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[Beyond the Gates of Antares] Allgemeines und Treff

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Initial Figure List

Now that we have the initial figure listings posted I thought I'd just explain, especially for those who were eager to see how we were doing with the Vorl and Sims, how we arived at the initial list. I'd also like to stress that is IS the initial list, and in fact I've already drawn up a fairly extensive listing that covers additional models - including Vorl and Sims as well as much else.

With our target of 300K we figured out we could make about 50 models in all - with a mix of relatively simply single piece models, more complex multi-pieces with alternate parts, and character sculpts and larger models. Given that, we have concentrated out efforts to produce a first wave of models that covers as many bases as we can, primarily Revers and Pan types that can be used in all five human factions (which could be four as I am aiming to meld the Freebooters together - not quite worked that out yet). That's enough to provide sufficient troop types to produce a playable game with enough pose variation so that units can take on a varied appearance. I thought we should include at least some NuHu to start with as they are pivotal to two of the factions and also to the back story.

So - the Sims and Vorl are awaiting progress with the kickstarter or will become a priority once we are trading - depending on how well we do with the kickstarter and what finds are available. It is plainly impossible to do everything at once, and so we have cut our cloth accordingly.

Amongst the Sims and Vorl planned are some already mentioned as examples in our custom credit system - and these are - of course - included to give you an idea of what the various credit levels amount to. If we can get past our initial target then we can start to expand out the range.

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Game Rules - Actions Explanation Video


Da es einige recht negative Kommentare zu dem KS in einigen Foren gab, muss ich auch mal etwas dazu sagen (nach dem Quote gehts weiter).

Ein Projekt dieser Dimension schüttelt man nicht so einfach aus dem Arm, daher ein Kommentar dazu von DSC.

Hi everyone

I wanted to post here before I did anything else this evening

We know we're doing something a little different from the other table top guys, and hats off to them for wisely using Kickstarter in a way that's beneficial to them. Kickstarter can be utilised in many different ways, and one of the ways is to get new ideas off the ground that wouldn't normally get the chance, which is what our kickstarter is all about.

We know that not everyone will buy in or even like the idea, but we're on KS so that we can find out. We put a long time frame on our KS so that we could adapt if we needed to and of course, because we're asking for so much money. The 300k is the minimum required to create a game (from where we are) with a decent enough miniature range which is of great quality - we ran the numbers a billion times to make sure. We thought about doing it the 20k route, but that would have meant that we couldn't have legally gone onto KS and offered the whole range of rewards that we have, which would have reduced us to simply offering the book until we got there and then only offering a couple of miniatures per stretch, all of which, we thought, would completely hamper our ability to hit the 300k we actually needed to make the game. So we put the min at 300 so that if it does come off (and fingers crossed there!) we get to make the great game we have planned.

We would have loved to have more concepts and miniatures out there, but we just didn't have the money in order to pay for that. All of the people involved have worked the last 5 months without getting paid - and I'm not complaining here, I'm happy to bet my life on things I believe in - so regardless of how much time we'll applied to GoA we still wouldn't have had more things to show. So we did a deal with a very kind company who said they would lend us some money to start paying some sculptors and artists, but they wanted it launched and wanted to see how it would go first. I'm happy to say they lent us the money, so we started Kev and a number of others off in order to respond to the feedback we've been having and hopefully gather some more pace on KS. It's not much money, but if we use it wisely it's hopefully enough to cover some of the main concerns and get us funded.

We get lots of comments saying we should just put more concepts out, and we do have the option of rushing things out, but to be honest, we're not really into that. We don't think you'll respond well to us doing that anyway, so we're trying to make sure that we do it right, which unfortunately just takes a little time. We do have things in the pipe now that we hope will impress and have some great updates coming through that will show you what we've been up to and give everyone the chance to play the pre-alpha game (by the end of next week if all goes to plan!) as we know that’s a big concern to some people too.

Ultimately we're in your hands, if you decide you'd like to be part of GoA then thank you, we truly appreciate your support. If not, no worries, thanks for reading this anyway, please remember that we're just a small company right now, we're only human and we're trying our hardest to make this successful.

Right then, next update here I come


Aus eigener praktischer Erfahrung weiß ich, wie viel Geld es kostet eine Firma zum Laufen zu bringen. Vor der Tastatur lassen sich die ganzen Probleme sehr einfach lösen. Nur... die Banken heutzutage versenken lieber Milliarden in Projekten von Schwätzern, aber wirklich gute Ideen werden nicht mal angeschaut, da man keine zweistellige Rendite verspricht (und eigentlich müsste ihnen klar sein, dass sie sich selber belügen und mit den Ersparnissen anderer Menschen ihre Spielsucht befriedigen).

Von daher hat dieses Projekt meine absolute Hochachtung. Ich bin jemand, der sehr genau auf die Finanzen und technische Planung eines Projekt achtet. Ich hab schon zu viele gute Ideen an die Wand fahren sein, weil man sich zu sehr auf die künstlerisch Seite konzentriert hat (Alkemy und Rackham anyone?). Daher hab ich mir das Projekt auch genau angesehen bevor ich es finanziell unterstützt habe. Würde ich nicht glauben, dass es realisierbar wäre, hätte es bei aller Freundschaft nicht einen Cent gesehen.

Viele beklagen sich, dass sich nichts ändert und GW den Markt dominiert. Nun, hier habt ihr die Gelegenheit das zu ändern. Und vor allem sind die Menschen, die hier ihren Traum umzusetzen Leute, die mehrere Dekaden lang bewiesen haben, dass sie zu ihrem Wort stehen und eine Sache auch durchziehen.

Dieser Kickstarter mag nicht für jeden sein, die Vorgehensweise evtl. auch unkonventionell, aber ich sehe keinen Grund ihn, wie es so manche tun, aus einfacher Lust am Schlechtreden niederzumachen.

Der KS mag einige Fehler haben, aber das Team ist auch bereit schnell aus diesen Fehlern zu lernen.

Die Frage ist, wenn man sich für diesen KS interessiert, welche von beiden Personen ist man:

A) Derjenige, der auch mal ein Risiko eingeht (und das fängt hier bei einem Pfund an) und bereit ist etwas mitzugestalten, was Neues zu wagen.


B) Derjenige, der sich ständig beklagt dass sich nix ändert, aber wenn sich die Möglichkeit bietet etwas zu ändern, dann darüber klagt, dass das ja was ändern würde und ausgetretene Pfade verlassen würde.

Ich hab mich entschieden!


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Daher hab ich mir das Projekt auch genau angesehen bevor ich es finanziell unterstützt habe. Würde ich nicht glauben, dass es realisierbar wäre, hätte es bei aller Freundschaft nicht einen Cent gesehen.

Und, wie ist Dein Eindruck, was sagst Du zum Spielsystem und der Welt. Ich habe ja oben ein bisschen versucht, meine Gedanken zusammen zu fassen, aber, wie gesagt, so fit bin ich mit solchen Systemen nicht. Da würden mich andere Meinungen sehr interessieren.

Gibt es ein anderes deutschsprachiges Forum, in dem sich mehr darüber ausgetauscht wird?

Mein P250 2018/19 Maltherapie

Mein Sammelthread - Eden, Malifaux, Bushido, Da Clash!, MERCS, M&T, Guildball, 54mm

Das Münchner P3: 1. Teil - 2. Teil - 3. Teil - 4. Teil - 5. Teil

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Naja, eigentlich in allen wichtigen Foren wird darüber gesprochen.

Die vollen Kernregeln erhalten wir ja in den nächsten Tagen, von daher ist mein Urteil nur vorläufig. Aber was ich schon bisher gesehen habe ist sehr durchdacht und das Spielsystem reguliert sich schon jetzt recht gut selbst. Ja, man kann eine Figur mehrere Aktionen ausführen lassen wie bei Infinity, aber die Rambonummer klappt auf Dauer nicht, denn dazu sind die Einheiten zu sehr ineeinander verzahnt. Sprich, Rambo wird spätestens in der nächsten Runde merken, dass ihm seine unterstützenden Einheiten nicht gefolft sind und er nun vom Gegner umzingelt ist ;). Das geniale dabei ist, dass durch nur wenige Zeilen Text dieser Mechanismus schon funktioniert. Also recht schlanke Regeln, die sich beim ersten Mal etwas komisch lesen mögen, aber sobald man sie einmal ausprobiert hat macht es Klick und man merkt, was da für ein guter Mechanismus drin steckt.

Mir gefällt auch, dass die verwendeten Mechanismen das Spiel "realistischer" wirken lassen. Es gibt wirklich Situationen, wo das wegrennen vor dem Gegner Sinn macht und nicht nur eine Moralreaktion ist.

Weiterhin haben sie mit Warlord Games einen guten Partner, der die materielle Seite der Firma übernimmt. Von daher ist dies mal nicht eine kleine Garagenfirma, die mal wieder an der wirtschaftlichen/steuerlichen Seite des Hobbys scheitern wird. Und sie sind sehr bodenhaftend. Meiner Kalkulation nach hätte ich auch um die 300.000 als Ziel gesetzt, denn das ist das Minimum, was ich für eine Minilinie und Infrastruktur ansetzen würde. Zum Vergleich: Ein komplettes Volk wie bei 40K kann schnell mal 2 Millionen Euro kosten.

Die Welt des Spiels gefällt mir auch, weniger Spacefantasy, mehr BSG und Firefly und Bablyon 5.

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Game Rules - Combat Status Explanation Video

Happy sunday everyone!

Following on from our gameplay and unit actions videos, here Rick's going to run you through the Combat Status mechanic and how it affects gameplay.

Once you've seen it why not head over to the forums to tell us what you think


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Also, ich finde das Spielprinzip bisher interessant. Ich werde es auf jeden Fall mal weiterverfolgen, sehe aber für mich persönlich noch sehr viele Knackpunkte. :)



"Die Qualitäten des Blags tummeln sich nicht an der Oberfläche, springen einem nicht sofort ins Gesicht. Das tut Avantgarde nie." - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

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Je nachdem wie "aktiv" du bist reagierst du schneller oder langsamer auf äußere Einflüsse. Mal so im Kern zusammengefaßt.

Hansa Pt.4


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Evening everyone - We've just got back from a great trip down south to see Warren and the chaps at Beasts of War, who were very welcoming and gave us rather a lot of tea and chocolate!

They've very kindly done a rather large interview with us which should be going out quite soon.

Our game rules update today is all about the Dice and Stats, so lets get into it shall we:


Before we can start to work with the initial game development we need to know how the basic dice rolling works, and how the stats of the models affect dice scores and game play. At this stage we do not need to flesh out the detail for dice roll modifiers, or restrictive qualifiers such as movement affecting whether a model can shoot or not. So, here’s the basics to get us started. This just leaves the descriptions of basic weapon stats, actions and reactions and we will have enough to play an outline game – sufficient to work with the overall dynamic and scope.

Types of Dice

D10s are used to make tests against stats, and this includes the basic rolls to hit a target, to resist damage, to undertake reactions to enemy actions, and to check combat status. A number of D10s are required and it is helpful to have a few distinctly coloured dice as this helps greatly with hit allocation from weapons with different strike qualities, for example where a unit shoots plasma carbines and a plasma cannon at the same target.

D4s, D6s, D8s and D12s are also used to generate random values, most commonly for weapons with blast effects. One of each will be enough – or values can be generated using D10s and working down, for example generate 1-8 by re-rolling 9s and 10s. We’ll also be using D3 (half D6 roll) and D5s (half D10 score) and such-like variations – but I’ll assume we are all familiar enough with that kind of thing.

Dice Tests

The D10 dice is also used to make tests against a model’s stat or the stat of an item of equipment or weapon. In most cases these stat values will also be affected by situational and unit status modifiers, but for purposes of explanation we can ignore those for now. The basis stat test works as follows:

To test against a stat value, roll a D10 and if the score is equal to or less than the value you are testing against the test is a success. We sometimes refer to this test as a ‘check’. For example, to make a check against a value of 5 simply roll 5 or less on a D10 for success. In this case a roll of 6 or more is a fail.

Regardless of any modifiers applied to the stat under test, a D10 dice roll of a 10 is always deemed a failure. If the score required is less that 1 then it is still possible to succeed if you roll a 1, in which case roll the dice again and if another 1 is rolled the test is a success anyway. So, to summarise, a roll of a 10 is always a failure regardless, and if you need to roll any number less than 1 to succeed you need a 1 followed by another 1 ( a 1% outside chance).

Another principle that will be applied throughout the rules is a dice roll of a 1 counts as a critical success. This rule doesn't apply if the score required is 1 or lower, in which case it is impossible to generate a critical success result, but so long as you are testing against a value of 2 or greater any roll of a 1 on the D10 is considered a critical success. A critical success affects the results of some tests, and this varies depending on the test that is being made. In the case of shooting it affects how casualties are allocated. Some tests are binary and critical success makes no difference, they either pass or fail, but in general look out for the 1s as they often mean something special.


Every model has a set of associated game values representing its own skills and abilities. In the case of most troopers, henchmen, drones and other ‘grunts’ these will be basic values for their species, whilst leaders and heroic individuals are likely to have enhanced values that separate them from their more ordinary fellows.

These values are commonly called ‘stats’ (statistics) and are written in a stat-line together with the description of the model and its designated type. For example, here is the work-in-progress stat-line for a standard human fighter – a Rever or basic Panhuman.

Unit Type Ag Acc Res Str Init Cou Tech Com Sp

Rever Inf 5 5 5 5 5 7 1 2 *

The unit column just lists the model – an ordinary Rever fighter in this case – and the Type is a basic definition for rules purposes – in this case ‘infantry’. Different types have different rules in respect to movement, damage effects, and so on but we are only concerned with the standard fighter types at this stage.

All of the stats are scored out of 10 with 1 being the lowest value possible and 10 the highest for this type. Values lower than 5 are relatively weak and values in excess of 5 are relatively powerful.

Agility (Ag). The Agility stat is a measure of an individual’s ability to traverse terrain, climb, and bounce about in an athletic fashion. It is used mostly for movement tests in demanding situations. It is used by some individuals with special skills for close combat.

Accuracy (Acc). The accuracy stat is a basic measure of how capable the individual is when it comes to handling and shooting a weapon. The higher the value the better shot the individual is. This stat is used for all shooting included ranged shooting, firefights and assaults.

Resist (Res). The resist stat indicates the individual’s ability to withstand a blow, weapon strike or physical trauma – the higher this value the tougher or ‘harder’ the individual is: the more easily the individual can resist damage. This value is affected by armour of various kinds as well as cover.

Strength (Str). This stat is a measure of brute strength. Brute strength is not an important consideration unless it comes down to grappling at close quarters when it is very important indeed! Strength is also important should it come to tasks requiring sheer power; such as lifting a heavy object or forcing open a heavy airlock seal.

Initiative (Init). The initiative stat is a measure of alertness and speed of reactions, and as such it is the key value that we test against when a unit reacts to an enemy’s action. Troops with high values will be more easily able to return enemy fire or go to ground quickly when shot at.

Courage (Cou). Courage is a measure of how cool the individual is under stress, how steady his nerves are, or how brave he is when things get tough. We test against this value when checking Combat Status, which means it affects a unit’s ability to fight in most situations. Courage is one of the most important stats in the whole game – because technology can compensate or augment other stats but there are few (safe) ways to bolster your courage!

Technology (Tech). This value is a measure of an individual’s technical skills – which may be innate or which may result from belonging to an IMTel Shard. This skill is used as a measure and test when it comes to operating some technological devices including some kinds of weapons.

Compute (Com). This stat is a measure of an individual’s facility with logical calculation, and it is far more important for machine intelligences than for living creatures. Although it is occasionally used where a test of pure intelligence is called for, the principle use is for WarDrones and other kinds of sentient machines, where compute is generally used instead of courage.

Special (Sp). This isn’t a stat – the column at the end of the stat-line is a placeholder used as a memory jogger for any special rules than might apply to that particular model.

Comment on Stats

This is a work in progress stat line and it is intended to establish a base level for purposes of game balance and working out variable parameters. It seems to be holding up quite well at the moment in our games, although bear in mind that modifiers do generally tend to take the probabilities down a bit, and all the more so for units that have suffered reduction of their combat status.

Ok, thanks for that Rick. if you want to start talking about these, head over to the forums

Quotealibitext ;)

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Evening all - Had an interesting day today, planning out the rest of the month and kicking off a number of new sculpts, including the WarDrones!!! These are a critical component to our Kickstarter and more importantly to your army's so we've taken a number of steps to ensure they're brilliant - more on those puppies next week! Thank you all for your feedback on the forums, it was very helpful.

Kev's been busy with Hansa and many of you mentioned that you liked him bald, so we're toying with that idea and that tash is definitely growing on us... and him!


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It is COLD! not sure how everyone else is feeling but its rather cold here in Nottingham at the moment!

Anyway, Hansa is almost finished!.

One of the big things that wasn't even an idea when we started Hansa was his current baldness. Kev always does the hair last as he holds the figure at the top when he's sculpting, but as we were developing him lots of you said that you really like him bald and to be honest, so did we, so we've decided to keep him like that. You guys have already had a big impact in many areas of development, from the easy "we need more greens and artwork" (which we're working on!) to Hansa's baldness, the action turn name and a whole bunch of other tweaks we've made listening to your comments and feedback. Though we may not spend much time replying on the forums, we do read them avidly every second we get the chance to and you will see that start to shape the game as we develop it over the next number of months. Thank you all for this, it's brilliant to be making this with you and long may it continue!


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Hey everyone! Hope you had a great week, we certainly did!

Rick's been busy on the rules and we're almost at the point where you guys can actually start playing the outline ruleset. Weapons and Armour is the theme for the day:


This update introduces some basic weapon types and starts to put some flesh onto the bones of the mechanic. We have yet to described the rules for shooting and combat in any detail, although if you look at the example video footage you†™ll get a fair idea of how these things work.

I†™m going to make a start by talking about the two most common weapons carried by troops, mercenaries, drones and most armed individuals: the Mag Gun or Plugger and the Plasma Gun. There are different version of these basic weapons and I†™ve gone out on a limb by including the stats for all the mobile (i.e. †˜man†™ carried) versions †“ these are all weapons carried by one man. You†™ll notice that some weapons don†™t have a point blank range listed †“ this is because only side arms have point blank ranges †“ heavier man-carried support weapons are restricted in their ability to move and shoot effectively †“ and I†™ve included summaries of the full rules to give you an idea of how this works.

I†™ve also listed the more exotic Compression Gun as carried by our Hansa Nairoba model †“ this is a rare and expensive weapon and more of an individual armament. Ideal for our Freebooting hero!



This is the basic stat format I am working with †“ I may need an extra column for special rule annotations but for now I†™ve just made notes beneath each stat bloc.

Type of Weapon: Just that really!

Shoot: The number of shots †“ in some cases also the multiplier for blast weapons but we†™ll come to them some other time. The number shown is the number of dice rolled and therefore the potentially number of hits that can be scored each time the weapon fires.

Range: The range bands in inches †“ it is generally easier to hit at effective range than at long or extreme range †“ but the actual modifiers vary depending upon the type of fire (Firefight, Range, Opportunity, Return).

Strike Value: The modifier applied to the target†™s Resist roll to avoid taking damage from the hit †“ e.g. SV 1, Resist stat is at †“1.


The common everyday, effective, practical and adaptable weapon carried by most self-equipped troops is the Magnetic Carbine †“ or Mag Carbine. Magnetic guns propel a metallic or metallically coated projectile by means of a magnetic pulse. Pistol, Carbine, Rapid Repeater and larger General Purpose Support (GPS) versions are all common battlefield weapons. They are manufactured throughout the galaxy and there are many different designs reflecting local technology levels. The projectile itself takes the form of a spike, needle or plug †“ and it is the last of these that give weapons of this type the common name of Plug guns or Pluggers. Cheap versions are unitary designs with the shot fed from a magazine. Expensive version are composite designs that can be extended by adding sections together to create a weapon that is larger and more powerful, or smaller and handier. The best quality Mag Carbines carry their projectiles in a compression field built into the body of the weapon. These can hold thousands of rounds, and weapons equipped in this way can synthesise their own ammunition from an integral HCM core given a few hours. All Mag guns shoot a single plug or burst, but the rate of fire varies, with Concord and Isorian military manufactured weapons being more versatile, rapid firing and reliable in general. Rapid repeater Mag guns are sometimes called Zippers †“ a reference to the noise make by the spikes as they fly past.

Special Rules:

GPS: The General Purpose Support (GPS or †˜jips†™) version is a large man-mobile weapon that follows the rules for man-carried support weapons. (Summary: the model cannot move and shoot during an engage action †“ the model has to be stationary to shoot. Exception: the model may attempt to move and shoot by passing a Strength text having moved, and then shoots at †“1 Accuracy ((rapid fire on the move)) ).



Plasma weapons are the most powerful mobile weapons available to the military of the Concord and other advanced forces. Plasma weapons are mostly likely to be carried by shock troops and WarDrones. Because they are high energy weapons their effectiveness depends on the individual gun†™s conversion rate, which tends to decline with long use; and more rapidly so without routine maintenance. Plasma weapons fire a brief pulse of energy †“ most often in the form of a laser †“ causing an ionisation reaction turning the point struck to a plasma. A man-mobile support version the Plasma Cannon Heavy Support (HS) provides greater range and power, and is usually carried as a mobile support weapon by Concord strike units.

Plasma Cannon HS: The †˜Heavy Support†™ or HS cannon is a large man-mobile or drone mounted weapon that follows the rules for man-carried support weapons. (Summary: the model cannot move and shoot during an engage action †“ the model has to be stationary to shoot. Exception: the model may attempt to move and shoot by passing a Strength text having moved, and then shoots at †“1 Accuracy ((rapid fire on the move)) ).



This particular weapon is something a little more unusual †“ and for that reason you have to consider this as an early draft in terms of the rules and stats †“ however I†™ve included it as an example a more exotic weapon. It is also the weapon carried by our special Hansa Nairoba model (his pistol is a Mag Gun of primitive and antique construction †“ but effective in a tight spot!)

Compression guns use the same technology that forms compression fields and hyper-compressed materials, in this case compressing everything within a pulsed beam projected by the weapon. The pulse rate is reactive to the density of the atmosphere and is calculated to allow the compression effect to advance as the initial pulses compress any air allowing the following pulses to reach progressively further forward. For this †“and safety reasons †“ the weapon doesn†™t function at short ranges and has a narrow range of effectiveness. It is most effective when the shooter is stationary. They are generally large carbine sized weapons †“ man-mobile if less convenient that a regular Mag Carbine or Plasma Carbine. They are commonly called Gripplers (General Purpose Light Compressor) and Compo Guns (Compressor Gun). There is a mobile heavy support (HS) version of the weapon, which effectively mounts several projectors together, giving it a rapid fire capability. There is also a version focussed for short range effect which is a development of the tools used for asteroid mining †“ this is the Mass Compactor.

Minimum Range: GPL and HS Compression guns have a minimum range of 6† and cannot be used during Assaults.

Compression Autocannon HS: The †˜Heavy Support†™ or HS autocannon is a large man-mobile weapon that follows the rules for man-carried support weapons. (Summary: the model cannot move and shoot during an engage action †“ the model has to be stationary to shoot. Exception: the model may attempt to move and shoot by passing a Strength text having moved, and then shoots at †“1 Accuracy ((rapid fire on the move)) ).

Strike Value: The Strike Value of a Compression Gun varies according to the range to the target as shown PB/E/L/Ex.

HL Armours: Compression fields have negative energy emission signatures and are therefore invisible to HL armours †“ HL armour have 0 Resist value against a Compression Gun.



Protection is based around field defences rather than hard armour †“ but these field defences need a metallic base to hang around and for this reason most armours consist of metallic plates, strips or patches. As well as functioning as protective armour some of the battle suits worn by trooper of all factions have to function as atmospheric suits. Again †“ this can be achieved purely with an energy seal †“ but heavily militarised units prefer to employ a double sealed system with an encased armoured suit protected by an energy seal.

At this stage it†™s a bit early to introduce the various kinds of armour in any detail †“ so I†™ll just give you an overview of the system we have been using for development purposes. Some of these values are speculative at this stage and require refinement.

Most armed troops are equipped with a basic protective armour field †“ this is a field that is †˜on†™ all the time and which absorbs energy whether that†™s the kinetic energy of a solid object such as a plug from a Mag Gun or laser energy from a Plasma Gun. This type of armour increases the wearer†™s Resist stat by +1 in all situations †“ e.g. from a Panhuman base of 5 to 6. Note that this effectively cancels out the Strike Value of a Mag Gun and reduced the Plasma Gun to and effective †“1.

The best equipped troops of the C3 (Concord Combined Command) wear a reactive armour that recognises an impacting shot and reacts directly against it †“ this is called a HyperLight armour as the reaction mechanic basically recognises the incoming energy signature and mounts a defence before even laser bases weapons can strike. Hyper-Light armours offer a variable modifier †“ the longer the range of the shot and the higher its energy signature the more effectively it protects the wearer. Hyper-Light defences make long range weaponry almost entirely ineffective, and this is one of the reasons why most combat takes place at relatively short distances. For initial purposes, this value is +2 where the weapon shoots at effective range or closer, +3 at long range, and +4 at extreme range. Some weapons can defeat HL armours, but these tend to be specialised short-ranged weapons such as Compression guns.

Isorian phase armour utilises the silicon based bio-tech developed by the Isorian Shard during the Isori†™s long war against the alien T†™San Kiri during the long isolation prior to the rise of the Seventh Age. It is this strange alien-derived bio-technology that marks the Isori apart from other humans and places them and the Concord at odds †“ two rival but incompatible technologies, each driven by an Integrated Machine Intelligence that identifies the other as an invasive viral intruder. Some Freebooters manage to combine these technologies by using sterilisers to purge the respective nano-clouds and re-seeding with an isolate nano-technology. However, such isolates are prone to contamination upon contact with IMTel. Phase armour offers almost complete protection from all kinds of harm by shifting the wearer†™s position in special reality †“ but at the same time it renders the wearer unable to fully interact with real space. Everytime the wearer moves, shoots or attempts to touch something the armour has to shift phase to allow him to do so, opening up a chink in the armour. When shot at without making or attempting any reaction in response the protective value is +3 at all ranges. When making a reaction it drops to +1.

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Die Mini sieht schon mal ganz gut aus. Typisch Hasslefree eben. Ich würde mci hfreuen, wenn man die Grim von Hasslefree irgendwie einbinden würde ;)

Die ganzen Regeln, die bisher veröffentlicht wurden, muss ich mir mal bei Gelegenheit durchlesen, ist etwas viel...

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Rick beantwortet ein paar Fragen in Videoform:

Personal thank you


Q&A volume 1: world, factions and species


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Gute Regeln kann ich auch selbst schreiben, daher steht und fällt alles mit den Figuren.

Da sehe ich nicht so streng. Wenn die Regeln super sind aber die Modelle nicht gefallen, dann gibt es mehr als genug alternative Anbieter, auf die man zurückgreifen kann. Es gibt schließlich ein Pledgelevel nur für das Regelbuch (auf dem ich allerdings auch noch stehe, bis ich mehr über die Figuren weiß).

PS: Ich kann auch leckeren Kuchen selber backen und lasse trotzdem hin und wieder Geld beim Bäcker. :)



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Today's update is all about the Isorian Shard and how they came to be:


In ages past the world of Isori stood at the forefront of human civilisation, renowned throughout all of Antarean space for its pioneering dimensional research, its vast fleets and its unrivalled prosperity. According to Isorian legend, the planet was amongst the first of Earth’s settlements, the first to be fully terraformed, and the first to establish its own colonies independently of Earth itself. Isori was hailed as a paradise where want and strife had been dispelled by the power of advanced science and rational government. Of the three great human civilisations of the Sixth Age the Isorian Senatex was the largest and most powerful, ever expanding its beneficent influence over the millions of human and alien worlds of Antarean space.

A prolonged series of inter-dimensional tremors wrought havoc with the wormhole nexus and brought the Sixth Age to a cataclysmic end. The gates that held human civilisation together collapsed and the soaring trans-dimensional towers of Antares toppled into the star’s photosphere. Following this unparalleled disruption to the fabric of space-time, none of the connecting wormholes survived intact, although some were to prove more heavily damaged than others. The Builders had foreseen such events, however, as they foresaw so much of what future ages would bring. Their great trans-dimensional machine slowly set about the work of rebuilding itself. Over the following centuries many wormholes were reconstructed and reconnected by the internal processes of Antares. Like a wounded creature the nexus slowly healed and the ancient gateways began to open once more. Those lying at the periphery of the quake were recovered relatively quickly. Some wormholes were re-routed so that distances between worlds were now significantly longer than before. However, not all the worlds of the Spill were recovered; many of the most densely populated worlds remain lost to this day, their gateways yet to emerge from the photosphere of Antares.

During this long period of isolation many human colonies failed altogether. Thousands of advanced civilisations declined to barbarism. Only in a very few places was the light of knowledge carried onwards. One such place was Isori, with the ample resources of the Isorian system behind it. The time of isolation cut Isori from all the other worlds of Antarean space, but it did not prove devastating to Isorian civilisation as it did to so many other worlds, human and alien alike. The Isorians merely pondered the universe as they now perceived it, and predicted a future where even the vast resources of Isori would be exhausted. None then knew whether the wormholes would ever reopen or when. The Isorians cast their eyes upon the galaxy about them and upon the nearest stars.

Several other solar systems lay within twenty-five light years of Isori’s sun Isor, though none were part of Antarean space. Only spacecraft travelling at near-light speeds could journey to these remote stars. Isorian exploratory drones had already investigated the closest two, revealing possible sources of raw materials and at least one rocky world that might one day be terraformed and settled. Because it took a spacecraft at least ten years to reach even the closest of these new worlds, and five years for any information to come back, no manned missions had ever been attempted. With the coming of isolation all that would change.

Applying their vast technical skills the Isorians began to improve space drives and discovered ways to increase the endurance of spacecraft and their crews. The flexible nature of space-fabric had long been understood, and the Isorian’s used their knowledge to build ships capable of reaching para-light speeds previously thought to be practically impossible. This reduced the time taken to reach the stars by almost half, and within a few decades the first colonies had been established within the Oblon and Tsates systems. Although these advances made it possible to travel to new planets, the Isorian colonies were still separated by a communications link of five years in the case of Oblon and nearly eight for Tsates. Only a constant armada of drone craft could hope to maintain either colony. Over hundreds of years these first Isorian colony worlds became established, though never fully independent, and the Isorians prepared to expand to even more distant stars in local space.

By the time the Isorians have settled five solar systems they had built up a network of far-flung colonies separated by years of travel and communication time, but serviced by drone fleets moving constantly between then, connecting the Isorian worlds to each other and to Isori itself. It was only after almost a thousand years of real-space expansion in this way, that contact was re-established with Antares and the Isorians were able to reconnect with the wider universe of Antarean space. As more wormholes became functional, Isori found itself once more the leading light of a new human renaissance. The Isorians revisited many of the most populous and technically advanced worlds of the Sixth Age and found them abandoned or fallen to barbarism. Having carried the torch of human knowledge during the long darkness, the Isorians were able to rekindle the spark of civilisation wherever they found human survivors. The new civilisation spread rapidly thanks to the development of integrated machine intelligence –IMTel - by the Isori Senatexis as a means of conveying technology to the new Isorian colonies of local space. Other worlds that had preserved and even developed new knowledge were absorbed into the new civilisation, feeding the IMTel and further promoting the spread of technologies. As more and more worlds emerged into Antarean space, they were joined with the new Isorian led civilisation. The civilisation became known as the Concord of Humanity a union of independent IMTel Shards bound together by shared machine intelligence. And so the Seventh Age began, and the Concord spread throughout the worlds of the great Spill, until it encompassed half the human worlds of Antarean space.

Meanwhile back upon Isori a strange thing had happened. A drone ship exploring a new star system some twenty five light years from Isor had gone missing. Of course, it took nearly twenty five years for that information to be known, and by the time the Isorians knew what was happening their most distant colonies had been attacked and wiped out. The Isorians mobilised their fleets and so began the centuries long struggle between the Isori Senatex and the strange alien race of Tsan Kiri. Of the Tsan Kiri the Isorians knew nothing at first, except that the Tsan Kiri were a race at least as technically advanced as the Concord and in many ways more so. The two races strove for mastery not only in battle, but also in the technologies vital to both. Analytic probes released clouds of nanobots onto Tsan Kiri worlds to infiltrate alien machinery. Alien spore fields infected Isorian planets and gnawed their way into the IMTel data bases. Of course, those data bases were protected – incompatible data was rejected – just as the Tsan Kiri technology armed itself to repel the attempts of Isorian probes to subvert it. Battles ranged over the Isorian colonies, and as the fighting neared Isori itself the balance of power swung in favour of the defenders. The sheer distances of interstellar space meant that the Isorians were able to bring their forces to bear upon an enemy whose own lines of communication were stretched across more than twenty light years of space.

When the Isorians went over to the offensive the two civilisations had been at war for nearly two hundred years. In that time the Isorians had met their foes upon the battlefield innumerable times, had fought them in the depths of space, and had contested asteroids and the very stars themselves. They came to know their enemy very well. Unusually, the Tsan Kiri were a silicon-based life form, in appearance almost spider-like, though possessed of great intelligence and uncompromising ferocity. They had destroyed several near-neighbouring races before encountering the human colonies of Isori. Using near-light speed drives they had built an empire of a dozen or so star systems. Their homeworld lay almost forty light years from Isori – a huge distance over which to wage an interstellar war.

As the Isorians gained ascendancy upon the battlefield so to they began to overcome the resistance of the Tsan Kiri technology. Much of this alien technology was based upon a biomechanical principle that was inherently incompatible with human technology just as it was resistant to it. Ironically, it was the Tsan Kiri themselves who provided the Isorians with the means to infiltrate their technical base. The aliens had devised a silicon-carbon interface spore as a means of attacking the Isorian IMTel at source. At first this was successful and the machine intelligence of the Tsatean Shard was corrupted giving the Tsan Kiri access to all the knowledge of the IMTel. What the Tsan Kiri hadn’t appreciated was that IMTel, deprived of its layers of defence by the interface spore, rather than rejecting the influence of the Tsan Kiri technology very quickly merged with it. Unaware of what had happened spacecraft carried the modified IMTel from Tsate to Isori. Soon the new hybrid IMTel had spread into Antarean space itself and to the worlds of the Concord. This half-human half-alien IMTel brought many new wonders to the worlds it reached, and many other strange things beside, for the IMTel was as much a reflection of the living creatures who formed a part of it as it was machine.

It took some hundred of years more for the Isorians to overcome the Tsan Kiri, whose homeworld they found incinerated and lifeless – abandoned by the last of the aliens as they fled from Isori’s resurgent armies. But by now the Isorians carried new technologies that combined the best of both civilisations. Isorian troops were protected by phase armour and their bodies encased in bio-silicon interface suits. If the Isorians presented something of an alien appearance that was not perhaps surprising – for the nanobot clouds of the hybrid IMTel filled the air, flowed in the water, and pulsed through the living tissue of Isorians and all the worlds touched by the new IMTel.

As the new hybrid IMTel spread wider it encountered other planetary IMTel increasingly remote from the original source of Isori. These distant worlds of the Concord had evolved sufficient differences to the Isorians that their IMTel proved incompatible. It wasn’t that this created any antipathy, simply that the two vast integrated intelligences no longer recognised each other – they were no longer integrated. They had become incompatible. The Isorian IMTel and Concord now formed two separate civilisations that shared a common ancestry, but which were unable to interface. Their populations, driven and moulded by integrated machine societies, neither recognised this as a problem nor considered it a problem they could address. They simply divided. They had become, through no human will or intent, incompatible. The worlds that were host to the Isorian IMTel now formed a part of a new and separate entity: the Isorian Shard.

So now you know!

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Das fertige Modell dass jetzt in die Produktion geht:


Und die neuen Q&A-Videos

Volume 2


Volume 3


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Hi everyone

We're moving into the crucial second half of our Kickstarter and as you'd expect we've been busy trying to make sure that we can hit our target buy focusing on the big items you've all said you wanted. Well, I think we've got that sorted and the our remaining days should be full to the brim with great content updates. A number of people in the forums wanted to know more about what we're working on, so here's a handy list:

-Developing a WarDrone(or two) in front of your very eyes

-Golem's painting process whilst they use their awesome skills on our Hansa miniature (and others!)

-Boromites Green(s)

-CoCom Green

-Freebooters (soon to be renamed Freeborn) Concept Art

-Algoryn Concept Art

-Isorian Concept Art

-NuHu Concept Art

-CoCom Concept Art

-Example armies for each faction

-Faction Icons

-Real-time Dynamic Gaming Universe - graphical representation of how this will work, with a video explaining it to boot!

-Club real-time incentive program - oooh you'll like this we think!

-Outline Rulebook - this has taken a little longer than we wanted as Rick has been pulled around doing all kinds of PR activities. We're still on track for our original target of the early Feb - Some backers are playing GoA games using the information we've already released!

-Stores - we're rolling out a couple of new store reward tiers and will be reaching out to stores directly. If you want to support your local stores by buying your Kickstarter rewards through them, you can! If you are a store and are not on Warlords list, get in touch (Details on our website).

-We even have a collaboration miniature to announce in the near future! (fingers crossed!)

-More greens!

What I can't tell you right now is exactly when these things will come through. Like with any creative endeavour things change all the time, sometimes you need a little extra time to tweak and sometimes you even have to go back to the drawing board - we've had a couple of them already! - but come through they will, and more besides.

Thanks for sticking with us so far, the next part should be fun :)


To keep you going until tomorrow, here's volume 4 of the Q&A we did:


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Na, ich denke, wenn erst einmal die Greens und Konzeptzeichnungen da sind, wird sich im Kickstarter noch einiges bewegen. Natürlich ausgehend auf der Annahme / Hoffnung, dass diese gut sind.

Mein P250 2018/19 Maltherapie

Mein Sammelthread - Eden, Malifaux, Bushido, Da Clash!, MERCS, M&T, Guildball, 54mm

Das Münchner P3: 1. Teil - 2. Teil - 3. Teil - 4. Teil - 5. Teil

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