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Die beste Edition aller Zeiten II


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Eckige aber auch. Ich mag die eckigen fast mehr als die runden. Einmal weils früher immer mit eckigen abgebildet war und einmal weil man die cool zusammenschieben kann wie so eine Schwarmwand. Am allercoolsten sind die sechseckigen Bases :D


Soll jeder so machen wie's ihm gefällt.

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- 5 Parsecs (solo Sci-Fi) - 5 Leugen (solo Fantasy) - Erehwon (solo Fantasy) -

 - Sci-Fi-Tabletops - Fantasy-Tabletops - Starquest - Bonsai-Blood Red Skies -

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Ich werd immer ganz zufällig und höchst unschuldig in diese Eckbase vs. Rundbase Diskussionen hineingezogen. Ich meinte damit nicht, dass Eckbases generell scheiße aussehen, sondern dass ich niemanden (also echt NIEMANDEN) kenne, der sagt: "Boah geil, unterschiedliche Baseformen in einer Armee! Wie toll!". Jeder hat eine Präferenz bzgl. rund oder eckig und das ist natürlich auch in Ordnung. Aber dass GW das damals gemischt hat, lag ja nur daran, dass sie die passenden Rundbases noch nicht im Sortiment hatten. Wenn ich also heute die Wahl habe, die mittlerweile erhältlichen Rundbases zu verwenden, mache ich das gern, weil dann alles zusammenpasst. Klar kann ich es auch exakt so machen wie GW früher. Dann ist es original, dann ist es Nostalgie, whatever. Alles legitime Gründe. Aber bitte, wenn jemand es wirklich SCHÖNER findet, zwischen all seine 25er Rundbases ein paar 40x40 Eckbase zu stellen, möge er jetzt sprechen. :D

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vor 2 Stunden schrieb Ghur:

"Boah geil, unterschiedliche Baseformen in einer Armee! Wie toll!"


🙋‍♂️ I bims! Und du hast den wichtigen Zusatz vergessen: "So wie früher!"

Ich hab da wirklich nie ein Problem damit gehabt.

bearbeitet von Out
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- 5 Parsecs (solo Sci-Fi) - 5 Leugen (solo Fantasy) - Erehwon (solo Fantasy) -

 - Sci-Fi-Tabletops - Fantasy-Tabletops - Starquest - Bonsai-Blood Red Skies -

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vor 43 Minuten schrieb crabking:

Auf Eckbases kann ich die Snotlinge dann auch noch für Warhammer Fantasy benutzen.


Das ist exakt der Grund, weswegen ich Snotlinge auch auf Eckbases einsetzen würde. Ich kann normalerweise Eckbases in 40K (und Rundbases in WHF) nicht ab, aber Ausnahmen wie diese existieren.

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Am 23.6.2023 um 23:40 schrieb Out:


🙋‍♂️ I bims! Und du hast den wichtigen Zusatz vergessen: "So wie früher!"

Ich hab da wirklich nie ein Problem damit gehabt.

"Is mir egal." Ist aber nicht das selbe wie "Finde ich toll." ;)

Am 23.6.2023 um 20:43 schrieb Ghur:

Ich werd immer ganz zufällig und höchst unschuldig in diese Eckbase vs. Rundbase Diskussionen hineingezogen. Ich meinte damit nicht, dass Eckbases generell scheiße aussehen, sondern dass ich niemanden (also echt NIEMANDEN) kenne, der sagt: "Boah geil, unterschiedliche Baseformen in einer Armee! Wie toll!". Jeder hat eine Präferenz bzgl. rund oder eckig und das ist natürlich auch in Ordnung. Aber dass GW das damals gemischt hat, lag ja nur daran, dass sie die passenden Rundbases noch nicht im Sortiment hatten. Wenn ich also heute die Wahl habe, die mittlerweile erhältlichen Rundbases zu verwenden, mache ich das gern, weil dann alles zusammenpasst. Klar kann ich es auch exakt so machen wie GW früher. Dann ist es original, dann ist es Nostalgie, whatever. Alles legitime Gründe. Aber bitte, wenn jemand es wirklich SCHÖNER findet, zwischen all seine 25er Rundbases ein paar 40x40 Eckbase zu stellen, möge er jetzt sprechen. :D

Ja eben. 

Rundbases passen halt auch besser auf Ruinen draus und so. 

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"Wargamer hassen zwei Dinge besonders: den aktuellen Stand des Spiels und Veränderungen." - Bloodknight

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vor 2 Stunden schrieb Out:

Was genau hast du an "Boah geil, unterschiedliche Baseformen in einer Armee! Wie toll! Wie früher!" jetzt nicht verstanden?

Den ersten, denke ich. :nachdenk:


Fand die damals schon doof, aber:

Am 23.6.2023 um 20:03 schrieb Out:

 weil man die cool zusammenschieben kann

Das hab ich damals auch immer gemacht. :ok:


"Wargamer hassen zwei Dinge besonders: den aktuellen Stand des Spiels und Veränderungen." - Bloodknight

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Aus der Battle Bible:





Worauf das basiert:
In irgendeinem White Dwarf wurden diese Kategorien und Limitierungen mal nachgeschoben. Ich denke mal eher zum Ende der zweiten Auflage hin. D.h. im Zweifelsfall kann mans damit nochmal querlesen wenn man die entsprechende Ausgabe ausgräbt und vergleicht. Falls das jemand macht und einen Fehler finden sollte bitte bescheidgeben damit man das an den derzeitigen "Kuratoren" weitergeben kann, der das dann für die nächste Fassung korrigiert. Oder einfach mal nochmal eine aktuelle Fassung der Battle Bible aus Facebook ziehen. Meine vorliegende Fassung ist jetzt auch schon wieder ~2 Jahre alt.

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- 5 Parsecs (solo Sci-Fi) - 5 Leugen (solo Fantasy) - Erehwon (solo Fantasy) -

 - Sci-Fi-Tabletops - Fantasy-Tabletops - Starquest - Bonsai-Blood Red Skies -

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Am 26.6.2023 um 22:40 schrieb Out:

Aus der Battle Bible:





Worauf das basiert:
In irgendeinem White Dwarf wurden diese Kategorien und Limitierungen mal nachgeschoben. Ich denke mal eher zum Ende der zweiten Auflage hin. D.h. im Zweifelsfall kann mans damit nochmal querlesen wenn man die entsprechende Ausgabe ausgräbt und vergleicht. Falls das jemand macht und einen Fehler finden sollte bitte bescheidgeben damit man das an den derzeitigen "Kuratoren" weitergeben kann, der das dann für die nächste Fassung korrigiert. Oder einfach mal nochmal eine aktuelle Fassung der Battle Bible aus Facebook ziehen. Meine vorliegende Fassung ist jetzt auch schon wieder ~2 Jahre alt.

Ich hab den White Dwarf hier liegen in dem das kam. Muss ich raussuchen und dann fotografieren. 


Am 26.6.2023 um 21:14 schrieb Blutdämon84:



kann mir jemand von euch sagen, welche Schusswaffe dieser Boss hat? Angeblich ist das eine Kombiwaffe, die gibt es aber nicht im Codex. Kann man die dann einmalig über eine Ausrüstungskarte mitnehmen?


Vielen Dank schonmal.


Ich würde auch auf Kombiwaffe oder Git-Killa tippen.

Das Problem ist eher, dass normale Bosse keine Ausrüstungskarten haben dürfen. Ich hab bei meinen Orks diese Waffe immer mal si und mal so benutzt. Kann von Flammenwerfer bis zum Grabatwerfer eigentlich alles darstellen.

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"Wargamer hassen zwei Dinge besonders: den aktuellen Stand des Spiels und Veränderungen." - Bloodknight

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Die englische FAQ ist in der Battle Bible abgedruckt :P



Warhammer 40K FAQ
Originally from http://www.games-workshop.com/newreleases/newsupdates/faq/warhammer40k.html.
Q1: My opponent tells me he can shoot a sustained fire weapon at a model in the open and use any extra hits on
other targets within 4”, even if the other targets are in more cover. He would normally suffer a -2 to hit modifier to
shoot at them, but this doesn’t apply. Is this correct?
A: At one point, but not anymore. Sustained fire weapons and the troops that use them, have to make decisions to
keep themselves alive. These decisions work during targeting and dishing out the extra hits. Because of this, they
obey the targeting rules just like everything else, so that extra shots can’t be dished out to targets that are harder to
hit than the original model. If you want to target a unit that is half in hard cover and half in the open, and you want
to be able to dish out hits to all of them, you have to shoot at the ones in hard cover, taking the -2 to hit modifier.
Also, extra shots must be allocated within the same unit, and not to models from different units. Yes, sometimes this
means a unit ends up extra dead. This is explained in the Tyranid Special Rules in the Tyranid Codex pretty well, as
well as placing template weapons.
Q2: Does Overwatch only happen in the movement phase, or does it occur any time an eligible target appears? What
if hidden troops open fire, or if a psyker teleports into sight during the psychic phase?
A: In the Warhammer 40,000 Rulebook it states that a model on Overwatch may shoot during the opposing player’s
movement phase, but this really is an oversight on my part. I didn’t take into account the other ways targets might
appear later in the turn, but it seems perfectly reasonable for troops to wait and use Overwatch fire at any point in
your opponent’s turn.
However, except for movement, you cannot interrupt your opponent while he is performing an action. This means
you can’t wait until your opponent declares his target for a particular model before opening fire. In the same vein,
you can’t make an Overwatch shot between your opponent making a successful to hit roll and his roll to wound
(since this is patently silly), or when your opponent uses a psychic power. Basically, the only action you can actually
interrupt is movement (whether this is a normal move, run, charge or follow-up move). If your opponent is
performing some other action, you will have to wait until it is finished before you can fire.
Another area of the rules which can cause disagreement is models turning while on Overwatch. Turning does not
count as movement, so you can turn models freely whilst they are on Overwatch. A model on Overwatch may turn
before it fires, unless it is shooting a move or fire weapon. This helps keep those pesky Tyranid Gargoyles and Eldar
Swooping Hawks and Warp Spider Aspect Warriors from getting too cocky!
Q3: What happens with grenades being thrown from the top of tall buildings, etc?
A: Good question. We’d guess that what you’d do is this: if you’re throwing a grenade down from the top of a tower
or something, you can measure the range from any level of the building. If you’re throwing towards something on
the same level or higher up, measure the range from the actual position of the model.
Q4: Can you take an Overwatch shot at Eldar Swooping Hawks or Tyranid Gargoyles as they take off to start flying
A: Yes, measure the range to where the models are starting off from. It can be imagined that the troops are shooting
at the flyers as they take off and rise above the level of any intervening trees, buildings, hills, or other terrain.
Q5: Can an Imperial Assassin use his/her dodge ability to avoid a Vortex grenade?
A: Yes. A Vortex is still a template weapon, albeit a rather strange and deadly one. Assassins are highly-trained
killers, and aren’t put off by somebody collapsing dimensions nearby!
Warhammer 40K FAQ
Q6: Can a Lictor fire its flesh hooks at two separate targets?
A: No, but I can understand the confusion over this one. It’s not terribly clear in the Lictor or flesh hooks
descriptions in Codex Tyranids (though, weirdly enough, it is clear in the Biomorphs) and I got it wrong in a recent
battle report — sometimes I wonder how I sleep at night!
Q7: Can a model carry anything in a hand which is equipped with a lightning claw (in other words, could I use it to
fire a pistol or throw a grenade, etc.)?
A: Although this is not stated in the rules, common sense dictates that the answer is no.
Q8: Does a model only benefit from cover if it is in base-to-base contact with it?
A: No, models which are partially obscured by intervening cover gain the benefits of it as well, though models
which are less than half obscured by hard cover should only count a -1 to hit modifier, not -2.
Q9. Is the Autocannon a move or fire weapon?
A. Yes.
Q1. If you fire a plasma pistol in hand-to-hand combat does it have to recharge next turn?
A. Yes.
Q2. Can you charge a hidden model or one you can’t see at the start of your move?
A. Yes.
Q3. Lightning claws and parrying. In the Wargear book it says lightning claws give you a parry. Is that intended to
be one parry per claw or one parry for having a pair of claws?
A. You get one parry per lightning claw, just like you get one parry per sword if you’re using swords. In the
Wargear book the profile shown is for one claw, not the pair. Ork power claws are far too clunky to give their user a
parry (anyway, an Ork would tell you that parrying implies you’re scared of getting hurt!). Bjorn gets a single parry
for his one lightning claw.
Q4. Do Virus weapons and the Virus Outbreak Strategy card work against daemons?
A. No.
Q1. Does the Daemonic Attack Warp card have any effect on the Ultimate Force card?
A. This potential rules conflict arises because Ultimate Force cannot be nullified in any way. However, the
Daemonic Attack card states that the power currently being used is automatically nullified. So does this mean
psykers using Ultimate Force are immune to the attack of predatory daemons? Well, there is a way that both players
can have the cake and eat it, too. We’ve found that the best way to resolve this situation is to work out the Daemonic
Attack as normal, as stated on the card. However, regardless of the psyker’s fate, the power he was using goes ahead
as normal, since Ultimate Force cannot be nullified, even by a daemon. Yes, even if he is killed, the psychic power
still takes effect!
Warhammer 40K FAQ
Q2. If I have no psykers in Warhammer 40,000, do I still get dealt Warp cards?
A. Yes you do. Also note that the warp flux dice roll can never be reduced to less than 1D6, even if there are no
psykers left in the game at all.
Q1. Some models are allowed to dodge shooting and hand-to-hand combat attacks on an unmodified dice roll. Can
you dodge a psychic attack?
A. This really depends on the kind of attack, so it needs a bit of common sense and interpretation. Basically, if the
psychic attack is something which directly affects the target’s mind or body (examples would include Smite, Mind
War and Brain Bursta) you can’t dodge it. If a psyker blasts the model with a physical bolt of energy (like Hellfire,
Lightning Arc, Destructor or Da Krunch) then the model can try and dodge it like any other attack.
A good rule of the thumb to judge whether a psychic attack can be dodged is to see if it has a Strength value or not.
If it has a Strength value it means it can probably be dodged! If you can’t agree on an answer, resolve the situation
with the old roll a D6: 1-3 you can’t dodge it this time, 4-6 you can. This doesn’t set a precedent, roll each time the
situation crops up. Also remember that if the attack uses a template, a model which dodges must be moved to the
edge of the template. If this is impossible (most likely if the target is inside a bunker or other building) the attack
cannot be dodged and the model suffers the full effects. If there is only room for them to partially dodge the blast,
they will be hit on a D6 roll of 4, 5 or 6 like any other model not wholly covered by the blast marker.
Q2. Just what are the rules for Displacer fields?
A. The rules on Displacer fields are rather unclear. See updated section in Battle Bible.
Q3. When do you test for destroying fields with the Tyranid Voltage Field biomorph?
A. The test is only made when the Voltage Field makes a saving throw. At that point the crackling field “flares”
outwards and you test to see if it overloads every other field within 4” of the Tyranid model with the Voltage Field -
on a 4 or more the field is destroyed. If the Voltage Field makes multiple saves in the same turn make multiple tests
to see if it burns out nearby fields. If the Voltage Field fails a saving throw there is no chance of it destroying fields
nearby. Remember that Tyranid fields are not affected by the Voltage Field.
Q4. Is it possible to get an armour saving throw better than 1+?
A. No! Anything which increases a model’s armour save can never increase it to greater than 1+, under any
circumstances whatsoever.
Q1. Chaos Terminators can be upgraded to Noise Marines. They can then choose Noise Marine weapons. Are there
any limitations on the numbers of Noise Marine weapons they can take, or are they bound by the regular Noise
Marine weapon restrictions?
A. When upgraded in this manner, the squad may not mix some Noise Marine weapons and some Chaos Terminator
weapons. It’s all or nothing! This means that it is not possible to have a Doom Siren and a Reaper Autocannon in the
same squad. In all respects, follow the options for Noise Marines.
Q2. How would Destroy Daemon effect a Daemonically Possessed Vehicle (it has no number of wounds for
working out the power).
A. It doesn’t have any effect at all.
Warhammer 40K FAQ
Q3. Can you possess an Aspiring Champion with a Greater Daemon?
A. Yep! Though they are given the title Aspiring Champion, they are still viable receptacles for possession.
Q4. Do hits against vehicles like tanks (those that do not fight back) count towards Khorne summoning points?
A. No. There’s not much glory in that!
Q5. When taken as allies, do any hits/wounds/etc the allies cause count towards summoning points?
A. Nope. Chaos cares little for the efforts of those who do not consecrate their kills to the Gods of the Warp.
Q6. Do Chaos Dreadnoughts, when possessed, still suffer from Fire Frenzy?
A. No. The daemon within can show restraint.
Q7. How is the final point cost for a Possessed vehicle worked out?
A. Add in all the costs from the datafax (extra weapons or other options), then “possess” the vehicle and multiply
the cost at that point by an extra 25%. Then add the cost of any other vehicle wargear cards.
Q8. Chaos Terminators with Mark of Khorne: 2+ or 3+ save on 2D6?
A. Ony Abbadon’s armour goes to 2+ on 2D6. Chaos Armour is not Terminator Armour. Only Chaos Armoured
troops get the +1 to their save.
Q9. What is the Initiative value (if any) of a Demonically Possessed vehicle?
A. Assign a value of 5 for hand to hand purposes.
Q10. If a unit/character/etc is stated as being immune to Leadership based tests, or that it will automatically pass
them, does this mean they automatically ignore/pass Psychic Powers or esoteric weapons which demand a
Leadership test as part of the power/weapon effect?
A. No, they must take the test. They are only immune to the Leadership tests as described in the Rulebook.
Q11. Along those lines, if they are immune, and don’t need to take the test (fear, terror, etc), do they still add to
Slaanesh summoning points?
A. No, as no test was made.
Q12. If a model is equipped with terminator armour can he still take wargear cards that are weapons such as a
A. Normally this is allowed, but your group may wish to decide this for yourselves. As always, equipment like this
must be modeled on the figure.
Q13. Are Greater Daemons affected by an Ork Shokk Attack Gun, if so which table do you use?
A. Yes they are, and so are Eldar Avatars – treat them as foot models.
Warhammer 40K FAQ
Q1. Can an Eldar Avatar use its Wailing Doom to make a parry, since it’s a really big sword?
A. No. An Eldar Avatar is the physical manifestation of Khaela Mensha Khaine, a raging god of war and
destruction. The Avatar has no thoughts for defence, only attacking and killing the enemy! Also, the Wailing
Doom actually appears in many different forms, only one of which is a sword....
Q2. How many shots does a Warp Spider Exarch have, since he has two Deathspinners?
A. He can only fire once, but the two Deathspinners allow him to use the Fast Shot Exarch power (giving him two
Q3. Are Eldar Avatars affected by an Ork Shokk Attack Gun, if so which table do you use?
A. Yes they are, and so are Greater Daemons – treat them as foot models.
Q4. Can the Web of Skulls and Silent Death cause multiple hits on one model?
A. No.
Q1. How long does Ghazghkull’s Waaagh! last for?
A. Two player turns (the turn it is called upon and the next one).
Q2. Is Ghazghkull Thraka affected by a Vortex grenade if he has called on the power of the Waaagh, since this
makes him invulnerable?
A. No he isn’t, as long as he had called up the Waaagh before he was hit by the Vortex (some players think that they
can wait until Ghazghkull is killed by an attack and then call up the Waaagh to save him – this just isn’t the case!)
Sometimes a situation arises where there is no obvious solution (Total Power vs. a Collar of Khorne, for example).
In these situations, roll a dice to see which side “gains the upper hand” (in this example, whether the spell works or
is automatically dispelled). This sets no precedent and you should roll every time the situation occurs.
Q3. Can an Ork in Mega armour ride on a boar or Cyboar?
A. No.
Q1. Are Terminators encumbered (-1 to WS) if they carry a Heavy Weapon?
A. No.
Q2. Can models wearing Terminator Armour throw grenades?
A. No.
Q3. Can Space Marines wearing Terminator Armour rapid fire their storm bolters?
A. Yes.
Warhammer 40K FAQ
Q1. Under Blood Angels, it states you can equip your entire Death Company with jump packs for 50 points. Is this
true if you have fifteen, twenty or even more models in your Death Company?
A. Yes. In effect you get a “bulk purchase discount” if you equip a large Death Company squad with jump packs
(and by the same token you pay a premium price if the squad consists of less than 10 models).
Q2. Why is the Dark Angels Ravenwing Land Speeder so expensive? It has cheaper weapons than the standard
Land Speeder: an Assault Cannon (45 points) and a Heavy Bolter (15 points), whereas the Codex Land Speeder has
a Multimelta (65 points) and a Heavy Flamer (25 points) – the Codex Land Speeder has 30 points more weapons. It
should cost 115 points + the extra cost for being a Ravenwing vehicle (in the case of Attack Bikes that’s 10 points) =
125 points. Now it costs 195 points, which is 70 points too much?
A. The reason the Ravenwing Land Speeder costs 195 points is because that’s what it’s worth! This kind of thing is
exactly why the weapon conversion rules are optional. They are simply a quick fix that allows players the chance to
convert vehicles quickly and easily. If you want to get the true cost for a vehicle, you have to playtest and change
the points value to reflect the actual performance of the vehicle in the game.
This is common sense really, it stands to reason that some weapons are going to be more effective when used on one
type of vehicle than another, in exactly the same way that a Lascannon will be more effective in the hands of a
Space Marine than an Imperial Guardsman. The complex variables involved in this equation mean that any points
values we get from our spreadsheets and points value lists are always taken as a starting point, to be modified up or
down in the light of playtesting and experience.
Q3. Isn’t the model listed as being Asmodai on page 41 in the ‘Eavy Metal section of the Codex really Sapphon?
Sapphon is described as having a power sword, which this model clearly has, while Asmodai carries the Blades of
Reason instead. Also, can’t the robes shown on the model only be worn by Grand Masters of the Dark Angels such
as Sapphon?
A. The model shown in the Codex is Asmodai. Jes decided to give him a power sword because the model looked
better with it, and I said it was OK as the upgrade was allowed by the rules. The reason you can’t see the Blades of
Reason is that they are actually quite small (I imagine them to be rather like a complex Swiss army penknife!) and
are hidden under Asmodai’s robes. He’s not holding them as they are generally only used when Asmodai
interrogates one of The Fallen. I’ve included a card for them because they were mentioned in the colour text about
Asmodai, and because they add depth and interest to the character. As to Asmodai’s robes, these are worn by most
of the senior officers and Chaplains in the Dark Angels Chapter, not just Grand Masters. By the way, please note
that there is an error in the Asmodai Wargear section, where it mentions Sapphon. This is a mistake (it should read
Asmodai), damn that cut and paste function!
Q4. Why does Dante have a strategy rating of only 5? After all, he is meant to be over 1100 years old, and he did
take supreme command during the Armageddon Campaign. Is this a mistake?
A. No it’s not a mistake, Dante really does have a strategy rating of “only” 5. This is because although Dante is a
forceful and dynamic leader, he lacks the deep strategic insight of commanders such as Marneus Calgar of the
Ultramarines, or Azrael of the Dark Angels. This being said, Dante is an awesome leader, and the fact that he has
been around for so long means that he is held in great respect and awe by his fellow commanders. This is why he
was chosen as supreme commander at Armageddon, and is generally deferred to in similar circumstances. However,
Dante is wise enough to know when to delegate jobs to others, and also when to listen to the advice of his
colleagues. Thus, for example, if Dante and Azrael were taking part in a joint operation, although Azrael would
defer to Dante as supreme commander, Dante would certainly allow Azrael to plan the operation and would listen
carefully to any advice he might have.
Warhammer 40K FAQ
Q1. Can Wolf Guard Terminators really take both an assault cannon and cyclone missile launcher?
A. No, they cannot.
Q1. Can the Imperial Guard Basilisk and Leman Russ Demolisher tanks turn in place and still fire their respective
“big guns”?
A. No, in order to fire their “big guns” they must be absolutely stationary.
Q2. The rulebook it states that you can accelerate or decelerate by one speed band per turn after the start of the
battle, but the example given seems to suggest that you cannot change speed in the first turn of the game. Can you
accelerate/decelerate in the first turn of the game?
A. Yes, you can accelerate or decelerate normally in the first turn. The example isn’t perhaps the best in the world,
and assumes that you don’t want to accelerate on the first turn. Oh well...
Q3. Can the Ablative Armour Vehicle card save against an attacks by Buzzer Squigs or a Pulsa Rokkit?
A. No, the Ablative Armour card only works against weapons which punch through armour with an armour
penetration roll. It would not work against an Eldar Distort cannon attack either, for example.
Q4. What happens to a skimmer which is hit by a Graviton Gun?
A. As with any other vehicle hit by a Graviton Gun, the skimmer’s armour is automatically penetrated and is likely
to go out of control, but otherwise suffers no additional effects.
Q1. How does a Callidus Assassin’s Neural Shredder affect vehicles?
A. The Neural Shredder will affect one randomly determined crew member, in the same way as the smite psychic
Q2. Does the Teleport Jammer wargear card affect the Warp Jump Wargear card?
A. The Warp Jump cards says “A Warp Jump is an ancient alien device which allows a single model to teleport”, so
it’s affected by the Teleport Jammer exactly as stated on the card!
Q3. Can the Daemon Weapon Wargear Card parry?
A. In 40K only swords and other weapons which state that they can parry have they ability to do so. Since the
wargear card makes no mention of this ability, the answer must be no.
Q4. Does the Daemon Weapon count as an additional Close Combat Weapon?
A. No.
Note: A Daemon Weapon is forged from insanity and tempered in nightmare; it can look like whatever you want.
The common image is of a huge double-handed rune-encrusted axe/sword/halberd. No matter how you picture it, it
will never give a model any abilities beyond those stated on the wargear card. It does occupy two hands and cannot
be used simultaneously with any other weapon.


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Am 28.6.2023 um 23:30 schrieb Blutdämon84:

@Out danke dir! Dieses FAQ sollte auch auf der ersten Seite eingepflegt werden.

Das Problem dabei ist, dass das nicht offizielle Antworten sind. Einiges wurde hier aus einem FAQ genommen, dass GW mal pro forma für ein Turnier gemacht hat und nicht für das Spiel als allgemein gültiges FAQ bzw Errata. Direkt die erste Frage zu Overwatch ist so eine. Das war nie offiziell und sollte es auch nie sein, sondern war nur für dieses Turnier. Daher fällt das unter Hausregeln, die man so machen kann, aber eben nicht muss. Finde das eher verwirrend als hilfreich, weil auf der anderen Seite einige Antworten direkt aus den sehr wohl offiziellen FAQ stammen, das aber in keinster Weise unterschieden wird. 

Die Batte Bible habe ich aber schon in der Linksammlung drin.

bearbeitet von Gorgoff
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"Wargamer hassen zwei Dinge besonders: den aktuellen Stand des Spiels und Veränderungen." - Bloodknight

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Das ist eine offizielle FAQ die auf der offiziellen GW-Seite ganz offiziell aufgelistet war.






Ich hab auch nochmal auf der archivierten Hauptseite geschaut ob sie was dazu schreiben, dass es speziell fürs Turnier ist.





Edit: Zur Klarstellung. Ich sehe schon, dass dort ein großes (offizielles!) Turnier beworben  ist und kann mir auch gut vorstellen, dass dieses Turnier der Anlass war da nochmal ne FAQ rauszuhauen. Das als Hausregeln abzutun find ich irgendwie ein bisschen drüber.

bearbeitet von Out
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- 5 Parsecs (solo Sci-Fi) - 5 Leugen (solo Fantasy) - Erehwon (solo Fantasy) -

 - Sci-Fi-Tabletops - Fantasy-Tabletops - Starquest - Bonsai-Blood Red Skies -

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vor 3 Stunden schrieb Out:

Das ist eine offizielle FAQ die auf der offiziellen GW-Seite ganz offiziell aufgelistet war.






Ich hab auch nochmal auf der archivierten Hauptseite geschaut ob sie was dazu schreiben, dass es speziell fürs Turnier ist.





Edit: Zur Klarstellung. Ich sehe schon, dass dort ein großes (offizielles!) Turnier beworben  ist und kann mir auch gut vorstellen, dass dieses Turnier der Anlass war da nochmal ne FAQ rauszuhauen. Das als Hausregeln abzutun find ich irgendwie ein bisschen drüber.

Boah du hast recht. :shock:

Das habe ich noch nicht gesehen, dass da was auf deren Internetseite im Archiv zu sehen ist.

Ich packe den Kink dazu direkt auf die Stsrtseite im Thread, damit man die auch findet.

Gute Arbeit @Out  :god:


Ich hatte angenommen, dass die das FAQ aus dem PDF genommen hätten, das mal rumgeisterte, aber das wirkt offiziell und stimmig. 

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"Wargamer hassen zwei Dinge besonders: den aktuellen Stand des Spiels und Veränderungen." - Bloodknight

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