of Lust Waste Hardened Skin Great Weapon Bluffer Helm Sproud of Rebirth Crown of Scorn

755 Deamon Prince Mark of Wrath Deamonic Wings Soul Reaper Dragonfire Gem Hardened Shield Potion of Swiftness

490 Harbringer of Chaos Battle Standard Bearer Shield Mark of Lust Steed of Lust Duskstone Dragonscale Helm Razor Blade

130 1x8 Warhounds

232 1x8 Barbarian Horsemen Mark of True Chaos Shields

160 1x5 Fallen Mark of True Chaos

220 1x10 Wasteland Warriors Mark of True Chaos 220

160 1x20 Barbarian Mark of Lust

375 1x10 Chosen Mark of Lust Standard Bearer Aether Icon 375 points

220 2x Wasteland Charriot Mark of True Chaos

130 2x Fallen Beast Mark of True Chaos

550 1x Eldar Dragon Centaur Paired Weapon

Total:4492 points



Deamonic Legion Hussam „Arimata“ Nimr
 Liste ist in der Korrektur



·         Frederick Humcke – Beast Herds

345 - Beast Chieftain, Seed of the Dark Forest, Totem Bearer, BSB, Banner of Discipline

252 - Beast Chieftain, Beast Axe, HA, Raiding Chariot, Shield

316 - Beast Chieftain, Hardened Shield, HA, Raiding Chariot, The Impaler

409 - Soothsayer, General, Crown of Autocracy, Evocation, 4 spells, PW

315 - Soothsayer, Dark Rain, Evocation, Raiding Chariot, Soothsayer Staff

562 – 36x Wildhorn Herd, FCG, PW, Blooded Horn Totem, Banner of the Wild Herd

100 - 10x Wildhorn Herd

120 - 2x10 Wildhorn Herd, Ambush

120 - 3x1 Briar Beast

430 - 2x1 Gortach

370 2x1 Jabberwock, Breath Weapon



Thomas Ahlich – Highborn Elves

726 - High Prince on Lion Chariot, General, Royal Huntsmen, Heavy Armour, Great Weapon,    Bluffer's Helm, Talisman of Supreme Shielding

640 – Mage, Asfad Scholar, 4 Spells, Pyromancy, Book of Meladys, Ring of Fire

310 – Commander, BSB; Queens Companion, Freat Bow of Elu

488 – 26x Citizen Archers, Musician

280 – 20x Citizen Spears, Musician

250 – 2x5 Highborn Lancers

100 – 2x1 Giant Eagle

810 – 30x Lion Guard, Musician, Champion

180 – 3x1 Sea Guard Reaper




Tim "FavCrusher" Bargmann - Infernal Dwarves

506 - Overlord, General, Shield, Onyx Hammer, Dragon Mantel, Dusk Stone

210 - Vizier, BSB, Enchanted Shield

480 - Prophet, 4 Spells, Scepter of Power, Wizard Master, Alchemy

480 - Prophet, 4 Spells, Ring of Fire, Wand of Stability, Pyromancy

140 - 2x10xInfernal Warriors, Blunderbuss

715 - 20xCitadel Guard, Flintlock Axe, S, M, Flaming Standard

310 - 10xCitadel Guard, Flintlock Axe, M

190 - 5xTaurukh, Shield, Light Lance

660 - 2x6xKadim Incarnetes


bearbeitet von Sir Löwenherz

So poste ich als Moderator, so poste ich als Admin, so als Forenbetreiber und so poste ich als ganz normaler User.

Die Taten eines Moderators, eines Tabletopers, eines Rollenspielers und eines Turnierorganisators oder Sir Löwenherz blogt.
In diesen Bereichen bin ich üblicherweise  moderativ tätig und regelmässig als User unterwegs : Turniere und Events, The 9th Age, Schlachtberichte, Age of Sigmar

www.the-ninth-age.com = ein cooles Community gesteuertes System (Achtung Schleichwerbung, ich arbeite im dortigen Team mit)

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Trio Tänzerhüfte Infernale

Matthias "DrGonZo" Lederhilger - Daemon Legions (Zu Dämonen umgebaute O+G-Themenarmee, Abzugsfrei)

470 Harbringer of Change, Blazing Chariot, Farseeing 2 Spells Divination 470
460 Harbringer of Pestilence, BSB, Halberd, Rending Banner, 1Spell Divination 460
520 Harbringer of Pestilence, General, Halberd, Bloated Putrification, Nauseating Aura, 1 Spell Evocation 520
930 30 Tallyman, MSC, Contamination, Banner of Speed 930
200 10 horrors, Music 200
250 2x5 Igniters 250
340 3 Cruscher Cavalary 340
340 3 Blight Flies 340
140 5 furies, Pestilence 140
330 Blood Chariot 330
270 Blazing Chariot 270
Total 4500


Christian "CrazyChris" Skuza – Beast Herds

1 Minotaur Warlord – heavy armour, shield, blessed sword, dragon mantle, talisman of supreme shielding, 690

1 Minotaur Chieftain – greater totem bearer, battle standard bearer, heavy armour, beast axe, hardened shield, sproud of rebirth, 544

1 Soothsayer – shamanism, 4 spells, soothsayer staff, talisman of greater shielding, gourd of beatles, 455

33 Wildhorns – paired weapons, champion, standard bearer, banner of the wild herd, 486

20 Mongrels – shields, spears, standard bearer, 180

3 Raiding Chariots – 370

7 Minotaurs – light armour, great weapons, champion, standard bearer, flaming standard, 684

5 Gargoyles – 140

5 Gargoyles – 140

1 Raiding Chariot – 130

1 Briar Beast – 120

1 Razortusk – 100

1 Razortusk – 100

1 Cyclops – 360

total: 4499

chars: 1689        core: 1036            elite: 1414            monster: 360


Gregor "Grossmeister" Flenz Dread Elves
Characters 1308P = 29,07%
Core 1318P. = 29,28%
Special 1328P. = 29,51%
Destroyers 540 = 12%
464 - Lords of Dread General (Character), Headsman’s Axe, Crimson Mail, Talisman of Greater Shielding,
Repeater Handbow
520 - Orakel (Character), Divination, Wizard Master, 4 Spells, Wandering Familiar, Ring of Fire
324 - Captin (Character) BSB, Heavy Armour, Hardened Shield Ring of Shadows, Talisman of Shielding,
Repeater Handbow
552 - 29 * Dread Legionnaires (Core) Kommando, Spear, Light Armour, Shield, War Standard
230 - 5 * Dark Raiders Repeater (Core) Crossbow,Shield
230 - 5 * Dark Raiders Repeater Crossbow (Core),Shield
306 - 13 * Repeater Auxiliaries (Core) Light Armour, Shield, Musiker
790 - 25 * Tower Guard (Special) Heavy Armour, Halberd, Kommando, Banner of Blood
130 5 * Harpien (Special)
408 6 * Dark Acolytes(Special), Champion
180 - 1 * Dread Reaper (Destroyers)
180 - 1 * Dread Reaper (Destroyers)
180 - 1 * Dread Reaper (Destroyers)

So poste ich als Moderator, so poste ich als Admin, so als Forenbetreiber und so poste ich als ganz normaler User.

Die Taten eines Moderators, eines Tabletopers, eines Rollenspielers und eines Turnierorganisators oder Sir Löwenherz blogt.
In diesen Bereichen bin ich üblicherweise  moderativ tätig und regelmässig als User unterwegs : Turniere und Events, The 9th Age, Schlachtberichte, Age of Sigmar

www.the-ninth-age.com = ein cooles Community gesteuertes System (Achtung Schleichwerbung, ich arbeite im dortigen Team mit)

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vor 46 Minuten schrieb Sir Löwenherz:

Andreas"DerBierbaron"Matkovic Dread Elves
200- xx5 Dark Raiders, Repeater Crossbow

copy & paste Fehler, in der Liste die ich geschickt habe stand


200- 5 Dark Raiders, Repeater Crossbow
200- 5 Dark Raiders, Repeater Crossbow


Also zwei Einheiten



"Die Qualitäten des Blags tummeln sich nicht an der Oberfläche, springen einem nicht sofort ins Gesicht. Das tut Avantgarde nie." - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

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Morgen packe ich es gerne in ein PDF. Heute hat es mir 3 mal die Formatierung zerhauen :(

So poste ich als Moderator, so poste ich als Admin, so als Forenbetreiber und so poste ich als ganz normaler User.

Die Taten eines Moderators, eines Tabletopers, eines Rollenspielers und eines Turnierorganisators oder Sir Löwenherz blogt.
In diesen Bereichen bin ich üblicherweise  moderativ tätig und regelmässig als User unterwegs : Turniere und Events, The 9th Age, Schlachtberichte, Age of Sigmar

www.the-ninth-age.com = ein cooles Community gesteuertes System (Achtung Schleichwerbung, ich arbeite im dortigen Team mit)

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vor 40 Minuten schrieb Frederick H.:

gibts das auch als PDF, damit man sich den Kram direkt aufm Tablet beim Turnier immer anschauen kann? :)


Gerade eben schrieb Sir Löwenherz:

Morgen packe ich es gerne in ein PDF. Heute hat es mir 3 mal die Formatierung zerhauen :(

Top Frage und perfekte Antwort dafür.

Danke Flo :ok:

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Dominik "Nickl" Heiss - Vampire Covenant - Brotherhood of the Dragon

350 - Barrow King - Characters - Hero's Sword, Skeletal Steed, Talisman of Greater Shielding, Battle Standard Bearer

755 - Midnight Aristocracy - Characters - 1 Learned Spell Occultism, General, Blade of Red Thirst, Brotherhood of the Dragon Bloodline, Crimson Rage, Dusk Stone,  Plate Armour, Shield, Skeletal Steed, Vampire Count

690 - Midnight Aristocracy - Characters - 1 Learned Spell Occultism, Brotherhood of the Dragon Bloodline, Eternal Duelist, Jack's Pickaxe, Lucky Shield, Plate Armour, Potion of Swiftness, Skeletal Steed, Talisman of Supreme Shielding, Vampire Count

320 - 7x Bat Swarm

620 - 57x Skeletons  MCS, War Standard

670 - 12x Barrow Knights  MCS, Banner of the Barrow Kings

80 - 5xDire Wolves - Special

80 -  2x5Great Bats - Special

850 - 6xVampire Knights - Swift Death - MCS, Fleshrender, Black Standard of Zagvozd



Bei den great bats ist wohl ein Fehler. Vielleicht nur eine Einheit? 5 Fläuse würden auch mehr als 80 Punkte kosten...5 x 2 vielleicht?

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vor 17 Stunden schrieb Sir Löwenherz:



Christoph "JimmyGrill" Reiter Highborn Elves

665 - Mage, General, Wizard Master, +3 Learned Spells, Asfad Scholar, Skull Splitter, Book of Arcane Power, Divination
516 - Commander, Battle Standard Bearer, Master of Canreig Tower, +2 Learned Spells, Great Weapon, Talisman of Shielding, Great Bow of Elu, 3x Alchemy
440 - 25 Citizen Spears, Musician, Standard Bearer, Banner of Speed
270 - 5 Highborn Lancers, Musician
270 - 5 Highborn Lancers, Musician
254 - 13 Citizen Archers, Musician
230 - Lion Chariot
349 - 11 Lion Guard, Standard Bearer, Champion, Skirmish, Icon of the Relentless Company
100 -2x1 Giant Eagle
180 - 3x1Sea Guard Reaper
380 - 2x1 Fire Phoenix
Total 4494




vor 17 Stunden schrieb Sir Löwenherz:

Hajo "willsehen" Kruppa Kingdom of Equitaine - Favour of the King
620 - Duke, General, Questing Oath, Virtue: Audacity, Barded Warhorse, Shield, Fleshrender, Crusaders Helm, Divine Icon, Dragonfire Gem
408 -Paladin, BSB, Questing Oath, Virtue: Daring, Barded Warhorse, Great Weapon, Hardened Shield, Crown of Scorn, Aether Icon
649 - 11 Knights of the Realm, M,S,C, Flaming Standard
260 - 2x5 Knights of the Realm, M,S
110 - 2x5 Yeoman Outriders, Throwing Weapons
680 - 2x 8 Knights of the Grail, M, S
360 - 2x3 Pegasus Knights
Total 4497


Reichsritter 5 Punkte teurer, Armee trotzdem legal


vor 17 Stunden schrieb Sir Löwenherz:

Andreas"DerBierbaron"Matkovic Dread Elves
535- Oracle, General, Master Wizard, 3 additional Spells, Divination, Wandering Familiar, Skullsplitter,
248- Captain, BSB, RxB, Banner of Relentless Company
240- 11 Repeater Auxiliaries, M
268- 12 Corsairs, M, Paired Weapons, Repeater Handbow
220- 10 Corsairs, M, Paired Weapons, Repeater Handbow
200- 2x5 Dark Raiders, Repeater Crossbow
330- 2x10 Raven Cloaks
550- 25 Dancers of Yema, M
440- Hydra
390- 5 Dark Acolytes, Cult of Yema, C
180-3x1 Dread Reaper
Total 4491








"Die Qualitäten des Blags tummeln sich nicht an der Oberfläche, springen einem nicht sofort ins Gesicht. Das tut Avantgarde nie." - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

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vor 17 Stunden schrieb Sir Löwenherz:

Last Bellatores Standing:

Beast Herds Bernardo Gui
654 Beast Lord: General, Heavy Armour; Hunting Call; Razortusk Chariot Mount; The Impaler; Lucky Shield; Talisman of Supreme Shielding
405 Beast Lord: Shield; Kingslayer; Armour of Destiny; Gem of Fortune
299 Soothsayer: Shamanism; 2 Learned Spells; Paired Weapons; Shielding Scroll; Charm of Cursed Iron
340 Beast Chieftain: Battle Standard; Greater Totem Bearer; Lucky Charm; Mithril Mail; Razor Blade
485 1x25 Wildhorn Herd: Champion (Clouded Eye Totem); Standard (Banner of Discipline); Musician; Shields; Throwing Weapons; Ambush
112 1x9 Feral Hounds
370 1x3 Raiding Chariot
130 3x1 Raiding Chariot
708 1x27 Longhorn Herd: Champion (Clouded Eye Totem); Standard (Banner of the Wild Herd); Musician 708
96 1x7 Feral Hounds
320 2x1 Beast Giant
4.499 points



General fehlt, Standarte ist zwar legal aber in dieser Einheit nutzlos ;)


vor 17 Stunden schrieb Sir Löwenherz:


Sebastian „zehlein“ Zeh – Warriors oft he dark Gods

640 - Lord of Chaos, Mark of Lust, Shield, Steed of Lust, Bluffers Helm, Blessed Sword, Dusk Stone
630 - Lord of Chaos, Mark of Lust, Shield, Steed of Lust, Dragonscale Helm, King Slayer, Talisman of Supreme Shielding
730 - Lord of Chaos, General, Mark of Change, Shield, Disc of Change, Burning Blade of Chaos, Talisman of Greater Shielding, Third Eye of Change
360 - Wrath Priest, Crusher, Crown of Scorn, Hero’s Sword, Lucky Charm, Lucky Shield
232 - Barbarian Chief, Mark of Lust, Asklander Jarl, Heavy Armor, Paired Weapons, Throwing Weapons
316 - 8 Barbarian Horsemen, Mark of Lust, Shield, Throwing Weapons, Musician
220 - 20 Barbarians, Mark of Lust, Paired Weapons, Throwing Weapons
390 - Wasteland Warriors, Mark of True Chaos, Musician
200 - 2x5 Barbarian Horsemen, Mark of Lust, Shield, Throwing Weapons
576 - 3 Crusher Knights, Deamon Weapon, Musician, Standard Bearer, Gleaming Icon

TOTAL: 4494

Die Punktewerte für die Chars sind individuell alle richtig, aber 57,6% in Chars ist sogar für WDG ein bisschen viel ;)

Bei den Kriegern fehlt Modellanzahl, der Punktewert passt bei der angegebenen Ausrüstung auf keine ganze Anzahl an Modellen...



vor 17 Stunden schrieb Sir Löwenherz:

Guenni (gibt seine Liste traditionel erst am Turniertag ab)






"Die Qualitäten des Blags tummeln sich nicht an der Oberfläche, springen einem nicht sofort ins Gesicht. Das tut Avantgarde nie." - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

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vor 18 Stunden schrieb Sir Löwenherz:

Legion Schwaben & Franken:

·         Volker "Bolker" Meyer – The Vermin Swarm

678‐ Plague Prophet, General, Plague Pendulum, Halberd,Lucky Shield, Crown of Autocracy

204‐ Chief, BSB, Shield, Heavy Armour, Crown of Scorn

360‐ Sicarra Assassin, Potion of Strength

480‐ 35xPluge Brotherhood, SM

537‐ 32x Vermin Cuard, SM, Aether Icon

140‐ 10x Foodpads, M

90‐ 2x Rat Swarm

150‐ 3x6x Plague Disciples

150‐ 3x1 Weapon Team, Rotary Gun

355‐ 2x2 Thunder Hulks 

400‐ 1x Abomination




vor 18 Stunden schrieb Sir Löwenherz:


 Uwe "Ogerbulle" Mitulski – Dread Elves

470 - Dread Prince, Cult of Nabh , Headsman`s Axe, Crimson Mail, Divine Icon

560 - Dread Prince, General, Raptor,Shield, Ogre Sword, Armour of Destiny, Crown of Scorn

306 – Captain, BSB, Shield, Hero´s Sword, Armour of Fortune

619 – 33x Dread Legionnaires, Spear, S, M, Flaming Standard

380 – 18x Repeater Auxiliaries, M

170 – 5x Dark Raiders

642 – 11x Dread Knights, S, M, C, Gleaming Icon

190 – 2x 1 Raptor Chariot

130 – 5x Harpien

298 – 8x Raven Cloaks, Great Weapon

180 – 3x1 Dread Reaper



Namen der Lords nicht ganz richtig, aber Liste passt :ok:


vor 18 Stunden schrieb Sir Löwenherz:



Bernd "Lazerus" Freund – Ogre Khans - Hellfist

800 - Great Khan, General, Hellfist; Heavy Armour, Heart-Ripper, Mammoth-Hide Cloak, Talisman of  Greater Shielding, Crown of Scorn 

460 - Mammoth Hunter, Trolleater, Tusker, Hunting Spear; Iron Fist; Light Armour; Bluffer's Helm,Potion of Swiftness

979 – 11x Bruisers Great Weapon; Heavy Armour; Scrapling Lookout;  S,M,C Banner of Speed  

160 – 3x Tribesmen, Paired Weapons; Light Armour

715 – 4x Tusker Cavalry, Iron Fist; Light Armour; S,M; Aether Icon

230 – 2x1  Scratapult 

445 – 5x Bombardiers Hand Cannon; Light Armour; S,M; Banner of Discipline

480  Rock Aurochs, Hunting Spear








"Die Qualitäten des Blags tummeln sich nicht an der Oberfläche, springen einem nicht sofort ins Gesicht. Das tut Avantgarde nie." - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

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vor 18 Stunden schrieb Sir Löwenherz:

Bester Weigert

Thomas „Dogday Sunrise“ Fischer - Vampire Covenant

Characters 40%: 1527 -> 33,9% Core: 20%: 906 -> 20,1%  Special: 100%: 1000 -> 22,2%
The Suffering : 20%: 0 -> 0% Swift Death: 30%: 1064 -> 23,6%

850 - Vampire Count – Characters – General, The Dead Arise, Strigoi Bloodline, Bestial Bulk, Great Weapon, Tullius Teeth, Eternal Ring, Wizard Appretice, +1 Learned Spell (2 in Total), Path of Shamanism
260 – Necromancer – Characters – Dispell Scroll, Path of Evocation
160 – Necromancer – Characters – Path of Evocation
257 – Barrow King – Characters – Battle Standard Bearer, Bronze Breastplate, Great Weapon
400 – 35x Skeletons – Core – Musician, Champion, Standard, Veteran Standard Bearer, War Standard
136 – 21x Zombies – Core – Musician
130 – 20x Zombies – Core – Musician
120 – 2x Bat Swarm – Core
120 – 2x Bat Swarm – Core
760 – 9x Ghasts – Special – Champion
80 – 2x Great Bats – Special
80 – 2x Great Bats – Special
80 – 5x Dire Wolfs – Special
704 – 4x Winged Reaper – Swift Death – Paired Weapons
360 – 1x Varkolak – Swift Death



vor 18 Stunden schrieb Sir Löwenherz:


Johannes “Klexe” Weigert – KoE –

Characters: 40%: 1745        -> 38,77% Core: 25%: 1132         -> 25,15% Special: 1670          -> 37,11%        Airborne Gallantry: 40%: 240         -> 5,33%

600 – Damsel - Characters – Barded Warhorse -  Master Wizzard – Druidsm - +3 Spells – Book of Arcane Power – Wafers of Penitence – Talisman of Roland

750 – Duke – General – Token of the King – Hippogryph – Questing oath – Shield – Valour – Divine Icon – Crusader’s Helm – Blessed Scripture – Great Weapon

345 – Paladin -  Barded Warhorse – Bsb – War Standard – Grail Oath – Hardend Shield -  Hero’s Sword – Lucky Charm

280 – 5x Knights Aspirant – Core – M – S

432 – 8x Realm Knights – Core – M – S – Gleaming Icon

420 – 55x Peasant Levy – Core – M – Spears

745 – 8x Knights of the Grail – Special – M – S – C – Flaming Standard

260 – Sacred Reliquary – Special

280 – 2x1 Trebuchet – Special

110 – 5x Yeoman Outriders – Throwing weapons



Selber Fehler wie Hajo, Gralsritter mit Flammenstandarte um 5 Punkte zu billig berechnet... damit landet diese Armee aber bei nicht mehr erlaubten 4502 Punkten


vor 18 Stunden schrieb Sir Löwenherz:


Wolfgang „Red88“ Weigert - Saurian Ancients 

Characters: 40%: 1665P è 37%                  Core: 20%: 905P è 20,111%       Special: 420P è 9,333% Jungle Guerillas: 30%: 530P è 11,78%    Thunder Lizards: 35%: 980P è 21,78%

980P – Firstborn Warlord – Characters – General, Alpha Carnosaur, Spear of the Stampede, Lucky Shield, Starfall Shard, Devine Icon

345P – Firstborn Veteran – Characters – BSB, Banner of Speed, Halberd, Bronze Breastplate, Lucky Charm

340P – Skink Priest – Characters, Skink Palanquin, 3 Spells, Jade Staff, Sceptre of Power, Druidism

905P – 35 Saurian Warriors – Core, Serpent Totems, Spears, M, C, S, Flaming Standard

210P – 2x3 Caimans – Special

265P – 2x3 Rhamphodon Riders – Jungle Guerillas, Shield

530P – Taurosaur – Thunder Lizards, Engine of the Ancients

450P – Stygiosaur – Thunder Lizards, Skink Champion 








"Die Qualitäten des Blags tummeln sich nicht an der Oberfläche, springen einem nicht sofort ins Gesicht. Das tut Avantgarde nie." - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

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vor 19 Stunden schrieb Sir Löwenherz:


Marcel Micky Krause – Sylvan Elves (4495pts)
656 - Mounted Forest Prince [Army General, Bluffer's Helm, Divine Icon, Elven Cloak, Great Elk, Great Weapon, Light Armour, Shield, Sprout of Rebirth, Wild Hunter]
350 - Chieftain on Foot  [Blade Dancer, Sacred Spear of Cadron, Battle Standard Bearer [War Standard]
490 - Druid [3x Add up to 3 Learned Spells, Become Wizard Master, Book of Arcane Power, Cosmology]
170 -  8 Dryads [Skirmish]
100 - Forest Eagle
310 - 10 Sylvan Sentinels
190 - 5 Sylvan Sentinels [Paired Weapons, Scout]
470 - 10 Blade Dancers [Champion, Standard Bearer [Banner of Speed]
414 - 7 Briar Maidens [Champion]
295 - 3 Kestrel Knights
570 - 20 Sylvan Archers [Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer - Veteran Standard [Gleaming Icon]
300 - 10 Sylvan Archers [Champion, Musician]
180 - 5 Heath Riders [Longbow & Fast cavalry]



vor 19 Stunden schrieb Sir Löwenherz:


Thomas Zwergnase Möller - Ogre Khans (4491pts)
550 - Great Khan [Army General, Khagadai's Maul, Sprout of Rebirth]
320 - Khan Battle [Standard Bearer [Stalker's Standard]
610 - Shaman [3x Add up to 3 Learned Spells, Become Wizard Master, Book of Arcane Power, Pyromancy, Ring of Fire]
783 - 9 Bruisers [Champion, Musician , Standard Bearer - Veteran Standard [War Standard]
362 - 44 Scraplings [Musician, Spear]
460 - 3 Tusker Cavalry [Musician]
160 - 2x2 Yetis
300 - Thunder Cannon
795 - 6 Mercenary Veterans with Brace of Ogre Pistols [Accurate, Musician, Poisoned Attacks, Standard Bearer [Banner of Discipline]


Bruiser sind etwas billiger als verrechnet.


vor 19 Stunden schrieb Sir Löwenherz:


Michael Solar Grametzki - Vampire Covenant (4500pts)

Bloodline [Brotherhood of the Dragon]

800 - Midnight Aristocracy [1 Learned Spell, Brotherhood of the Dragon Bloodline, Crimson Rage, General, The Dead Arise, Occultism, Ogre Sword,  Plate Armour, Shield, Skeletal Steed, Talisman of Supreme Shielding, Vampire Count]

680 - Midnight Aristocracy [1 Learned Spell, Brotherhood of the Dragon Bloodline, Divine Icon, Eternal Duelist, Lucky Shield, Obsidian Sword, Occultism, Plate Armour, Skeletal Steed, Sprout of Rebirth, Vampire Count]

310 – Necromancer [3x Additional Learned Spells, Evocation]

116 - 3x8 Dire Wolves

280 - 23 Skeletons [Champion, Musician, Spear, Standard Bearer - Veteran Standard Bearer [Icon of the Relentless Company]

136 - 2x 21 Zombies [Musician]

570 - 10 Barrow Knights [Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer [Banner of the Barrows Kings]

80 - 2 Great Bats

500 - Shrieking Horror

300 - 4 Vampire Spawn

360 - Varkolak

Dead Arise war berechnet aber nicht aufgeführt




"Die Qualitäten des Blags tummeln sich nicht an der Oberfläche, springen einem nicht sofort ins Gesicht. Das tut Avantgarde nie." - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

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vor 20 Stunden schrieb Sir Löwenherz:

Les Duc de Fer

Tobias "Tobi_Tobsen" Sander - Ogre Khans

630 - Great Khan, General, Big Name: Rottenjaw, Mammoth – Hide Cloak, Heart Ripper, Talisman of Greater Shielding, Charm of cursed Iron

345 - Khan, BSB, Aether Icon, Crown of Scorn

360 – Hunter, Tusker Mount, Iron Fist, Hunting Spear, Armour of Fortune, Lucky Charm

977 - 13 x Tribesman, Iron Fists, C; M; S, Banner of Discipline

165 - 3 x Bruiser

700 - 8 x Bombardiers, M;C;S; Flaiming Banner

240 - 3 x Bombardiers + M;

300 - 2x1 Thunder Cannon

160 - 3 x2 Yetis




vor 20 Stunden schrieb Sir Löwenherz:

Florian "Eisenheinrich" Rohm - Highborn Elves

690 - Mage, General, Asfad Scholar, 4 Spells, Obsidian Rock,690 - Mage, General, Asfad Scholar, 4 Spells, Obsidian Rock, Book of Arcane Power, Ring of Fire, Wizard Master, Divination
486 - Commander, BSB, Master of Canreig Tower, 2 Spells, 486 - Commander, BSB, Master of Canreig Tower, 2 Spells, Great Weapon, Great Bow of Elu, Shielding Scroll, 2x Alchemy
270 –2x5 Highborn Lancers, M
190 – 2x5 Elein Reavers, Bow
290 - 15x Citizen Archers, M
686 - 23x Lion Guard, M, S, C, Flaming Standard
304 - 8x Grey Watchers, Shield
180 - 2x1x Sea Guard Reaper
380 -2x1 Fire Phoenix


copy&paste Fehler?


vor 20 Stunden schrieb Sir Löwenherz:

Peter “Duc de Guerre” Folle - Vermin Swarm


320 - Tyrant, Army General, Light Armor, Shield, Vermin Guard Litter, Crown of Autocracy
260 - Chief, Light Armour, Battle Standard Bearer [The Lightning Rod]
530 - Magister Master,
4x Learned Spells, Thaumaturgy, Book of Arcane Power, Ring of Fire
160 - Rakachit Machinist, Hand Weapon, Light Armour
140 – 10 x Footpads, Musician
140 – 10 x Footpads, Musician
140 – 10 x Footpads, Musician
380 - 60 x Giant Rats
200 - 20 x Rats-at-Arms, Champion, Musician
250 - 60 x Slaves, Musician
250 - 60 x Slaves, Musician
250 - 60 x Slaves, Musician
250 - 60 x Slaves, Musician
90 - 2 x Rat Swarm
268 - 12 x Grenadiers
268 - 12 x Grenadiers
268 - 12 x Grenadiers
170 - Plague Catapult
170 - Plague Catapult



Hier Punkte holen wird spannend :D






"Die Qualitäten des Blags tummeln sich nicht an der Oberfläche, springen einem nicht sofort ins Gesicht. Das tut Avantgarde nie." - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

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vor 20 Stunden schrieb Sir Löwenherz:

Die Fiesen und die Miesen

·         Frank “monacofranke“ Kloiber – Ogre Khans

610 – Great Khan, General, Troll Eater, Heart Ripper, Mammoth-Hide Cloak, Potion of  Strength

320 – Khan, BSB, Stalker’s Standard

510 – Shaman, Wizard Master, 3 Spells (Thaumaturgy)

1067 – 12 x Bruisers, M,C,S, Banner of Speed

100 – 15 x Scraplings, M

870 – 7 x Mercenaries, M, Brace of Ogre Pistols, Accurate, Poison

80 – 3x1 Sabretooth Tiger

300 – 1 x Thunder Cannon

480 – Rock Aurochs, Ogre Crossbows


Schamane ist um 100 Punkte zu billig, evtl. fehlt da Rolle oder BoAP in der Liste?


vor 20 Stunden schrieb Sir Löwenherz:


Dominik "Nickl" Heiss - Vampire Covenant - Brotherhood of the Dragon

350 - Barrow King - Characters - Hero's Sword, Skeletal Steed, Talisman of Greater Shielding, Battle Standard Bearer

755 - Midnight Aristocracy - Characters - 1 Learned Spell Occultism, General, The Dead Arise, Blade of Red Thirst, Brotherhood of the Dragon Bloodline, Crimson Rage, Dusk Stone,  Plate Armour, Shield, Skeletal Steed, Vampire Count

690 - Midnight Aristocracy - Characters - 1 Learned Spell Occultism, Brotherhood of the Dragon Bloodline, Eternal Duelist, Jack's Pickaxe, Lucky Shield, Plate Armour, Potion of Swiftness, Skeletal Steed, Talisman of Supreme Shielding, Vampire Count

320 - 7x Bat Swarm

620 - 57x Skeletons  MCS, War Standard

670 - 12x Barrow Knights  MCS, Banner of the Barrow Kings

80 - 5xDire Wolves - Special

80 -  2x2Great Bats - Special

850 - 6xVampire Knights - Swift Death - MCS, Fleshrender, Black Standard of Zagvozd, Plate Armour and Devastating Charge



Nur Details, Liste passt.


vor 20 Stunden schrieb Sir Löwenherz:


·         Martin „VladTepes“ Hochriegl – Daemon Legion – Mono Wrath

1095 – Scourge of Wrath, General, Daemon of Wrath, Eternal Fury, Eternal Sword, Iron Hide, Obsidian Horn

380 – Harbringer of Wrath, BSB, Daemon of Wrath, Eternal Fury, Black Orb, Blood Sword

140 – 5x Furies, Daemon of Wrath

140 – 5x Furies, Daemon of Wrath

453 – 3x Crusher Cavalry, Daemon of Wrath, Onslaught, C, S, Aether Icon

358 – 3x Crusher Cavalry, Daemon of Wrath, Onslaught

335 – 5x Hellhounds, Daemon of Wrath, Ambush

335 – 5x Hellhounds, Daemon of Wrath, Ambush

360 – Altar of Slaughter, Daemon of Wrath

475 – 15x Slaughterers, Daemon of Wrath, Onslaught, M, C, S, Banner of Speed

425 – 15x Slaughterers, Daemon of Wrath, Onslaught, M, C, S






"Die Qualitäten des Blags tummeln sich nicht an der Oberfläche, springen einem nicht sofort ins Gesicht. Das tut Avantgarde nie." - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

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vor 20 Stunden schrieb Sir Löwenherz:

Legio Franconia

·         Philipp „Ameni“ Förster – Vampire Counts

780 – Vampire Count, General, 1 Spell, Heavy Armour, Shield, Sword of Strength, Blu$er´s Helm, Mantle of the Night, Po(on of Swi)ness, von Karnstein Bloodline – Storm Caller, The Dead Arise, Evoka(on

375 – Vampire Cour(er, BSB, 1 Spell, Shield, King Slayer, Bronze Breastplate, Lucky Charm, Evoka(on, von Karnstein Bloodline

260 – Necromancer, 1 Spell, Dispel Scroll, Evoka(on

350 – 30x Skeletons, Shield, M, S, C, Veteran Standardbearer – War Standard

116 – 21x Zombies

110 – 20x Zombies

136 – 8x Dire Wolves, C

116 – 8x Dire Wolves

116 – 8x Dire Wolves

80 – 2x2 Great Bats

460 – 2x1Dark Coach, Blood Ties – Stubborn

500 – 2x1 Shrieking Horror



AST muss Karnstein sein und ist viel zu billig, da fehlt wohl noch Ausrüstung...


vor 20 Stunden schrieb Sir Löwenherz:

Max “Wechselblag” Linke – Sylvan Elves

230 – Dryad Matriarch, General, Wizard Apprentice, 2 Spells, Divination

810 – Forest Prince, Flaming Lance, Lucky Shield, Divine Icon, Dragon

760 – Avatar of Nature, Oaken Crown

190 – 8x Dryads, C

170 – 3x8 Dryads

467 – 27 Forest Guard, M, S, C, Veteran Standardbearer - Banner of Discipline

485 – 6x Thicket Beasts

370 – 5x Wild Riders, Shield, C, S, Gleaming Icon

198 – 6x Sylvan Sentinels

480 – Treefather




vor 20 Stunden schrieb Sir Löwenherz:

Thomas „Bruder-Tom” Naumann - Warriors of the Dark Gods –

640 - Lord of Chaos, Mark of Lust, Steed of Lust, Shield, Sword of Strength, Bluffers Helm, Sprout of Rebirth

650 - Lord of Chaos, Mark of Lust, Steed of Lust, Shield, Jack’s Pickaxe, Dragonscale Helm, Talisman of Supreme Shielding

298 - Barbarian Chief, General, Mark of Wrath, Great Weapon, Crown of Autocracy, Asklander Jarl

276 - Barbarian Chief, BSB, True Chaos, Heavy Armour, Light Lance, Lucky Shield, Crown of Scorn, Makhar Khagan

745 - 40x Barbarians, Mark of Wrath, Great Weapon, M, C, S, Banner of Fury

130 - 2x8 Warhounds

445 - 5x Wasteland Knights, Mark of Lust, M, S, Aether Icon

400 - 5x Wasteland Knights, Mark of Lust, M, S, Gleaming Icon

260 -2x1 Wasteland Chariot, Mark of Lust, Pair of Waste Steeds

130 - 2x1x Fallen Beast







"Die Qualitäten des Blags tummeln sich nicht an der Oberfläche, springen einem nicht sofort ins Gesicht. Das tut Avantgarde nie." - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

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vor 21 Stunden schrieb Sir Löwenherz:

Drei Dreiste Dodos

710 High Prince Master of Canreig Tower, General , 4 Spells(3 Alchm.,1 Pyromancy), Schield, Spear of Blazing Dawn, Heavy Armour, Daemon`s Hunters Helm, Ring of Fire

376 Comander, Royal Huntsman, BSB, Great Weapon, Dragon Mantle, Heavy Armour, Lucky Charm

200 3x10x Citizen Archers M

660 25 Sea Guard MSC

705 25 Lion Guard MSC, Gleaming Icon

706 24 Flame Wardens MSC

100 2x1 Giant Eagle

180 3x1Sea Guard Reaper

Gesamt 4.497 Punkte      


Der Prinz darf als MoCT nicht Pyromancy wählen, und seine schwere Rüstung hat er nicht bezahlt :D

Der Drachenmantel beim AST ist zwar erlaubt aber funktioniert nicht, weil Innate Defence nicht kombinierbar ist und der Mantel daher nicht mit dem Löwenpelz stackt


vor 21 Stunden schrieb Sir Löwenherz:

Ben Nagrach Kluge
310Magister, General 4 Spells Thaumaturgy

224Chief BSB Sceptre of Vermin Valour Heavy Armour Shield

200 Rakachit Machinist Jezail

440 Sicarra Assassin Lethal Strike Ambush / Scout Divine Icon Armlet of Power

220 2* 20 Rats at Arms MSC

290 20 Plague Brotherhood MSC

150 2*40 Slaves

320 50 Giant Rats

230 10 Plague Discipels

630 8 Vermin Hulks, C

150 2*1 Rotary Gun

282 3*8 Gutter Blades  Scout/Ambush



Der AST hat entweder die AST oder das Szepter nicht bezahlt :D

Plague Brotherhood billiger als verrechnet



vor 21 Stunden schrieb Sir Löwenherz:

Oger Khans (Dennis)

570 Großer Khan –Pistolenpaar –Herzstopper –Yetipelz -Talisman des Überlegenen Schutzes

400 Khan -Pistolenpaar-AST-2-Hand-Waffe-Talisman des größeren Schutzes-Drachenmantel

302 Schamane -Stufe 2 Schamanism -2-Hand-Waffe

302 Schamane -Stufe 2 Traumaturgie -2-Hand-Waffe

165 3 Schläger

972 13 Stammeskrieger -Eisenfaust-volle Kommando (Veteran)-Kriegsbanner

830 6 Söldner-Veteranen -schnelle Bewegung, Giftattacken –Pistolenpaare -volle Kommando -Banner der Eile

610 3 Hauerbestienreiter  -Eisenfaust –Drachenhautbanner -volle Kommando

80 2x1 Säbelzahn

180 2 Yetis Champion


Auf deutsch... damit man mal etwas länger überlegen muss? :ok:

Liste i.O.






"Die Qualitäten des Blags tummeln sich nicht an der Oberfläche, springen einem nicht sofort ins Gesicht. Das tut Avantgarde nie." - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

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